The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 127 10. The Great Journey of the Prostitute King Begins Now! 【910】

Chapter 127 10. The Great Journey of the Prostitute King Begins Now! 【910】

"That guy didn't lie to you. The internal system of this 'Fenrir' super power armor is indeed bound to DNA and has been completely locked."

After an hour of busy work, Ms. Judy, a technology engineer from Night City, opened the door tiredly, wiped off the oil stains on her face, and said to Mason who came to invite her to the trading party that started in the castle with a tired face. :

"It's a physical lock at the hardware level, and I can't unlock it. And this set of armor uses some very strange alien technology, and there is no way to restart it through conventional methods."

"It's ok."

Mason nodded.

Although somewhat disappointing, this result is reasonable.

If the things made by the master himself were so easy to decipher, the legend of Batman would have ended long ago, not to mention that this thing is his countermeasure against all members of the Justice League.

Its technical barriers will only be higher and more secretive.

He looked up and down Judy, who had obviously not rested, and said:
"Go and wash up, my team members are waiting for your guide."

"Don't be in a hurry."

Judy snorted, and said while wiping the oil on her face:

"I can't untie it, but I didn't say I can't help you, give me two more days, and I will give you back a super power armor that can be driven by you when you leave Starsburg. "


Mason raised his eyebrows in surprise, and couldn't figure out what Judy meant for a while.The tech engineer grinned and turned sideways so Mason could see the oddly shaped objects that had been dismantled from the workbench behind her.

Under Mason's stunned gaze, the engineer lady from Night City gave Mason a thumbs up and said:

"I can't untie it, but I can replace it entirely! I have already applied to the captain for a set of the most advanced power armor control module left by Kangtao's laboratory to replace this strangely programmed Bat manipulation system.

Of course, this is basically a technological upgrade, so the weapon system and power system inside your armor have to be modified accordingly, I am not familiar with this aspect.

But I can give you a makeover suggestion. "

Judy looked the surprised Mason up and down, and said:
"You are also an engineer who can twist a quasar pistol. As long as you spend a little time, I don't think it will trouble you. But the most troublesome thing now is that your super power armor needs to be redesigned and the energy system needs to be replaced.

To put it simply, because I changed the design, I had to reroute the internal wiring.

The cunning guy who designed this thing locked the control system and the power system together. I can help you replace its 'mechanical brain', but you need to find a powerful enough 'mechanical heart' for it.

Maybe you can get what you want at a trade fair for a while. "

Judy, a girl whose real age was unknown but dressed as a young man, grinned and yawned again, preparing to wash up and attend the trade fair.

Mason handed her a bottle of pick-me-up and motioned her to drink it.

The technological girl looked at the strangely colored thing in her hand suspiciously, as if recalling some bad memories.

She said to Mason with a vigilant look:

"There's no weird stuff added to this thing, is it? I warn you, I don't like men near me! And you're too young, Mason.

Although you speak and act old-fashioned, but your face is just 18 years old, right? "

"Do you people in Night City talk so much?"

Mason scolded and stepped forward to check the internal structure of Fenrir's armor that Judy disassembled with ultra-precision machine tools. Behind him, the technological girl Judy hesitated and drank the potion in her hand.

A few seconds later, she watched in amazement at her body, which was full of energy again, as if the exhaustion of staying up late for the past few days had been swept away.

It's more useful than the shock plug and spur prosthesis for company dogs.

"Go and change clothes."

Mason said without looking back:

"Barbara is waiting for you with another lady who is going to introduce you to her big sister and dress up if I were you."

"Your potion is much more powerful than other people's."

Judy exclaimed:
"How did you do it? Even though you are a rookie who just entered the industry, the medicines of those C-level veterans who claim to be alchemy masters are more powerful."

"I'm actually what you call a C-level veteran, and I think I may be quite talented in this regard."

Mason urged a few more times.

Judy pursed her lips and went to the bathroom, and walked out within a few minutes. She just added a black leather jacket with golden chains on top of her vest, and changed into a pair of high-top boots, and she was done.

While she was applying lip gloss to herself with a mirror, she followed Mason out of the room, pouted and said:

"Is there anything to be proud of for a mere C-level person? I was a support member who never went to the battlefield in the afterlife team, but I was a C-level person more than a year ago.

The captains have all started the process of being promoted to the A-level 12-member council.

Don't underestimate us, Mason.

Although the Afterlife Squad follows the elite route, with a small number of people and no fixed vassal world, we are very famous pioneers in the Stars Club. "

"I'm more curious about who your captain is?"

Mason walked ahead, adjusting his hat, and said:

"The famous V? Or 'Black Hand' Morgan? It can't be Johnny Silverhand, right? That guy is dead long ago. By the way, is V's cyberpsychotic symptoms better?"

"You really know a lot about us, but we don't know anything about you."

Judy chewed gum, put her hands in her leather pockets, and whispered:

"It's a very insecure way of making friends."

