The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 119 2. Unlucky, I knew it was rotten in the ruins! -【110】

Chapter 119 2. Unlucky, I knew it was rotten in the ruins! -【110】

The Forbidden Forest is always quiet at night, but tonight is an exception.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, the pirates who went out to "hunt" finally returned with their "prey".

The kiteman's team of pirates was very sleepy, not only from the pressure brought about by the fierce battle, but also from the natural exhaustion caused after the strengthening effect of the potion faded.

A group of people headed by first officer Gibbs fell asleep as soon as they returned to the temporary camp, and within a few minutes the floor was full of snoring.

But the team of pirates led by Jack was more mentally numb and stressed.

They all wore all kinds of armor, not only hurting their hearts, but the "excitement" brought by the close hand-to-hand combat with the dangerous ghoul centaur made these guys who are used to fighting with the wind very tired.

Of course, with the blessing of Mason's good weapons, strengthening potions and excellent armor, the final result is very good.

After annihilating three centaur tribes in succession and a group of zombie werewolf "robbers" strolling around in the middle of the night, only a few idiots were injured.

Although no one died, everyone complained about the operation.

But Lord Mason has no time to answer the complaints of a group of pirates.

A big man like him is always busy.

This club has just completed the initial processing of the Green Goblin potion, and while waiting for some of the medicinal ingredients to be filtered by the centrifuge, they looked at the "action report" brought back by the Kite Man and Jack.

"The effect of No. [-] and No. [-] boosters is very good, and we can further in-depth research. Will No. [-] and No. [-] actually cause acute dysentery and malignant skin diseases?
Then these two formulas can be discarded. "

Mason looked at the actual combat effects of the four drugs with satisfaction, then picked up Jack's report and screened out three excellent magic ore smelting formulas.

Then he looked at the two players in front of him, thought for a moment and said to them:
"Select ten outstanding people to bring back to Gotham, Jack will lead them to familiarize themselves with the environment as soon as possible, and Charles will arrange a new identity and residence for them.

Try to choose near Glacier Avenue.

Crime Lane is also fine, the houses there are very cheap and the environment is mixed, which is very suitable for them to live in. "

"Okay, boss."

The kiteman nodded, and Captain Jack heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, he had promised his crew that he would take them away. Pirates can be despicable to outsiders, but they must be fair and just to their own people, otherwise the captain's prestige will be disgraced quickly.

"Aren't you going back with us?"

Seeing that Mason was still planning to leave, Jack, who took a small flagon and moistened his mouth, asked.

Mason shook his head and said:
"I still have some personal business to do, you guys go back first, I will be back in the early morning. You'd better leave someone here to take care of your crew, Jack.

Don't let them run around, it's for their protection.

There are more than centaurs and werewolves in this forest.

If we lure the trolls and giants from the depths of the woods, or provoke the horde of acromantids that have turned into zombies, we will all die here. "

"I know."

Jack waved his hand and said:

"Gibbs will stay here, as long as there is enough good wine, my first mate is the most reliable."

After his team members left, Mason stood up and glanced at the running time of the centrifuge, then walked out of the magic apartment to the large flat ground behind the house.

The corpses of centaurs and werewolves dragged back by the pirates were piled up here, and these were selected and fairly complete trophies.

Mason picked left and right, then rolled up his sleeves and took out Hagrid's hunting knife.

He planned to take the opportunity to practice the peeling and harvesting technique, and then he would not have enough raw materials for the tailoring and branching skills.

The Caribbean world has contributed a lot of magic and voodoo threads, but the magic leather is very rare, but the Forbidden Forest is rich in such things, which complement each other.


The sharp hunting knife pierced the abdomen of the huge zombie centaur chief in front of him, cutting along the central axis.

This Giant Hunting Knife, which Hagrid had already used for skinning, could speed up the gathering speed, allowing Mason to quickly peel off a fairly good piece of leather.

"Successfully complete a fast · excellent craft · special xenobiotic skinning, and the proficiency of the harvesting branch is increased by X20."

Familiar hints jumped in front of his eyes, Mason moved his hands wearing butcher gloves and apron, and walked towards the next "victim".

Most of these zombified creatures have festered and dehydrated skin, resulting in the quality of the leather generally being between standard and mediocre, and even very few of excellent quality.

But Mason wasn't disappointed either.

Anyway, it's just practice, and the finished product is not for him to wear, so it's not a big problem if it's ugly.

After tanning the leather with some alchemical mixture and telling the pirates to hang them up to dry, Mason returned to the apartment for a second treatment of the raw materials for the Green Goblin Potion.

Finally, two hours before dawn, Mason sighed and sat in front of the sewing machine that had disappointed him many times before.

