The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 166 49. Family members!What I bring to you today is the unboxing evaluation of the Anti-Supe

Chapter 166 49. Family members!What I bring to you today is the unboxing evaluation of the Anti-Superman Armor

"Of course I accept this killing commission, hypocritical Holy Grail Knight Jason Brad."

Facing Jason's commission, a piercing and murky voice quickly sounded from the boiling brimstone and fire.

Under Xiaomei's slightly terrified gaze, the figure of the gentle and handsome knight uncle was quickly melted by the flames, replaced by a ferocious and terrifying high-ranking demon who was gradually removing the shackles in the fire.

It's pretty ugly.

It is not as "beautiful" as some legendary demons. There are no beautiful and curved demon horns, only a pair of small spiked horns on the forehead, and the embellishments around the ears look quite weird like fish fins.

But it also has the characteristics that hell creatures should have, such as fangs and sharp teeth, such as the chaotic magic fire shield, and such as the condensed fear aura.

It moves its claws in a prone position.

The dark red battle armor was forged by flames, the gray blue cloak fluttered like wings, and a pair of crimson eyes opened and locked on a group of clearer biochemical soldiers rushing into the cave.

Even if the latter only had a remnant soul left, the sparks of sin that were still driven by the vicious gaze of the superior demon quickly incinerated from the body.

The blazing torch was ignited in the rainstorm at night, and the noisy laughter from hell echoed in the noise. The free demon crossed his hands, and a great sword made of magma took shape in its hands.

It lowered its head, looked at Xiaomei who was like a little girl at its feet, and then showed a malicious smile of thousands of degrees to this bold brat.

Scared, Xiaomei swished and hid behind "Grandpa Octopus", and poked her head out to carefully size up her "Uncle Devil".

He is really a devil!

Wow, ugly, but so cool.

"Liar kid like you deserves to be thrown in a frying pan in hell!"

Italegen yelled at Xiaomei.

Xiaomei, who was hiding behind Doctor Octopus, poked her head out. She could tell that the devil was joking with her, so she grinned and waved her fists and shouted:
"If you want to fry, you have to fry those villains first. I don't like to eat, and I don't have much meat. Big devil, powerful big devil, you hurry up and eat them!"

"Hahaha, hahahaha! As you wish, cunning little spider princess."

Italegen made an exaggerated knight salute on the spot in a "gentle and polite manner", and then squatted slightly on the stone of the cave.

The magma extending from its feet quickly enveloped the surrounding ground, flowing water and rocks. In the increasingly pungent sulfur breath, its eyes finally locked on the building that was slowly heading towards Oss through the rain and through the clouds. The clearer war ship of the tower.

It knows that it can kill a lot there!
"Knight Jason's hypocrisy is ridiculous, and the old grudge of Itleygen is hard to get rid of. The dense bones are cast into doomsday, and the evil ghost is whimpering. Boring, boring, boring!"

The big devil and rhyming maniac recited doggerel and shook his head and waved the blade of hell. Several gunboats flying overhead were smashed by the summoned meteorite.

In the momentum of a magma eruption, it soared into the sky, turning into a night flame like a retrograde meteor, cutting through the gloomy rain.

Amidst the cheers of Xiaomei and the children, it circled the burning Osborne Tower, passed through the dim sky, and finally hit the outer armor of the giant warship heading towards the battlefield like a scorching meteorite. superior.

The terrifying impact tore the black war mothership like a monster fish into a melting gap, and high-temperature magma gushed out from the feet of the upper demon, as if the gate of hell opened and swallowed the black metal.

Numerous bullets and lasers blasted from the giant ship to the demon who was about to kill, but it was useless except to add a fire to its already hungry and brutal mind.

"Let me enjoy the banquet of ten thousand souls, and the blood will flow into rivers right now."

It grabbed the flying bomb and let it explode in its hands, then laughed maniacally and went forward to grab a big biochemical soldier and bit off half of the latter's body with one bite.

I wanted to taste this blood feast, but I almost spit it out at the first bite.

"Vomit blood and rotten flesh, trade at a loss!"

The bad taste completely dispelled all the appetites of Italegen.

It even made this "hell great writer" lose the interest in reciting poems.

But it's okay.

It knows how to please itself, and transforms its gluttonous appetite into the comfort of killing to its heart's content. To the devil, there is no difference between the two.


A few seconds later, the terrifying explosion shook the world. Zha Kang, who was throwing a Fierce Curse on the ground and ignited a house, lay on his zombie dragon and looked up at the burning giant ship and the exploding magma flames in the sky.

This exciting scene made the black magician speechless again and again.

"Good guy! Burn yourself!"

He exclaimed in the team communication:

"Jason Blood has completely released Itragen? It seems that witnessing the doomsday has had a great psychological impact on that old-fashioned knight. I guess he hasn't been this angry for hundreds of years.

Bad news, folks, we may have accidentally unleashed a Doom monster in Doom!

Good news, that monster is on our side!

Hey, good things are all good things.

Mason, you can withdraw!
Let's leave it to our master Itlegan to clear the field. The high-level demons in this state will not stop unless they have fun killing them. We have to stay away to avoid being hurt by Chiyu. "

"Let's retreat and go to Osborne Tower. I will stay here and help the lizard people open their front."

Mason's voice came over the comm, with the excitement of a man getting his "new toy," as he said:

"I have to complete the evaluation of the new weapon by the way. You go there first, and I will come later."

"Got it, be careful yourself."

