The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 161 44. Unanimous vote!Guys, let's charge to death

Chapter 161 44. Unanimous vote!Guys, let's charge to death

Norman Osborn.

A brilliant businessman, a twisted genius, an unqualified but not bad father, and a supervillain with a very successful career.

He was one of Spider-Man and New York City's most troublesome foes long before the end of the world.

According to the story that the old spider just shared with Ertong and Barbara in a low voice, the Green Goblin in this world is very, very beautiful.

In the Avengers split a few years ago, it was the Green Goblin who destroyed the reconstruction of the post-war S.H.I.E.L.D. and formed an organization called Skyhammer with official support.

It is said that for a while, this guy is even preparing to run for president.

So, even if the doomsday invasion didn't come suddenly, the superheroes of this world are destined to survive a very difficult time after the villain takes power.

This is one of the reasons why this world of powerful superheroes is vulnerable to the invasion of the Astral Society and the Cleaner.

Long before the arrival of the invaders, the heroes of this world have fallen into a long-term division and internal strife. Now it is basically certain that this kind of division that has been foreshadowed is caused by the stars secretly playing tricks, and Mason will replay the entire invasion In terms of the course of the incident, it has to be said that those bastards really picked a perfect timing.

In almost one wave, the superheroes who could not unite quickly were knocked down.

And among them, the guy Green Goblin really contributed the most.

But he did not throw himself into the arms of the Society of Stars like the sand man who was picked up by the master swordsman due to shit luck. At least so far, Norman Osborn is still just a "partner" of the Society of Stars .

He is not a member of this organization and always retains the option.

This fully shows that he has not lost his mind.

but such a person
But just now, he told Mason that he and the superheroes in this world who had been ordered to join the Stars Club formed a secret group that conspired to subvert the existing order of the Stars Club.

Judging by his appearance, he seems to be one of the leaders of that small group.

This incident sounds outrageous, and it is indeed outrageous when you think about it carefully.

However, it is not difficult for Mason to understand the theory of "backdoor rebirth" that the Green Goblin just touched upon.

"So, you are like parasites, when the stars will invade you, you also stretch out your minions to lurk among them, so as to complete some kind of 'symbiosis' that sounds strange?"

On the beach under the night, Mason frowned and said:
"Assuming that what you said is true, then I guess the purpose of your doing this is to obtain important information and intelligence, at least to find out the truth behind the so-called 'doomsday'.

So here comes the problem. "

Mason stared at the Goblin and said:

"If you want to persuade me to help my superiors make a decision here, just say something dry. What is the truth behind this doomsday?
I won't hide it from you, I've been investigating.

But everyone I met behaved mysteriously and didn't want to say more, just let me see with my eyes, wouldn't you do the same? "

"Are you sure you want to talk about this at this time?"

The Green Goblin glanced at the sea in the distance. Under the dark night, a certain island in the outer sea was already lit up, and a large number of strange aircraft were flying towards it.

That was the dispatch of the "Cleaner Legion" stationed in this world.

Perhaps in less than ten minutes they would reach the burning Osborne Tower and bring the chaos under control.

"We all have choices."

Mason didn't care about the dispatch of the Cleaner Legion.

He took out a copy of the official execution order of the Constellation Society from his arms and tossed it up and down, saying:
"With this thing, what we are doing tonight is an 'official operation'. No matter how cruel the liquidators are, they will not do anything to us. As for you, you can continue to cooperate with them as if nothing happened.

So you see, we still have plenty of time.

If you speak fast enough, we can even arrange a small 'ambush' for them.I won't hide it from you, one of my team members is helping us form an 'army'.

Although it is unusable, if you do mental calculations without intention, you can really delay the time in a fight. "

"The group of 'underground people' created by Connors?"

The Green Goblin immediately understood Mason's plan, he snorted and said:
"Just a bunch of rabble."

"But we still have a 'jumbo nuke' in our hands."

Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring, stood to the left of Mason, and said coldly:

"A supervillain who can tear you apart with one hand so I advise you to be honest, old man! Now you are begging us."

"Are you going to say it or not?"

Catwoman on Mason's right yawned, folded her arms and sneered:
"Or are you a cunning old man just fooling us? If you really have a rebel army, why did Dr. Otto leave your city and choose to live in seclusion underground?"

"Would you put all your eggs in one basket?"

Old Norman retorted:
"That old hippie came forward to help you fight me tonight, doesn't it just prove that my arrangement is correct? If I die unfortunately, those 'citizens' who are wandering outside will not lose their 'homecoming' all at once. road'.


you are listening, right?

Do you really think I missed those secret doors you left in the mechanism at Osborne Tower?Or, do you think you're smarter than me? "

"Mason, Norman's words do have some truth."

Dr. Otto's voice then sounded in the communication, and he said in a serious tone:
"Tonight's action was a little too smooth. Now that I think about it, the data confrontation between Barbara and Norman and I just now may really be more like a coordinated play.

