The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 131 14. You should know where it came from when I said the crow flies on the plane

Chapter 131 14. You should know where it came from when I said the crow flies on the plane

"Tsk, it's another 'Beast', young man, I think there is something wrong with your card."

In front of Mason's tattered stall, the old wizard of Cos Gandalf had already "scratched" twenty mysterious cards but still couldn't get a set together.

Each of the four sets of beasts, elements, warlords and entrance cards in the hand is messy.

Unhappy, the old gambler picked up a card again and injected magic power into it, making the patterned card show its true face.

He looked at Mason who was sitting on a chair studying what he had at hand, and said with a straight face:

"Tell me honestly, is there any skill in this? Or is this all a trick? I feel like I've been fooled now."

"I have said that this is a mystic thing, and I can't control the probability myself."

Mason shrugged and said:

"But you also saw, guest, these cards are indeed magic items, right?"

"What's the use of this!"

The old man curled his lips and squeezed the elemental card in his hand and threw it away. A big ball of fire appeared and hit the ground and exploded with fireworks, startling the "ratmen" who were wandering nearby.

"The power is so-so, which is the level of a basic fireball technique. It's really hard to believe that eight cards with such magic power can be combined into a high-level magic item or something."

The old wizard snorted, rolled his eyes, and said:

"Why don't you give me a back door?

You should have unsealed cards there, come here, and replace the few cards I am missing, lest I go out and spread the word that there is another cheater in the market. "

"You can do whatever you want."

Mason also snorted, spread his hands and said:
"I'm just collecting junk, and I don't want your money, but if you really want it, it's not impossible."

He took out a handful of messy cards from his pocket and put them in front of him. These were all played by Mason himself when he made this mysterious card before.

He didn't lie, this thing is really unpredictable.

"this thing!"

Mason stood up, rubbed the gadget that the old wizard gave him just now, and said:
"If you still have some, give me some more. I promise that even if I'm exhausted here today, I will help you get together four magic accessories, and I will do what I say."

"That's what you said, boy."

The old wizard suddenly came to his senses, he grinned and took out two "little rocks" and threw them to Mason. The young man also smiled and took the two things in his hands.

The info tab immediately pops up:

Twelve Talismans·Yin Yang Tiger

Quality: Legendary Jewelcrafting/Inscription Creation·Perfect Craft
Condition: badly damaged
Item Effect: When the Tiger Talisman is spelled, it will balance the conflicting forces in the holder. When the spell is activated, the good and evil sides of the holder can be temporarily separated into independent entities.


The item is badly damaged, and the ability is temporarily unavailable until it is repaired.


This item is one of the "Twelve Talismans". Collecting the complete Twelve Talismans can summon the Dragon Lord, who will present the treasure of the Golden Rooster King to the unsealer and then eat him in one bite.

Producer: Unknown
Item description: Eat me, a crow flies on a plane!Ha, Ah Fu beat that guy up!
Reminder: [Photographic Memory] Talent is in effect, and the blueprints for making Twelve Talismans are being collected. Estimated completion time: 554 hours.Crafting requires jewelry processing branch skills to reach Lv7, and repairing the item requires skill Lv4 and a natural magic source.

Mason looked at the other two broken charms in his hand, namely the Life-Binding Rat and the Rejuvenating Horse. The former could give life to dead objects, while the latter was said to heal all ailments.

Sadly they are all in disrepair.

Mason couldn't feel any energy flow in his hands. No wonder the old wizard in front of him would exchange them for Mason as junk.

But the young man didn't care, he put away the three spells properly, and looked at the guy in front of him who had already started to rummage through the mysterious cards to combine the deck.

He hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice:

"May I ask you, where did you find these three charms?"

"From a dump."

While "opening the blind box", the old man said casually:

"In a post-defeated world, where people were transferred when the disaster happened, leaving only a virus-ridden world waiting to die, you also want to go panning for gold?
No, there is no chance.

It's over.

The stars will see it as worthless and block the way to get there, I've heard people say they're going to sacrifice the world to a 'big devil'.

Uh, it’s enough to listen to this kind of words.

There is no such thing as a great demon king. If the doomsday can be settled only by offering sacrifices, that would be a good thing.

I won! "

The old wizard happily took out a ferocious lion card from the cards Mason took out, and put it together with the seven different beast cards in his hand.

Then, under Mason and his wide-eyed gaze, the eight beast cards quickly merged together under the resonance of their different magic powers. With the roar of various beasts, they finally turned into a crystal clear card that exudes a blue ghost. The card of light hovered in front of the old wizard.

This card looks different.