"We have a common enemy, and that is enough to warrant friendship."

Mason smiled.

Turn the corner ahead and see the members of Team K waiting there.

In addition to Barbara and Second Barrel that Judy had seen, there was also Zha Kang who was holding the grimoire and puffing at the window, and Lady Selina who was wearing tights.

Especially Mrs. Catwoman.

When she saw this mature lady who was both elegant and wild, Judy's eyes instantly turned into shining stars.

Compared with this walking "hormone poison", the sunny and lovely Barbara has become a little girl.

"That sister!"

Judy pulled La Mason's sleeve and whispered:

"Please be sure to introduce me!"

"Hey, stop the saliva."

Mason whispered to his new friend:

"If someone has a husband, they have children, even though they are only adopted children."

"Wouldn't that be better ahem, I mean, what does that matter?"

Judy shook her cool long hair solemnly, and said seriously:

"I have finished my wanton and free youth in Night City, now I just want to get some spiritual warmth, don't worry.

I'm not going to ruin their lives.

I promise! "

"No, I'm not worried about Selena, I'm worried about you."

Mason also emphasized:

"Stay away from that dangerous cat, you can't play with her."

Although the captain of the K team gave enough reminders, in the next 10 minutes, Judy still ignorantly fell into the claws of the smiling catwoman like a little mouse who voluntarily sent to the door.

When the group arrived at the trade fair on the second floor of the castle, the kid Judy, who was fascinated by Catwoman's charm, had already said everything that should be said and should not be said.

This meeting is crying in Selena's warm embrace that her world is over and she has nowhere to go.

The kind-hearted Barbara was still helping and comforting, and the feeling of being hugged and comforted by two girls in tights with their own styles made XP's abnormal tech girl feel like she was ascended to heaven.

While watching this scene, the three men beside him looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zha Kang had a cigarette in his mouth and didn't light it.

He watched Judy, induced by Selena's soft words, even began to tell the first love story of the neon girlfriend who betrayed him.

This made the black magician shudder and complain to Mason in a low voice:

"You must have given Selena something to drink. This woman is simply a 'witch'! Why can she make out words so easily?"

Mason exchanged glances with Selena cryptically.

Lady Catwoman made a gesture of "Leave everything to me", and then the young man dragged Zha Kang and Er Tong to the crowded hall in front of him.

He said quietly:
"I've just given Judy a pick-me-up potion with maybe 'accidentally' added a few drops of Veritaserum, that's all. Tell me what you got this afternoon, John.

About the 'Amaterasu' team. "

"We found information about them when we registered with the mercenary union in Fort Stars."

Zhakang sized up the various areas of the obviously expanded luxurious hall in front of him, and his eyes swept over the female pioneers who were dressed in different styles.

While reporting to Mason in a low voice:
"Their captain is a C-level personnel like you, but in the past six months, they have carried out seven bounty missions. They have a lot of momentum but also a lot of damage, so they have been recruiting players.

It is said that it is because they are striving to become the caster team directly under the master logistics mentor 'Warlock'.

I invited a lone ranger who was said to have had a feud with the Amaterasu team to have a few drinks, and she told me that those guys were allies with two other C-level teams with some background, and they were all grouped together by spellcasters.

This kind of thing seems to be very common in the stars. "

"No useful information, John."

Mason sighed and said:
"Did your lethality against lonely women decrease?"

"Uh, it's hard to say."

Jagger shrugged and said:

"It's up to me tonight to 'convince' the charming Lone Ranger lady to tell us more, well, I'm leaving in 10 minutes."

"this is for you."

Upon hearing this, Mason took out a small can of medicine from his luggage and stuffed it into Zha Kang's hand, and urged:

"Drink it 5 minutes before doing business. Don't drink too much in one sip. It's best to ask about their team configuration, the specific location and station number in this castle, and so on.

The more detailed the better. "

"What the hell are you doing?"

Zha Kang felt that his man Xiongfeng might not need this kind of entertainment item, but after thinking about it, he put it away and asked with squinted eyes.

He feels that Mason, who occasionally thinks wildly, might do some dangerous "big things".

Mason didn't answer.

He bid farewell to Zha Kang and Er Tong, and let them move freely, while he was attracted by the things placed on a platform not far away.It was a tall figure in medieval armor standing alone behind the counter, flipping through a small book.

It appears to be the owner of this booth.

His armor pattern felt very familiar to Mason.

Mason guessed that the armor should be empty, and wondered if this guy had a short alchemist brother with cool hair.

"How do you sell this thing?"

The young man looked at the disc-shaped engineering object the size of a fist in the showcase in front of him, and he said to the shopkeeper:

"Can I touch it?"

"of course."

A crisp voice sounded from the armor, like the voice of a young man, saying with a welcoming reminder:
"But this is very expensive, and if it is broken, you will have to pay for it."

"I am also an alchemist, I understand."

Mason smiled and reached out to hold the thing in front of him.