He took the initiative to admit defeat. "

"Let's talk about dry goods."

Mason nodded and stared at the old green goblin resolutely, and asked:
"Give me a 'sweetener' to help me make up my mind, OK?"

"Okay, cunning brat."

The old Goblin hesitated for a moment, then said:

"The so-called 'shock' is an imminent catastrophe, which simultaneously befalls most of the parallel worlds in the entire multiverse. The doomsday invasion that occurred in our world more than three years ago is the precursor of the 'second shock'.

As a result of that impact, the earth in 3523 parallel worlds perishes forever.

Including our world, the Constellation and its parent organization transferred more than a thousand "refugees" from the world during the second impact, and two-thirds of their current 3000 pioneering team members are also the second time It came after the aftermath of the shock.

In fact, I doubt that's what Stellaris was founded on.

And what is coming now is the 'third shock', which will appear within half a month to a month. This is the news that my people found directly from the database of the Constellation Club. "

Old Norman paused, giving the K-team members time to digest the information.

Then he said:
"Among all the pioneers we sent, the Black Widow's team climbed the fastest, and she has already started preparing to apply for the promotion process of the A-level 12-member council.

She has been to the depths of the Great Library of Starsburg and saw a lot of information.

No matter what kind of ghost your organization has developed now, and what methods it uses to search and squeeze parallel worlds, in the beginning, they really established it for the cause of salvation.

Sadly the records of that event have been wiped, and no one knows what prompted its actual establishment.

According to the news that our people found out in the Stars Club, the first impact was 17 years ago, and the second impact was three years ago.

The scale of the third shock will be even greater.

But that's not the only bad news.

Because even after the third impact, there will be a fourth, fifth, until the complete demise of the parallel world system of the entire multiverse.

It's accelerating.

The doomsday is speeding up, and there is really not much time left for us.

Otherwise, I wouldn't take such a risk to establish contact with you and the people behind you. Now facing this bad news, do you have anything to say? "

"Please forgive me, my brain is still accepting this truth, and I don't have any unique ideas to tell you for a while."

Mason rubbed his forehead and said:
"So, what are the specific manifestations of these impact events?"

"I do not know."

The Green Goblin waved his hand neatly and said:

"It's not that I didn't tell you, it's that I really don't know. During the second impact, the stars will use some kind of equipment to obscure the observation of the entire planet.

I just know we got through it.

But according to my observations of the world with satellites, a large-scale meteorite crash occurred during that time, and traces of minerals from other worlds were found in those meteorites.

So I guess, this should be a cruel 'either-or'.

Because of our survival, another world was destroyed. "

"Sounds like a scale."

Zha Kang frowned tightly, smoking cigarettes one by one, and said:

"If you want to maintain balance, you have to make some sacrifices. It really fits the evil style of the Stars Club."


Catwoman shook her head and said:

"If it was the so-called 'Second Shock' that happened more than three years ago, why didn't our world feel at all? Batman was in Gotham during that time and never left.

It is impossible for him to be absent from such a world-class event. "

"Because you're 'bye'."

The Green Goblin said quietly:

"And you have had two consecutive byes. It seems that your world luck is really good. Of course, there is another possibility. Some of us who have been mixed into the high-level research institutions have revealed a piece of news.

In fact, the Stars Society and even their higher-level organization did not have a specific conclusion on the research on the "Doomsday Shock". Some of them speculated that this kind of shock would cover the lower world first, and then spread upwards bit by bit.

It's like a... well, brutal gladiatorial fight.

Let the miscellaneous fish warm up and heat up the atmosphere first, and then the truly fierce fighters will join in the more bloody gladiatorial fights.But you can see from the way you look, this time you can't escape.

I guess, the powerhouses in your world are busy now? "


Mason nodded.

He glanced at the Green Goblin, and then called through the communicator:
"Jack! Are your negotiations going well? We may need allies to appear."

"Wait a minute, we're talking."

Captain Jack's voice came from the communicator, and he said:
"The leaders of the underground people made excessive demands, but they still gave Dr. Connors face and didn't swallow me on the spot. There is still something to talk about.

I need some time. "

"There's no time for you."

Mason glanced at the more and more aircraft taking off off the coast, and said:

"A maximum of 10 minutes, you must arrive at Osborne Tower or it will be too late."

Captain Jack was silent for a moment, and after a few seconds he said:
"I try my best."

Mason's action made the Green Goblin smile.

He knew that the captain of Team K had made a very difficult decision, but when he was about to leave with Harry Osborn's biological cabin, Mason stopped him.

"You're going to fight them, but what about your son?"

Mason said:
"He was dragged out of the time stream by the stars. Once they find out about your rebellion, you will lose him again."

"So why do you think I am looking for the people behind you?"

The old green goblin showed a strange smile, looked at his son sleeping peacefully in the biological cabin, and said:

"If they really want to do something, if they want to control our power, they have to pay something as a 'deposit' first, right?"

