Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 724: Battle of light and shadow, passers-by are unlucky

Alexstrasza always felt that Li Ke was a good person, a child who suffered another tragedy because of the tragedy of the black dragon race.

Therefore, when facing Li Ke, this respectable Red Dragon Queen often shows unimaginable generosity and tolerance.

After all, in her opinion, she was the one who failed to take good care of the dragon family, failed to prevent the tragedy of Deathwing and others, and failed to do a good job as the mother of dragons.

Even other people think so to some extent.

This is how the dragon society is.

So when she was treated roughly by Li Ke, Alexstrasza felt aggrieved, unwilling to accept it, and felt attachment and pity for Li Ke, the 'child'. There was also this 'child' who surpassed everyone and was able to bring benefits to herself. Come to the long-lost happiness and satisfaction - let yourself be pregnant in the true sense.


When she 'reprimanded' Li Ke, she was also weak. It was more of a reprimand than a coquettish act.

"You...you are going too far...if you want to do such a thing, there is no need to use emergency contact. I still have the young dragon to take care of..."

Sitting on Li Ke's table, with her legs spread apart, Alexstrasza, whose chest was bitten in pain, looked at Li Ke who was finally satisfied, and couldn't help but sigh.

She was taking care of the baby dragon just now!

Moreover, I am really helpless and worried about Li Ke's hobbies.

The Dragon Clan does not have the concept of breasts, but Li Ke just likes this...

According to her idea, Li Ke will always use the dragon form to do something with her. Although the human form is very happy, it is not very convenient for the transmission of the dragon's power.

It is human nature for mothers to always want to make their future children better.

But Li Ke just pinched Alexstrasza's cheek. What I have to say is, judging from the face alone. In fact, Ysera is more mature, but this is not the case in terms of temperament. Ysera's confused temperament is difficult to trust.

"Isn't it a serious matter for me to help you grow the dragon army?"

Li Ke kissed Alexstrasza's lips. Because the red dragon queen's body was strong enough, Li Ke didn't use it anywhere else just to kill time.

"Yes, but..."

Alexstrasza's eyes flickered a little. After all, Li Ke could also bring her joy, but now shouldn't be the time to talk about this, right?

Her eyes couldn't help but look into the distance, toward the sea. On the sea of ​​this planet, the shadows of light and darkness were constantly projected into the sky, and two huge forces continued to cast their shadows on the sky. Collision on this planet.

Even she could feel that the holy light in Li Ke's territory was continuously gathering towards the sea, helping a great and holy being to fight against a gloomy and dark force.

The collision of these two huge forces has begun to boil the sea with panic, and it is right next to Li Ke's territory. If it is not resolved quickly, it may cause an even greater disaster.

But Li Ke just smiled, grabbed Alexstrasza's dragon horns domineeringly, pulled the red dragon queen down from the table, and then pushed her under the table, while he sat on the chair again.

"No need to be too anxious, I will take action at the critical moment."

He only intended for N'zoth and Zera to be severely injured, or for Zera to beat N'zoth to death. He did not intend for Zera to die like this, or to be devoured by N'zoth.

After all, his apparent identity is a Paladin, and he is not suitable for doing things that risk death.

What's more, although Zela is a little confused, he is still the Holy Light. As long as he is not deceived and its strength is seriously damaged, it is not impossible to use it for his own use. No matter how bad it is, Zela will go to save those Nas in the outer realm. Lu is also possible.

Just use waste.

But Enzos is different. Although the opportunity was given to him by Li Ke, he quietly moved his territory here to avoid giving him face.

If he doesn't give Li Ke face, it would be a shame for him not to do it himself for the sake of his former regular customers, but why would he want to directly involve himself in the Force War?

Why doesn't he give him Li Ke face?

So Li Ke didn't care whether N'Zos died or not.

Therefore, the transmission of the Holy Light in the territory is unclear to Li Ke. No matter how you check, it is impossible for him, Li Ke, to secretly mobilize the operation of the Holy Light. N'Zos would not say it was Li Ke even if he looked at him on the spot. Move your hands!

