The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 155 38. The real usage of Master Catwoman

Chapter 155 38. The real usage of Master Catwoman

Simultaneously with Team K's contact with the Demon Knight, another conversation was taking place high up in Osborn Tower at dusk.

Jarcon and Selena, who had been drinking high in the city's underground bar in Osborne Tower, were invited to Mr. Sandstorm's study, and this B-level person did not talk nonsense.

He said to the two men:

"I have thought about it, my dear friends.

Mason, who is also a member of the League of Stars and has the grace to save my life, has to be saved, so I plan to mobilize all my power in this world to help you with my allies.

That demon knight is really hard to deal with.

I just lost two of my team members, and the last footage coming back from their monitors was the humiliating scene of them being held captive by that goddamn guy.

This is provocative, no doubt about it. "

"Look, did I just say that?"

Zha Kang, who was sitting on the sofa, took a drink break, picked up a cigarette drunkenly, and said:

"Jason Brad is a threat to anyone! I just inspected your team members, Your Excellency Sandstorm, and I have to say that even the reserve team members are still strong enough.

I'm getting more and more convinced that there's no future in hanging out with Mason Cooper, and maybe we should talk about that thing I mentioned earlier. "


Mr. Sandstorm stared at the guy in front of him who had repeatedly expressed his willingness to surrender.

他 说:

"My squad is rebuilding, and it's true that there's a shortage of good players like Your Excellency, but it's a terrible crime to pry away members of other squads without permission in the Gathering of Stars.

Especially when you are still directly under Mr. Hunter's team, although I am very tempted, I don't want to take the risk of offending a big shot."


Zha Kang waved his hand very rudely and interrupted Mr. Sandstorm. He turned his head and said to the expressionless Catwoman:
"We've all agreed, now let's talk about our plan, about the 'gift' we're going to give Mr. Sandstorm so he can keep us."

"Shut up, John."

Lady Catwoman was in a bad mood.

Anxiously, she took out a lady's cigarette and put it in her mouth, glanced at Mr. Sandstorm again, and said:

"I can lure Bruce over here."


Mr. Sandstorm raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said:

"Who is that?"

"Batman! The guy who ruined our actions last time, my love and future husband."

Catwoman exhaled the smoke ring and said quietly:

"That little bastard Mason has been hiding from us about the end of the world, but after chatting with your team members we realized that the end of the world is a common phenomenon in parallel worlds.

And they also bragged to me that as long as we join the Society of Stars, we can survive the disasters that may come in the future and protect the people around us.

I hate you guys so much!Mr. Sandstorm, I make no secret of this.

But compared to my personal feelings, I think survival may be more important. Mason Cooper was hunted down by the demon knight. It is his own fault, but his behavior gave us an inspiration. "

Selena snorted and said:
"Together the Justice League is invincible, but we can take them down one by one, just like the Devil Knights come into your world alone.

There is a high probability that Mason will not survive the pursuit of the demon knight, so don't bother to save him.

But Barbara Gordon and Jason Todd, who he tricked in a bad way, must be rescued, and they mean a lot to Batman.

With their help, I was able to lure Bruce Wayne from his city into this world.

I can even persuade him to join your team. With all due respect, Sandstorm, your team members suck, and you can't rely on these bastards to get back up.

You need better helpers.

I heard that this is the foundation of the pioneer team of the League of Stars.

So what do you say? "

"Then of course I welcome it."

Mr. Sandstorm stood up, laughed and opened his arms to the two people in front of him, and said:

"You have all talked to this point, and I can't justify it if I don't say anything. Of course, the more I talk, the more hypocritical I will appear. Therefore, I can only say that we will have plenty of time to show each other's sincerity in the future.

The method you propose is very interesting, and I am very interested.

But now the two of you should go to rest.

We will set off early tomorrow morning to find your teammates and collect the body of my poor friend Mason. As for the Demon Knight, don't worry.

We have a way of dealing with him. "

Zha Kang and Selina got up and left. After watching the two of them leave, the sand man who was still smiling just now narrowed his eyes. He turned back and said to a mirror in his study:

"What do you think?"

"No idea."

A middle-aged man with a thin face and deep-set eyes appeared in the mirror. Even though it was only a holographic projection, he could still feel the gloomy aura of this guy.

Facing Sandman's question, he said calmly:
"It doesn't matter if they are loyal or not, they are nothing in this world! All your worries will disappear when Mason Cooper dies here.

That young man is the crux of the matter. "

"Well, what you said makes sense and is as wise as ever."

The sand man seemed to respect the middle-aged man very much, he whispered:
"About Spider-Man"

"Don't mention him in front of me!"

