The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 113 65. Did Old K's partner kill him? --【4850】

Chapter 113 65. Did Old K's partner kill him? ——[4850]

Facing Edward Teague's invitation, Mason got up and went to the appointment without any hesitation.

Because of the fierce quarrel among the Pirate Kings, no one noticed this detail, and as Mason pushed through the crowd and reached the edge of the tavern where Old Teague was, all the noise around him seemed to quiet down for a moment.

Only a few steps away, but as distinct as two worlds.

This made Mason's evaluation of the strength of the old pirate who looked like five or sixty years old immediately improved. Perhaps, as Jack said, his father was no longer a "mortal".

"Sit, young man."

Old Teague is very easy-going, without any pretensions of the guardian of the pirate code.

He even poured Mason a glass of rum himself.

But Mason kept Jack's advice in mind and didn't touch the cup at all.

This move was noticed by the old pirate in front of him. He shrugged, plucked his own pirate dreadlocks that were almost identical to his son's, embellished with many strange decorations, and said:
"Did Jack tell you all these nonsense dos and don'ts? Well, I should have thrown that little bastard in the sea and drowned him when he was born in my boat!
He has been tirelessly discrediting my reputation all these years.

Well, although the legends about me and my era in this sea have already come to an end. "


Mason smiled and did not respond to this sentence.

He looked at the handsome old pirate in front of him.

He is obviously no longer young, his face is full of wrinkles and age spots, and the same sloppy pirate costume looks tasteless and rude on other people, but he perfectly formed a rather wonderful "chemistry" with the old man in front of him. reaction".

It's as if the classic outfit of pirates was born for this mysterious man.

Full of a strange sense of coordination.

"What else did he say?"

Edward Teague took a sip from his glass and asked with a smile.

Mason did not hide, and replied:

"He said that you will definitely live longer and smarter than him. He also said that you may have died more than ten years ago, and what exists now is just a ghost who is unwilling to leave the sea."

"That kid is not bad, he actually guessed the truth, he is worthy of my seed."

The old pirate laughed and patted the table, and said to Mason under Mason's surprised gaze:
"On a stormy night 27 years ago, my beloved Bard and I sank at the docks of Pirate Utopia in Madagascar.

If you go there now, you can still find my bones among the treasure piles under the sea.

I do die.

Got the ending that a pirate deserves.

Betrayed by my brother Avery for power and wealth, poisoned, pierced through the heart and thrown overboard in the city of the pirate kingdom we founded together.

But as you can see.

I am not completely dead.

A code of piracy that I despised protected me and my ship while I was alive. "

He stretched out his hand and patted the huge and dilapidated tome that was half a person's height beside him, and said amidst the dust:
"The description you just made about the sea goddess Cory Busso is really wonderful. Countless travelers on the sea imagined a moody god to protect them, so Cory Busso was born in the waves of the sea.

me too.

Countless pirates still bear in mind the existence and majesty of the Pirate Code, so as the guardian of the Code, I am able to linger in my soul after death.

In addition, I am really good at some voodoo magic, all of which make up this undead ghost that exists in front of your eyes now. "

"God of Pirates?"

Mason frowned and said:
"Because of the gathering of beliefs, the promotion of the soul has been completed?"

"No, no, I'm still far from that level. I'm just a pitiful manifestation of supernatural power in this afterglow era, an old man who can't even guarantee his own existence."

Old Teague waved his hand and explained:

"But it is also because of this that I escaped those dangerous gazes. Mason Cooper, let me ask you, did old K die in your hands?"


Mason's eyes narrowed immediately at his question.

After a few seconds of silence, Mason said:

"Lord Edward"

"Call me Teague."

The old pirate said softly:

"As my son's future superior, you have the right to call me by my first name. Old K also called me that. As you can see, he doesn't only have Blackbeard Tiki as a partner in this world.

In fact, compared to his mutual use with Tiqi, I may be his real friend in this world.

After all they thought I was a unique enough soul to work with, so they gave me this. "

As he spoke, old Edward Teague flicked his fingers.

A thing Mason was very familiar with appeared in his hand, it was an old Gwent card with the image of a pirate on it, and there was a hidden character in the corner of the card.

Black J.

Mason took a deep breath when he saw this thing, and he also took out old K's Yennefer's Gwent card from his luggage, and showed old Teague the black K characters.

It's like an underground worker in a joint.

Mason has not forgotten what Old K said to him before he died, some people will appear in front of him one day, and Mason needs to join them and help them.

