Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 738: The Holy Light Is Not Trustworthy

Benedictus, the leader of the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind City, is the embodiment of the Holy Light praised by countless people, and a person trusted by countless people.

For all humans in Stormwind City and the human world, even among dwarves and dwarves, he is also a person who deserves praise and respect.


"The Holy Light cannot be trusted, and the destiny cannot be feared...Li Ke's views are indeed unique."

Benedictus looked at the books in his hand that compiled Li Ke's words and deeds. These books were produced by some thoughtful people. Even Li Ke himself didn't know about this thing for a long time.

As for who published it...

Glancing at the 'Black Dragon Publishing House' on the title page of the book, Benedictus couldn't help but laugh.

It's really hard to guess who it is.

With a sigh, Benedictus looked from his room to the people who were kneeling before the Holy Light Cathedral.

It is true that the Holy Light has the power to persuade people to do good, and the ability to make people feel that fairness and justice exists objectively, but the problem is that when a person thinks it is for his own good, it will actually hurt most people. , the holy light still will not disappear.

Although countless devotees of the Holy Light have tried hard to claim that the Holy Light can only be used by people with high moral character, and have worked hard to create an environment where only people with high moral character can use the Holy Light, the problem lies in this.

"Holy light can be obtained by deceiving oneself, and even the power of shadow can be obtained... According to Li Ke's theory, power comes from ourselves, and it is our own tendencies that lead to what kind of behavior we show. strength."

If you want to use the power of the shadow, you need to make your mood depressed and your thinking become selfish. If you want the power of the holy light, it is just to hypnotize yourself. As long as you can believe it in your heart, then you can do it. Able to obtain the power of Holy Light.

It's not that people in the past didn't understand this truth, but those sages knew very clearly that only by allowing the Holy Light to maintain this setting that only people with high moral character can use it can ensure that in those difficult times, human beings can have Rely on faith and sufficient cohesion.

Faith is the most powerful weapon, and before Li Ke appeared, the only thing that Holy Light could prove was the power of faith.

So he must be holy, and in fact is holy.

You can call him hypocritical, you can call him disgusting, but it is the generations of sages who have sacrificed themselves to maintain this 'false' holy light that allow mankind to have a social consensus on skills.

He felt disgusted when he discovered this before, but now, he can feel the helplessness of history and the helplessness of the sages.

They may also want to find a better way and want to reveal the essence of the power of Holy Light and Shadow, but there are too many stupid people, most of them don't even know the words, and they ask gods to worship Buddha when the harvest in the fields is not good, and Instead of looking for what's wrong with the ground, and even if you accidentally fall down and feel that this is an era of divine punishment, you go and tell those people that the Holy Light is not really just, and the Shadow is not really evil.

Isn't this just looking for trouble and trying to destroy public order and good customs in society?
Moreover, these two energies themselves have the ability to lead people to good and to a certain extent, lead people to evil. Isn't this even more complete?

Therefore, even if the sages of the past generations knew it, they would pretend they didn't know it and hide this dark fact.

Human beings need the Holy Light. Essentially, they need something that can anchor public order and good customs, but they do not really need the Holy Light to live.

Of course, paper cannot cover the fire, especially when a thing like Arthas appears among the Paladins, the justice of the Holy Light has actually been questioned.

And their Lord Li Ke is basically His Majesty the Emperor of Azeroth. The Holy Light is so powerful, but he does all kinds of deception and even sacrifices.

However, the Holy Light is still powerful. Recently, I heard that there is even a beauty in the harem who is completely composed of Holy Light. This reminds him of another sentence Li Ke said.

"My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is righteous... Mr. Li Ke really dares to say it. Really..."

But Benedictus couldn't help but laugh, because if he hadn't seen such a strange behavior as Li Ke, he would have been led all the way to death by Nzos.

"The world is not simply black and white, and the so-called prophecies of fate are just the future selectively told to us by the six forces."

In this era, he may be able to uncover the mystery of the Holy Light and tell people openly and openly that what is truly great is human will, not the Holy Light.

It is the Holy Light that needs people, not people who need the Holy Light.

After all, Li Ke is constantly tearing apart various authorities, nobles, mages, and kings, and the last step is faith.

He would not help Li Ke with nothing.

"The efforts of the sages of the past generations are about to be lost in my hands."

After closing the book, Benedictus sighed, and then looked towards the door, because he had already heard the footsteps of his attendants.

Soon, his attendant knocked on the door and came in, reporting something that surprised him.

"White pawn?"

In chess, the pawn is the most potential chess piece. After touching the opponent's bottom line, it can be upgraded to the queen.

And white corresponds to black...

Do you want me to protect Anduin?

"His Majesty Varian's mood is very complicated."

Benedictus sighed, saying that he had watched Anduin and Varian grow up, but the problem was that he also had things he wanted to stick to in this world, and he wanted to let the people see the reality. , see the world as it really is.

But the backward forces represented by Varian and Anduin are what he must use all his strength to defeat.

Varian is not important. Benedictus knows very well that the reason why Varian has not sent troops to attack Li Ke until now is because he knows very well that he cannot defeat Li Ke. The logistics, soldiers, and leaders are not as good as Li Ke in combat effectiveness. .

By sending troops, you are just torturing your own people and letting most of them die in vain.

If possible, he also wants to break through Li Ke's capital, defeat Li Ke, and run his country well.

He won't kill Li Ke, he will use Li Ke.

Varian is a kind and pragmatic person who is able to see clearly what the future will be like.

