The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 100 52. If you can't beat Batman, you come to block me with 3 dogs? --【3550】

Chapter 100 52. If you can't beat Batman, you come to block my three-headed dog? --【3550】

Mason arrived at the Leslie Clinic on time during working hours, changed into a nurse's gown, and started busy.

When Dr. Leslie arrived at the clinic belatedly, this industrious young intern had already helped more than a dozen patients complete simple debridement and suture operations.

He even used the spare operating room, and several senior nurses offered to serve as his assistants.

This scene left Dr. Leslie dumbfounded.

This young man she personally recruited to the clinic can bring her full surprises every time. Seeing Mason wearing a mask and holding a scalpel in the operating room, no one will know that he is a man unless he tells the details of this guy. A wild alchemist who doesn't even have a nursing certificate.

But even the harsh and serious Dr. Leslie had to admit that Mason was an absolute professional in his field.

Otherwise, there is no way to gain such a great reputation in one's own clinic in such a short period of time.

The group of nurses almost regarded this tall, handsome, and kind young man as a group favorite and idol.

"I don't think I'm going to use it anymore."

When Mason finished another emergency suture and walked out of the operating room, Dr. Leslie, who was wearing a doctor's uniform, held coffee and said quietly:

"Perhaps in a few months, I will be able to stay in the office and enjoy my life. Mason, if I remember correctly, you have already been fired by me!"

"Here it is, you'll pay one less salary."

Mason took off his mask and said with a hippie smile:
"But you can't stop me from wanting to serve those in need free of charge. This is what Batman taught me. I can use my own hands to make this city better because of me.

Besides, my first aid skills are getting better and better, so you can relax a bit.

Gordon has invited you three times in the past half month. Maybe you should take some time to reflect on and enjoy the wonderful feeling of love. I mean, you should at least give that infatuated old man a chance, right? "

"Shut up, you nasty bastard!"

The cold-faced doctor pushed his glasses angrily, and said to Mason:
"There are a lot of patients in the emergency room who were injured last night. You go to deal with the slightly injured patients. Let me come to the emergency room. Also! I want to taste Provence fish soup at noon."

"Roger that!"

Mason stood at attention and gave a military salute, strode out here and then turned back to the smiling Dr. Leslie and said:
"Doctor, if it's not troublesome, I'd like to borrow the clinic's pharmacology laboratory this afternoon. I have to make some medicines that require professional equipment.

I promise I won't break anything. "


A bunch of keys was thrown over, and Dr. Leslie said coldly:

"Those instruments were donated by the Wayne family. They are very expensive. If they are broken, you have to find a way to pay for them!"

Mason shrugged while clutching the key.

It's actually quite nice to have such a cold-faced and warm-hearted boss.

However, the phone call he received just now was a little uncomfortable. He didn't know when Talia al Ghul got his communication method, but there is no doubt that the leakage of this kind of private number is like telecom fraud. Just as hard to guard against.

"Mason, come quickly, a burn patient has been sent to the emergency department! We need your magical plaster."

Wendy, the little nurse at the front desk, ran over and shouted at Mason.

The evil alchemist's eyes light up. The burn ointment just made this morning has another tester, which is really great.

After brushing up his proficiency in first aid all morning, and using his Lv2 cooking skills to serve the doctors and nurses today's special Provence fish soup for the guests to enjoy, Mason came to the clinic during the lunch break Pharmacology lab on the fourth floor.

Generally, this kind of place is used for emergency testing of blood components of poisoned patients, but Dr. Leslie's clinic is backed by the Wayne family, a big financial backer, so the level of "luxury" of this laboratory is no less than that of Wayne Industries. Laboratory in the medical sector.

Basically, there are all medical instruments that can be found on the market here, and there are three high-speed centrifuges for liquid layering alone.

Mason rubbed his hands together, locked the door, opened the window, and dialed a number.

A few minutes later, the kiteman appeared dangling in the sky with his kite and landed on the balcony on the fourth floor, and handed a black suitcase to Mason through the window.

他 说:

"It's really not easy to get these things. The old man in the bar shop has a really bad attitude! If I hadn't reported your name, he would almost have kicked me out."

"That's a small shop that specializes in providing services for spell casters, and doesn't accept ordinary people."

Mason opened the suitcase and took a look at the various raw materials in it. He nodded and said to the kite man outside the window:
"Go to Wayne Manor, ask Selena to get the invisibility cloak, and wait at Crime Lane tonight. I received news that a dangerous guy is planning to attack me."