Perhaps this is the "joint code"?
"So, what kind of organization is this?"

Mason said suspiciously:

"Since you have this card, you must know the existence of the Stars Club, and you are also a member of that organization?"

"We'll talk about that later."

Old Teague shook his head and asked again:

"Tell me first, did you kill old K?"


Mason nodded and said:
"I'm curious how you found out?"

"Because of the breath. Old K left some breath on you, but it's not for harming you, it's just a 'mark'."

The old pirate explained:

"Don't worry, I won't retaliate against you for this. In fact, when Old K contacted me, he told me that he would die one day, but his position will always be taken over by someone.

But Mason, if I can detect the aura left by old K, then those who are stronger than me can also find it. I really hope that you will not have contact with the high-level members of the Stars Club after the death of old K.
Well, look at your drastically changed face.

This heavy expression is really unique.

I take it, you've already met them? "


Mason nodded with a heavy heart.

After Old Teague's reminder, he has already confirmed that that guy may have known the truth about Old K's death when he first contacted Mr. Hunter.

"But you are still alive, and you seem to be living well."

The old pirate took a sip of his wine and said:
"So no matter why the other party didn't execute you, it means that you will not be in danger for the time being, at least you are safe until the other party achieves their goals."

"There is another possibility!"

Mason raised his head, squinted his eyes and said:
"Maybe that high-ranking guy who has been pretending to know nothing in front of me is also a member of your small group. Do you know anyone else who holds this card?"

"I've been living on this sea all my life, trapped in this rather narrow world in the words of Old K, Mason."

Old Teague sighed and said:

"I haven't been able to leave my world yet, you are the second outsider I've seen, where can I get to know other people in this 'Gent Society'?

But I did have conversations with them through some device I couldn't understand, and they told me that after my world was 'free', I would be 'free' too.

Those guys always speak in this tone, and they refuse to disclose any valuable information. It can be seen that they are very cautious in hiding themselves.

So, I know as much about them as you do.

But now that these things are confirmed and you are the new old K, then some things left by your "predecessor" can be given to you. "

He took out a round golden sphere from the pirate pocket he was carrying and handed it to Mason.

"It was brought out by old K from another world. He almost died and even lost his own team to get it. He came to my hiding place covered in blood that night and I was shocked.

He said he failed to complete the task.

He stored this thing with me and planned to go to that dangerous world to try later, but he has no chance. This may be a task he left for you. "

Mason reached out to take the golden dim ball. He noticed that there were many strange lines on the ball, and when he held it in his hand, a label popped out:

Odin's Golden Apple
Quality: Legendary Engineering/Forged Items Perfect Craftsmanship

Status: Data Sealed
Item Effect: Unknown

Creator: Isu Odin

Item description: Its maker is not the Odin you know, but its power level is actually similar.

Tip: This item is a creation of unknown technology, and you can try to analyze it when your engineering skills reach Lv8.


Mason blinked. This special term allowed him to determine where the golden apple came from.It's from the same world as Sujay's Eagle!
It seems that there is something hidden about the destruction of old K's last team.

After being silent for nearly half a minute, Mason put away the golden apple in his hand and looked at the old Teague in front of him. He said:

"Tell me more, just a little bit."

"Well, I just know that their organization relies on this unique Gwent card to represent their identities, there is no major event and no connection between them, each has its own work and mission.

But there is a leader named 'Old A'.

And their members are scattered in different worlds like you and me. "

The old pirate stroked the skull ring on his finger, and said softly:

"This organization is rooted in the Society of Stars and is expanding secretly by relying on the ability of the Society of Stars to travel through the world. Old K didn't tell me what their ultimate goal is to do.

Even I suspect he may not be quite himself.

But one thing is certain.

They hide in the deeper shadow of the Star Society, and use the door to travel through the world to constantly look for like-minded people with special abilities.

They are looking for allies to strengthen themselves and prepare for a war that will eventually come.

They are hostile to the Order of the Stars, seeing them as an enemy that must be defeated. "

"Because of this, you joined his small organization?"

Mason asked.

The old pirate glanced at him and said:
"Isn't that enough? My world is doomed, Mason, and all I, a ghost about to lose, can do is lose my temper with the one who started it all."

"It's 'Doomed to Perish' again!"

The young man frowned and said:
"Will Turner is also such a riddle man, who keeps emphasizing that the end is inevitable, but doesn't tell me any valuable information.

Now you are too.

I don't think you can resist. I have seen the end in another world. To be honest, I think there are still many things you can do now.