The middle-aged man said with disgust:

"If it weren't for Harry's last wish, he would have been drowned in the doomsday along with his pathetic refuge. You can take him as you please, and you don't need to ask me for advice."

"I actually don't understand why you haven't joined us?"

The Sandman hesitated for a moment, and said:
"It was you who supported the expansion of the Hydra team behind the scenes, and it was you who provided us with various logistical support. It was very kind of you to help me formulate a development strategy.

Seriously, you're the real captain of the Hydra team, and if you're leading it, I'd rather be second in command, Norman.

Why have you been reluctant to take this step?
You know, this world will come to an end sooner or later. When the last drop of gravitonium is mined, our world will fall apart. You must always enter this circle.

Are you waiting for certain signs? "

"You don't understand me when I tell you, sandman."

Norman Osborn, the manager of this doomsday world, and the partner of the Stars Club shook his head. He didn't want to explain the problem, but said casually:

"It's a very stupid choice to put all your wealth on one side before you are sure that everything is really irreversible, and I actually don't know what I am waiting for.

But I prefer to leave a way out rather than throwing all my eggs in one basket.

Sand people, in this era of suffering, it is really a blessing to have a choice.

Or let me put it more clearly, you who have gone too far on the road of the Stars Association, are you really sure that you and your organization can go to the end?

If you don't have confidence yourself, how can you make a waiter like me have confidence? "

Norman Osborn, or "Green Goblin" sneered, and looked at the frowning sand man thinking again. He showed a cold smile and comforted:

"All right.

Don't think about these complicated things, it's not very kind to your brain.Tomorrow, I'll try the quality of that demon knight, and if I can't figure it out, call the cleaners.

Time to find something to do for those mad dogs, too.

Also, your team members are very loose-mouthed, you have to find a way to remind them, especially Mysterio, if you don't even realize that he has been plotting to replace you, then you are so disappointing to me. "
"Do you think he's tempted?"

In the elevator going down the Osborne Tower, Zha Kang rubbed his forehead with a drunken face as if he was about to vomit. Catwoman stood at the other corner of the elevator holding her nose and looked at him with disgust.

This scene looks perfectly fine on the monitor, but in reality the two guys are having a mysterious exchange.

Constantine's voice sounded directly in Catwoman's spirit, and he asked:
"Why do I feel like that guy doesn't seem to be in charge? Do you have this feeling? Selena, although he is pretending to look like a boss, he is actually like a... well, what word should I use to describe it?" Woolen cloth?"

"The black gloves pushed by the boss behind the scenes?"

Selena replied in her heart:
"Yeah, I feel that way too. Sandstorm is trying to create an air of him in control, but in reality his conversations with us are always shallow.

Your guess is right, John, there must be someone behind him manipulating him.

Perhaps it is the 'Green Goblin' who has never shown his face.

Didn't Electron say that when he was drunk before?In the "Old Times", the Green Goblin was the absolute leader of their "Sinister Six", and the Sandman was just a little bastard with a bad brain but a good action.

The big villains like to find this kind of person as a puppet the most. I have seen this kind of drama a lot in Gotham. "

Speaking of which, Master Catwoman yawned, and while brushing her hair under the observation of the monitor, she said in her heart:
"As for whether to be tempted or not, you can tell by the light in Sandstorm's eyes. He is really eager to include Batman in his team, or defeat the Justice League one by one to show his superiors his 'ability'.

Maybe it's to make up for it?
But why did he have to kill Mason? "

"The reason is simple, the gate of the world."

Zha Kang coughed a few times, and when the elevator door opened, he staggered out and said in his heart:

"The world gate of the Sandstorm team is lost in our world, and it is likely to fall into the hands of the Justice League. You also know the reply of Mr. Hunter when Mason went to Starsburg to apply for the second world gate.

Obviously, this thing is also a scarce item in the Stars Club.

If he wants to contact his superior, he must have one, or wait here for the stars to send someone over.

But obviously.

Mr. Hunter cut off his connection with Fort Stars and labeled him a 'traitor'!
Well, the big man seems to really value Mason.

She almost helped us to make all the external conditions perfect. Speaking of which, Selena, Mason probably will act tonight.

Now that everyone is under surveillance, can you steal our equipment? "

"of course."

Catwoman swayed her waist and passed by Zha Kang who was bending over and retching beside her with a look of disdain. She walked towards the bathroom with her long legs under the squinting eyes of several Osborn employees around her.

She flicked the ends of her short hair and said:
"Isn't Mason recruiting me into Team K for this? Mr. Sandstorm thinks that the presence of the Electro-optic man can isolate all high-tech means, but I will teach him a lesson myself.

