Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 789 The Emperor’s Hatred

Chapter 789 The Emperor’s Hatred

Li Ke initially thought that he would marry Tyrande when he was drunk one day. After all, he respected Tyrande as much as his mother.

And given the current importance of the night elves to the empire, there is nothing wrong with this description.

But how to say it.

He himself feels that his current situation is a bit abstract.

Every time he takes action now, he can see in advance how Tyrande will react and how he will feel, and these feelings will also appear in his mind.

Although it can be blocked, it is still very embarrassing.

And the most important thing is——

"Elune, when did you come?"

Li Ke looked at the pure white beauty beside Tyrande, as if carved from white jade, and almost withdrew from his imperial body.

Because Elune is here, and Elune's answer to Li Ke's question is very simple.

"You are also my husband."

Elune looked at Li Ke. Although she was the incarnation of one of the six original powers, she was also Li Ke's wife.

Tyrande had already said this when she made an agreement with Li Ke. She had been waiting for Tyrande to be pinned to the bed by Li Ke.

"Ah, are you feeling shy?"

Looking at Li Ke, who was glowing with golden light, Elune chuckled.

"It's okay, I can just watch from the side. After all, it is little Tyrande's first time, and I want to cheer her up."

Elune smiled very pure and happily, as if she really regarded Tyrande as her own daughter.

But even if she really regarded her as her own daughter, this kind of behavior would be too much for a mother's girl, right?

Li Ke lay on Tyrande's body, really not knowing what to do.

Although his body is now shining with golden light, which is already very embarrassing, and Alexstrasza next to him is also quite embarrassing, but Alexstrasza and he play multiplayer poker together. times, and sometimes even playing with pagoda structures and other things with little female dragons like Onyxia...

But this...

"This is truly a great honor for me, the most glorious and noble day of my life."

Tyrande was extremely moved and took Elune's hand, her eyes filled with happy tears.

Your own god marries your own husband with you, and the person who becomes your husband is the one who saves your own race and leads this planet and this world to a more peak future.

How can such a thing be said to be unhappy? How can such a scene be said to be dishonorable?

"Yes, yes! Look, Li Ke! Tyrande is so happy, don't let it disappoint you!"

Elune nodded after hearing this, very happy.

Li Ke: “…………”

Even Li Ke, who is now in the mode of the emperor's battle body, really can't hold it back.

"You guys...forget it."

With a sigh, Li Ke went about his work.

But I have to say that Tyrande is indeed a very good woman. Although she is a 10,000-year-old virgin... girl, she is very decent and pleasant in terms of emotions and other aspects.

But unfortunately, Li Ke knew that this time it would not be an easy matter.

When Li Ke sent his genetic information into Tyrande's body, the moon god Elune kissed Tyrande's lips gently, and then pressed her hand on Tyrande's abdomen.

"I will bear this child with you, Tyrande..."

As her palms lit up with white light, Li Ke felt that in the void, the six forces of the force continued to converge towards Tyrande's body, and part of Elune was completely integrated into Tyrande. The body of virtue.

Therefore, it is actually difficult to say that this child is simply the child of Tyrande and Li Ke, but it should be said that he is the child of Tyrande, Li Ke, and Elune.

"I feel extremely honored for this ... both from you and from my husband."

Tyrande's hands caressed the cheeks of his two gods respectively, and his heart was full of satisfaction.

As long as this child can be born smoothly, she feels that even if she is killed by Li Ke later, her life will be extremely complete.

Li Ke watched all this, watched the six original forces enter Tyrande's body, watched her power and soul, which was close to that of a god, be temporarily upgraded to a level at this moment, and then finally the body began to have the ability to take over his After gaining the ability, Zi Si raised his hand and placed it on Elune's hand.

The power of Azerite was transferred in, and the power from Titan combined with the power of the six forces, and Elune's preference began to infuse the already merged source of life, making Li Ke's true role in this world His descendants were successfully promoted to gods.