When he heard that he called himself an alchemist, the armored man suddenly made a suspicious nasal sound, but Mason didn't explain much. He looked at the very familiar Type A logo on it.

After a few seconds, the info tab pops up:
Stark Industries Miniature Ark Reactor Rescue Unit Special Model
Quality: Legendary Engineering Creation · Perfect Craftsmanship
Item effect:

After it is turned on, it can provide huge energy for the Mark series armor rescue special body, and it can be regarded as an "inexhaustible" power source when the atomic energy battery refined by unknown elements is replenished on time.

Perfect fit for all currently known mechanical items.

The reactor is safe and reliable and does not produce any pollution, and the peripheral safety frame can resist huge impacts at close range.

Producer: Tony Stark

Item Description: Aren't you looking for the "Mechanical Heart"?What are you still hesitating about?Empty the last big kid in your pocket and buy it with a lot of money.

Tip: Insufficient engineering skills to parse the blueprint for this item.

"White prostitution failed!"

A depressing thought jumped into Mason's mind.

He shook his head regretfully, and returned the reactor in his hand to the owner of the knight shop, without even asking for a price, no need to ask, he must not be able to afford it.

Unless he is willing to trade the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone or the blood of the unicorn in his hand, but that is obviously impossible.

"Is this thing vibrating gold?"

Mason pointed to another gadget in the showcase that exuded a light blue light and asked, the owner of the knight shop was not too bothered, and explained like a robot:

"90% purity vibration gold raw ore requires special equipment to shape it. Once it is formed, it cannot be modified. Now this small shop is holding an event. Buying [-] grams of vibration gold will give you five grams of Ulu gold. Do guests think about it?"

"I don't know much about the price of trading items."

Mason took out a bottle of cursed unicorn blood from his luggage and handed it over, saying:

"How should the two be exchanged?"

"Well, this looks like a very high-grade alchemy material, please wait a moment."

A strange figure in armor took the crystal bottle from Mason's hand.

Under the strange gaze of the young man, he took out a Nokia magic phone and dialed a number, and soon a young man with long blond hair and a red cloak ran over drunk.

He glanced at Mason, then pulled out a microscope-like object that looked like it was being appraised by an expert.

After a few minutes, the guy shook his head and said to Mason:
"If it's pure unicorn blood, it must be worth a fortune, but yours is taken out violently and contaminated, so the price is not so high.

It takes ten bottles of this blood to exchange one hundred grams of vibrating gold. "

"Okay, deal."

Mason doesn't bargain.

With a very heroic wave of his hand, he put out nine bottles of unicorn blood, and exchanged from this shopkeeper for the vibrating gold raw ore fixed in a special container and the Uru gold ingot the size of a fingernail as a bonus.

Of course, Mason's boldness comes at a price. He put away the transaction and asked in a low voice:
"Can you tell me where these things come from?"

"A monster named Hulk returned from aliens and led people to mess up the base world where our two brothers stayed. There was almost blood flowing there, and the superheroes were fighting.

That's all there is to the story. "

The appraiser lay drunk on the counter, and said boringly:
"But it's just the last profit, the world that has been smashed into a pot of porridge is hopeless. Speaking of which, my brother said that you also call yourself an alchemist?

With something like unicorn blood in his hand, it looks like someone with a background.

I have one more good thing here. "

This seemingly lazy young man took out half a tube of blue serum from his pocket and threw it to Mason, saying:
"I picked it up on the battlefield. You can see the price. Alas, the 'shock' is coming again. If you are unlucky, you have to start from scratch.

We all have to prepare a little bit more for this, right?man. "

"Well, that's true."

Mason didn't even know what "shock" was, but he still responded casually while checking the damaged serum in his hand. He felt that this thing looked familiar, and it was as he expected when the label popped up:
Super Soldier Serum [Remake]

Quality: Epic Alchemy Item · Supreme Craftsmanship

Item effect: After the special injection procedure is completed, the physical fitness of the injector is greatly strengthened, making it break the physiological limit of humanoid creatures.

The disadvantage is that it will limit the user's inner desire.

In layman's terms, the better the better, the worse the bad.

Producer: Howard Stark
Item Description: The effect of the remake and the original version is only [-] points.

Tip: Drawing analysis is in progress. [Photographic Memory] The talent is activated, and the analysis speed is greatly improved.

"White prostitution succeeded!"

Mason felt ecstatic.

He was also worried that the Green Goblin serum he got from Mr. Sandstorm had serious side effects, but the most genuine superhuman serum was delivered to his door.

The young man waited for the analysis to be completed while dragging his time to chat with the drunk shopkeeper on some unnutritious topics, while looking at the luxurious trade fair site in front of him.

In Mason's eyes, these good things placed on various booths turned into piles of floating drawings waiting for him to pick them up.

Pay for it?
Man is not here to spend money!

If I spend a penny after scanning the goods today, I will lose!

This white prostitute Wang Laozi is sure!
(End of this chapter)

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