The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 157 40. Yo, isn't this Lord Bullseye?Come say hello to your old boss!

Chapter 157 40. Yo, isn't this Lord Bullseye?Come say hello to your old boss!

As soon as the elevator on the 14th floor opened, the eyes of several Osborn guards guarding the elevator with weapons in their hands went dark, and a guy in a gray battle suit rushed out and punched them back.

And behind that guy, there was a guy with a sword who quickly stepped forward and stabbed the first guard who got up.


Blood splattered.

"Successfully complete a melee execution, and the proficiency of fighting skills has improved."

Mason looked at the prompt that popped up in front of him, and pushed aside the guard in front of him who had been pierced through the heart with disgust. The other guys had already been knocked to the ground by the old spider who was not old, so there was no need for him to make up the knife. .

He looked at the chaotic 14th floor of the Osborne Tower in front of him, and then looked at the sharp sword in his hand. The silver long sword was not stained with blood, and the last drop of blood fell to the ground as Mason retracted the sword into its sheath.

He put his hand on the hilt, and the information label of the sword floated in front of his eyes:

Gryffindor's Revenge Sword
Quality: Epic Forging/Inscription Item · Perfect Craft
Status: Repaired damage, reduced quality
Traits: Extraordinary Demon Breaking, Filth Repelling, Magic Resistance, Bodyguard Blade, Absorbing Growth, Calamity Inscription

Added item effects:

Calamity: Captain Ghost added the Ghost Ship's Wraith Iron to it during restoration, giving this wrathful weapon the power to inflict Calamity on opponents.

Every time it hits, [Curse of Weakness] will be applied to the target. The wounds torn by this sword will cause [Bleeding] and are difficult to heal. Enemies killed by this sword will be torn souls to create [Annihilation].

Producer: Ragnac I, King of Fairies

Restorer: Will Turner
Item description: It is not a perfect restoration, but it is very good to make it like this. After all, if you want a good product, you have to do it yourself.

"It's really a good thing! You don't see blood when you kill people. Unfortunately, I still don't like to fight with enemies in close quarters. It always feels too dangerous."

Mason complained in a low voice, and pulled out his Widowmaker precision rifle from behind with his backhand.

The moment the safety was opened, the long box-like gun body changed rapidly with a very mechanical sense, and finally popped out to the sides to reveal the dark barrel.

The energy tank behind the gun was also lit up, and the full ammunition sign danced on it.

"Get down!"

He shouted something.

The old spider rolled over on the spot and jumped to the ceiling with a whoosh, and in the next second, a large group of heavily armed guards rushed over amidst the piercing sirens.

Mason, who was kneeling on the ground, activated the Eye of Death, and the passage of time almost stopped at this moment. The technical rifle in his hand did not need to be charged, and at this distance, relying on engineering armor-piercing bullets could easily smash the exoskeleton armor of these guys in front of him.

"bang bang"

Two consecutive shots were released after being fully charged, and the armor-piercing kinetic energy projectile accelerated to the extreme was like ballooning, continuously piercing through a group of heavy guards in front of him in a brutal way, and then blasting the wall.

Dazzling blood mixed with dust sprayed all over the ground, showing the brutal lethality of Team K's new weapon to the extreme.

"I don't doubt your determination, Peter, but it's all over now, okay? We don't have time to entangle with these little soldiers. Once they react, we will fall into a terrible numerical disadvantage."

Mason stood up and complained:

"And I think your current state is suspicious. Don't you tell me that you are ready to go and never come back, like in those bad third-rate stories, sacrificing yourself and killing the villains trying to bring about this doomsday. hope or something.

Whether it is destruction or salvation, this is a long-term process.

It is far from a problem that can be solved by the death of one or two people. "

"No, I was thinking about other things. My ex-wife and my daughter are still waiting for me to come home. I don't intend to lose my life here."

The old spider argued:

"And I haven't participated in such a fierce battle for a long time, I have to spend some time to find my status."

Mason curled his lips in disbelief, twisted the muzzle of his gun and fired a shot, blasting the core of an automatic patrol mech through two walls, and then glanced at the old spider who didn't look at the pile of corpses in front of him. ,Say:
"What? Does my cold blood make you feel uncomfortable?"

"No, what you do with the gun reminds me of Frank."

Spider-Man whispered:

"And he's much more ruthless than you."

"Frank Castle? Come on, I know you're flattering me."

While opening the team communication, Mason complained:

"That guy's super shooting skills are at least Lv8 or above, and his almost unsolvable firearm adaptation is a perfect talent. How can I compare with him? Zha Kang? Selina? Is anyone on the 14th floor?

Come join me! "

"Mason, John went to the top floor to hold the sandstorm, and Charles was outside fighting vultures, you can see it from the window! Elizabeth and I are installing explosives all the way down from the 14th floor!
Don't worry about us, Captain.