It is the spontaneous prayer performed by Holy Light believers who sense the existence of Holy Light!

Hearing Li Ke's words, the Red Dragon Queen looked at Li Ke with some humiliation, but finally obeyed under Li Ke's touch. Just the moment she lowered her head, Li Ke spoke.

"I need you to occupy a more important position in my empire. Alexstrasza, I told you this before. Do you have a list of people who can work here for me?"

Li Ke's words made Alexstrasza's body tremble, but she still acted respectfully while conjuring a golden-red scroll from her hand, and then gave it to Li Ke.

Picking up the scroll, Li Ke took a look and found that there were indeed many acquaintances in it.

Clestraza, as well as the famous fighting scum Kalre, as well as several of Alexstrasza's capable generals, and even Melinsela, his cheap daughter, the future leader of the Green Dragon Army, are all there. Among them, it can be said that all the elites of the Dragon Clan are here.

Many dragon clans who were not able to participate in the Li Ke Empire last time also participated.

"Yes, the people you picked are very good."

Li Ke stroked Alexstrasza's head with satisfaction. It was obvious that Alexstrasza became more and more submissive.

"Then I allow you to know more of the truth, the truth of my empire, Saloras... come here."

Li Ke stretched out his hand and made a grabbing motion. The next moment, Saloras, who was in the form of Ereda, was suddenly grabbed by Li Ke from the void, and even had a collar around his neck. Make sure she can't resist any of her master's orders.

The moment such an evil creature appeared, Alexstrasza opened her eyes wide, and even couldn't help blurting out, taking a breath before exclaiming.

"You're actually using a demon to do your job!"

Li Ke smiled and pinched the innocent Alexstrasza, while Saloras was not dissatisfied by Li Ke's sudden pull. Instead, she hugged Li Ke's head with a happy face, and then looked at the embarrassment with a smile. The red dragon queen.

Although everyone is just a plaything, she has been following Li Ke for a long time, so Saloras has a very sense of superiority.

"Of course, otherwise where do you think my first pot of gold comes from? Saloras will tell you everything about me, so that you know that those demons and bastards should be eliminated, and those that can stay .”

Touching Alexstrasza's face with a complicated expression, Li Ke's tone was rare and gentle towards her.

"I give you this task because I trust you."

Li Ke's words made Alexstrasza's eyes move, and her sense of mission told her that she should sternly reject Li Ke's request now, and then kill the demon who bewitched Li Ke, but Li Ke was in her In front of him, and he couldn't resist Li Ke.

So, Alexstrasza, like Maiev, figured it out in a short time.

"Yes...I will."

Li Ke let go of his hand with satisfaction, continued to stroke Alexstrasza's dragon horns, and when she started working again, he revealed his other candidate.

"Maev is your companion, but not entirely. You are two separate departments. You should be more concerned about the thoughts and consciousness of my army. As for her, she will pay more attention to my government department. Operation... don't worry, as long as you behave, I won't let you suffer."

Li Ke's words made Alexstrasza feel relieved. The relationship between dragons and these mortal races is relatively subtle, and since they are an army and not doing things that offend others, then it will be fine.

So, after Alexstrasza's hair was contaminated, she followed Saloras, who transformed into a human again, to learn the truth about the operation of Li Ke's department.

When she left, Li Ke looked at the corner of his room with interest.

In the collision of light and shadow, the moment he pressed Alexstrasza on the table, he felt a subtle arcane fluctuation. Just because of his interaction with Alexstrasza, this reckless intruder The person did not make any announcement, but silently used magic to hide his figure so that he would not be discovered by Li Ke or anyone else.

The other party's disguise was enough for most people to ignore her, but unfortunately, Li Ke was not among them.

"I didn't expect that the legendary guardian would like to peek."

Li Ke looked at his sofa, and the next moment, Aegwin appeared from the phantom with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"I just want to ask how you want to deal with that Naaru and the Ancient God. I originally thought you would help that Naaru defeat the Ancient God."

