Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 718 The only way for the orcs

Chapter 718 The only way for the orcs

Li Ke has always been very clear about one point. Although he, an earthling, has certain advantages in Azeroth's magic research, this advantage is actually insignificant to him.

After all, he has too many things to do. If he had been studying Azeroth technology there before, he should be able to apply all his technology to people's livelihood, instead of now, he He has unified the entire Azeroth, and he still accounts for 99.9% of the combat power of his empire, taking up all the roles of the famous Ai Xing natives.

But there is no way, his ability is too versatile, even relying on these simple and inefficient methods, Li Ke can easily make the posture of a god.

He alone can shine the holy light on the lives of the entire world so that they will not get sick.

If a person is willing, he can also control the machines in the entire world for production. Even if he understands the ability of animals and plants in this world to produce starch, he can directly use his own ability to produce starch out of thin air in the eyes of the people, and then combine it with a little magic. There is no problem in creating all kinds of food out of thin air with various transformation techniques and the like:

In fact, Dalaran has such a technology. It uses magic to turn unpalatable food into delicious food. It is an application of magic meal. It can deceive people's stomach and achieve the goal of eating very little. I was very full, or maybe I was eating delicious food, but in fact I was eating horrible boiled chicken breast and blanched cauliflower.

This is something that magic can easily do.

So in theory, he can now be an omniscient and omnipotent god. With a wave of his hand, roasted suckling pigs, milk and drinks will be all over the floor. Therefore, if he uses it to study science and technology, it is better to just knock everyone down and follow his command to study. technology.

After that, while enjoying life and power, he slowly learned skills and so on.

Therefore, although Li Ke was indeed studying how to use technology to change the world at the beginning, now these things are also done by other people, and a lot of strange things have been created. Basically, Li Ke's role is to come up with a requested.

But Vereesa, who was holding a bow and arrow, couldn't help but speak.

Vereesa nodded and took the document from Li Ke's hand, then put it away with reverence. She was not surprised that Li Ke's solemnity was also because of this document, because she had just taken a peek and found that He couldn't understand it himself, so he called everyone and moved all the documents in Li Ke's office to avoid leaking the secrets to that dirty orc.

Li Ke watched with some helplessness as almost all the papers in his office were taken away. He glanced at Sal at the door with some helplessness and found that his face was full of disappointment and hurt, and there were many large and small stains on his body. Many of the wounds were caused by household iron tools.

"You all stand down, or do you think I can't defeat my former defeated enemy? An unarmed orc."

So now there is only one Aegwynn left, so Li Ke must keep this person no matter what, and by the way——

But Medivh was a street kid and had lost all credibility in the world, and Jaina...

This level difference is a bit too much.

fulfill one's oath

"Treat this paper as top secret. In addition, please immediately invite, and I mean please, Vereesa, invite the person who wrote this report and paper, but remember to tell me before you come, and I will go out and greet you personally. "

But at this time, he looked very calm when he looked at the people who had moved all the documents in Li Ke's room. Although his face was still ferocious, his blue eyes looked very pure, revealing that he was completely different from his compatriots. The same wisdom.

As for the candidate for this person, Li Ke previously wanted to find Medivh, Illidan, Aegwynn, or Jaina.

Li Ke said this with a helpless tone. Although he could barely pass the current Dalaran intermediate mage license, he actually knew that when he estimated the score, he overestimated it, but the actual operation was different. Give yourself full marks by default.

I can understand nouns, formulas, and words, but after I start doing calculations, it's like seeing things in a fog. I only know that it's roughly right, but I can't make any judgment as to whether it's right or wrong.

It's not that Li Ke looks down on her, but that she is really only suitable for being a rubber stamp and a vase.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Li Ke was a little helpless, but as a paladin and the hope of mankind, he couldn't show too much affinity to the orcs, so he could only watch.

But in order to do so, there must be someone who can take the lead, be an academic representative, and be a strong man who can pull the science and technology of Azeroth forward.

As for Illidan, he didn't cut himself with a knife because of Tyrande's face, and he couldn't possibly do his best for him.