It's all messed up here, we can take care of ourselves bang"

Before the female pirate Angelina could finish her sentence, she screamed and fired wildly at some people. Mrs. Elizabeth took over the communication and said to Mason:
"Be careful, Mason, we released Mag and Fang, those two guys are here to prey wantonly, um, it seems that I don't have to feed them today.

They're sure to eat a belly full. "

"Where's Selena?"

Mason asked as he approached the window:
"Where is our catwoman?"

"She went to hunt freely, but she said before that she was going to visit the owner of Osborne Tower, and she also said that she felt some secrets here.

We had no contact with her for 10 minutes. "

Elizabeth cut off the communication after saying a few words, and when Mason looked up, he saw the kite man flying over with his little wings. This guy was holding a kinetic energy light machine gun in the air and kept firing behind him. The vultures with stronger and cooler wings flapped their mechanical wings and rushed towards them fiercely like eagles preying on pigeons.

Mason set up his gun at the window and said to the kiteman:

"Do you need my help? Charles, I can blow his head off with one shot. I won't miss at this distance."

"No! Boss, go to the top floor and help Zha Kang."

Charles yelled to Mason while skimming the sky and dodging the missiles fired by the vultures with exquisite skills:

"I just saw him being beaten by a sandstorm on the roof. He doesn't seem to be an opponent. Of course, he is more likely to be fishing! Oh, by the way, I also saw Selena, who is on the second floor down from the top floor .

She's being hunted by a strange looking guy.

But she should be able to handle it.

Vulture hand it to me, boss, Selena sneaked my flight control chip into this guy's mechanical wings before, and is now executing the cracking program.


These powerful and cool wings are mine!

Ah ha ha ha ha, this is the booty I want!Y'all stay out of it! "


Mason glanced at the kiteman who was flying around in the air to lure the vultures to perform various acrobatic flying movements. This guy didn't look like a deadly battle, but more like a "goods inspection".

He seems to want to see how far the performance of the vulture's mechanical wings can go?
"Even if they joined the Stars Club, the Sinister Six didn't make any progress at all."

Mason retracted his rifle and said to the old spider beside him:

"It's no wonder that the Sandmen want to keep them here as a reserve team. These guys' combat strength is really bad, and they are played around by a group of D-level players of mine."


The old spider defended his "old opponents" and said:
"Don't you look at the level of your team members! Just that Jason Todd can kill the vultures! That guy can even keep up with my speed in close combat

He's not even a superhuman! "


Mason swung his gun and shattered the glass in front of him, then jumped to the balcony outside and fired his flying claw gun towards a high place.

He didn't have time to take the elevator up bit by bit, Zha Kang might not be able to hold it anymore, and now he needed support.

Spider-Man also jumped out.

The two quickly rushed to the roof, but when they were about to approach the balcony on the top floor that had been covered by wind and sand, a sudden gunshot caused the flying claw in Mason's hand to break from the center.

The young man's body suddenly lightened, and then fell towards the ground from a height of nearly 200 meters under the "call" of Mother Earth.


A ball of white spider silk grabbed Mason's foot at this moment, and the old spider stepped on the balcony on the top floor and flung Mason into the broken window below.

"There's a sniper! I'll kill him, and you help Zha Kang, I'll go up right away."

Mason's voice sounded through the communicator, saying to the old spider:

"Remember to stay away from Zha Kang, that guy is likely to use a cynical old cutie like you as cannon fodder when he is at a disadvantage."

Spider-Man looked back.

On the top floor, it's like a lot of quicksand rolling and strangling something. This is the "big scene" created by the sand man's original ability plus the messy enhancement of the B-level personnel to control the strong wind.

Wherever the wind and sand went, everything was ground and smashed, but in the center of the sandstorm, there was still a group of continuously shining green streamers, like a shelter in the wind and sand.

That should be Mason's team member "Zha Kang".

"What kind of bad name is this?"

The old spider complained, flung out the spider silk, broke through the wind and sand, and swung towards Constantine.

He has rich experience in dealing with sand people, and he knows how to break the situation in this situation.

On Mason's side, when he was thrown into the building, he made a tactical roll and hid himself in a corner, holding a precision rifle and turning on the combat assistance to search for targets in this power-off mess.

But a strange boomerang-like thing flew out of the darkness whistling, and slashed towards Mason's neck obliquely at an exaggerated angle.


The young man dodged the boomerang's slash with a short body, but was hit in the chest by another thing.

He looked down and found that it was a .

Mason pulled out the pen that almost pierced his heart and threw it aside, threw several engineering grenades towards the dark place in front of him, and used the explosion to cover himself into another hiding place.

He is constantly being attacked by all kinds of weird things.

