The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 16 16. A smart person must learn to make up the knife

Chapter 16 16. A smart person must learn to make up the knife
"That damn thing nearly scared the hell out of me!"

The kiteman flew all the way to the ruins of Hogwarts before landing on the ground shaking his legs, but as soon as he landed, his legs became weak and he sat down on the ground.

He threw away the ranger key in his hand like an ominous object, and it was this thing that almost made him eaten as a snack by the terrifying three-headed dog.

Who would have thought that there would be such a terrifying monster in that black forest. The kiteman who almost frightened the heart stopped beating on the spot when he met the zombie three-headed dog just now.

It's not that he's timid.

Although being a villain in Gotham is mostly a scumbag, Kiteman has also seen the world. He has seen all kinds of killer crocodiles and sharkmen, and he was lucky enough to sit at the same table with those guys for dinner.

But can the killer crocodile and the shark man compare with the zombie three-headed dog?
Excluding the real combat power, even from the outside, this is not a level of stuff at all, okay?


The kite man who was frightened and screamed escaped and rested for a few minutes, then he heard the strange sound of the engine. He stood up holding the pistol and turned around to see Mason driving a blue car leisurely. motorcycle running over.

The most outrageous thing is that the three-wheeled motorcycle with the rocket-shaped dump flew all the way from a position suspended at least three meters in the air. It was very stable as if it was driving on an invisible suspended road.

Now the kiteman finally knew why Mason took such a big risk to get this motorcycle.

This thing can actually fly!

But when the motorcycle approached, the kiteman suddenly pulled out his pistol and pointed forward and shouted:
"Stop! Mason, what is that thing in your car? Why do I look like a zombie? Why did you bring that unlucky thing here?"

"Unlucky? This is the savior! Show some respect."

Mason curled his lips and steered the flying motorcycle to the ground. He glanced at Mr. Potter who was placed in the truck.

Although his body was chopped into pieces by old K just now, Mr. Potter is obviously not an ordinary zombie even after he turned into a zombie. During these few minutes, his shattered body was bit by bit under the action of some strange force. point restored.

This is definitely not normal.

That's why Mason took the risk of bringing Mr. Potter out.

"Where's old K?"

The kiteman glanced in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, and asked with some fear:

"Can those two monsters really kill him?"

"do not know."

Mason rubbed his sore forehead and said:

"Old K's willingness to stay and fight with them shows that he thinks he has a chance of winning, so we have to go back to make up the knife in two sessions, hurry up and rest.

Then activate all remaining engineering bombs.

In this wave, either he is dead or we are finished. "

"it is good!"

The kiteman gritted his teeth, turned around and went to get Mason's backpack, took out all the remaining 20 engineering bombs, and activated them one by one.

Mason jumped out of the car and took a look at the invisibility cloak on his body.

This thing was originally very beautiful, and the silver-gray texture does not know what material it is made of, but it must be very luxurious.

But now it is stained with large swaths of blood, making it look ugly and very ominous, and there is always a cold feeling wrapped around the cloak.

that's the truth:
Bloody Invisibility Cloak/Deathly Hallows
Quality: Epic Tailoring/Enchanting Items Supreme Craftsmanship
Characteristics: breath cover, light as a feather, invisible armor, cursed body
Effect: Wearing a cloak to walk in concealment, isolating all life breath and immune to most detection and monitoring states, providing armor-like protection and protecting the user from entering the [serious injury] state.

Curse: The invisibility cloak was stained with the blood of the user and witnessed the severance of the bloodline of the Ignotus Peverell family, and its magical power formed an ominous curse.

There is a certain probability of failure when using the invisibility cloak to enter the battle, and exerts more and more intense mental stimulation on the user.

The effect of this curse cannot be purified

Producer: Ignotus Peverier

Item Description: Don't place too much faith in a magical cloak tainted with despair, it may wish to witness your death more than your enemies.

Mason frowned and finished reading the information label. He pursed his lips, stroked the blood-stained invisibility cloak and whispered:
"So, as long as you don't enter the battle, it won't be invalid? This curse is really troublesome."

"Mason, look!"

The kiteman suddenly pointed at Mr. Porter in the car bucket, and when Mason turned around, he heard the kiteman say:

"There's something embedded in this guy! It's a stone, a broken stone!"


The young man immediately looked at Mr. Potter, and he saw the strangeness on Mr. Potter's chest along the crack in the Auror suit on his body that was cut by the old K.

There were several gray broken stones inlaid in the place of his heart.

Mason narrowed his eyes, picked up the tweezers and removed a small piece from Mr. Potter's heart. He thought it would be difficult, but it was actually easy.

It was as if the thing was also longing to get out of this dead body.

The small stone reflected a cold light in the afternoon sun, and the kiteman who watched it shivered and kept backing away. He felt that this thing must not be a good thing.