Aegwen was a little embarrassed. She knew that Li Ke had discovered her, but she didn't reveal it in order not to be embarrassed.

Just seeing Alexstrasza, the great red dragon queen who was very holy and noble in her heart, kneeling in front of Li Ke and doing that kind of thing, she did feel strange in her heart.

Although she thinks that the other party is not her opponent, she still has deep respect for the Red Dragon Queen and respects her belief in protecting the world.

But now...

However, Li Ke, the Red Dragon Queen who was so much older than her, was able to take action, which made her understand that Li Ke was really serious about sleeping with her.

"I will save that Naaru, because it is still of some use to me, but I will not let it be too powerful. Nor will it stay in Azeroth. Its best destination is Outland."

Li Ke chuckled and told his plan.

"Are you planning to let Zera teach those orcs?"

"Not entirely. It is not a good thing for one extreme to meet another group of extremists. There are two Naaru in the outer realm. I will let Zera save them and let them check and balance each other."

Although Li Ke really wanted to turn Zera into a component of the light and shadow furnace, but no, he still needed Naru's friendship.

"So now it's almost time."

Li Ke felt the collision of light and shadow, and then stretched out his hand towards Aegwin.

"Now that a third party has intervened, it's time for us to enter. Great Miss Guardian, would you mind helping me open a portal and enter with me to teach a lesson to the Arcane Queen from ten thousand years ago?"

Aegwin's eyes flashed when she heard Li Ke's words, and she spoke helplessly.

"I am no match for Azshara now."

But when talking, he still put his hand on Li Ke's hand.

"That's not necessarily the case. After all, you have me by your side!"

Li Ke stretched out his hand, and the core of the Sunwell floated and rotated in his hand, shining with the color of evil energy. After Li Ke suddenly absorbed a lot of evil energy, he clenched his palm violently.

The next moment, the core of the Sunwell quickly began to transform. The energy purification of Azeroth produced a terrifying change in his hands. It instantly transformed from a core of evil energy into a pure one. Arcane core!

As long as they master this arcane core, the high elves can rebuild the Sunwell in one day!

Aegwynn was stunned when she saw all this. She looked at Li Ke and then at the arcane core who already had a self. She really didn't know what to say.

It's not only because of Li Ke's plan against the high elves, but also because of Li Ke's incredible power.

"You are really... scary." After expressing his feelings, Aegwin threw away his staff named Agnes with his other hand and grabbed the arcane core handed over by Li Ke.

The next moment, two people appeared at the center of the battle between light and darkness!

Here, the two spaces are on the verge of being broken, and the two culprits are still fighting!

"You idiot of darkness! You will surely perish under the illumination of the Holy Light!"

Zyla felt the support of the Light, even though she was at a disadvantage here and had lost much of her power.

However, the idiot in front of him obviously didn't understand how the battle between light and darkness was played. He disintegrated the dark realm by himself in a single encounter, exposing his core and constantly leaking his power. "

But she also knew that she was fighting in an away game after all, so staring at N'zoth's core, Zela planned to have a fight with him.

It intends to use most of its body to self-destruct, using its most essential power to destroy N'Zoth's core.

As for Li Ke and the Children of Light and Shadow, she will leave some body fragments for guidance and use their power to resurrect!

After all, she could see that Li Ke was not very welcoming to her, otherwise Li Ke would have come long ago!

"Asshole! Don't even think about succeeding! Azshara! You signed a contract!"

N'Zoth spoke angrily, and the next moment, the power of the contract instantly controlled the bodies of countless Nagas. Although it could not control the powerful Azshara with profound arcane magic, it still had no problem controlling these Nagas. of!

Countless Nagas rushed in front of him, using their bodies to block Naaru's light and attacks.

After waiting here for a long time, she originally planned to teach Li Ke a lesson and let Li Ke understand that the country girl and her, the queen, were different. Azshara yelled angrily. Although she didn't care about the life and death of these people, after all, this She was mentally prepared before signing the contract, but she cared that her authority over Naga was interfered with by N'zoth!