Now the backbone of the servant army is being built. As a responsible captain and leader, Mason decided to make some simple magic bags for his servant army.

The internal space does not need to be too large, but it must also be able to accommodate the weapons and ammunition required for the operation.

It just so happens that in Hogwarts' magical knowledge, there are blueprints for making this kind of magic packet that does not require the traceless extension spell, but can be made with some simple alchemy enchantments.


The sound of the young man stepping on the sewing machine came from the basement of the magic apartment, and the crisp echoes were somewhat sad with tears behind bars.

The low-level magic thread is wound and nailed into the enchanted and cut soft leather, and it only takes a few minutes to sew the prototype of a small bag.

Then use the inscription technique to finish it with special materials, and a magic small bag with an inner space of 5X5X5 is completed.

This thing can hold very little.

Moreover, it may be damaged in a violent collision, which belongs to the "low-quality reduced beggar's version" finished product in the category of magic luggage.

Any aspiring spellcasters and magic tailors would be ashamed of this.

But Mason has never cared about these.

He only pays attention to the improvement of tailoring skills that each low-quality small bag can bring to himself. When making No. 30 low-quality small bags, Mason finally jumped out of his eyes.

Tailoring branch skill is currently Lv1.

Unlock the manufacturing talent [manual repair], unlock the first aid talent [quick stitching]

Unlock character traits [Saved Tailor: Double the proficiency when using materials lower than excellent quality for tailoring work. 】

"It's done."

Mason stopped stepping on the sewing machine immediately after he saw that the tailoring skills were formally introduced. He moved his hands and glanced at the darkest sky outside the window. It was about ten minutes before dawn.

That should be enough for him to get through the next thing.

The young man drank himself a refreshing drink to refresh himself, and then took out the tattered remains of the school cap that was still stained with Miss McGonagall's hair from the bag.

He took the dilapidated thing to wash first, and then selected from his luggage the gray magic silk thread that was closest to the original material and color, as well as a long alchemy transformation. sewing needles.

Don't underestimate this golden sewing needle!
In order to complete the stitching of the school hat, Mason specially enchanted it with a [Sharp] effect. This thing is already in the category of magic weapons.

Give it to an invincible lady from the east, she can use this thing to kill a whole city.

"Threading a needle."

Mason complained.

He began to twist the orchid finger and inserted the gray magic thread into the pinhole clumsily, then picked up the torn and disfigured branch school cap and began to sew.

He hadn't planned to sew the thing up so quickly.

It was because he was reminded by the other party when chatting with Zhakang before, saying that this hat had established some mysterious connection with him, which made Mason fall in love with him.

He still remembers the "magic rap" he'd had when he found the broken hat from the ruins and put it on his head.

The deranged mind in the branch hat apparently knows something about the end of the world.

It is clearly stated in the information label that tailoring Lv7 is required to perfectly repair the school cap. Mason can't do it now, but it's not too difficult if you just "sew it up".

Mason, who has the trait of [Skillful Hands], only took a few minutes to become familiar with the skill of threading a needle.

Under the bright light in the basement, Mason twirled his orchid fingers and quickly sewed the worn cloth pieces together according to his own understanding and the shape of the school cap in his memory.

After pricking his finger for the fifth time, he found himself in desperate need of a thimble.

This wizard's hat, which had been around for hundreds of years, was already in tatters, and it looked even worse when the last rags were stitched up under Mason's "freedom".

Dusty and patched.

Although the color of the magic thread is similar, it can't always simulate the weather-beaten feeling of the school cap, and Mason's sewing skills are really not superb.

Those stitches are surprisingly rough.

It's almost like some inferior creation that Mason picked up from the garbage dump and was abandoned by a wandering wizard.

To be honest, with the unflattering appearance of the hat right now, leaving it on the side of the road, even the wild dogs passing by who are in a hurry to urinate probably wouldn't even take a look at it.

"But it's okay."

Mason bit off the silk thread in a very retro way, put his "work" in front of his eyes and examined it carefully, and then said the evaluation of "not bad" against his will.

"Successfully complete an inferior craft · epic item stitching, the tailoring branch proficiency will not improve."

The reminder of proficiency improvement jumped in front of his eyes, making Mason sigh.

But no matter how tattered the branch school hat was, it was still sewn up. Mason looked at the dusty wizard's pointed hat in front of him, holding it with both hands, waiting for it to speak.

But waiting left and right is not seeing the beginning of the other party.

A few minutes later, Mason gritted his teeth and put the thing on his head.Sure enough, the moment the branch cap touched Mason's head, it started to move strangely.