"It's really a bear's heart and a leopard's guts! Is there anyone in Gotham who dares to provoke us?"

The kite man suddenly became angry, and he said:

"I'll go over there to arrange it now, and blow up that blind bastard tonight!"

"Be careful, don't be followed."

Mason reminds:
"That guy is really dangerous, let John make some tie pins for you next time, now that we have provoked more and more people, it is really a headache.

Are the vaccines ready? "

"Don't worry, boss."

The kiteman reached out and pulled his V-shaped mask off, saying:

"I rented a dedicated cold storage to store them, and there are only two days left before the 'delivery time' we agreed with the group of pirates, we have to hurry up, and John still won't go this time?"

"He wants to hide from the Stars Club, it's better not to appear here for the time being."

Mason checked the time and gestured to the kite man.

The latter nodded and turned over and fell down to the fourth floor, then glided quickly and disappeared into the gloomy sky of Gotham after the kite opened.

The young man closed the windows, processed the various materials brought by the kiteman, and then used modern technology for the first time to complete their fusion and further production.

The reason why he didn't use alchemy was because the two things he was going to do today were quite unique.

Scarecrow's fear gas and Joker's neurotoxin.

These two things have already obtained complete formulas in Mason's alchemy branch. Mason planned to try it again in a few days, but Talia reminded him of the scarlet knight's attack for some unknown purpose.

So Mason decided to temporarily enhance his equipment.

The difficulty with something like fear gas is that it requires specialized equipment to make.

Compared with alchemy potions, it doesn't have much to test one's skills. It is made according to the standard process of modern industry, as long as the materials are good enough, it will definitely be good.

Clown toxin is a bit more complicated.

But the instruments in Dr. Leslie's clinic are enough to make it.

However, after the alchemy skill reached Lv4, Mason also got "improvement suggestions" about them when he unlocked the formulas of these two things.

Obviously, in the evaluation of character cards, these two things belong to the category of "not perfect".

Mason used enchanting techniques to process all kinds of materials that can be enchanted, so as to improve the quality of the finished product. He has developed this habit. In every attempt of alchemy, he will enchant the raw materials in advance This made Mason's enchanting skills almost rocket-like during this period of time.

It finally came to fruition today!
"Complete an excellent craft and raw material temporary enchanting process, the enchanting skill proficiency is increased by X5, and it is currently Lv1. The basic battle enchanting blueprint is unlocked."


Mason whistled.

An hour and a half later, with the liquid vaporizer turned off, Mason had the finished product in a small silver-gray canister the size of a fist.

He put this thing in front of his eyes, and the information label popped up quickly:

Scarecrow's Fear Gas
Quality: Excellent Alchemy Item · Excellent Craft
Item effect: Release poisonous gas to stimulate the brain secretion of surrounding life, making them enter the state of [fear] and [illusion clusters]. The duration of this effect is related to the willpower of the target.

Can cause irreversible damage to the target's mind when used in large quantities.

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: A good companion for haunted house play, couple entertainment and watching horror movies.

Successfully complete an excellent craft and excellent quality alchemical compound production, and the proficiency of alchemy skills will increase by X10.

Mason shook the air tank in his hand twice, then took out the penguin umbrella and put it into the delicate mechanical box inside the umbrella.

This umbrella was badly damaged before.

Now, in Mason's transformation and restoration, most of the functions have finally been restored. Even the bulletproof umbrella surface has been remade with Batman's polymer cloak material.

Mason planned to take the time before leaving get off work to replace the handle of the umbrella with Maxi Zeus' lightning scepter. In this way, the umbrella lost its shooting function but gained the effect of throwing high-voltage current.

The penguins who are already in the kingdom of heaven will probably be very pleased to see their ingenious work transformed into this "deadly weapon" by Mason, a Lv3 engineer, right?
As for why Mason must keep this umbrella, the reason is also very simple.

Although he now has a variety of deadly weapons to choose from, he can't patrol the streets with a critical shotgun on his back when he shows up as an ordinary person, right?

There must always be a weapon that can be used in "regular form".

Before the break time was over, Mason made five canisters of fear gas to keep in his luggage, and another bottle of clown poison.

This thing is indeed something that Zhou Ke'er uses to harm people.