She was already unhappy because N'zos pulled him over to fight, but now N'zos has done something like this again. If he wasn't fighting, she would have given N'zos a good look!

"N'Zoth! You are like this!"

But she was angry, and Azshara still clenched the scepter in her hand, and the violent arcane energy continued to gather, preparing to bombard Naaru's body.

After all, she still needs N'zoth to help teach her a lesson and suppress Li Ke. If N'zoth dies now, her plan to steal Li Ke's empire, no, her plan to return to the Lord of Azeroth will be disrupted!

Violent arcane energy gathered together, and Zeira also activated his last holy light, intending to strike with all his might.

And N'Zoth also knew that this was the final blow. After all, Zera was no match for him with the power of Azeroth behind him!

He also tried his best to gather his strength, wanting to tear Zera's body directly into pieces, and then quickly repair his kingdom to prevent Li Ke from entering his kingdom and discovering his weakness.

It was at this time that Li Ke and Aegwin arrived.

Li Ke looked at the surrounding space damaged by the collision of light and shadow, and was a little surprised that Aegwynn could teleport in such a place, but looking at Zera who was about to be defeated, he raised his hand with a smile.

The green evil energy seemed to be conscious and formed a sharp sword in Li Ke's hand. The violent power even evaporated all the surrounding seawater in an instant.

But compared with the power of light and darkness that is about to collide, the power of this evil energy is still not enough.

However, Li Ke did not panic, but looked at Azshara, who was still gathering strength, and spoke to Aegwynn beside him.

"I'll leave it to you Azshara."

Aegwynn did not hesitate, and came directly in front of Azshara with a flash. The two witches instantly looked at each other, and both launched their attacks without hesitation.

In an instant, an arcane storm erupted in this broken space!

Li Ke looked at the two forces attacking him, smiled slightly, and the evil energy in his hands exploded instantly, forming a violent evil energy storm.

The chaotic evil energy instantly tore apart the surrounding damaged space. With Li Ke as the center, this shaky dimension instantly began to collapse. Centered on a light spot in front of Li Ke, it instantly began to collapse.

The power of holy light and shadow was immediately attracted by the huge gravity, and instantly merged in Li Ke's hands, continuously growing the black sphere in Li Ke's hands.

This development surprised Li Ke, because his original idea was to completely destroy this space and deflect the attacks of the two people.

But he never expected that this space between reality and illusion would collapse around him!

"What's the point of this?"

Li Ke didn't understand, but he could feel the power contained in it and the fact that this thing was about to explode.

So he smiled slightly and waved to N'Zoth.

"You are very diligent, N'Zos, and you actually brought your country to my doorstep."

However, before N'zoth could speak, Zela on the side spoke.

"Get away from that thing quickly! Those are the fragments of the collapsed dreamland! These fragments of the dreamland are things between illusion and reality. They will change their shape according to the imagination of the people around them! You must have thought that this thing looked very similar just now It’s a black hole! Throw it away!”

"Dream fragment? Black hole?"

Zella's voice was quite anxious, and Li Ke also looked at the black ball in his hand in surprise, and then he felt the gravity of this thing getting stronger and stronger! Even the light around him began to distort, but it had no effect on him!

Zella is going crazy. This thing has no effect on the person who affects it, but the aftermath and other people around will be unlucky!

Azeroth will be destroyed if you're not careful!

"Throw it away!"

Li Ke also knew that this thing was getting more and more powerful. Although he didn't know why it didn't have any impact on him, but...

"You heard me, N'Zoth, it was Zella who asked me to hit you."

Li Ke casually threw the thing in his hand at N'zos. N'zos's brain instantly went blank, and he watched helplessly as he watched the thing that contained the power of his country, Zera's power, and even Li Ke's evil power. The black ball rushed towards him.


The ground began to tremble.

But it wasn't just the earthquakes that occurred in the Eastern Kingdom. Even near Kul Tiras, the surrounding islands trembled, and the sinking speed of the Zandalari Islands accelerated even more sharply.