But the problem is that the nobles led by Varian will not let Li Ke survive. Everything Li Ke brings is too fatal to the nobles.


Benedictus felt a little complicated, but decided to go there.

The arrival of the Archbishop of Stormwind City was naturally welcomed by everyone. With Varian's signal, Benedictus quickly saw the king who had lost a lot of weight and looked at Varian. With an increasingly aged and depressed face, Benedictus could not imagine that a year ago, his Majesty only had a melancholy temperament.

"Your Majesty, do you have something to ask me about?"

Benedictus bowed slightly and looked at Varian, while Varian glanced at Bolvar, and the next moment, Bolvar took everyone down. Then Varian stood up, helped Benedictus and spoke.

"Yes, Benedictus...I have something to ask for your help with."

Benedictus sighed inwardly, and then spoke decisively. "I am now the director of Li Ke's propaganda department."

His words made Varian pause for a moment, and then he looked at Benedictus with disbelief. He had thought that countless people would betray him, but he never thought that Benedictus would!
Because Stormwind City was basically re-established by Benedictus!
Without his call and their help, the Cathedral of Holy Light in Stormwind City would not be established, and Stormwind City would never be able to become the home in everyone's heart again!
In human history, human bases were basically built around the Holy Light Church.

These churches can be very simple, or even only have a small wooden house, but a town can only be considered a town if it has its own church.

The reason is very simple. Holy light can really heal diseases and injuries!

But now Benedictus, the man who single-handedly established the Cathedral of the Holy Light in Stormwind City, has quietly become Li Ke's propaganda minister, and Varian feels a little dizzy.

"But I can still protect the safety of the white pawns..."

Benedicta paused, raised his hand, and made a standard swearing gesture.

"I swear by the virtue of the Holy Light that I will protect His Highness Anduin and ensure that this news will not reach Li Ke's ears. If there is betrayal, I am willing to lose the protection of the Holy Light."

Varian was stunned and silent for a while. He didn't expect Benedictus to swear such a poisonous oath, but he also let out a long sigh.

"Thank you, Uncle Benedictus."

He and Benedictus are somewhat related by blood, and they are the same age, so it doesn't matter to call them uncle.

The reason why he trusted Benedictus was also very simple. Although Benedictus had already taken refuge in Li Ke, if a Holy Light user swore by the virtue of Holy Light, then there would definitely be no problem.

He can still give this trust.

This is a consensus that has been without any problems for thousands of years. No Holy Light owner would say such a thing as a joke, because the Holy Light will really be lost!

"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty."

Benedictus tried hard not to laugh.

There is no virtue in the Holy Light. It is only humans who possess virtue.

"I will send Anduin to you in a while. You don't need to make him stand out. As long as he can find a woman you like to get married, don't think about things like restoring the country... "

Varian hesitated before speaking.

"But we can't throw away the glory of the Wrynn family, but it doesn't matter if we really give up, as long as we can live with a clear conscience."

The honor of his family is the thing he can't give up the most. Every generation of kings of Wrynn take the lead and protect other weak people. This is the destiny and glory of the Wrynn family.

It would be best if Anduin is willing to accept this fate. If not, it would be a good ending for him to end it.

However, Varian would not let Benedictus work in vain if he asked Benedictus to do something, so he stated the price he could offer.

"In addition, Archbishop, if you need anything, just tell me directly. Now, there is nothing I can't give."

His voice was very sincere. At this time, the father was willing to do anything.

But Benedictus looked at Varian and could hardly hold back his smile, so he could only speak in a weird tone.

"I hope you can be stronger, Your Majesty Varian. This is the best reward for me."

Hearing Benedictus's words, Varian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"That's right, everything I promised now is meaningless... Forget it, I'll just give you some insignificant financial help. After all, Li Ke doesn't seem to care much about religion, and you will not care about religion in the future. It won’t be good.”

Varian sighed and planned to hand over part of the Wrynn family treasure to Benedictus for use, firstly to repay Benedictus, and secondly so that his son could live a better life in the future. .

As for why they are not all given, the reason is naturally to deceive others.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty."

After Benedictus finished speaking, he continued to remain expressionless.

Varian didn't want to say anything. After chatting with Benedictus about other things, such as the charity food distributed by the Holy Light Cathedral, he let Benedictus leave.

However, the moment Benedictus left Stormwind Fortress, he held an insignificant gem in his sleeve, and then used the power of teleportation to give Li Ke information.

"Your Majesty, Varian entrusted his only son to me. Do you need me to hold Anduin hostage when you attack to break Varian's defense?"

Li Ke, who was grabbing Vashqi's grapes with Azshara, was stunned when he heard his words. He had no choice but to do so. It was lunch break now, so he could naturally discuss some things with his personnel director. As for why Vashqi Qi was also there, that was another matter.

He could only say that Azshara's maid was indeed professional.

Whether you are having fun or...

Being played with.

But now he couldn't stand it.

Since Varian was able to save Benedictus, it showed that Varian trusted Benedictus very much. If this happened, Varian would probably be tempted to commit suicide.

"No need, you will all be colleagues from now on, there is no need to make the relationship so stiff."

His words made Benedictus feel a little regretful.

"it's a pity."


Benedictus sighed, and then told Li Ke what was a pity.

"I also want to see what Varian's expression will be like when I hold Anduin hostage in front of him and still use the Holy Light. After all, I swore to the Holy Light. If I betray him and tell you this news, I will lose the protection of the Holy Light."

As he spoke, Benedictus raised his fingers, and the bright holy light shined in his hands as always.

And he broke his oath.

Holy light...

Nothing more.

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