A demigod who, even in his mother's womb, had power that surpassed his mother's and most inferior gods.

The reason why he is called a demigod is very simple.

He has no responsibilities or mission in this universe or this world. He is an accidental child with absolutely free personality and will. This world can only affect him, but not directly change him.

"I hope you can grow up happily, my son, and I will bless you forever."

Li Ke gave his blessing.

But he actually knew very well that his eldest son would not be able to live a happy life so easily. His life would definitely become very painful because of Tyrande's absolutely high-pressure education, and even the people around him would Intentionally or unintentionally, I want him to inherit his empire, inherit his responsibilities, and raise expectations for him.

But there is no way around it. The eldest son always has to bear more.

Whether it's happiness, expectations, or suffering.

But now, the name of the Night Elf's 'Eldest Son of God' will become even more resounding.

Because the night elves are indeed the first batch of beings to bear the blessings of Azeroth.

Although the trolls predate the night elves, they do not regard Azeroth as their life, nor do they think they have any obligations to this world. The gods they obey are the so-called Loa gods.

"The world will be filled with life because of his birth."

Li Ke raised his hand. The Azerite he gave was enough to ensure the growth of his eldest son and Tyrande's life.

After all, the Six Forces and Elune could not guarantee that Tyrande's life would not be absorbed when she was giving birth to this child because her child's life level was too high.

Even Elune, all she can do is bring Tyrande's soul to her own kingdom.

Li Ke would not allow such a thing.

After Li Ke finished all this, he let go of Tyrande's body, and Tyrande fell asleep amidst Elune's lullaby. Li Ke looked at this woman who was loved by the moonlight and the moon god, and did not choose to disturb her sweet dreams and sleep. Instead, he took Alexstrasza's hand and walked to another room.

After walking to another room, the golden light on Li Ke disappeared. Alexstrasza took a deep breath in surprise, making her already towering chest become even fuller.

She spoke excitedly, excited that she could get Li Ke's child instead of the emperor's child.

"Li Ke! You..."

But halfway through her excited words, she could still only see Li Ke's calm and calm eyes.

"Whether I want it or not, Alexstrasza, after you make that decision, I can only give you the Emperor's children... You should know this."

Li Ke's golden eyes made Alexstrasza realize that although she had restrained her divine light, what Li Ke could still give her was only the emperor, only the child of God, the kind who had to shoulder everything during pregnancy and continue to Children who work hard for the empire and this world.

Their words, deeds, and actions will affect the world and give birth to countless possibilities in this world.


She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch Li Ke's cheek. She was the person who could best understand Li Ke's helplessness. She knew that this incident was a huge blow to Li Ke, but she really didn't expect that Li Ke would ask for help for them. The Six Forces... no, I felt so angry because I chose to continue to rely on him and not walk on my own.

"There is no need to cry, Alexstrasza. This is my mistake in itself. I didn't teach you well before I thought you could walk freely. You no longer need to worry about all this... you just need to be a good mother to your children. "

Li Ke's voice was still calm, but it made Alexstrasza feel a warm feeling. She thought Li Ke had forgiven her, and threw herself into Li Ke's arms with tears in her eyes.

She rarely shows her faults.

Because she is the dragon mother who protects the dragon army. No matter what happens, she must be strong and do what a dragon mother should do. She must not be sad or despairing, but must always be extremely loving.

"Li Ke..."

In human form, she kept rubbing her neck against Li Ke's neck and rubbing Li Ke's cheek with her own cheek. These were some primitive ways of courting, and they were also her excitement and happiness at this moment. .

However, if she opened her eyes at this time, she would see that Li Ke's eyes were still so calm.

The six forces are gathering again, but there is no doubt that Alexstrasza's descendant will be born later than Tyrande's descendant, because he will continue to be in Alexstrasza's body as a dragon egg. It gestated in it until Alexstrasza's body could no longer bear it.