The characteristics of those things are that they are extremely accurate and have very strange ballistics, which makes it impossible for Mason to rely on the ballistics to lock the enemy's position.

"This is not super archery, at least not the kind of super archery I understand."

He adjusted his breathing, squinted his eyes and pondered while using the free aiming frame to find the enemy:
"There is such an almost omnipotent and ever-changing throwing technique. Bullseye? Is he here too? But in the case of Zha Kang, there is no such guy among the reserve members of the Hydra team.

So, he served Norman Osborn, the real owner of Osborne Tower? "


A flying golf ball bounced and collided with the wall above Mason's head at an extremely high speed and smashed hard towards Mason's head, and was dodged sideways by the young man.

But this action exposed his position, and then several boomerangs flew towards Mason.

This made the young man grit his teeth.

The bloody psycho killer is clearly teasing him in a cat-and-mouse fashion, but Mason isn't one to sit still.

He couldn't catch the exact location of the bullseye, the guy was moving quickly in the darkness like a ghost, but he knew that the guy must be behind the messy office in front of him.

Mason dodged a flying boomerang with a tactical roll, and amidst the screams and roars of the Sorting Hat, his hat was sliced ​​just inches away from the severed skull.


He took something out of his arms and threw it towards the dark place in front of him. The thing flew in mid-air like a grenade before it was smashed by the hiding Bullseye with a toothpick thrown out.

The bottle, which was designed to be broken by collision, shattered in the air, and then there was a roar that was so low that it was not humanoid, and it sounded in this battle place.

It's like magic.

The zombie gold brought out by Mason's voodoo charm before was shrunk and hit the ground with a bang. The super mutant corpse king who still retained some sanity almost immediately smelled the breath of living people.

It screamed and got up and rushed towards Bullseye's hiding place. Within a few steps, it was covered with various projectiles and bullets.

But for zombies, it doesn't feel pain.

With a bang, Jin He, the red-eyed corpse king, waved his mutated fists and smashed down the wardrobe where Bullseye was hiding, causing the killer, who was wearing a black tights and had a black and white Bullseye logo on his forehead, to dodge in embarrassment.

He pulled out a pistol that looked very high-tech and fired without aiming and raising his hand. He emptied a magazine and opened Jin Bin's head, and then jumped up and stuffed a grenade into it.

But at the same time, Mason, who was already kneeling and shooting from behind, also locked on his target.

The moment Bullseye landed, a smile appeared on the corner of Mason's mouth and he pulled the trigger.

Amidst the buzzing charging sound, a bullet that was accelerated to the extreme flew out of the gun chamber, and the bullseye also looked back at this moment as if feeling something.


His head was lifted upwards, and his whole body was lifted into the air by the huge impact, the black and white bullseye logo on his forehead was broken and blood gushed out.

The bullet hit the bullseye.

But Mason didn't stop at all, and rushed over the moment the bullet was fired, pulled out the kinetic pistol on his waist, and fired eleven shots at him at the position where the bullseye fell to the ground, emptying a whole magazine.

While the smoke was rising, Mason still didn't receive the kill prompt.

Even eleven cursed bullets plus one charged warhead have penetrated Bullseye's tiny head.

But he was only seriously injured and unconscious, but did not die.

Mason squatted down and looked at the psychopathic killer who was beaten by him like a torture. A peculiar silvery white oozes from the bones exposed under the torn scalp.

"Adamantium was originally a strengthened version."

The captain of Team K let out a sigh of relief, took out the bat lock, locked the guy up and threw it into the suitcase he was carrying.He turned his head and glanced at the zombie Jin Bin whose head was blown off by a grenade.

This guy is not dead!

The vitality of this super zombie king is really staggering.

"You can turn it into a zombie with wicked voodoo, Mason."

The Sorting Hat, which was torn apart again, said weakly:

"Its physique is amazing. It is definitely a good voodoo material. As you can see, although it is not very useful, it is more than enough to make you a target for attracting firepower."

"I think so too."

Mason took out the enchanted bottle and wanted to take back the miserable zombie gold. At this moment, Catwoman's breathless voice sounded in his communication channel:
"Little Mason, I just heard the distinctive sound of your gun and I'm right near you. Come help me! Quick! I've stolen something awesome!

Also, mind you, I seem to attract some awesome guys too.

get ready.

That old man named Norman Osborn looked much more powerful than the pretentious Sandstorm. "

"What did you steal to lure out the big boss behind the scenes?"

Mason asked in surprise, Catwoman endured the pain, gave a hoarse laugh, and said:
"His most important treasure, his son."



Thanks to the leaders of the "Autism Captain" and the "Humen Yan" brothers, the addition of the two is arranged on New Year's Day, let me rest for a few days
(End of this chapter)

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