The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 10 10.1 The Tragedy Caused by a Cat

Chapter 10 10. The tragedy caused by a cat

"This coat is good for everything, it's just a little big and a little smelly."

Zombie Hagrid's body was burning like a bonfire. Mason unloaded his backpack and used it as a chair, and was doing first aid bandages for the kite man sitting cross-legged beside him.

He is still perfectly interpreting his "dumb character design", but the kite man who feels that he is already in the same group as Mason is complaining endlessly.

Mason gave him the spoils, and he was delighted.

But Mason gave him a blood-stained stinky suit, and he wasn't happy.


As the bandage in Mason's hand was tightened, the complaining kite man twitched suddenly, and the young man's eyes lit up another reminder that the first aid proficiency X5 brought about by the excellent craftsmanship and quick bandaging.

He nodded in satisfaction, wrapped the bandage into a bow, and signaled the kiteman to stretch out his badly bruised other arm.

The guy was actually pretty lucky.

He was asked by old K to be cannon fodder, but he was slapped away by the zombie Hagrid. With the sharpness of the zombie's mutated claws, as long as the claws cut this guy's skin, he should be cool by now.

Although I don't know if Old K has an antidote to the zombie virus.

But what is certain is that that insidious old guy will never give the precious antidote to a cannon fodder.

"Let's change it."

Although the kite man has no objection to the "new boss"'s taciturnity, he also has his own thoughts. Holding the smelly leather coat, he said to Mason:

"I'll trade this with you, I see you have a gun, uh, I mean, give me that knife too.

Look at how good this material is, it looks like real top fur, not my bragging, after the clown gang broke up, I worked odd jobs in Gotham's Wayne Mall for a while to earn rent.

I have worked hard on distinguishing fur, and I am absolutely professional.

Take this thing back and repair it, at least it can sell for hundreds of thousands. "

"Then why don't I give you 100 million, and you give me the clothes."

Old K's voice appeared beside the two of them like a ghost, but Mason was unmoved, while the kite man's whole body tensed up.

"Don't be nervous, my best scout, you will be the main force in the next job."

The cunning old guy showed a peaceful expression, and sat next to Mason and the kite man. While looking at Mason's skillful and precise first aid skills, he casually said to the kite man:

"Mason is so kind to his own people. He gave you such a good magic armor without blinking an eye. When I was a newcomer, my captain was not so kind to me.

At that time, even an ordinary magic arrow had to be desperately obtained. "

"Magic armor?"

The kite man blinked, looked at the stinky coat in his hand, and asked modestly:
"Is this thing powerful?"

"Well, it's quite powerful. As you saw just now, this coat can even withstand small-scale explosions at close range. Bullets of ordinary calibers can't penetrate its protection at all."

Old K is a knowledgeable person.

He stroked the black moleskin coat in the kiteman's hand and said:

"Even in the internal trading field of the Star Club, this kind of tough protective gear with magical effects is very popular with D-class personnel.

Of course, more senior members look down on it.

Don't look at me, Charles.

I'm a C-Class and I have better stuff that won't take your poor loot.I'm certainly not a nice guy, but I can be generous when necessary. "

As he spoke, Old K took down three slender bottles with blood-red liquid from his belt, and handed them to Mason. He looked at Mason and said:

"Exchange the knife you got to me. This thing is your compensation."

Mason stopped what he was doing and glanced at Old K in surprise. He hesitated for a moment, obviously thinking, and took the potion from Old K and rubbed it in his hand.

In the next moment, the character card gave an analysis:
"A high-level special alchemy compound has been detected. The item in the analysis is 'Swallow Potion'. After drinking it, the vitality will be restored immediately and all injuries not exceeding [serious injuries] will be healed within 5 minutes.

Alchemy skills knowledge is too low to analyze the complete formula, the 'Healing Potion·Basic' formula has been included. "

Looking at the three advanced potions in front of him, the expression on Mason's face was a little moved.

Under the expectant gaze of old K, Mason pulled out the giant-style hunting knife from his waist, and caressed its blade with reluctance.

This thing also has a special tag:
Hagrid's Skinning Knife
Quality: Fine Forged Items Outstanding Craftsmanship

Effect: Enchanted sharp, but poor balance and not good at melee combat.Giant Hunter-style knives are great for harvesting leather, and resource gathering speeds up considerably when equipped.

Producer: Friedoufa Heiger

Item description: When you hold it, you will miss the gentle strength of the giant mother when you smashed the head of the toothed bear.

WARNING: This item has been stained with the blood of Hagrid the Beastmaster and is dangerous to domesticated pets near Hagrid while holding it!

This knife is really nice.

This is the third excellent item that Mason got besides Penguin's armed umbrella and bat dart.