The blue dragon depicted on it is even more lifelike. When the old wizard's finger touches it, it will make a dragon roar and project the illusion of ice crystal magic around it.

It's like a cool holographic projection.

"Magic power. Magical power has been mobilized."

The old wizard held the blue dragon card in his hand, his expression became serious and he felt the inner power of this thing. After a few seconds, he said:

"Holding it can adjust the magic power, and when casting a spell, it can also absorb the surrounding free elements to fill the loss of the caster and strengthen the magic effect. When necessary, it can even be destroyed to summon a magic dragon's projection to assist in combat.

Perhaps for high-level spellcasters, this card is still a toy, but it has indeed become a high-level magic item.

Still very delicate. "

The old wizard who was like picking up a treasure blinked his eyes, he stood up straight and leaned slightly towards Mason, saying:
"I take back what I said before, young man, you are not a liar. In fact, I am surprised by the level of your inscription production. You really found a treasure tonight."

"To be honest, this is also the first time I've seen a deck take shape. I used to play it as a collecting card game for fun."

Mason rubbed his forehead and said:
"And the movement is a little too loud."

"It's a good thing."

The old wizard looked at the people around who were attracted by the movement of the blue dragon card, he smiled and said to Mason:

"Your business has been opened, so I won't bother you, young man, I am very satisfied with the exchange tonight. I hope you can bring me more surprises next time you come to Stars Castle."

"Huh? You still have three sets of cards that you haven't collected yet."

Mason frowned and said:
"Don't try again? I can make the card on the spot, it's not difficult."

"I would like to, but I'm just short of cash."

Cos Gandalf's old wizard shrugged, put away the blue dragon card, and said:

"It's enough to pick up this leak for nothing today. If you don't stop, you will be captured by greed. For an old man like me, that is a terrible result.

See the light in their eyes, young man.

Greed has been awakened, and there is no need to worry about selling your little mystery card. "

After finishing speaking, the old man took a step back and quickly disappeared into the crowd, and the cards on Mason's booth were quickly sold out by the low-level members who came after hearing the news.

Everyone's enthusiasm for this kind of small-probability event with a gambling nature made Mason a little speechless for a while. Seeing that more people wanted to change a few cards for a play, Mason had to put down his alchemy attempt and start making cards with all his strength.

Fortunately, this thing is really not difficult to make.

You only need enough magic ink and some inscription materials to make a lot, and he himself has no interest in this kind of "blind box" that gambles on probability.

But it can't stand the masses liking it.

Especially after the second set of warlord decks and the third set of entrance decks were released consecutively, the people gathered around became more and more lively.

Before, only a small number of people really wanted to find good things, and most of them just joined in the fun, but after seeing the aura emanating from the shiny magic card, many people's mentality has changed.

They ignore how difficult it is to draw eight cards of the same series in a row under completely unknown circumstances, and instead become keen to bet on their own luck.

After more than an hour, Mason's booth was already full of damaged items of various styles, large and small.

From the half-torn magic book to the broken mysterious arm armor, from the "magic carriage" with only two wheels left to the bird feathers that are said to be able to fly, and even a few broken lightsabers.

But this is not the point.

The point is that when Mason was tidying up the booth, his eyes twitched and he saw that there were already a few sly-eyed guys scurrying around in the crowd beside his booth, showing all kinds of cards in their hands to those holding cards.

Well, this TM even spawned scalpers!

It wasn't until this moment that Mason realized that he had underestimated the members' desire for harvest.

Especially these low-level members.

The K team never lacks these gadgets because they have gone smoothly along the way and have Mason as the master manufacturer, but for other pioneering teams, the acquisition of power items has never been easy.

And the news that there was a stall on the edge of the market that sold good things and only accepted junk quickly spread throughout Starsburg, and more and more people flocked here. As a result, Mason was expected to last for a long time. All the inscription materials were turned into mysterious cards and bought away within a few hours.

During the whole process, Mason's hands were almost sparkling, but he still couldn't satisfy the appetite of the crowd.

"It's gone, there are no materials, let's stop here today!"

Mason, whose fingers were about to twitch, had no choice but to shout and announce the end of today's stall. Under the disappointed gazes of a group of people, he quickly put away his stall and fled away.

Mason calculated on the way. In the few hours just now, he made at least 3 cards, and even the inscription skills were rushed to Lv[-], and he didn't even notice this.

"It seems that the sales of Dark Moon cards are very good, but everyone is so obsessed with this kind of gambling on luck, which makes me feel sad for the future of the Stars Club."

Mason shook his head and curled his lips and said:

"This means that the card making is completely random, otherwise I just need to play a little game of probability to get every dime out of their pockets."

