The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 163 46. Gun in hand, follow me!Ride lizards, kill mad dogs!

Chapter 163 46. Gun in hand, follow me!Ride lizards, kill mad dogs!

"We agree to your terms!"

A few minutes later, Jack Spyro, who had a "secret chat" with Jameson, walked in front of the leaders of the underground people lizardmen clan, exhaling smoke rings.

He stretched out his finger and pointed to the shelter above his back, and said to the lizard people who stared at him like "food" with gloomy eyes:
"The collapsed place belongs to you. The people in the shelter will be evacuated, and all the things you can't take will be left to you. I have already made an agreement with Mayor Jameson. They will move in a few days. You can even help."


Such a generous and direct answer made the subterranean lizard people split into several tribes look at each other, and their eyes covered with scales of different colors showed suspicion and cold light.

One of the big black lizardmen rolled its forked tongue in its mouth, and stared at Captain Jack with its two eyes turned at different angles strangely.
Uh, she said:

"We can't believe you, an outsider, talking empty teeth. Don't look at us like beasts now. Back then, our brothers were all in the high-end circle of Manhattan. We all had millions of dollars a second. There are countless people with eyes in one turn.

You can't fool us with this little trick. "

"You can go and talk to them."

Jack exhaled smoke and pointed to several shelter leaders behind him, saying:

"I'm just a middleman in charge of delivering the message, understand? Of course, I understand what you mean, such a large refugee will send it off as soon as he says, who can rest assured if he doesn't mention some conditions for such a big matter.

So listen up, their condition is that you clans must be talented!All the lizardmen who can still move are dispatched, and follow us to the Osborne Tower!

Don't be afraid.

We've sent our vanguard and our heroes to fight it out there, and if you've got spotters, it's not hard to see that tower is ablaze. "

"Terrible conditions."

Several lizardman leaders shouted loudly with hissing voices:
"You want us to fight against those invaders! Those alien mad dogs that ruined the world! We don't want this shelter, we can move in after you are dead.

We're all just ordinary, helpless people, we."

"You are not ordinary people!"

Dr. Connors, who has been sitting by the side without speaking like a log since the beginning of this negotiation, said in a deep voice:

"You voluntarily injected my lizard serum in order to survive the doomsday, and you have been no longer ordinary humans since then.

What has been changed is not only your appearance, but also your life form.

Wearing scale armor is not afraid of bullets, the super self-healing power of rebirth of broken limbs, the night vision ability of tracking life signals with heat energy, and the super endurance of being able to survive in complex environments of high temperature and low temperature and even chemical substances.

You can even drink unpurified sewage directly to a certain extent before being infected by the virus.

You can feel that you are still weak, but you can't insult my serum! "

The biologist who single-handedly created the "race" of the Underground People shook his tail, which was twice larger than the average lizardman. While opening and closing his jagged teeth, he was wearing a white coat and wearing oversized glasses. Said coldly:

"It's not that I can't fight, it's just that I'm afraid.

He would rather use his new power to fight and snatch the leftovers from each other, would rather carve out territories underground like wild beasts, and dare not point his minions at the culprits who ruined his past life.

You guys really are the worst mess of experiments I've ever made.

I ask you! "

Dr. Connors stood up.

The super big man made several lizardman leaders back a few steps in fear, and he scolded like a lizardman boss teaching his cubs:

"Is your teeth not sharp enough? Or are your claws not sharp enough? I gave you the strength of a cold-blooded beast, but didn't I give you a heart of a beast?"

The underground people are all created by Dr. Connors' serum. Although they don't regard Dr. Connors as a "god" or "faith", these lizard people who have become monks usually have a headache and have to go to Kang Dr. Nass treats diseases, so although the doctor does not participate in the politics of the underground people, his reputation in this new ethnic group is absolutely high.

Faced with his scolding, a group of lizardmen lowered their heads and did not dare to refute. The black female lizardmen who spoke to Jack first argued in a low voice:

"But it's different, doctor. This black-hearted outsider is trying to trick us into fighting the dreaded Cleaners, but we don't have to.

If they don't come underground, we can pretend that they don't exist."

"Don't be stupid!"

Captain Jack finally found his chance.