Mason stared at the small stone, and he quickly saw its message:

Broken Resurrection Stone/Deathly Hallows
Quality: Epic Alchemy/Inscription Item · Supreme Craftsmanship
Traits: Death Resistance · Soul Call · Broken Curse
Effect: The holder can forcibly resist the death call, lock the life state, and use the resurrection stone as a medium to summon the dead mind body, but this item has a natural curse effect, and the longer it is held, it will suffer more and more The irresistible mental pressure until madness or death.

Curse: After the resurrection stone is violently broken, its effect is uncontrollable. It will continuously summon the mind body of the dead to form a soul impact, and inflict mental torture on all life around it.

This curse cannot be dispelled.

Item description: Turn back!It is looking at you.

Mason turned his head suddenly, and saw a broken spirit body floating beside him as expected.

As he removed all the broken resurrection stones from Mr. Potter's heart one by one, the face of that spirit became clearer.

It was the middle-aged Mr. Harry Potter.

This poor Auror and former savior has long since died, but his broken soul has been imprisoned in a rotting body by the broken resurrection stone and cannot be freed.

From this point of view, the attack of Mason and old K can still be regarded as a final relief for this poor soul.

As for why Potter, a good man in every sense, wanted to embed the resurrection stone in his heart, probably, the former savior must have used this almost suicide method to try to turn the tide when the disaster happened, right?

It's a pity that he failed to stage the myth of salvation this time.

"who is it?"

Mason saw Mr. Potter's spirit body dissipating quickly in the sun, so he took the time to ask:

"Who did all this?"

"Over there! Over there, the top of the Gryffindor tower, where I left everything"

The broken spirit body didn't have many thoughts left. Faced with Mason's inquiry, he raised his finger and pointed in one direction, and then it disappeared before the young man's eyes like soap bubbles.

Mason suddenly stood up and looked in the direction pointed by the spirit body.

There was a completely collapsed ruins of a tower, because it was burned by fire and only ashes remained, so Mason, the kiteman, and even Old K didn't search for that place.

"Just now. That's a ghost, right? It's a ghost!"

The kite man's face was already pale with fright, and the legs of this third-line villain trembled like chaff after seeing a ghost with his own eyes.

This kind of experience that obviously should not be encountered by people in the world made poor Charles extremely mentally stressed. Of course, it may also be caused by the Resurrection Stone that Mason had at hand had begun to exert a mental impact on him.

The young man didn't set off to hunt for treasure right away, he glanced at the zombie Mr. Potter in the truck.

After the resurrection stone was removed, this tired soul who wandered alone in the ruins of Hogwarts for an unknown amount of time could finally rest, and his cursed body finally stopped moving.

There was even a pervasive smile on that withered cheek.

It seems that there is no longer any resentment and anger.

"Do me a favor, carry him down and burn him, don't be afraid, he's dead, completely dead."

Mason said something to the kite man, who swallowed his saliva and was about to argue with Mason.

But when he found that the new boss had already picked up his "cat cage" and was using the fragment of the resurrection stone to gesticulate on the wound of the zombie tiger cat that was blown into two pieces, the kite man suddenly felt that this young man Mason might have gone crazy up.

He looks like he really wants to raise this zombie cat!
"This thing can help you, Professor McGonagall, so calm down, okay?"

Mason held the gray resurrection stone with tweezers and put it on the broken spine of the zombie tiger cat. One was not enough, and another one was added to the spine of the poor zombie cat.

Under his gaze, for about 3 minutes, Professor McGonagall, who was almost blown to pieces, began to repair his dead body under the action of the resurrection stone.

Probably because she was not completely dead and zombies cannot manipulate magic power, so she still maintained the cat form and did not mean to change into a human form.

fair enough.

Mason thought.

It's reasonable to raise a zombie cat by yourself, but if you raise an old zombie witch as a cat, well, it can't be explained clearly when people see it.

"Leave the remaining resurrection stone fragments to Fangya and Maomao."

The young man put the voodoo birdcage back into his arms, and wrapped up the remaining fragments of the Resurrection Stone, intending to give it to the watchdog Hagrid left behind.

That's a good dog too.

"ready or Not?"

After about 10 minutes, Mason poured the last sip of water into his mouth, grabbed his gun aggressively, and said something to the kite man beside him.

The latter was a little timid, but still nodded under Mason's gaze.

"Okay! Let's go to make up the knife."

The young man said loudly:

"Things have reached this point and there is no turning back, Charles, show the momentum you used to follow the clown in Gotham! For our future life, old K must die here!

You still have a son with your ex-wife after the divorce, right?
Don't you want to see him grow up with your own eyes? "

This sentence is like a key, which instantly opened the heart of the kiteman. The man in his 30s gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to open his kite and shouted:

"Fuck you fucking old K! Go! Kill him."

