Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 787 Things that cannot be said

Chapter 787 Things that cannot be said
Li Ke knew very well what consequences his choice would have.

Azeroth will become a giant war machine, constantly advancing toward other worlds, advancing, and then advancing again.

Huge population pressure will lead to a rapid increase in social demand for various things, and the demand for civil servants will also reach an incredible level.

And his people will only have time to study and work besides giving birth to children.

As for talking about leisure and entertainment, there is no need to think about it at all.


This is a real-world problem.

In this magical world, this approach is not a problem at all.

Virtual reality technology is something that cannot be accomplished in the real world, but in this world, for Li Ke, it is just a device that permanently solidifies the illusion technique and then connects it with the help of various magic devices.

It can even be integrated into a mobile phone. It is even said that if he is willing, he can put an entire modern computer into a person's arm, and this person even only needs to implant a crystal in his arm, and his physical fitness will even be improved as a result. strengthen.

Leisure and entertainment can be placed here, while mobile phones and computers can be used for other tasks.

It is even said that more things can be done by relying on illusion, but Li Ke does not intend to do this. Instead, he intends to use illusion simply as a place of entertainment for most people.

Public networks must be more physical. After all, there is still a risk of leaks if illusions are used.

In this illusion technique, Li Ke can completely increase their thinking speed, and the ten hours of rest time can even be extended to one hundred hours.

Of course, it won't be so exaggerated in practice.

As for physical problems, they will also use the power of the Emerald Dream to soothe them, and they will even be healthier than before.

In this way, the 24 hours of the people of the empire can be extended to 72 hours. No matter how many real problems there are, they can travel around the world as much as possible in the online world.

Moreover, there is a ready-made place to use.

That's the Emerald Dream.

The Emerald Dream seems to be very important to Azeroth, but in fact it is a backup to Azeroth. It may have been important in the past, but after Li Ke appeared, it actually lost all its significance.

Because once a crisis comes, Li Ke can completely link up with Azeroth and let Azeroth use its power again.

So this thing may have been very difficult for Li Ke to grasp before he obtained the power of Azerite, but now, he can create an Emerald Dream by himself, but it just takes a long time.

Creating another Emerald Dream or using the Emerald Dream for other purposes is not a big problem for Li Ke.

Most of the pain of pregnancy can even be transferred to this place. Most of the emotional vents in life, as well as everything experienced when playing here, can also make the emotions and various emotions of Azeroth people. Ideas are released here.

These emotions and the power of thinking will be sent to Azeroth by Li Ke and converted into soul power. Together with Azerite, who is responsible for the transformation, he will accelerate the growth of Azeroth.

This was the deal he made with Azeroth. Azeroth would give him everything he needed, and Li Ke would be responsible for guarding Azeroth and giving her enough teachings.

This is a very fair deal.

Moreover, he did not expect to rely on Alexstrasza to really complete this task.

Population is just a means for him to stimulate domestic demand, and there will be supporting means to follow. All he needs to do is to mobilize the enthusiasm of most people for work in this short period of time.

There is nothing we can do about this. The first generation always has to do more for those who come after.

"I will use the method of resurrecting those kind people in the past to ease the difficulty of your mission. I will personally build the supporting equipment. As for the civil servants, I will personally train them... Alexstrasza, time It no longer makes sense to me. Everything will have various futures in my eyes, and the reason why I say this is because in my eyes, this path is feasible.”

Li Ke raised his hand and opened a light curtain, which showed a series of welfare benefits. In addition to the resurrection mentioned by Li Ke before, Li Ke even resurrected the celebrities and wise men in ancient times, and even killed them one by one. the author’s plan.

Alexstrasza even saw on Li Ke's light screen that there was even a matter of resurrecting a dead fetus. And as long as they are underage children, they will be resurrected.

She looked carefully and found that as long as one person in the family worked diligently in the empire, there would be no problems such as death or aging among his immediate family members.

And the most frightening thing is that even if you enter retirement, as long as you continue to organize community activities and do good things, this kind of benefits will not disappear.

However, these welfare benefits all have a prerequisite, and that is the sharing of ideas!

All officials and department heads must disclose their memories and thinking when making decisions.

"Wouldn't this... cause one person's emotions to be too strong, causing other people to be infected and make irrational decisions?"

Alexstrasza hurriedly asked this question in public.

As the guardian of the Titans, she doesn't mind doing this. She can accept the pursuit of order. It can even be said that among the entire dragon clan, only Alexstrasza and a certain black 'Bronze Dragon King' can I support Li Ke unconditionally.

But she still has concerns, because in this way, she can easily use her emotional power to influence other people.

In this case, even wrong things will be considered right.

"There will be corresponding spells for isolation, and related matters will be carried out on the empire's isolation network. People will only see what he is thinking and will not be affected by his emotions. And if the emotional value reaches If it reaches a certain level, then this proposal will be directly invalidated.”

Li Ke naturally made a plan. His isolation network not only isolates the power of the six original forces, but also isolates these.

"But if this is the case, does it affect personal privacy..."

Gianna spoke. Dai Lin, who was watching on the side, wanted to slap Gianna. This bastard Li Ke said every day that he only had one living father-in-law left. He was really under a lot of pressure, wasn't he?