When he is in office, he only needs to understand a little bit, understand the principles and drawbacks, and then be responsible for promoting it.

But when he saw several people who claimed to be the Emperor's Golden Guard, a team of heavily armed spellbreakers appeared at his door, a dozen dwarf gunners put sniper rifles on his windows, and a team of red When the high elf transformed into a dragon stood silently beside him, Li Ke knew that it was too much.

The previous arguments are okay, but the rest are just incomprehensible.

"He has shackles on his hands!"

She looked at Li Ke, but when Li Ke looked at her, this 'little girl' who had always been very coy in bed finally became as coy as in bed.

"...So it's not considered unarmed."

But Li Ke's order would not be issued a second time, so these people left unwillingly, because no one would deny that Li Ke was powerful.

When everyone left, Li Ke opened his hand, subconsciously trying to open his soundproof barrier, but gave up.

After all, although those who eavesdropped were almost blatant, what he was going to say would be made public in the future, so there was no need to hide it.

"Please take a seat."

So he reached out his hand and wanted Sal to sit down, but found that all the stools in his office had been moved away.

But Sal didn't say anything, he just sat cross-legged on the ground calmly.

Seeing this, Li Ke sighed helplessly, and in the eyes of those peeping outside, he left his desk and sat down cross-legged in front of Sal, just like Sal had done before.

Sal looked at Li Ke with some disbelief. He sat on the ground to show his submission, because after understanding during this period, he already knew that the current alliance was no longer something he could deal with. Li Ke What I'm talking about is really the only way out for the Orcs.

Because the gap is too big.

Even if their orc warriors are good at fighting, how can they face a world where all working people can eat meat and drink, and produce thousands of sets of armor every day?

That's just simply sending yourself to death.

So he didn't understand why, at this point, Li Ke had to condescend and show such an 'equal' attitude to himself?

They are not equal at all. This can only be humiliating to Li Ke.

"I actually admire you, Thrall. I have admired you since very early on, because your path is the real path that orcs should take. For a nation and a race, you have nothing to do with it. The question is a hero, a perfect leader, so as the same leader, I will respect your personality and make an operational apology for the irrational behavior of my subordinates. But you should also understand that I am willing to The prerequisite for helping you is that you are willing to develop your hometown, rather than joining wherever you think it is good."

Li Keda could use his own ability to give Sal a chair, but he did not intend to do so.


Sal didn't speak. He didn't respond to Li Ke's praise or Li Ke's apology. He just looked at Li Ke. When the air in the room became very silent, he sighed.

"I agreed."

He felt very sad, sad about his own incompetence, the current situation, and his own experiences. Without Li Ke, he should be able to take the orcs to take root in this world now, but without Li Ke.

This man, who had been his enemy since he emerged from slavery, completely defeated him.

But it's not because of strength, but the management of territory and the use of power.

Because he never thought about it, or he didn't dare to let the elements help farm the land.

But Li Ke dares!

It seems like there is nothing this person dares not do!

He was in a daze, and vaguely, Li Ke was still the person who worked hard to survive under his own hands, but now, he was already the person who could decide his future destiny with one sentence.

"I will take my people back to my hometown, but I still don't understand why you are targeting us like this?"

Thrall looked at Li Ke in confusion. He thought about it for a long time but still didn't understand it, because for Li Ke, since even Naga can accept it, it means that Li Ke is confident that humans, night elves and Naga can live in peace.

Then it's okay for the orcs, after all, they only have a deep hatred for the people of Stormwind City.

"First, my base camp is in the Western Wilds, on the ruins of a kingdom that was destroyed because of you orcs. The people here will not accept you. Second, you orcs have colluded with the Burning Legion. I can't convince others. You will not collude with your people for a third time. Thirdly, your people are violent in character, subconsciously plundering, and are basically robbers."

Having said this, Thrall's expression did not change, because these were all nonsense and were still not the important reason why Li Ke excluded the orcs so much. Li Ke reached out, picked up two bottles of wine from his table, and then handed one of them to After giving it to Sal, he told the real reason.

