Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 715 The changed history of Gilneas

Chapter 715 The changed history of Gilneas

"I said Barron."

In order not to let his eating be affected again, Springval spoke straightforwardly.

"Why don't you ask the person who came to deliver the letter? That young man named Bourne. If you don't want to believe the rumors, then you should always believe in a paladin, right?"

Having said this, Springval spoke with some sourness.

"After all, that kid looks more like a Paladin than me."

He could swear that he was not envious or jealous, but was simply stating a fact, but he still couldn't help but envy the young man named Bourne, because this young man not only wore a powerful suit made of light cast iron. The armor also carries a cannon on its shoulders!

Although the young man named Bourne called this thing a shoulder-mounted machine gun, he felt that it was undoubtedly an artillery gun!

How could something that could break a big tree with just a few shots be a musket? It was an absolute artillery!

The armor made of light cast iron can allow the opponent to directly use holy light that exceeds his own level, and the perfection and perfection of that armor made him unable to help but be moved, because even from his perspective, this armor was already It's the kind of armor that can't be any better, because the boy named Bourne can even wear the armor to the toilet!

This is simply an armor that couldn't be more perfect!

To be honest, it was impossible for him not to be envious.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, should I return to the team now, or should I stay here and fight for the people?"

Therefore, even if the other party is not a noble now, he will definitely become a noble in the future. This is not something that needs to be considered and thought about at all.

But they are not traditional nobles, but those nobles and knights who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the people of their territories. Barron and Springval are both such people, so Bourne wants to help them and help them protect those innocent people.

Although he and his comrades successfully killed the necromancers, the bad news was that when he was killing a necromancer who wanted to open the portal, he was involved in the portal.

"That Mr. Bourne..."

Therefore, it is not too outrageous to treat each other with the etiquette and unspoken rules of treating nobles.

If he was just a simple warrior, his first priority now would be to return to his military camp. However, as a paladin inspired by the Holy Light, the Emperor Golden Guard, who thought he understood Li Ke's love for the world, He felt that he was already a 'noble' and a 'knight'.


It went smoothly at first, but something went wrong when they were attacked by a group of necromancers.

And what is Bourne doing at this time?

Bourne knelt on one knee in front of the bedside table and performed his own confession and prayer in front of the candlelight. Like Mark, he and a group of others went to preach Li Ke's benevolent governance around Lordaeron.

He was a little confused.

Barron thought for a while and felt that what Springval said was very reasonable. Although the other party was a commoner and not a traditional noble, there was no doubt that Li Ke was willing to equip this young man with such expensive master-level armor. I am very optimistic about this young man.

So this young man, who had only recently strengthened his faith and was still somewhat naive, found himself a little embarrassed.

Barron gave instructions to his servants, and they quickly walked away to call Bourne.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for getting lost..."

Although the other party promised to send someone to send him away, the other party always asked him some questions, and he knew it was a very sensitive matter, and he could also tell that the other party wanted to ask him to help solve the problems of the werewolves around him. , so he was a little confused.

But he was lucky, so nothing big happened. He appeared in a mountain in the distance, and he could even see his teammates.

When he was going down the mountain, he successfully got lost in Fenmu Village and was taken in by the local Lord Barron. The letter on his body was also regarded as a letter from Li Ke notifying him.

"I hope Lord Li Ke is someone who is willing to listen to what we glorious knights have to say... Come on, please invite Mr. Bourne over."


After all, his mission had actually been completed. The nobles in the territory they needed to send the message to were all dead, so he had blank letters and documents on him, and they were obtained by Barron.

Therefore, in his entanglement, he didn't feel like he was in trouble.

"That guy Mark said that we fight for the Emperor because the Emperor can allow us farmers' sons to be treated like nobles and knights and make us completely equal, so we have to fight for the Emperor and for other people. And fighting..."

Bourne was a little tangled in his heart. Although the Holy Light responded to him, he still felt that the Holy Light was a bit too rigid. Sometimes the power of the Holy Light could not solve all problems.

But he didn't say such a thing, but hid it in his heart.

And this time he will be entangled for this reason. If he can add fuel to the flames with the letter he brought, then these lords named Barron will be easily instigated by him to rebel against Li Ke's camp and become Li Ke marches into a bridgehead in Gilneas.

After all, Gilneas has developed for so long, and they have developed into this. They might as well leave it to the Emperor to manage...

Byrne really thinks so.

It can be said that apart from not liking Holy Light very much, he is a very qualified Emperor's Golden Guard and considers Li Ke wholeheartedly.

"Unfortunately, I am a paladin and cannot do such deceptive things...otherwise there are too many things I can do."

Touching his chin, Bourne felt a little disappointed.

Although Li Ke did not treat the Emperor's Golden Guard specially and did not give any privileges or anything like that, the Emperor's Golden Guard, which was full of paladins, was undoubtedly regarded by everyone as the future Morning Star, and Terena Like the Knights of the Silver Hand, they are the cornerstone of the empire's future combat effectiveness.

Therefore, many rules and taboos spontaneously appeared within the Emperor's Golden Guard to ensure their internal purity and their own moral character. So Bourne really wants to do more things, such as influencing Baron Barron, and then voluntarily clear out the werewolves, and incite other people's resentment against Gilneas. After all, they really abandoned these Gilneas. The people regard the place where they live as a future battlefield.