Although Li Ke also claims that he wakes up every day as a new self and is a virgin every day, and it is a joke to say that he only has one father-in-law, but even if he knows that Li Ke is usually very unreliable, he is just joking. , but it’s hard for him to take it as a joke!
"The empire will meet the welfare benefits of officials. If you are not satisfied with the welfare benefits, you can ask me for a budget request from the parliament, and I will always pay attention to the welfare benefits of the empire members. But if an official makes a decision, why does he make it? If this decision is not willing to be answered due to other selfish reasons, then it is very disappointing... Not only that, the real-time disclosure of officials’ assets that has not been implemented before will also be carried out.”

Li Ke raised his hand and explained to Jaina.

Jaina still doesn't quite accept it, because this is completely infringing on a person's freedom.

Li Ke, who saw that Gianna would ask such questions among the endless possibilities, spoke again.

"Freedom is relative, Jaina. There are not only happy people like you in this world. There are also many people who, even if they become undead, will smile and say, 'Look, Your Highness, I can be full now by eating stones. ! 'People." Li Ke's words made Jaina turn pale instantly, and she immediately thought of the undead, those farmers who still smiled after becoming undead, as if becoming undead was a good thing.

She immediately covered her heart as a cramping pain struck her, and her head became dizzy.

This is caused by guilt.

"I understand……"

Recalling all this in her mind, her heart became very, very confused.

"There are many people in this world who take desperate risks and harm other lives for the sake of their family's youth, longevity, and even glory and wealth. But in the empire, they only need to learn to be a good person, one who is willing to put their own Those who use everything to serve others can get all this, and I think there are still many people who are willing to do so.”

This is the kingdom of God.

Alexstrasza couldn't help but think so, and there were many people who thought the same thing as her.

Because this is something that only the kingdom of God can do, and the kingdom of mortals simply cannot do such a thing.

Li Ke does not intend to upgrade all Azerothians to gods. Such a thing is too strange. But he can guide the people of Azeroth to become people worthy of this power and treatment.

And that's what he can do as a leader.

After all, he didn't want to see a big birthday greeting.

But when Alexstrasza looked at Li Ke, she only felt heartache in her heart.

Li Ke is very special to her. He is a young dragon who suppresses himself, the mother of dragons, and does not even let his sisters go. He is also a young dragon with absolute power and absolute reason. The wise dragon king, the strongest male dragon with unparalleled appearance and reproductive ability.

But he is also the protector of the world, the emperor who forcibly drags the world towards order and justice, and a prisoner dragged by the desires of his own people.

The only gratifying thing is that when Li Ke does these things, he does it voluntarily. When the empire truly prospers, he will be very happy.

But this is also what makes her feel sad, because compared to him, all of them are useless.

As a female, she wanted to be favored by such a male, but as a dragon mother, she felt distressed.

Therefore, when she spoke again, her voice was trembling.

"This is a huge test, Li Ke..."

"Call me Your Majesty. The empire will not remain static. Alexstrasza, there is no need to worry about this. The empire's parliament is not a decoration. The members inside will also have other functions."

In fact, every system and political system in the world has its beneficiaries and advantages. However, it is basically impossible for human beings not to be selfish.

Although the parliamentary system cannot actually accomplish anything, it is still very good as a place to express opinions and opinions.

As for why it is still called the Parliament, it is simply because most of the functions are still those of members, but they have no decision-making power, and the people of Azeroth can better accept it.

What is it actually...

In short, Li Ke would not be stupid enough to hand over decision-making power to these people.

Most of the problems in this world can actually be regarded as economic problems, and economic problems are actually problems of productivity and distribution.

The problem of productivity can be said to be a problem of energy and energy utilization technology. This problem is simply not a problem in a world with magic, especially in front of him who has mastered nuclear fusion and the power of Azerite. In fact, endless energy has long been Once it’s done, all that’s left is planning and building.

As long as the power armor is transformed for civilian use and some too hard work is handed over to various mechanical puppets, a large number of low-end labor and youth can be successfully liberated.

Then train them so that they can participate in other affairs of the empire, enjoy life, and even become geniuses in playing games.

Of course, the benefits of imperial civil servants will continue to drive them to become imperial civil servants, or even officials.

by that time……

Other forces in this world had better hope that Azerothians really like food and song and dance, entertainment and culture.

Just like when only 5% of men in a country cannot find a wife, then this is a simple personal issue.

If 10% of men of working age cannot find a wife, it can still be regarded as an economic problem.

And once 15% of marriageable men cannot find a wife, then this is a social problem, and it is no longer a problem that can be solved by nonsense like men should share more responsibilities.

But if it exceeds 20%...

That is to consider the issue of world war.

As for the most difficult distribution problem in human history, it is not a problem with him, because he can easily turn all imperial officials into replaceable parts.

Although this will result in him being the only voice left in the empire, but if he is unwilling to let the empire perish, what he chooses will be the best.

Moreover, there will be countless think tanks in Azeroth to help, and he will not just fight alone.

He would give officials what civilians longed for, but they were only parts.

All in all, the empire he built was a weapon of war, an empire that usually led a happy life of farming, but could instantly transform into an efficient war weapon once it encountered a threat.

This is not because he likes war, but this dangerous world must be treated as such.

Having no sword in hand and having a sword but not using it are two different concepts.

And his people still need to learn only one thing.

Learn to enjoy unity.

But this cannot be said.

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