It "wriggled" in Mason's hair like some awakened living thing, as if adjusting its size and shape to fit perfectly into Mason's head.

This process is very uncomfortable, like sticking your head into the mouth of an alligator.

After a full minute, the young man felt that the hat was firmly stuck on his forehead. He tried to pull it, but it couldn't be pulled at all.

"Woo hoo, hoo hoo, the day the Broken Hat was stitched again, when the dark secret was revealed! Hogwarts, I'm back! The only witness is back!"

The sharp and lunatic voice that had appeared once before sounded again.

It sounded like a half-mad old man howling. The most bizarre thing was that the voice appeared directly in Mason's mind. It was the "activated thinking" endowed by the branch school hat that was directly talking to Mason's spirit.

It was like being woken up after sleeping for a long time, and there was a bit of waking up in the weakness. It said:
"Let my lord take a look at which kind gentleman sewed me up. Ah!"

Before the branch hat finished speaking, Mason let out a scream that made Mason's head ache, as if he was terrified when he woke up and saw an indescribable thing in front of him.

Then it fell silent, as if thinking about the current situation.

A few seconds later there was another piercing and exasperated scream, this time with more or less intense anger.

"You! You little tailor with pig's hooves! You're about to tear me apart! Look at how you've sewed up my body!
It's so vulgar and inferior, it's better for my lord to continue to maintain that half-dead state.

If a wizard sees this, they will be laughed at to death, even Muggles will laugh at my downfall and misery, ah, the nightmare of annihilation is not over yet, it has awakened my lord's mind again with your terrible skills nightmare.

You're the jailer the Destroyer of Worlds sent on purpose to torture me, aren't you?

What an insane punishment! "

"Shut up! You're too loud."

Mason grabbed the school cap that was shaking on his head, screaming and complaining loudly, trying to tear it off.

He yelled and tried hard, but the young man ignored that his current strength was far from that of ordinary people. After a few pulls, the thread of the worn-out hat that had just been sewn appeared to be open again.

This freaks out the crazy branch hat.

It immediately cried out:

"Stop! Stop! No more tearing, it will be broken! My battered and tormented body will be broken! Oh, I will burst! No, little tailor, stop.

I will stop complaining about your poor technique.

Let's talk about it. "

"Isn't that all right? I have to cry like ghosts and howl like wolves."

Mason rolled his eyes and said:
"Don't worry, I know I'm not a good tailor now, but I will continue to practice my craft.

When I become a master tailor, I promise to fix you beautifully and become the most gorgeous hat in this world, no, in all worlds, okay?
You can oversee the process.

You can even teach me how to sew you better, I promise, I will be a good student. "

"Oh, look at this young man playing tricks on me, the poor old man."

The sharp corners of the school cap bent, and said sarcastically:

"If you knew who my lord's previous master was, you wouldn't say such ridiculous and petty words. Of course, my lord will also accept your favor for finding me from the ruins and sewing me up.

I will teach you.

The premise is that you really know how to speak.

But before that, my lord has something more important to tell you. "

The animated branch cap paused.

It seemed to be examining Mason's inner self in its own way. After ten seconds of silence, it sighed and said:

"Well, with a warm and kind heart paired with a wise and calm mind, you may really be sent here by fate, but it's a pity that you came a bit late.

The Destroyers have done their job, and my world and my friends are dead.

Now the only way to go is revenge.

Remember what I told you before I fell asleep?Mason.

A contract of revenge.
You have signed a contract with me, and you will help me complete the final revenge of the last witness of this world.

Not just for those enemies!

And those traitors. "


Mason raised his eyebrows and said:
"Traitors? You mean, before the Destroyer of Worlds came here, there were his henchmen among wizards and Muggles?"

"Yes, they betrayed everyone for their lives!"

The branch hat said in a gloomy tone:
"Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, and Shinto Magic Institute, the three magic academies that were supposed to stand with us, turned to the side of destruction early on.

They joined you before the end and I've seen tattoos like yours on their arms.

Find them, Mason.

kill them!
This world is already ruined, and no matter how much they torture them, they will not be able to bring back the good old days, but as the burden of the sin of betrayal, they should also sink to hell with us, the dead.

and be damned there forever!
They deserve it!
We deserve it too! "

"I can not do it."

Mason resolutely refused:
"I'm in a bit of a bind right now."

"Woohoo, of course you can't do it, young man, but I'll help you."

The pointed hat was like an old man, he laughed and said:
"I will also give you a gift. Come, put your hand into my stomach, hold it, hold the shattered sword of revenge, and I will give you more when it drinks blood.

It's getting late, let's start the hunt.

Witch Hunter Mason Cooper. "

(End of this chapter)

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