For the true thief, it takes only a small brooch to break his seemingly incomprehensible defense.

Come on, let me show you what real technology is. "


The door of the bathroom was closed, and it only took Selena ten seconds to slip into the vent at the top. advance.

Osborn Enterprises is obviously very attentive to the operation of its base camp. It has installed motion monitors at several important positions of the pipeline. As long as there is a slight vibration in the monitoring area, it will immediately call the police.

But this kind of defense is simply too childish for the catwoman who wanders around the world for jewelry in museums and bank vaults all year round.

She carefully circumvented several nodes, and used the pin on her collar to remove it when she couldn't avoid it.

Those nimble thieves' hands disassembled these gadgets like an art, and in less than 10 minutes, Catwoman approached the warehouse where Team K's belongings were kept.

But going forward there is no way to cheat.

Four heavily armed Osborn guards guarded the warehouse in front of it, guarding this important area like robots.

Selena, who was hiding at the end of the vent, grinned.

With a flick of her finger, the black kitten ornament hanging around her neck was pinched in her hands. She put the lifelike kitten to her mouth and kissed it, whispering:
"Little Greg, come help me."


A gleam of light flashed, the little object of voodoo magic shook, and then a shiny tiger cat appeared in front of the catwoman.

It crouched in the dark air vent, its scarlet eyes sized up Selina in front of it, and then it popped out its virus-laden claws and ruthlessly scratched at Catwoman's snow-white neck.

But Selena didn't dodge or evade.

When the cat's paw was close to the neck, it quietly retracted its sharp claws, and "patted" Catwoman's cheek with the restrained meat pad like a pet playing a game with its owner.

"Cute and cunning little villain."

Catwoman curled her lips, looking at the zombie cat squatting in front of her, wagging its tail and licking its paws, she pointed down, and stretched out her fingers to scratch her neck.

The moment Selena carefully opened the vent, the tiger cat rushed out like lightning.

It pounced on the neck of an Osborn guard, tearing out half of his throat in the blood splatter, and then pounced on another person, leaving several claw marks on the back of his neck.

"Warning! Virus biological invasion warning!"

The ear-piercing siren sounded immediately on this floor, and the remaining three guards fired and reported to the control room.

"Suspected mutated zombies have entered Osborne Tower, requesting a special cleanup team!"

But the bullets they fired couldn't hit the lightning-fast tiger cat at all, and Miss McGonagall, whose mouth was full of blood, fell to the ground and looked back at the three guards licking their lips, and rushed towards the place where there were more people in front with a whoosh. out.

The three guards issued warnings while chasing, and only one miserable corpse remained at the warehouse door.

"whispering sound"

Catwoman pouted.

Stretching his body like a gymnast, he fell down from the vent, and quickly cut off the power of several nearby cameras in a blind spot, and then took the electronic card from the dead guard to open the warehouse.

Ten seconds later, wearing an invisibility cloak, she walked out of it carrying a magic box.

"Done! John."

Selena played with the identity card in her hand, and replied to Constantine in her heart:

"I put your gadgets in the third trash can at the elevator entrance on the 14th floor, come and get them yourself. Our equipment is back, now I'm going out and doing some damage to their equipment.

Wait for Mason's news, don't worry about me!

I'll join you when it's time to move. "

"Excellent, sister."

Zha Kang praised, and reminded:

"Be careful, don't confront them head-on, if it doesn't work, withdraw first."

"I know."

Selena whispered:

"I'm just interested in who's behind Sandstorm. I'm going to see if I can dig up some material. You know? I have a feeling that killing Sandstorm may not be the end of it.

If you want to really solve the trouble, you have to start with the guy hiding behind the scenes. "

Afterwards, Catwoman's voice fell silent in the spiritual network dominated by Constantine. Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring and looked back at the female pirate Angelina who was walking towards him with a glass of water.

他 说:

"Is Elizabeth still drinking with Electron?"


The female pirate handed the water in her hand to Zha Kang and said:

"Don't worry, all the 'things' that should be added have been added. Elizabeth is really talented in this area. That idiot is fascinated by her."

"Well, you go to the 14th floor to get the equipment back, and get Charles ready as well. He will have to paralyze the air defense line of Osborne Tower in a while."

Zha Kang said something to Angelina.

The moment the female pirate nodded, he felt the buttons on his collar tremble, so he raised his head and drank the water in his hand, grinning and said to his companion:

"Look, Mason is giving the signal to action. He never idles and never disappoints. Alright, fun time is over, friends of the K-team, let's roll up our sleeves and get down to business."

(End of this chapter)

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