Why must we be so pessimistic? "

Faced with Mason's questioning, the old Edward Teague didn't answer immediately. He silently drank a large glass of rum in the light of the burning fireplace next to him, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said in a low voice:
"I haven't seen the end, Mason, but I believe that the kind of disaster described by old K will not let us go, and I am also waiting for that day to come.

Also, I really appreciate everything you've done for us, Mason.

I can see that you really want to save the world from the worst.

That alone is enough to make me trust you.

But you just said that the young man Will Turner also sensed the changes after a month?Well, it looks like I can find some more like-minded guys before 'freedom'. "

After finishing speaking, the old pirate stood up and dropped a few coins to pay for the drink. Behind him, four voodoo zombies appeared from the shadows and helped him lift the heavy pirate code.

Edward Teague picked up his gorgeous pirate hat decorated with some kind of bird feathers from the chair and put it on his head, then picked up his pirate sword, and said to Mason sitting on the chair:
"Don't come to me again, Mason no, old K, we will meet in another world one day, remember to play it by ear.

And the high-level executive of the Stars Club you mentioned didn't execute you but cultivated you, if you really suspect that he is also a member of us.

Maybe you can try to test him out.

But if he's not willing to come forward and identify himself, then you have to tread carefully.

Do you know what I mean? "

After finishing speaking, the well-mannered old pirate stretched out two fingers to touch his forehead, then shook it in Mason's direction, and said:
"Goodbye, old K."

"Goodbye, old J."

Although Mason was full of doubts.

But also politely got up and bid farewell to the old Teague with the code name.

The mysterious Guardian of the Codex is obviously not as ordinary as he modestly said.

Under Mason's gaze, old Edward Teague and his zombie entourage swaggered away from the tavern carrying the heavy Codex.

No one noticed his whereabouts, as if he didn't exist at all.

Mason shook his head and planned to return to the still noisy meeting of the Pirate King, but before he left, he found something left on Old Teague's chair.

It was like a gift for him.

That's a gun.

A dainty, fussy, outdated flintlock pistol with some kind of bone adorning the handle but overall looking like a work of art.

Mason picked it up and found that it was as heavy as a warhammer of the same size, but the whole body was black with brass barrels and silver flint lighters.

It's so beautiful that you can't fight with it at all.

He put the gun in front of his eyes for a closer look, and the information label popped up:

Old Teague's Cigarette Lighter

Quality: Epic Alchemy/Inscription/Enchanted Item·Perfect Craft
Item effect:

Aim at the enemy and pull the trigger to cause a small amount of damage, and then summon the phantom of the old Edward Teague's ghost battleship "The Bard" at the point where the ghost projectile lands to impact the enemy, causing [Freeze stun] and [Spirit shock] effects.

Ghost projectiles need to be reloaded 24 hours after being consumed. When in the sea, the destructive power of this effect is increased, and the cooldown time is shortened.

Producer: Edward Teague

Item Description: Don't expect it to kill, man, it's just a flare gun as you can see.

"Jack's father is really generous!"

Mason inserted the "gun of kindness" that couldn't kill anyone into the weapon slot on the waist of the battle suit, and sighed:

"Maybe this is him implying that I want to treat his son better? It can also be regarded as the 'rent' paid in advance by the father who has worked hard for the son to help the son of the bastard who can't adjust.

Poor parents in the world. "

A few minutes later, the young man returned to his chair full of questions and gifts from old Teague.

The quarrel between the Pirate Kings continues.

They have already determined by lottery that the unlucky Barbosa will contact the Sea Goddess Cory Busso, and several other pirates and the Royal Fleet ship will sail together to find the Sea God Trident.

And what they are now discussing is how to divide the power of the new world that will be built on the ruins of the old world.

They have ambitious plans to rebuild civilization.

However, in Mason's eyes at this moment, all of this seemed so funny, just like the squirrels on a big tree that was about to fall were vying for the pine cones on the treetop.

They don't know that the disaster of the end is just around the corner, and the black death and ghouls are just a preview before the disaster.

"Am I doing useless work?"

In the noisy tavern, Mason asked himself so quietly.

After a few seconds, he looked out the window at the people gathered around the tavern.

He still remembered how drunk these guys were when he arrived, but now everyone seems to have regained the motivation to live.

Mason smiled.

He stroked the exquisite flintlock gun at his waist, thinking in his heart:
"No! Giving up is not a choice I would make. Doomsday? Then let me lift your veil and appreciate the honor."

(End of this chapter)

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