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, because there was no explosion in front of him, no weird rotation of light and shadow, there was only one thing.

The emergence of flesh and blood.

Endless flesh and blood gushes out crazily from the place where N'zoth was hit. It is obvious that the black ball is constantly devouring N'zoth's flesh and blood, but from other places, from the sea, it is constantly pouring out. There was a lot of pollution and grotesque flesh and blood.

Countless shadow powers quickly spread across the entire ocean!

Then, the sound of breaking glass continued to come from the darkness.

N'Zoth watched his country and himself being torn apart by the black sphere. He tried hard to make a sound, but even his voice was torn apart and swallowed by the black sphere. The last thing he saw was, It was the scene where he was swallowed up by the deep darkness.

Between the dream and reality, the kingdom belonging to N'Zoth dissipated, and the black sphere that swallowed up the entire kingdom of N'zoth exploded instantly because there was no observer.

But this explosion did not have any impact on the real world, not even the Emerald Dream. The only ones affected by this explosion were those worlds that, like N'Zoth, were caught between illusion and reality.

Countless small worlds were destroyed by this explosion, and even the countries built by other dark existences were severely damaged.

In reality, with the collapse of N'Zoth's kingdom, more and more flesh and shadow power poured out, completely polluting the entire sea area.

Li Ke used his own power to isolate the range of the shadow power. Looking at the thick shadow power, he couldn't help but frown.

Because in just a short period of time, countless monsters were spontaneously born in this shadow power, which would be a big trouble if not dealt with properly.

But at this time, Zera, who was protected by him, spoke.

"I have a way...the chosen ones...help me use this spell!"

As Zela spoke, a complex spell model appeared in Li Ke's mind, causing Li Ke to open his eyes wide and look at Zela in disbelief.

The function of this spell is very simple and only one.

Split the Shadow, splitting the power of the Shadow into the power of death and arcane power!

This is basically one of the most secret and incredible knowledge in the world!

"No need to be so surprised, because I understood what you were thinking before you came to help me immediately."

Zella's voice was quite calm.

"So I am willing to give everything I have to help you. Even if you want my holy light core to make a light and shadow furnace, I will be happy to give you all the knowledge you need before giving up my core. However, The power of the Six Forces is not that simple. It is not just the shadow formed by death and arcana. There are also deeper connections, which I will teach you one by one."

Li Ke fell silent. This was something he really didn't expect from Zella's performance.

But Zella was very calm.

"Come, Chosen One, come and cleanse this place of evil before we face our fate!"

Li Ke didn't speak, and silently activated his power of holy light, and worked with Zella to use this spell.

A huge magic circle instantly enveloped everything around it, even Azshara and Aegwynn who were fighting were enveloped in it.

The boundless shadow power began to crumble crazily. In a transformation that Li Ke couldn't understand at all, countless shadow powers were instantly transformed into majestic arcane power and the power of death.

Li Ke stretched out his hand and opened a door to the world of the dead. The next moment. Denathrius, who was lying on the bed doing something he loved with a family member, saw tens of thousands of tons of sea water spraying towards him with a violent breath of death!

"Li Ke, you bastard!"

So without thinking, Denathrius, submerged in the sea water, threw to Li Ke the coordinates leading to the Maw!

Li Ke followed his own example and changed the place where he released the power of death.

Then, the warden, who was arranging his great plan, felt the same treatment as Denathrius with a confused look on his face.

But his luck was slightly worse: in full view of everyone, the warden was washed out of his Soul-Eating Tower by the tens of thousands of tons of sea water.

However, what Li Ke did was criticized by others.

"You shouldn't exile these powers of death. Azeroth can withstand this power, and the power of death can also help you gain the power of evil."

Zella's tone was calm, and she did not show much disgust towards the power of death. Li Ke even felt that she was very happy because she felt the breath of Denasius.

And sure enough, Zella's next words were——

"But well done!"

The unlucky ones are the Red Dragon Queen, the Warden and Denathrius.jpg

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