Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 759 Death of C’Thun

Chapter 759 Death of C’Thun

"Wow, you are so perverted..."

Li Ke silently took a sip of Coke from the cup, and then saw his secretary coming over, and then handed over all the policies and orders of the empire today, as well as some simple reports.

"All in all, since the empire has been established, we should give back to them, so I plan to fulfill my promise during this period. After all, I won't have time after all."

Li Ke spoke while reading the briefing.

Denasius was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized what Li Ke was planning to do.

"Do you plan to continue connecting to Azeroth?"

Li Ke nodded and looked through the briefing.

He just came to relax and not completely ignore the empire, so the necessary work still needs to be done.

"That's right, my injury cannot be treated by ordinary drugs and things, and if I don't treat the injury quickly, I will never be able to show my full strength.

And now the Legion and countless people are still eyeing Azeroth... To be honest, Denathrius, someone like you who only intends to gain some wool from Azeroth can already be regarded as having good intentions. . "

Li Ke nodded as he looked at the orders in the briefing, and then continued to speak.

"As for the rest, I don't need to say more. After all, you are someone who understands, so you don't need to talk nonsense."

"But it's dangerous."

Denathrius clicked his tongue a little uneasily. He had already tasted what would happen when Li Ke and Azeroth's consciousness met. That's why he was so honest, so he still wanted to learn from Azeroth. He couldn't help but want to stop Li Ke.

Moreover, this matter is indeed dangerous for Li Ke.

"I know, but this is something that must be done. If the power of Azeroth cannot be synthesized, I will have no peace of mind. So sometimes I have to use some extreme means, and no matter how bad the result is, It will also end well for the world.”

Li Ke rubbed his temples. Even though he was so relaxed, he still felt tired, and the anxiety of not being able to improve his strength also made him very upset.

That's why he left a lot of government affairs behind and came here to relax.

But from a practical point of view——

"These people are doing a good job, but..."

Li Ke couldn't help but tilted his head when he saw Sylvanas's order.

"Why support the centaurs? Shouldn't we support the tauren?"

Looking at the order issued by Sylvanas to support the centaurs, Li Ke was filled with questions. If he remembered correctly, Kane Bloodhoof had already lost his son Bain Bloodhoof at this time. If it was unexpected, it would almost become food in the centaur's pot.

In the original history, it was Rexxar and Thrall who helped save Bain, and then the iron triangle of the tribe came about. The tauren also relied on the power of the orcs and trolls to suppress the power of the centaurs and succeed. 's survived.

And according to their empire's usual thinking, they should be supporting the tauren now, right?

"Is she crazy about being busy... Didn't the Secretariat refuse this order? Seriously, if we go to help the centaurs fight the minotaurs, it's like a thirty-year-old, fully-armed imperial soldier helping a kindergarten student. Beating a baby... It's okay to win over centaurs, but centaurs must be conquered. Let Sylvanas re-read her order, and then find a night elf expert to do a special investigation, and then work."

Li Ke asked his high elf secretary and conveyed his will.

Li Ke could probably guess the reason why the Secretariat did not stop this ridiculous thing.

The empire is too powerful.

Blood elves, night elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and the newly arrived draenei, as well as the naga who rule the sea, and the dragon army. The coalition composed of these races, even if Li Ke cannot join, can easily advance according to victory, and then occupy Alsace in Northrend.

In the eyes of these officials, the tauren, a race that now only has tens of thousands of people in total and is about to be wiped out by the barbarian centaurs in their eyes, is nothing at all.

No one cares about a race they've never heard of, especially when it doesn't look human at all.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The secretary showed an awkward smile and quickly revised the order. But Denasius spoke at this time.

"Centaurs...well, even I know about the centaurs on this planet."

Denathius looked like he had been yearning for a long time, which made Li Ke a little curious.

"Oh? Are they famous in the world of the dead?"