He screamed, which not only attracted the attention of the lizard people, but also attracted the attention of some shelter members around.The legendary pirate quickly jumped onto the box next to him, waved his hands like a street speaker and shouted to the people around him:

"You buried your heads in the dark, hid yourself underground and pretended you couldn't see the bullets passing by in the surface world, and lied to yourself that the years were quiet and nothing happened.

You can continue to hypnotize yourself in this way to let the dream continue, but the big earthquake just now is your personal experience!At this time, no one still thinks that it is just an ordinary geological hazard, right?
Do not be silly!
The truth is right in front of your eyes, you just don't want to believe it.

Let's take this opportunity to speak out. "

Jack yelled and spread the story of Osborne Tower and Gravitonium here, besides the facts, he also made a billion points of appropriate "exaggeration".

For example, intimidating the Lizardmen, saying that the plan of the Cleaners is to create a major earthquake to bury them alive in the ground, and intimidating the residents of the shelter, saying that the bastards from other worlds took away their heroes to drive them to a corner and then use them to do it again. Terrible biological experiments.

"It's come to a point where you can't live without fighting! This is no longer the era when you could hide from danger by hiding underground a few years ago."

As Jack spoke, he became excited, took out a bottle of wine and took a sip, he shouted:

"The butcher's knife is in their hands, and you don't have to pick the time when they want to do it. You, and the lizard people, don't think that your miserable days that have reached the bottom of the valley will continue like this.

You may be thinking, are you afraid that it will be even worse if it is so rotten?

But I will leave the words here today!

If you are looking for some kind of change, tonight is your best time, we outsiders are all like mad dogs in your eyes, I admit that the hounds of the Stars have done disgusting things, but we are different!
We are not just saying that my brothers and sisters have lit Osborne Tower, I think that is a testament to our ability and sincerity.

We are your pioneers!
We'll take care of the toughest nuts, you just need to grab your guns and rush in with great momentum and put every bullet in those bastards who ruined your world.

All the shit can end tonight!
come on!

Let's burn Osborne Tower to ashes! "

Jack's yelling and incitement caused commotion in the crowd.

This is especially true for some young people who have seen the prosperity of the old era. The old people may be willing to live underground in order to survive, but for them, yearning for the sun is human instinct.

Some excited guys have already waved their hands following Jack's shout.

But the legendary pirate keenly felt that most of the people in the crowd were still hesitating, which was normal, because he only talked about risks and battles, but he didn't tell them the rewards they could get from taking risks.

In this damn year, who will do anything that is not beneficial?
Captain Jack, who knew this well, cleared his throat, opened his arms and said to the silent crowd:
"Your shelter has collapsed, my poor doomsday people, of course you can try to clean it up, but I just told you that living underground will only get worse and worse if you live underground. not safe.

So why not change places?
How about Osborne Tower?
In a small seaside town with beautiful scenery, there is no need to worry about zombies at all with a wall more than 50 meters high. Everyone has a few hours a day to bask in the sun on the surface.

Skilled people can even own a capsule room in a residential area on the ground.

Although the place is small, it has everything you need.

After all, everyone can live where they should live again, and they can eat synthetic meat two days a week. Although I don't know what that is, it sounds good.

You can enjoy clean water, you can even buy cola-flavored drinks for a little money, and you can eat finger cakes every birthday.

Think about the children, think about the young people, hide in this underground place and want to watch a movie, you have to take care of your roommates, is this a fucking life?

I know it's risky.

But there are risks in doing everything!You might get electrocuted while playing with a toaster in the shelter, why bother thinking about it if it's fate? "

The legendary pirate paused, and while watching silently, he pulled out the pistol at his waist, opened the chamber with a click, and shouted to the people in front of him:
"Are you willing to hide in dark caves underground until you die of old age, let your children blame you for losing the world that should belong to them, and live to be 80 years old without doing anything?
Or would you like to join me on the battlefield tonight?
Even if he couldn't survive the first 10 minutes of the battle, or even more tragically, he was knocked to the ground by the first bullet.

I have nothing more to promise you.

All I can say is if you survive tonight, when you have kids, you can brag about what you did for the fucking world.

Even if only a little bit.

