Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 806 Horus and Sanguinius

Chapter 806 Horus and Sanguinius
Horus's face was full of anger, and Li Ke also saw it.

Although he does not want to invade his child's privacy and create prejudice against his child because of his possible mistakes, in order to prevent his child from having some misunderstandings and extreme ideas, Li Ke still wants to use his divine vision to Look at Horus's mood.

It's just a mood, not an idea.

Then, he felt the overwhelming anger of his child, the anger towards his mother, the anger towards the world, and the anger towards the people of the empire.

He hurriedly reached out and stroked his child's head.

"Horus, you don't need to be angry. As my children, you are born to be excellent, so you cannot understand the 'stupidity' of other people. You must understand one thing. Not everyone is as smart and as you." Powerful, the gap between you is too big, but we are all human beings.”

Li Ke paused for a moment, then continued to speak.

"Whether it's an orc, an elf, a demon, or an alien, in my eyes, any intelligent life form that knows how to cooperate, how to support its parents, how to love and hate, and how to exercise control, is a human being."

Speaking of this, Li Ke was also a little helpless.

Because if he really wanted to be honest, the humans in Azeroth were not considered humans in his eyes, let alone other humans.

And because of the existence of magic, reproductive isolation is not so strict.

Therefore, we can only regard beings with sufficient sociality and intelligence as human beings.

"Horus, my son, in my opinion, what shackles them is their respective circumstances, knowledge, and ability to think, but apart from that, they also have what we have. They are different from you, You are born with power, knowledge, status and resources that are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even my thinking ability may not be stronger than yours..."

Li Ke paused for a moment, but he still felt the overwhelming anger of Horus.

"Horus, stupidity must be tolerated. You will meet many people who are not as good as you in your life, and what we have to learn is just to prevent stupidity from hurting each other, and how to reduce the probability of stupid things happening. And how to reduce and repair the harm caused by 'stupidity and ignorance' rather than simply making accusations."

Li Ke felt that it was difficult for a naturally excellent demigod like Horus to empathize with ordinary people, so he wanted to prevent his son from looking at ordinary people from a high position and making a ridiculous joke about not eating minced meat.

Horus lowered his head. He knew that his father had used the divine vision for him out of concern. Now his father could see whatever he was thinking.

So he didn't hide his dissatisfaction at all.

"But why! It was you who sacrificed for this! It was us!"

"Because I am their leader, Horus. When countless eyes see you and when the people you love also expect you to become a better person, you cannot refuse. What's more, this is actually An honor."

"Do you believe that?"

"At least they believe it."

"Is this love? A force that makes everyone willing to suffer?"

"It's not always like this, Horus, my son, you still have much to see and understand... Just wait two years. In two years you will understand everything. Just like your mother, In fact, she loves you very much, but she just doesn’t know what you like, and, she..."

Li Ke didn't know what to say for a moment, because this was a painful thing for Horus.

But Horus himself spoke out.

"She loves herself more, right?"

There was calm disgust and helplessness in his tone, but Li Ke could only shake his head.

"That's not the case, Horus, everyone loves only themselves, so sacrifice is a great thing. Even I love myself more, love everything I have built, and everything I have created. Everything, I love my children, guess, why don’t I call the kittens and puppies on the roadside my children? Of course you think it’s because you have my blood, my strength, and my love, And smarter and better than me.”

Patting his son on the shoulder, Li Ke rarely felt Horus' anger anymore, but he knew that the child had a prejudice against his mother after all.

"Your mother Onyxia is actually a very lovely person. It's just that her father prevented her from becoming a good person for a long time, so she became what she is now. And in her body, It is also the best proof that the Six Forces can distort the mind.”

Horus was silent. This time, Li Ke saw doubts in him. He hesitated before speaking.

"I want to meet my grandfather."

Horus paused for a moment before speaking.

"And my uncle."

Li Ke's hand paused, and then he remembered that Nefarian still owed him a sword that sealed the fire element lord, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Of course you can, but we have to wait until you are older, and I'm afraid only your mother can find them."

In fact, it was only a matter of a moment before he wanted to find Nefarian and Deathwing, but since his son wanted to find his grandfather, let him find it.

After all, when he grew up, Li Ke was able to accurately pass the isolation network to these children.

"By the way, get back what your uncle owes me."

He smiled and gave Horus something to distract his mind, and Horus asked in confusion.

"What is it?"

"A sword is my trophy. I originally wanted to use it as a sword, but your uncle never gave it to me."

Horus nodded, and he decided that even if he had to beat his uncle to tears, he would take back his father's sword.

At this time, in a distant dark place, a certain dragon had a cold war.

"Then father, I resign."

After confirming this matter, Horus planned to leave.

Li Ke nodded, said goodbye and continued to focus on his official documents, and Horus also left.

But after Horus left, Sanguinius came in with guilt on his face. After he came to Li Ke's side, he knelt directly on Li Ke's knees and supported himself with both hands. Father's knees, and then looked at Li Ke with a sad look.

"What's wrong? Sanguinius?"