"In general, that is, among the rankings of some of the more wonderful kingdoms of the dead, among all the races in Azeroth, the centaurs are the most comfortable, followed by Nagas and a race similar to foxes, so I I don’t quite understand why you would limit yourself to these races instead of those who are most comfortable if you are pursuing happiness.”

Li Ke almost crushed the cup in his hand. He rubbed his temples, trying hard to recall Denasius' graceful appearance, and then continued to speak.

"Let's talk about the salvation of souls."

He thought it would be better not to continue talking about these things with the other party, because after staying in Azeroth for a long time, he found...

I may actually find it acceptable in the future.

"what ever."


As a portal opened, Li Ke and Denathius came to a place full of yellow sand. As soon as they landed, Denathius looked at the obsidian building in the distance.

"Well, it has such an evil aura, and there is a lot of life there, but there is also a very strong aura of Titan technology... I have to admit, every time you see Titan technology, you will be amazed."

Denathius looked at the ruins and temples in the distance and couldn't help but sigh.

The black building shows an unparalleled beauty in the boundless desert. The desolate and lonely feeling makes people feel very insignificant. This magnificent scenery is unbearable. Intoxicated with it.

But when he turned to look at Li Ke, he saw that Li Ke's body was already entangled with the brilliance of the earth element.

In the earth, the earth element lords who were competing for the position of earth element lords instantly felt that their authority on the earth was being taken away, but they escaped faster than Draenor's companions, because in this world, There is only one person who can do this.

Li Ke.

"I'm not interested in playing house...just go to the real owner."

Li Ke's eyes flashed with the power of the violent guardian dragon, and his body involuntarily transformed towards the golden dragon, and the earth also began to respond to his call, and the violent power of the earth element quickly transformed countless beings. Contaminated soil and parts are sent to the earth. Stone pillars with various holes and squirming flesh walls continued to rise from Li Ke's body. The trembling of the earth made the night elves who followed subconsciously hug each other tightly, because what they saw was Countless violent insects rushed out from these rising stone pillars and bit them viciously.

However, at this moment, Li Ke raised his hands.

"You haven't accepted your fate yet? C'Thun? If you hand over what I want, I can still give you a way to live!"

Violent power overflowed around Li Ke, but he could not hide his tired look. However, the ground around him was still rising. The desert that no one had set foot on for thousands of years began its own earth-shaking journey. Variety!
Billions of insects gathered crazily in Li Ke's direction, and Li Ke's spell was finally ready.

"Earth, water, wind and fire! Listen to my orders!"

With his raised arms waving violently, Li Ke's unreasonable control directly forcibly enslaved the elemental power of Azeroth. The strong wind quickly gathered countless clouds and water vapor from all directions, and with Li Ke's rising stone pillar as the center, A huge eye of the typhoon was constantly forming, blowing countless rubbles, and the typhoon called by Li Ke quickly turned into a storm of earth and rocks!
The stones hidden among the earth and rocks quickly reached a speed of five kilometers per second, and continued to shrink inward.

The thunder in the sky continued to fall, hitting the insects that were speeding towards them.

The rainwater that fell with the thunder became the best conductor. When they fell in the form of ice swords and then quickly turned into water mist, they became the best conductor, allowing those bodies to just get wet. The insects were also attacked by lightning.

The earth was constantly cracking open, sharp lava spikes kept emerging from the earth, and in the center of the insect swarm, a huge crater suddenly appeared.

The crater continued to expand, swallowing more insects. On the earth and stone pillars raised by Li Ke, the squirming flesh and blood immediately reacted after contacting the magma, and quickly moved toward the center. The contraction began.

Obviously, C'Thun still doesn't intend to give him what Li Ke wants!

Li Ke quickly looked at Denasius. At this time, it was his time to take action.


Denathrius smiled slightly, and the next moment, a giant sword appeared next to him.

The moment the sword appeared, he spoke in a coquettish tone.

"Please, please, Master! It's been a long time since I've cut into living flesh!!"

This charming tone almost made Li Ke lose control of his spell casting, but fortunately his spell was very simple, so he quickly stabilized his spell.

