Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 814: Demigod’s Play

Chapter 814: Demigod’s Play

In Azeroth, what kind of existence can be called a god?
In the past, many people did not have a definite concept, and they simply called those beings that would never truly die and had great power as gods.

Moreover, most gods do have a special place in this world and have an indelible influence on the world and nature.

But after entering the interstellar age, the concept of God has changed for the people of Azeroth, because with the help of Li Ke, lifespan and death are no longer a mystery. As long as you are willing to work for the empire, aging will almost never happen to you.

Of course, if you want to make yourself look more mature, there are corresponding spells.

This is especially true of death.

The Emperor himself is able to resurrect people, and the subsequent development of various resurrection spells has made death no longer so absolute.

Even if your soul is broken, as long as your heart remains in this world enough, you can be resurrected again without even losing your memories.

However, this technology is still very difficult and can easily lead to ethical issues, so it is still in the laboratory.

But as long as your soul has not suffered devastating damage, you will be able to be resurrected. Even if you cannot be resurrected, you can still live your life peacefully in the world of the dead and meet friends from other worlds.

Therefore, the definition of God has changed.


'A creature capable of destroying a planet'.

Only someone who can destroy a planet with his own strength and knowledge deserves to be called a god.

This is a very difficult task for any living being and is basically impossible to do. Even in the Burning Legion, only a few powerful demons can do this.

However, this number is constantly increasing throughout the universe.

The reason is very simple.

The intensity of the war increased.

With the development of the Empire's technology and magic, and the Burning Legion's overly powerful armed forces to fight against the Empire.

In the past, all kinds of weapons and experiments that even demons considered dangerous were constantly being carried out, and both sides also seized each other's weapons on the battlefield for analysis, in order to study and crack each other's various means.


In the past, Kil'jaeden needed the power of a planet to shatter it, but to do all this, the Holy Light required various magic arrays and enormous amounts of energy.

But in just ten short years, this will no longer be necessary.

He only needs to cast a specific spell and release the magic that has been continuously improved, and then he can use his body that has also been improved countless times to release attacks that are powerful enough to annihilate the stars!

Even now, if he uses various magic arrays to amplify his power, he can even annihilate stars!
However, because of this, the main battlefields of various battlefields became extremely chaotic, but large battles rarely occurred, because this was unacceptable to everyone.

So now the main force on the battlefield has become a fight between armored warriors, with both sides competing in energy reserves.

But although most of the soldiers in the original classical era were strong enough to serve as garrison officers of a village, or even be famous masters in the entire kingdom, gods are still rare. Even Varian can only act like a god 24 hours a day, ignoring most magic and physical damage, being able to take on more power armor activities, and gaining more powerful strength.

Only when wearing the medal made from the fragments of Li Ke's former armor can he show his divine side and unleash a devastating blow to the enemies of the empire when necessary.

But for these sons of the Emperor——

"What's wrong! Horus! Come on!" While the two men smashed the huge rock slab, both sides had deadly energy ready in their hands, causing the defense radar of the outer domain to beep wildly.

Two kinds of energy appeared in Ryan's hands at the same time.

One represents the natural force of life, and the other is the violent fel power, a power that if Tyrande saw would definitely make her let out a sharp roar, raise her own sword, and say, "Use this to chop off Illidan's head!"

However, this is not the limit, because the power of arcane and even death also appeared in Ryan's hands one after another, and the violent power continued to bloom.

"Aha! My brother, it seems that you are not honest either!"

Horus' hands were flashing with gold and darkness, green and purple light. The only difference between him and Lion was that he preferred to use holy light and shadow, the two most powerful powers of their father!

"Hahaha, do you think I'm just going to stay there? Teacher Illidan is unwilling to teach me fel energy, but they all underestimated me. What's more, Elune knows about this! And she even gave this move of mine a name!"

Ryan raised his hands above his head. This was just an appetizer for his brothers. Both of them were demigods and could absorb the surrounding power and turn it into their own power.

So if you want to gain a slight advantage—

The silver-white power gathered on Lion's body, forming a silver-white armor on his body. When Horus saw this, he narrowed his eyes.

In an instant, countless dragon scales and bone spikes appeared on his body, as if adding a set of armor to him.

His eyes began to emit golden light, and the terrifying power of the Dragon King began to bloom in his hands, forming golden energy.

But he suddenly separated the energies, and the golden light spread throughout his body like flowing water, and then quickly rushed towards his throat.

Yet even at this moment, Horus could still speak.

"what is that?!"

Ryan did not hesitate. When he saw the golden light of his brother gathering at his throat, the eldest son of God turned his palms.

"Its name is——"

The next moment, he pushed the silver-white ball of light towards Horus!

"——Elune's Exclamation!"

The silver-white sphere instantly turned into a pillar of light, and Horus also spewed out the flame from his mouth at this moment.

The next moment, the golden and silver-white light beams collided with each other. Under the huge energy impact, the violent shock wave instantly swept in all directions, and a land area about the size of Japan was completely shattered. The entire Draenor's fragile circulation circle also quickly began to change, causing several other relatively close floating plates to be directly shattered or blown into outer space.

However, the violent explosion and fierce energy storm did not cause any harm to the two demigods, but instead made them even more fanatical.

So the next moment, the two figures collided again!

And this time, it was the entire planet that was trembling.

Thus, in several of the most stable places in the outer domain, the muzzles of the guns on the kilometer-long warships were rapidly turning and aiming at the two princes of the empire.

I had a fever and took medicine but couldn't get up at all...

Very uncomfortable.

Today only 2k...

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