Li Ke felt helpless and asked.

"I'm sorry, father, I failed to teach and supervise my brothers well. They... they like to have fun more than helping you." Sanguinius felt that his father was the greatest man in the world. He not only had to be busy Regarding the entire empire, they have to constantly comfort their mother and accompany them.

Such a large empire all relies on his father's life. Their happy life and the happy life of countless people also come from his father.

Moreover, he is also the person closest to him and whom he admires the most.

"Everyone has their own preferences, Sanguinius, just like your mothers also have their own preferences. It is normal for some of your brothers not to like official duties, and this is not a necessary obligation. , you don’t need to feel sad and blame yourself for this kind of thing.”

Sanguinius is a very responsible child, one of the most responsible children. Even Ryan can't compare with his sense of responsibility, because Ryan persists more because of his love for his parents, not because he likes it.

Sanguinius has both.

Although Sylvanas's chicken education is no less than that of Tyrande, Ryan has a hard time talking about it, but Sanguinius is very happy. The only trouble is that his brother Guilliman doesn't like it. However, his performance made his mother say that Guilliman could also do it, causing the relationship between his mother and his aunt to become very bad.

This is something he doesn't want to see. He also wants his brothers to help his father, but it's not in this way, but his mother...

"Yes, father..."

Sanguinius said no more, but Li Ke could tell that the child was still worried.

"Do what you love, Sanguinius. Make yourself happy. Don't let your life be lived solely for the sake of others."

Li Ke gently stroked the other person's head. Then, Li Ke stood up and hugged his child.

Sanguinius's emotions are more sensitive, so he needs to be treated with more warmth.


Being embraced by his father, Sanguinius felt extremely happy.

He became more determined with an idea.

That is to follow your father and protect everything your father created.

He can understand Li Ke's greatness and sacrifice, and he is proud of it, and is willing to help his father maintain the world and relieve his father's burden.

As long as he can help his father do this, then the problem won't be too big. His father will eventually be able to stand down from this throne one day.

But, what about my brothers?

When he thought of those brothers who were doing nothing, Sanguinius's heart was filled with resentment.

"As long as they are willing to help my father share some of the burden."

He let out a long sigh.

Li Ke could only pat his child's back again to comfort him.

However, Horus did not stop thinking when he walked out of the hall. He stood in the garden, looking at everything in the distance and the light screen floating in front of him.

This is a function that mobile phones do not have. These demigods are born to be able to manipulate the energy of everything they see at will. Although they cannot grasp it as soon as they see it like their father, they are already the ones in the whole world, except for Li Ke. The most powerful ability.

Even if ordinary representatives of the Force transfer their power to them, there will be no return.

Therefore, Horus can easily see through the magic circle in the mobile phone and construct some on his own.

It was said that the younger sisters Stellagosa gave birth to had more exaggerated magical abilities, but he didn't care about this because the power gained by those girls was not as powerful as the first batch of children born. Although it is still very powerful, it is still far behind.

He didn't know why before and thought it was his father who loved them more, but now he understands that it was all just a conspiracy.

"They took advantage of their father's love, whether it's the Six Forces or our mother, we are their best hostages!"

Realizing this, Horus clenched his fists. He saw more people cheering for Li Ke, but he also saw more desire, eager for his life to be better, eager for everything to be possible for him. better.

But they never thought about how many people would have to pay for their desires, how much work those public officials would have to do for them, and how much their father would have to pay for the welfare and integrity of these public officials. cost!
He saw the petitions of those orcs, and saw that these orcs wanted their father to form a war group for these dispensable people because of their welfare benefits and some ridiculous so-called glory of battle!

I even saw those people who enjoyed these wonderful things, but were greedy and said that Li Ke must be enjoying luxury!
"These damn guys..."

Horus felt that his brain was boiling. He could not tolerate the occurrence of these things. It was not that he did not understand and allow these people's demands, but they had to be reasonable, but what he saw was insatiable greed!
But just when he was going to the extreme, Li Ke's words appeared in his ears.

Those words that he was born with everything.

"No... maybe I should actually go among them and take a look."

Horus looked at his two useless dragon brothers. To be honest, he really wanted to kick each of these two brothers, because among all the brothers, these two were the most heartless!

I know silly music all day long.

But after all, they still remember to bring their dad any delicious and fun things they encounter, but from a side perspective...

"It's just a waste of father's time."

When he thought of those two guys disrespecting their father, playing clowns and all kinds of funny scenes in front of his father, Horus wanted to whip his two brothers.

"You really don't have any sense of responsibility!"

He narrowed his eyes angrily, but at this moment, Onyxia put her hand on her son's shoulder.

"You want to conquer your brother? It's very simple, my son, as long as you become good and powerful enough, you can conquer everyone and make everyone obey your orders and obey your ideas. That's what you think , right? My son, you think they are all mediocre and stupid, right?"

Onyxia began to bewitch her son again.

But this time, Horus smiled back at her.

"Yes, mother."

Horus smiled gently, making Onyxia ecstatic, but then Horus spoke in his heart.

"Including you."

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