"But the most important thing is that your civilization and social level are too low. It is already extremely difficult for me to drag a group of people from feudal society to capital society. Adding a group of people from primitive society to it, it is really impossible." To. And the rest..."

Li Ke paused for a moment. What he was about to say might be a bit shocking, but he believed that Sal could understand him.

"Thall, do you think orcs can endure hardship?"

Li Ke's words made Sal a little confused, but he still nodded.

"Of course, the orcs are a race that can endure hardships. They can do anything for the sake of their race and tribe. So I am very curious. Even if they treat us as slave labor, it will be far better than letting us leave and letting us start again. It’s much better to develop.”

Thrall also took a sip of wine. He actually preferred human wine, but unfortunately, most of the time, he could only drink the wine that orcs liked.

But wine could not relieve his confusion.

"Because you will occupy the most basic ecological niche of this society, I will force everyone to turn factories into unmanned factories, use magic and science to replace the jobs that intelligent life does not like to do, and let intelligent machines and magic replace most of them. things.

But if orcs, or anyone else, cannot get a normal promotion in our society and are despised by other people, they will have the advantage of low human rights and be able to do those jobs that no one does, but are extremely critical without any burden. race, and identify them as part of our country... Guess who will be the master of this country in a few decades? Is full automation still going on?

In other words, Thrall, if you orcs are given sufficient educational qualifications, there won't be a second Thrall? Moreover, can I really kill all those who advocate treating all life as human beings? "

Li Ke looked at Sal with a scrutinizing gaze and spoke word by word.

"Speaking of Thrall, can't you see that the clan system of the orcs will take a huge advantage in my world? Do you understand what I mean? Thrall?"

The reason why Li Ke resists orcs so much is because today's orcs are actually the same as black people. Except that they don't beat white people on a large scale until they scream, the development history of orcs basically relies on the good impression of minorities like Thrall. A history that gives more space for orcs to develop.

It’s really similar to black people in America.

But orcs are not just black people, because they are still different from black people.

It's just amazing that at this time, the positioning has become quite similar.

Of course, if he were bolder, this matter would not be a problem, but it is a pity that social progress and development cannot be so fast. It will take at least sixty years for the new generation to grow up and have enough soil.

It's just that by then, his wind meter won't be very good.

But who cares?

History has always been like this.

But Sal almost scratched the bottle in his hand, his lips pursed, and just as Li Ke expected, the moment Li Ke finished speaking, he understood what he meant.

Orcs are different from dwarfs. They are weak and have average fertility, so they will completely obey Li Ke's orders.

The five-color dragon clan doesn't have the problems of mortals, so they don't care.

The high elves had just lost their country and family, and needed a blood transfusion from Li Ke to survive, so they were the most loyal.

Night elves have noble moral character, sufficient social resources, and immortality, and basically don't have much desire.

Naga's main territory is in the sea, which is a must for a group that needs resources. Moreover, Naga's ecology also determines that it cannot interfere more with the country's policies and cannot develop better.

Only orcs, only orcs who are the same as humans, have the ability and motivation to dismantle the rules set by Li Ke, challenge Li Ke's authority, and then naturally have the intention and need to divide and destabilize the country!

They will become a sharp sword! A sword that causes turmoil!

Sal finally understood why Li Ke targeted him like this!

But he really didn't expect that Li Ke could see so far! And the kindness hidden under Li Ke's tyranny.

Because the best solution is to kill all the orcs.

Sal closed his eyes. At this moment, there was no longer any doubt in his heart.

He will fully obey Li Ke's orders, develop the orcs' own civilization, and then let the orcs join Li Ke's kingdom at the right time based on Li Ke's hints.

The path Li Ke gave him was to truly be a prophet and improve the civilization of his race.

This is an extremely difficult road, and it is also something that Ner'zhul failed to do back then.

But he had to do it, he had to forge the orc's backbone again!

So when he opened his eyes again, Sal's eyes became firm again.

The world has become more colorful because of this.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He got it.

(End of this chapter)

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