At that time, you can brag as much as you want, and no one dares to question you. "

Except for the roaring and noise of some young people, no one responded to Jack's incitement, but the silence in the crowd has subtly changed.

Everyone was staring at each other, as if waiting for the first person to actually stand up.

The resentment that has been hidden under the doomsday for so long, the invisible emotion that yearns to go back to the past but can only be forced to face the pain of the tragic reality is brewing.

Just waiting for a fuse to ignite it.

"Well said, well said! So good that these words should not be spoken by an outsider like you!"

Mary Jane's voice came from the back of the crowd, the cowgirl-clad lady holding a large-bore shotgun, and many turned to look at her.

And Mary Jane, who was known to everyone in the shelter, plucked her hair, raised the weapon in her hand, and said:

"My ex-husband, you all know him, he's under the Osborne Tower now!
Just now, he and these outsiders killed Osborn's henchmen. The evil six who escaped the disaster did not escape their due trial and punishment tonight.

Peter Parker is here to fulfill his promise to protect the city.

He lost his city, but he stood up for us again!

Brothers and sisters, this time we will not stand on the sidelines like last time, and sit back and watch the world be handed over. We only have this little thing left in our hands, and we will fight desperately with anyone who wants to take it away!
I will go there!
For my daughter, for my dead husband and son.

I need someone to go with me. "


Little old Jameson dropped his stick, and shouted as he clutched a revolver.

Great, here's that lead!

And it has been ignited.
A few seconds later, the entire silent crowd exploded, roaring and waving their arms, shouting something, perhaps they didn't even know what they were shouting.

But that smell is enough.

The guards who had been arranged for a long time sent the weapons they took out into the crowd, and Captain Jack watched this scene proudly. He puffed out the smoke ring and looked back at the lizard people provocatively, saying:

"What do you think they'll do now that I tell them you don't want to fight with us and are taking our sanctuary?
Or come with us!

Or let's have a fight here first!If we can't live, you don't want to live comfortably! "


The black female lizard also wanted to stall for time.

But then a muffled sound from the cave in the distance made the faces of all the lizardmen leaders change drastically, and after a short while, a lizardman boy covered in blood rushed over and shouted:

"It's bad, leaders, our supply warehouse was bombed! Daredevil did it! That bastard who had been paralyzed for several years sneaked in and set a fire when his legs and feet recovered.

Our food and water stores are gone, and he's holding our lizard eggs"


The black female lizardman was completely enraged.

She swung her claws and slashed at the proud Captain Jack in front of her, but her swung arm was easily held by a thicker claw. Under Dr. Connors' thunderous reprimand, the strongest lizardman leader He was thrown out like a child and hit the ground.

"Assemble your warriors!"

Dr. Lizard yelled while ripping off the white coat on his body:

"Pick up these armed civilians from the underground river to Osborne Tower! I've had enough of your cowardice and chatter, you're wasting your second life and the serum I gave you !
Or follow us to the battlefield!
Either I release the antidote and turn you back into weak humans.

You choose! "

"After this battle, the entire underground world on the east coast will belong to you, and some supplies from the Osborne Tower will be given to you, which is definitely enough to compensate for your losses."

Captain Jack was blowing smoke rings beside him, quietly drawing big cakes and saying:

"But we can't talk about distribution until we have the loot in our hands?"

In less than 10 minutes, led by Dr. Connors in black leather armor and carrying Mary Jane, the first group of armed civilians in the refuge rode those lizard warriors running fast in the underground river on all fours We headed for Osborne Tower.

Jack was among them.

This angry guy was riding behind the black female lizard man who had been taught a lesson by Dr. Connors. He grabbed the lizard man's dorsal fin and said:

"Hey, I still need a mount for such a famous captain. Uh, don't be angry, I mean a partner! Do you want to mix with me in the future?"

"Hey! Lizard Rider over there, bring this on!"

When they passed the cliff where Dr. Otto lived in seclusion, Dr. Hippie shouted from above. He pointed to a black iron pot beside him and shouted to Jack below:
"Bring this to the battlefield and give it to Mason. Although it hasn't been repaired to perfection, he thinks it will be useful."

(End of this chapter)

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