"The third shock is coming, are you sure you want to change the court at this time?"

Mason said:
"Without the protection of the Constellation Society, this world will be over, right?"

"Look around you, Mason."

Old Norman pointed to the distant ruined city where the dust was scattered due to the shock just now, and he whispered:

"What's the difference between the current state of the world and death? Besides, don't you still have you? Since I'm 'selling myself', I'm naturally eager to sell it for a good price.

If I want to hand over the hidden power that we, the remnants of the doomsday, paid the price of the whole world to build, you have to pay something, right?

It's a big gamble.

I bet you rebels have a way to protect this world.

If I lose the bet.

That just shows that I have bad eyesight. "

The Green Goblin put on his mechanical helmet again, and said:
"One final reminder. Don't hold back against the Cleaners!
Those guys have been transformed to wipe out all emotions, and have been turned into walking biochemical beasts with messy enhancers. To be kind to them is to be cruel to yourself.

It's just a low-level legion stationed here, and it's not difficult to deal with as long as you make up your mind. The only trouble is their battleship, the firepower of that thing can wipe out the Osborne Tower in a few minutes. "

After speaking, he glanced at Peter Parker who was standing there again, and said coldly:
"As for you, Peter, you should also make your own choice, after you've wasted so much time. Do you continue to hide underground and make a living?

Or give your blood again for your dead world? "

The Green Goblin, who dropped a few words, disappeared into the night sky, leaving only Team K whispering and discussing.

"This truth is too strong, I need some time to calm down."

Barbara Gordon, who watched the whole process, complained in the communication:

"I thought it was a simple matter of shoveling evil and repelling rape, but why did it turn out to be like a spy? And speaking of it, do you really believe what that old Norman said?

Why do I always feel like he hasn't told the whole truth? "

"He has reservations, that's for sure."

Zha Kang glanced at Mason while exhaling smoke rings, and said:
"I now suspect that he exaggerated the capabilities of his 'Rebel Army'. If the Sandmen were really useless in his eyes, he wouldn't need to spend so much resources on cultivating the Hydra team.

If you ask me, maybe this old guy really still has cards in his hand.

But certainly not much.

His showdown at this time is not just to show his position, but to ask for help
He hopes to embrace the thigh of the organization that Mister Hunter belongs to! "

"And I'm very skeptical of his grip on the superheroes he puts in the Stellaris."

Lady Catwoman also rubbed her eyes and said:
"All conscientious people in this world died in the doomsday invasion, no matter how those who survived whitewashed their original behavior, betrayal is betrayal.

How much loyalty can you expect from those who at the last moment gave up their world to the invaders?
Does the Constellation Society have any means to win over those exiles?

But I also know that our little Mason is a kind guy, and he doesn't want to see people suffer. It is impossible for you to let this world continue to be exploited by the cleaners.

I actually think with or without the Green Goblin thing, you'd have to fight the Cleaners, or you wouldn't have Jack negotiating for reinforcements.

You've been planning this battle. "

"We really should help them!"

Ertong, who has always been silent, said briefly:
"No matter how powerful they are, they are always a help. As long as they are fighting against the Stars, they are our allies."

"I think so!"

While reloading his kinetic energy light machine gun, the kite man said to Mason:
"Boss, pulling people back can make Mr. Hunter value you more. Didn't you say you want to show our value? This is a good opportunity now!"

Mason nodded but did not speak immediately, but turned to look at the silent Mrs. Elizabeth and Angelina, and said:

"What do you two think?"

"Huh? Should we also seek the opinions of our servants on such a big matter?"

The female pirate took out a bottle of wine from somewhere and took a sip. Although she said she didn't care, when Mason asked her opinion, she shrugged and replied:
"I have no opinion, but if you need a piece of advice, I'll tell you to help them!

Pirates know this.

If you are in trouble at sea and have to refuse every crooked offer of co-operation from every mean person, you will be alone in no time.

In this line of work, what you play is a heartbeat. "


Lady Elizabeth folded her arms and looked at the deep sea.

She didn't know what she was thinking, and said without turning her head:

"It's just to see who is more skilled. Mason, I have a little confidence in your wisdom. I don't have as much thoughtfulness as you at your age. Don't be afraid of them, Mr. Hunter will stand up to the sky falling.

do it! "

"Since you all say so. Let's do it!"

Mason took a deep breath, reached out and touched the Sorting Hat, which was about to scream excitedly when he heard that the liquidators were going to be killed, then looked at his team members, and said:
"Let's fight against the Cleaners tonight, and test their quality by the way. Even if we are caught by the Justice League after we go back, we have some hard goods on hand to facilitate negotiations.


I know you've been eavesdropping!

You fucking hurry up and pull people over, otherwise we won't be able to make a splash if we throw them in. Oh, by the way, don't forget to invite our demon knight.

A little force of justice is desperately needed here right now. "

(End of this chapter)

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