Yes, his simple set looks very cool, but in fact it is just a powerful brick flying, using his cheating ability to enslave all the surrounding elements with magic, and then attack.

Just looking at Denasius being intimate with his sword, Li Ke couldn't help but ask.

"Don't tell me that you have an affair with your sword?"

"Who would say no to his lovely subordinate?"

Denathrius chuckled lightly and his eyes became ferocious.

"Look, Lelenia! This so-called 'Old God' has boldly rejected my brother's request. We seem to have no choice but to take extreme measures!"

The violent anima continued to gather in Denathrius's hands, and then he poured it into his sword.

"Go! Lelenia! Bring me the soul trapped by C'Thun!"

He roared and pushed the sword in his hand, and the next moment, the sword named Lelenia was like the sword fairy's flying sword, with long bloody traces, and the sword of his With an uncontrollable crazy smile, he quickly rushed towards the huge earth and rocks raised by Li Ke.

Li Ke quickly provided support. He waved his arm, and everything in front of the sword was pulled away by the power of the earth. Even the beetle wall that was also raised was quickly lifted by Li Ke with a wave of his hand. Disintegrate and put the sword in.

The cracks in the earth's layers completely exposed the eyes that were wrapped in countless flesh and blood, as if they were growing in the heart of a giant.

However, when the sword stabbed him, he didn't even forget to bring the souls of a few confused dragons with him.

C'Thun never thought that his meeting with Li Ke would be like this. He was a step too late and did not grab N'zos, allowing Li Ke to be taken away by N'zos, but he also gave Li Ke strength!

Only after that, Li Ke closed the dialogue with them, but C'Thun always felt that he could convince Li Ke, but——

But now, he only had one thought and just wanted to say one thing.

"What on earth do you want here!! Tell me!!"

As soon as his words fell, a huge force burst out from his eyes and rushed towards Denasius' sword. However, at this time, Li Ke also relaxed his control over the elemental power, and instead gathered a wave of energy in his hand. Throwing the spear lingering with the power of the Aspect Dragon, he threw it towards C'Thun's eyes without hesitation.

The golden spear with the shadow of the dragon instantly defeated C'Thun's final counterattack. When the golden spear was about to enter C'Thun, the red sword took the lead!
Denathrius' sword instantly penetrated C'Thun's body, and the next moment, the golden spear pierced C'Thun's eyeball hard. Denathrius opened a teleportation without hesitation. Door, teleporting his sword back.

An earth-shattering explosion also occurred when he closed the portal.

The violent impact instantly dispersed the typhoon array that was not controlled by Li Ke, tearing apart everything in front of them. Even Li Ke had to use his own power of holy light to protect everyone around him. stand up.

When the explosion dissipated, the nearly one thousand meter pillar of earth and stone that he raised disappeared directly, forming a huge crater where the Greek ruins and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj originally existed.

Of course, the rear area centered on Li Ke did not receive any attacks.

However, Li Ke looked at the purple-black land in the center of the crater and couldn't help but frown.

"C'Thun is really serious about the pollution here... Just wait a while and trick Zera here."

Li Ke took a deep breath, and then suddenly thought of something.

"Speaking of which, C'Thun seemed to have said something at the end. Did you hear it clearly?"

Denasius was stunned for a moment and looked at Li Ke with a strange look.

"Can't you hear me?"

Li Ke nodded.

"I usually block these ancient gods, so I really can't hear them."

Seeing the serious expression on Li Ke's face, and thinking of what C'Thun said before his death, Denathrius was silent for a while, and then took the soul he had taken back from C'Thun's body, as well as those who had not yet The soul of the dragon clan, who understood what happened, was thrown to Li Ke.

This is why Li Ke asked him to come, because he is an expert in playing with souls and can help him steal the soul from C'Thun's body.

And Denathius also secretly vowed that he must find more ways to contact Li Ke in the future, otherwise he would not know how he died!
"It's not important anymore, is it?"

He actually naively thought that Li Ke had negotiated with C'Thun! !
(End of this chapter)

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