When it is extracted into a liquid, its color is an ominous dark green-black color, and it is full of poison at first glance.

clown toxin
Quality: Excellent Alchemy Item · Excellent Quality
Item effect: Depending on the dose used, it can cause five different effects: [Trance], [Fear and Confusion], [Irritability and Madness], [Sick Madness], and [Deadly Smile]. This item is extremely toxic and can be cured when used in a small amount Inflicts irreversible mental damage to the target.

This item can be spread on a large scale by heating and vaporizing.

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item Description: It's sweet, like the messy delicacy you get when you decide to throw your sanity away after a bad day.

Successfully complete an excellent craftsmanship and excellent quality alchemical compound production, and the proficiency of alchemy skills will increase by X20.

"This thing can be regarded as a new hole card. If you encounter trouble, you can throw it out. You don't even need to clean up the battlefield. It's clean and hygienic."

Mason carefully put the dark green liquid into his bag, cleaned up the laboratory and returned to work.

He had a very fulfilling life today, thanks to the League of Assassins making a big fuss in Gotham City, Mason predicted that the clinic would be very "lively" in the next few days.

Before leaving get off work, he used magic fire and engineering skills to polish and assemble Maxi Zeus's lightning scepter, and then replaced it with the penguin umbrella. In this way, Mason's washing and modification of this umbrella was basically completed.

It is still a fine-quality creation, but the craftsmanship has moved into the category of outstanding craftsmanship.

In the next step, Mason plans to thoroughly understand the blueprint of Mr. Freeze's freezing gun, and then add the freezing function to the umbrella. As for the flamethrower, it can be removed.

Mason can completely replace the flame-throwing device with an alchemy bomb, which is also the in-depth research he plans to conduct in the next stage in the fusion of engineering and alchemy.

In the evening, Mason, who had changed back into a gray windbreaker, walked out of the clinic with a suitcase and a black umbrella with a golden handle.

It started to rain again in this damn weather. Fortunately, Mason opened an umbrella and was very gentlemanly, sent the little nurse Wendy to the opposite side of the street, let her take a taxi and left, and then walked towards the direction of Crime Alley.

By the way, that cute little nurse seems to always take the initiative to talk to him recently
It doesn't look good like this.

As a guy who looks 17 years old but has a soul in his 30s, Mason is no longer as keen on emotional matters as young people are.

Even though his healthy body tells him he needs it every day.

But his soul was saying no!

"A good girl should be matched with a really good man. Forget about me, who is full of secrets and unlucky and keeps getting into gangster organizations by mistake."

Mason walked into the dead and dark crime alley under the rain, holding a bag of garbage in his hand as if he was about to throw it into the trash can.

Ten seconds later, when Mason turned around, at the entrance of the crime alley in front of him, under the increasingly heavy rain, a guy in a homeless cloak had already blocked there.

Quietly, like a ghost.

There are two black pistols in his waist, and the undisguised thin cheeks under the rain are somewhat similar to Mason under the umbrella.

"Jason Todd."

The young man looked at the uninvited guest and said in a low voice:
"There shouldn't be any personal grievances between us? You didn't go to Wayne Manor to trouble Bruce, why did you block me here? You hate those young people who stole your Robin status, but I rejected Bruce's solicitation .

I have no interest in being Robin. "

"You killed the clown."

Jason held the gun at his waist with his hand, and said coldly:
"That's my prey!"

"Oh, it's not reasonable to talk to you young people with serious family problems!"

Mason complained:
"I always like to force the people I care about to make some stupid choices to prove your status in their hearts, but you, who are young and impulsive, can't understand that every time you persecute, you are pushing them away from you.

Like a flying knife pierced in the heart, cracks abound.

Oh, right.

I have one more thing to ask you. "

The young man coughed, put away his umbrella, and let the cold raindrops hit his black hair. He looked at Jason, moved his fingers, and his tone became cold.

他 说:

"Are you using Barbara on purpose? Or is it just an accident that she was taken back to the base by Grayson?"

"Does that make any difference?"

Jason drew two pistols and strode towards Mason.

He asked in the rain.

Mason shrugged and clasped the mechanism of the umbrella handle with his fingers, and replied in a gentle tone:
"Of course there is a difference, and it's very different. This answer will directly determine whether you are dragged out of this alley lying down? Or are you shoveled out with a shovel.
So, answer seriously, Jason Todd. "

(End of this chapter)

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