This is undoubtedly a very scary and painful thing, but even knowing how painful it will be, Alexstrasza is extremely happy.

Because she will have an extremely outstanding son of her lover.

Feeling the continuous influx of six original powers, Li Ke, who had Alexstrasza lying on his chest, showed a sarcastic smile.

He felt that the energy tide of the six forces in the universe had taken shape. They were already flowing towards Azeroth, and the energy tide they brought this time was even more terrifying.

And even the Six Forces themselves would be hard-pressed to stop such an energy tide.

At least not until I launch my own isolation network.

The next morning, Li Ke quickly issued numerous orders by checking the future.

Some of these orders are to face and respond to various natural disasters that will occur in the future, while others are to respond to and counteract some possible man-made disasters.

And at noon, he visited his wives again and once again allowed their children to be conceived in their bodies.

Not only that, Li Ke also used his own power to ensure the number of days and ensure that these children would appear according to their predetermined destiny.

After all, in this world, children born at certain times do have great power.

But he doesn't need to take action on this. The mothers of these children and the Six Forces will also promote this matter.

after all--

"Have you already decided how to divide my children?"

Sitting on his throne, Li Ke looked at the world in front of him and the six original forces that were constantly fighting in front of him.

In his eyes that see countless futures, except for the first son, the child named Ryan by Tyrande, the other children will have a light representing some kind of force, and Ryan spends most of his time. Is the moon god and the light of life.

However, Li Ke didn't care about this because he had already prepared everything.

"The heretics who have crossed the border..."

Li Ke raised his hand, and a ray of light suddenly rushed from Li Ke's throne to the sky while the people of the empire were panicking.

This light hit the shields made by the Titans. The shields composed of Azerite's power were slowly unfolding under the Titans' barrier. In the eyes of the civilians of the empire, they were Li Ke's Where the throne is, there is a golden light that continuously rushes into the sky and then spreads.

Li Ke looked at the isolation network above the sky with some confusion. Currently, this isolation network only covers his palace. It can isolate the six original forces from intrusion and prevent the six original forces from easily taking his children to other places. Go into the field.

And in the future, as he masters more Azerite power, this isolation network will become larger and larger, allowing more people of the empire to enjoy this benefit that they cannot understand. Even in the future, When they travel to other worlds, this isolation network can also protect their spirits, but at the cost-

After the isolation network was completely deployed, he could no longer move.

It's not that he can't use his power, but if nothing unexpected happens, he won't be able to leave the throne for at least a hundred years.

Whether it is gathering the power of the six forces and transmitting it to Azeroth, or creating this isolation network, after reaching a certain scale, he will be firmly locked on this throne. In addition to creating Azerite and Develop an isolated network and nothing else can be done.

And when can he leave?
do not know.

One hundred years is just the foundation.

Unless there is someone with similar power to him who can help, or Azeroth wakes up, he will have to sit on this throne forever.

Sounds scary.

But if it does not develop, his child's growing power will break through the protection of his isolation network and be taken away by the Six Forces.

Because letting his child be imprisoned in the palace forever is something that as a father he can never agree to.

Whether it is the empire or his children, he must give them a free future and the right to choose.

But before taking that step, he still has at most ten years of free movement. Of course, even if he sits on the throne, he can still handle political affairs, but he can't do anything to his enemies like he does now. .

This was one of the reasons why he was so anxious to leave heirs to those women.

Moreover, it is actually not that bad, because under the continuous power of Azerite, his own power is also growing rapidly, and it may not take that long to achieve the effect he wants.

However, if he wanted to accumulate enough will power to kill those six original forces, Li Ke didn't know how long he would have to accumulate it.

But the so-called hatred means that after nine generations, people still need to take revenge.

Otherwise, how can we call it 'revenge'?
"We will always have to settle accounts that cross the line."

Li Ke tightened his grip on the armrests of his throne and once again strengthened his determination.

(End of this chapter)

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