Although the label stated that it was "not good at melee combat", when Mason got it before, he held it in his hand and hacked a few times in the void, and found that the destructive power was not bad, and it was very easy to use.

The phenomenon of this conflict is actually very easy to understand. The so-called not good at melee combat is based on the giant's size.

This thing is like a table knife in the hands of a half-giant like Hagrid. It is definitely not suitable for melee combat, but for a standard-sized human, this thing is great.

With its sharpness, chopping off a zombie's head is as easy as mowing grass.
This old K is indeed a knowledgeable person.

His eyes were very poisonous, and he could tell at a glance that this knife was the most valuable trophy on the zombie, but he didn't ask for it immediately as the captain, but exchanged it afterwards.

This action itself represents the kindness that old K showed to Mason.

He has always said that he is picking his future players, and it seems that the mediocre Mason has already caught his eye.So the question now is, should I change it?

Mason stroked the knife in his hand, the white sharp blade reflected his black hair and yellow skin.

That somewhat immature face was full of hesitation.

But when he saw the prompt in the information tab of this knife again, the young man made up his mind.

Judging from the current situation, those "pets" raised by Hagrid might have also turned into zombies, perhaps wandering around the ruins of Hogwarts now.

Hagrid, the half-giant, called those things "pets."

But Mason, who has seen movies and novels, knows the true colors of those "little pets" that sound harmless to humans and animals. It is a terrible hidden danger to enter Hogwarts with this knife.

But it's perfect to use as a "trap".


The young man made a look of reluctance, sighed, and handed the knife to Old K with both hands.

This action was seen by the exploding girl and the Earl of Vertigo on the other side of the bonfire, and the fiery girl immediately spat to the side, cursing:

"Bah, you son of a bitch!"


Old K is also very satisfied with this result.

He generously put three high-grade potions into Mason's hands, stood up and threw a bottle of special liquid to the kiteman to signal him to pour the potion on his new coat.

Afterwards, Old K put Hagrid's hunting knife on the weapon slot on his back.

In this way, with the cool golden eagle one-handed sword he already had, he has two sharp weapons that can be used in close combat.

He didn't have to be so humble.

But helplessly, the last expedition suffered a lot of damage. As a dignified C-level personnel, he almost lost all his belongings, and now he can only start from scratch.

This hypocritical guy changed to the weapon he needed, and walked to the Bomber and the Earl of Vertigo with his hands behind his back smiling, sat beside them and had a friendly conversation, and took out the next level of potion as a gift to the two complainers Guy, explained to them how the potion works.

After seeing the tired Explosive Girl and the Earl of Vertigo drink the potion suspiciously, the smile on Old K's face became more gentle.

Your new team can't just have a backbone.
Useful cannon fodder is also needed.

"Oye, it doesn't stink anymore! It's just like new."

On Mason's side, the kiteman poured the potion given by Old K on Hagrid's fur coat, and a lot of foam emerged.

After the kite man struggled to shake up the half-giant-sized coat to shake off the foam, the originally extremely smelly coat became clean and clean as new.

Just as magical as magic.

It's a pity that the size of this coat is still for half-giants. Wearing it on the kite man is like a bear child stealing his father's windbreaker, without even showing his arms and legs.

Mason blinked, and he made a gesture to ask the kiteman to hand over the remaining liquid to him. He held it in his hand and glanced at it, and the information label quickly popped up:
Stark's Armor Cleanser

Quality: Standard Alchemy Item Standard Craft

Effect: Use the dry cleaning mode to quickly clean all external stains, and there are different fragrances to choose from, which is a must-have for home travel.

Item description: For superheroes and playboys, a perfect appearance is as important as a cool and powerful interior.

Status: Drawings have been included.


When Mason saw the name of this thing, his heart moved.

Is this "Stark" the one... Well, it seems that old K is not bragging, they are really powerful stars.

Thinking of this, Mason touched the three advanced healing potions on his belt, and touched the back of his neck. He wondered if the medicine was effective enough to save his life when he cut his spine to get the bomb?
Ugh, it takes 5 minutes for it to take effect.

Probably not.

To be on the safe side, he had to find a potion that could instantly heal the injury.

There should be something like this in Hogwarts College. Potions and alchemy in this world are very ancient.


More than 20 minutes later, while Mason, who was pretending to be a "dumb character", was silently completing the maintenance of his firearms, the low sound of the siren echoed on the magic platform. He got up and looked at the perennial fog outside the platform. , and soon saw a train that looked like a steam locomotive slowly driving through the fog.

Several other people also got up from their rest one after another, and old K was gearing up to fight with full armor.

But soon, everyone's expressions changed.