"You still want to use a kite to go there? It's a headwind now."

Mason rode on his beloved flying motorcycle, patted the chassis, and said to his little brother:

"Come up! Let's fly over."
The entrance to the Forbidden Forest is not far from where the Explosive Girl was killed. The woodland in front of Hagrid's cabin has been turned into a hellish scene by fierce fighting.

Hagrid's pet three-headed dog, Fluffy, or Momo with a cuter name, could no longer proudly run rampant in the Forbidden Forest.

The brave old hunter chopped off all three of its heads with two sharp weapons, and shattered its two hearts with an enchanted explosive arrow.

Of course, the old hunter paid a terrible price for this.

But as a C-level member of the Stars Club, Old K, who has experienced many life-and-death battles in at least ten worlds, naturally has his own trump card. He is not immersed in the glory of victory in hunting the zombie three-headed dog alone. Wielding double swords, he fought life and death with the giant eight-eyed spider with an indescribably amazing sword skill.

The latter's frontal destructive power is much weaker than that of the three-headed dog, but as a spider-like creature, its natural web-weaving and poisonous instincts make it still quite difficult to deal with after zombification.

It may not be able to fight hundreds of gods, but it can definitely lead powerful enemies to hell.

Old K is already at the end of his strength, but the acromantula is not much better.

After activating the strange sign at the bottom of the press box and the expensive holy arrows to fight, the bloated abdomen of the acromantula has been burned to a disastrous state.

Its pitch-black compound eyes were also more than half blinded by Old K.

It stands to reason that even zombified beasts should have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. After fighting to this extent, they should find a way to escape.

But what puzzled Old K was that both the three-headed dog just now and the acromantula in front of him fought with him like crazy until the last moment, as if Old K had done something wrong to them.

The problem is, although old K's "entry test" was completed in this world, he was only a small tester in this world at the time, and he didn't even stay for three days, so how could he provoke such a ruthless character in this magical animal? Woolen cloth?

With such doubts in mind, the exhausted old K swung the giant hunting knife in his hand and slashed at the forehead of the zombie-like acromantula, which turned pale white. The sharp blade almost split the monster's head in two. .

The burnt miserable body of the latter trembled a few times before crawling down whining.

Old K didn't have the strength to pull out the hunting knife. He grabbed the blood-stained sword and took a few steps back. Then he heard a strange whistling sound, and then more than 20 engineering bombs flew in and detonated together, blowing the surrounding into a sea of ​​flames.

But the old hunter is not dead yet.

A strange magic shield blocked him from the explosion, but he was too weak, kneeling on the ground with his legs limp.While panting heavily, he tremblingly took out his last hole card from his luggage.

It was a slender crystal bottle containing an amber potion.

As long as he drinks this thing, he will be able to "resurrect on the spot", and then go find Mason and the kite man and bury them here completely!

Anyway, the harvest of this trip is definitely enough, isn't it just a team member?
In Mason's world, there are a lot of strange people and strangers, and I have plenty of time to choose slowly, such as the Lord Batman in Gotham
That activation seems a bit tricky.

But it's okay, you can take your time.

However, Old K, who had his back to the giant spider, didn't notice that at the moment when he was about to die, the compound eyes of the giant spider were still shining with anger and hatred that couldn't be extinguished even by death. .

Especially the giant hunting knife that cut into its head, the familiar and cold aura emanating from it made the zombified beast almost go crazy.

That's the master no, that's the breath of family.
this guy


With the last effort, the sharp spider legs pierced through the old K's body from behind like a piercing spear, causing the old hunter's hand to shake, and the amber crystal bottle fell to the ground, rolling and rolling. forward.

Howling, old K turned around and cut off the poisonous leg of the giant eight-eyed spider with his sword, but the latter was completely dead when he delivered the blow.

The old hunter really couldn't understand it!
What is driving these two long-dead monsters to fight him to the end?

How can they have such strong emotions when they are zombified?
But now is not the time to think about that.

He fell to the ground and reached out to touch the crystal bottle. Just when his bloody fingers were about to touch the bottle, a shoe protruding from the silver-gray invisibility cloak stepped on the crystal bottle.

All hope in the disheartened old K's eyes froze at this moment.

"I guess, you must be wondering, why are they crazy enough to die with you?"

Mason's hoarse voice sounded in this hellish woodland.

He rarely said a lot of words in front of other people, as if saying goodbye.

"The three-headed dog in front of you is called Mao Mao, the acromantula behind you is called Aragog, and the good dog whose paws you chopped off and left at the door to die is called Yaya.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all children raised by Hagrid.

So, sorry, old K.

But this scheduled deathmatch is really a personal vendetta between you and Hagrid's loyal pets.You said, how good you left me alone in Gotham four days ago?

No one really wants to see things come to this point. "

(End of this chapter)

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