"Hey, your idea is very dangerous. Do you know that this kind of gambling is prohibited inside the Stars Castle?"

A familiar voice sounded beside Mason.

The young man looked back and found that it was the pair of alchemist brothers from before.

The two of them were walking from the direction of the market to the Fort of Stars with a lot of snacks in their arms, and they happened to meet Mason here.

"Hey, Edward and Alphonse, you seem to be in a good mood."

Mason held out his hand in greeting.

He had a good impression of the pair of brothers, but he never expected to see a real person before. Looking at the two alchemist brothers in front of him, Mason couldn't help thinking about it.

If Fullmetal Alchemist is here, will I be lucky enough to meet the giant of light from the M87 nebula one day?

"How on earth do you know the names of our two brothers?"

Hearing Mason say their names again, the short blond-haired young man suddenly became upset. He put the snack in his arms in the arms of his armored brother, and strode towards Mason.

Then he raised his head and glared at him.

Well, this height difference is really disappointing.
"The two of us have been hiding our names since we entered the Stars Club. Our world is long gone. As far as I know, those guys who escaped never use their real names."

Edward Elric folded his arms and said:
"So don't tell me you heard it from other people. Where can you, a C-level rookie, find someone who knows us? It's impossible."

"Oh, I did hear it from other people."

Mason tilted his head and whispered:
"That's a big man with quite a background, he told me that there are two brothers who are good at alchemy in the Stars Club, wandering around in various worlds to collect all kinds of interesting things.

Well, no kidding.

My team is the team directly under Mister Hunter, so..."

"Tch, it turned out to be a 'hound dog'! Disgusting!"

Edward snorted, as if he had lost all interest in talking to Mason, and planned to leave with his brother with a disgusted expression.

"You call me 'hound'?"

Mason squinted his eyes immediately when he heard this word. Mr. Hunter used this word to describe those guys who would be devoted to the stars, and the pair of brothers in front of him seemed to know this saying.

He stepped forward, blocked the way Edward left, and asked:
"What qualifications do you have to say that about me? Two B-level personnel, if you can be promoted to this position, you must have done a lot of murder and arson?"

"My brother and I never take part in those nasty things!"

This time it was the armored brother Alphonse who answered. This ghostly alchemist with a good personality was holding a pile of food, and emphasized to Mason in a cold tone:

"Our B-level personnel status is obtained through rewards for doing peaceful affairs, which is why the two of us have been wandering around in various worlds.

We didn't form a squad and never intended to join you.

Our hands are clean, unlike you trouble-making bastards who go from world to world and leave ruins behind.

Step aside!

Otherwise I'm on my hands. "

"It turns out that there are 'pacifists' like you in the Stars Association. It seems that my understanding of this organization is indeed a little shallow."

Mason rubbed his forehead and ignored Alphonse's dissatisfaction. He looked at Edward and said:
"Are you interested in chatting? Think of it as an industry exchange between alchemists?"

"Not interested in!"

The blond alchemist moved his fist, and the red light was already shining on his metal fist.

The short-tempered alchemist said coldly:
"Get out of the way! One last warning."

"I'll give you gifts."

Mason blinked, but the two brothers were unmoved. They pushed him away and turned to the Castle of Stars, but they stopped after taking two steps.

The two brothers turned their heads in unison, as if they had sensed something strange that tied their hearts.

Behind them, a piece of blood-red spar the size of a little finger danced between Mason's fingers, and the psychedelic light it refracted made Edward Elric's eyes light up.

"The Philosopher's Stone."

The armored brother next to the short alchemist was just indifferent before, but now he is outraged. Amid the sound of armor clashing, he scolded:

"You bastard! How many people have you killed for such a big philosophic stone! You bloodhound that should go to hell! If it wasn't here."

"Hey, don't be bloody! I'm an alchemist who values ​​tradition, and I don't do those crooked methods of human body refining. And if I say, no one died when this thing was made?"

Mason hid the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone in his bag as if by magic.

He spread out his hands and said to the two brothers:

"I know how your world makes the Philosopher's Stone, but believe me it's just a pathetic evil way, and I have the method of refining the Philosopher's Stone with orthodox alchemy.

I'd be happy to share it with you.

Of course you also have to give me something that interests me.

If you want to talk, we can find a quiet place to talk. "

Mason paused, he stretched out his hand and pressed down the hat on his head, and then said with an emphasis:

"Plus, I'm not a hound! I'm not going to be a hound, so don't call me that, friend, it makes me feel like you're... humiliating me."

(End of this chapter)

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