That train was attacked!
Although the front of the train was still intact, there were only two short train carriages that were supposed to be towed later.

And the last section was broken in the middle as if it exploded from the inside. While the train was moving forward, the broken wheels kept rubbing against the rails and sparkled dancing sparks.

That is to say, this thing is a magical creation, otherwise this situation would have been derailed long ago.

"Relax, there is no life activity inside."

Old K said something with a pipe in his mouth.

He seemed to have some kind of investigative ability. Mason, who had been observing him, saw the shape of old K's pupils change just now.

When the train slowly stopped at the platform, the captain, Old K, stretched out his hand and pushed the door of the train, but it didn't move. He frowned and took out some cracking tools and said to others:

"Stand back! There are wizards' enchantment magic in this carriage. It seems that some of them took refuge in this thing when the disaster happened.

A doomsday shelter, tsk tsk, how pathetic. "

A few minutes later, the magic barrier was broken, and the door of the carriage was kicked open by Old K.

He was the first to go up, and then everyone filed in. As soon as they entered the car, there was a bad smell that made everyone frown.

There were corpses and blood stains everywhere in this intact carriage, and those corpses were still wearing the robes of young wizards, and even some official wizards died tragically in the carriage.

But no one can say exactly what happened here.


The last kiteman who got on the car rushed down covering his mouth when he saw this scene, and the faces of the others were also ugly, except for Old K.

The old fellow grinned and said to the others:
"Get used to it as soon as possible, and you will see more exciting things in the future. Now clean up these corpses, there are exactly four compartments in this carriage.

I'll go to the front of the car to see what's going on, you can rest yourselves.

According to the forerunner's information, this car needs at least four hours of driving to reach Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "

After finishing speaking, old K quickly jumped onto the top of the carriage and walked towards the front of the train. Although the rest of the people were very unhappy, they still worked together to throw away the corpses for the next four hours of "travel experience" go out.

A few minutes later, the train restarted, and the compartments that had been tidied up were clearly separated. Bomber and Count Vertigo went to the compartment on the left, while Mason stayed in a compartment by himself.

But when the train left the platform, the kite man walked in embarrassingly holding his new overcoat and touching his head.

He looked unhappy and embarrassed and said to Mason who was loading bullets into the magazine:

"Those two guys were really excited to have a fight in the carriage. I really admire their mood."

Mason listened attentively.

Sure enough, a cat-like sound came from the rear of the carriage. It seemed that Bomber and the Earl were really under a lot of pressure, and they both needed to vent in this way.

Uh, it's also possible that people like this one in the first place?
Ghost, it's understandable.

He glanced at the familiar kite man who was lying on the sofa opposite him and was putting on his coat and preparing to sleep for a while. The latter noticed Mason's weird gaze, and heard Bomber's more and more unrestrained cries. .

This guy didn't know what he thought of, he covered his butt in an instant, shook his head frantically and said:
"Sorry, but me."


Mason raised his fingers and made a silent motion.

He heard the strange noise, and opened the sliding door of the box vigilantly. At this moment, a line of text jumped in front of his eyes:
"Enter a combat state."


With the fastest reaction speed in his life, the young man slammed the hatch that had just been opened shut.

Almost at the same time, with a shrill neigh, several claw marks appeared on the glass of the closed train cabin door, like a dagger leaving white marks on the glass.

And through the glass, Mason happened to see the figure of the attacker.

a cat.

It was a tiger cat that was a circle larger than normal, and its eyes that should have been dark green had turned into a more dangerous bright red, reflecting a touch of ominousness.

What's more, the cat's no longer smooth fur also has festering and shriveled scars.

It will be lying in front of the window of the car, staring at Mason who is grabbing the short-barreled blaster gun with its scarlet eyes, and its shaved tail is waving around in place, like a little tiger finding fresh food .

Mason was shocked when he saw the iconic square glasses stripes on the tabby cat's face.

Professor McGonagall?

How can this happen?
But before Mason took a closer look, the zombie tiger cat, which was blocked from the glass, heard more "lively" movements.

It disappeared before Mason's eyes with a whoosh, and rushed towards the compartment that kept making "weird noises" and the female screams became more and more intense.

"That pair of wild mandarin ducks is over!"

A thought appeared in the young man's mind, and the kite man behind him jumped up in fright.

"Then what the hell is that?"

"Shut up! Go find Old K! Hurry up! We have encountered a hidden Boss. If he comes later, everyone will die here!"

Mason's eyes fell on Hagrid's fur coat in the hands of the kiteman. Old K said that it was protected by magic and toughness. He snatched it up, put it on his body and rushed out of the cabin with a gun in hand.

Only the kite man holding the gun was left stunned.

"Ah, so you are not dumb?"

(End of this chapter)

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