In this case, you can easily instigate people here to rebel. Even if Sir Barron is unwilling to do so,

But no, both the rules of the Emperor's Golden Guard and the rules of the Paladins were against him doing this, making him feel very constrained.

Because of this, Byrne had an idea.

"Holy Light, maybe it's not suitable for me?"

But at this moment, the servant knocked on the door of Bourne's room. Bourne immediately understood that this was Sir Barron who wanted to know about the emperor again, as well as the laws and policies of the future empire.

So he immediately stood up and walked towards the hall.

However, when heading to the hall, he saw a mage appearing from the direction of the hall. Neither Sir Barron nor Springvale, who were looking at him, noticed the arrival of the black figure.

At first, he thought that this was just a guest of Sir Barron, or a mage or something, so he didn't pay attention to it, until he vaguely felt the malice on the other person, as well as the man crawling beside him. , several huge figures hidden in the shadows.

His intuition told him that there was something wrong here, so the moment he passed by the mage, Bourne moved.

He pulled out the big sword on his back, and the light cast iron armor on his body suddenly lit up with golden light. He planned to test it to see if this person was a guest or a mage of Sir Barron.

If so, it's best. If not, it's just a misunderstanding among Holy Light believers, and it's not anything too outrageous.

Therefore, he activated his Holy Light as much as possible.

"By the Holy Light, you, the evil shadow believer, can't even think about poisoning this land!"

The dazzling holy light instantly drove away all the surrounding darkness, and the tall figures who were covered in thick shadow power and thus invisible also appeared in his roar.

The moment he saw this shadow, Bourne pulled the trigger on his hand without hesitation, allowing the small machine gun on his shoulder to spray out scorching tongues of flame in an instant.

Because they were werewolves, several tall werewolves who looked extremely ferocious!


The moment the holy light shone, Sir Barron looked in the direction of the werewolf in shock, and also saw the invisible mage standing there, and instantly realized that the castle had been infiltrated.


"Weak beast."

Arugao looked at Bourne who was roaring at him, not caring at all, because he could kill as many Paladins as he wanted without magic resistance equipment, not to mention he had so many werewolf subordinates. You can capture this place without any effort.

As for what happened after the victory, Arugal didn't care. After all, His Majesty Greymane had already acquiesced that he could turn all the villagers here into werewolves to resist the undead natural disasters and the menacing Li Ke.

After all, Gilneas does not have the ability to fight against a huge human empire that can solve the troubles of the Undead Scourge, so in order to protect itself, it is absolutely acceptable to sacrifice some people and build a place full of terrifying monsters between itself and this kingdom. of.

As for those citizens who were originally supposed to be Gilneas?

The real citizens have long followed their king behind the high wall, and the rest are just some wall grass and idiots. To King Greymane, it doesn't matter whether these people exist or not. He does not Will care about the life and death of these people.

And this just satisfied Arugao.

Ever since he summoned werewolves, a terrifying and contagious monster, Arugal has always wanted to use these werewolves to rule the world.

In his opinion, as long as he completely masters the magic of controlling werewolves and continues to spread the power of werewolves, it will only be a matter of time before he rules the world.

So when Greymane suggested that he could go outside the walls of Gilneas to expand the number of werewolves, he agreed without hesitation and chose to come to Burning Wood Village to increase the number of werewolves.

The aloof mage never took Barron and Commander Springvale seriously. He came here just because this castle was suitable as his mage tower and laboratory, so he decided to kill Barron and Spoo directly. Linval, then used the necromancy he found to disguise this place, making Barron and Springval his puppets, so that he could completely control this place.

So he didn't investigate Bourne, nor did he do anything else. He just used some shadow spells to hide his figure, and then attacked Bourne and Springvale.

Even when Bourne used the Holy Light to tear apart his shadow spell, he was still thinking about the affairs in Gilneas.

"Greymane should have received my gift, right?"

A smile appeared on Arugal's face when he thought that the werewolves he had hidden should have been killing people in Gilneas and spreading the werewolf curse.

Burning Wood Village and Gilneas are only the first step of his plan, the second step&

There is no second step.

Arugao, who never expected that he would be discovered, did not even open the mana shield, because he felt that the werewolf he brought could tear his enemy into pieces in an instant.

And the fact is that the werewolf's body cannot be penetrated even by the bullets fired by Bourne. However, there is absolutely no one who cannot be penetrated by the bullets on Bourne's shoulder who has not opened his own shield. The mage's head.

Arugao's thinking stopped in an instant. His head exploded like a watermelon. His whole body was directly cut into half by Bourne's shoulder cannon, and the werewolves who rushed towards Bourne were also hit by Bourne. The firepower pushed away, giving Bourne a chance to swing the chain sword in his hand!

"Go to hell!!"

Without any hesitation, Bourne subconsciously used his most trusted power. So the next moment, the chain sword that should have been filled with holy light was filled with the power of shadow, and even appeared on top of the chain sword. Illusory tentacles and teeth!

Yes, in his excitement, Bourne used not the holy light full of light, but the power of shadow.

And the light cast iron armor on his body quickly turned into armor filled with shadow power because of the huge power of shadow, further increasing his power.

But the price is that the armor and weapons on his body have grown flesh!

The chain sword that grew flesh and blood screamed like a monster, causing the werewolves who were charging to cover their ears and retreat. But he immediately stepped forward and used this flesh and blood chain sword to strike. The sword split the frightened werewolf in half!

(End of this chapter)

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