Zha Kang gave a warning, and then drove the zombie flying dragon through the hail of bullets in the air and flew towards the main body of Osborne Tower. He didn't intend to stay here any longer.

It will definitely wreak havoc on the ground after it overturns the mothership, and unfortunately, he has some small "grievances" with Jason Brad and Italegen.

In the past, he was controlled by an old knight with a stubborn personality, and he was not worried that he would be crushed to death by a demon, but tonight when Italegen was completely released, in case the demon had a bad intention, the journey of Uncle Zackon's worlds It is estimated that Game Over will be staged.

But even if the war mothership was suddenly attacked by high-ranking demons, the cleaners on the ground still reacted extremely quickly to the attack.

These guys with control chips implanted in their brains can be regarded as humanoid cannon fodder controlled by the program. Naturally, they will not lose control because they are attacked everywhere after being wiped out of fear.

Except for Area C, which was disrupted by the K team and is being taken over by the Lizardmen and their Sanctuary Knights, the other three areas in Osborne Tower City have established quite difficult defenses.

Although effective and flexible command could not be obtained due to the absence of the commander, the various plans implanted in the minds of the biochemical soldiers allowed them to adopt quite aggressive and correct encirclement and annihilation tactics at this time.

Some people went to destroy the rather troublesome city defense turrets, and the rest started to advance to Area C to destroy the enemy.


The violent collision in the torrential rain caused the entire wall to explode, and then a tall, heavy but flexible figure rushed into the temporary defense line guarded by layers of guards like a rampage.

The fearless clearers were not fooled by the raid. Five heavy machine guns and multiple grenades turned their muzzles and fired at the attackers at the same time. Although the combat prosthetics in their bodies were only mass-produced low-level goods, they had all kinds of combat assistance. They were perfectly capable of keeping up with the speed of their attackers.

But being able to keep up is one thing, being able to counter effectively is another.

The bullet the size of a finger hit the assailant's body and could only bounce off dazzling sparks. The opponent dodged two of the fired grenades, and he recovered and held the third one and smashed it like a shot put.

Amidst the violent explosion, the heavy black power armor clenched its fist, and was pushed by the foot thrusters like a battering ram, smashing the steel plate and lifting the firing heavy machine gun with one hand, and then like a warhammer Sweep out like a brute.

Five reloaders were sent flying, but they were dead before they hit the ground.

The outer armor of the anti-Superman armor controlled by Mason was already covered with disgusting flesh and blood. Although the armor designed by the master to restrain the superman was indeed unable to deal with the full-fire superman, it was sent down When it comes to a battle of this level, it is simply an irresistible killing god descending into the world.

Moreover, Mason also used his "intelligence" to replace it with various lethal weapons, and completed the data connection and overall compatibility of these weapon systems with the god-level assistance of Doctor Octopus.

He knocked out yet another firepower point with ease, leaving the Anti-Superman armor undamaged save for dents and scratches on the outer armor.

The tactical eyepiece of his full-face helmet has scanned the location of the retreating personnel for Mason, and the miniature missile nest on the shoulder of the armor pops out.

Under Mason's manual control, six missiles fired in succession, blasting the hiding cleaners into a pile of minced meat in the flames.

This weapon straight out of the Batmobile works great.

Especially after replacing the non-lethal concussion rounds with high-explosive and armor-piercing rounds.

"The firepower point on the edge of Area B is cleared!"

An emotionless electronic voice sounded in the battle armor. The combat assistant AI temporarily compiled by Doctor Octopus was quite simple, but it still planned the shortest route to the next firepower point for Mason.

This program also made a "number of kills" statistics for Mason on the upper left corner of the display screen of the tactical eyepiece of the anti-Superman armor, and now that number has jumped to 213.

This is only the result within 10 minutes after the anti-superman armor joined the frontal battle!
Calculated, he had to kill twenty of them every minute, and one every three seconds. This kind of killing efficiency made Mason very satisfied. This was the power he imagined the engineer's power armor should have.

Mason glanced back at the broken position strewn with blood and bones and the lizard men hiding in the night rainstorm. He manipulated the armor into the night rain and went to the next position, while shouting to the lizard men who followed behind:
"Take over here! Arm you with their weapons and start hunting! Look at this rainstorm and night, it's a battlefield made for you.

The Scavengers' mothership has been destroyed by our stormtroopers, and these mad dogs are gone!
Be bold.

You are the liberators of this world. "

The shy lizard people in the rear watched the terrifying armor and its operator disappear into the night with awe and fear. Twenty seconds later, there was the sound of explosion, smashing and collapsing from another firepower point.

In the past 10 minutes, the combined casualties caused by this group of underground people to the Cleaners were less than that caused by Mason alone.

But it's not to blame the lizard people for being weak, it can only be said that Mason's "new toy" is great.

"There is still a lack of intelligent fire control, no, a set of combat aids. Such a large power armor has more than a dozen modules, and I can't handle it by myself."

Mason was satisfied with the lethality of this set of anti-superman armor, but he was still not very satisfied with its overall situation. Obviously, the dissatisfied young man was already tired and hurt by the manual mode that required him to aim and fire every time.

After dismantling the bat system installed by the master, he now urgently needs a suit system of his own.

The military mecha module given by Judy last time has been installed in the Fenrir armor, and this set of anti-superhuman armor will only be able to achieve the lowest level of human-computer interaction with the assistance of Dr. Octopus.

Battle suits and users have always been a "symbiosis" system.

The suit has power and the wielder manipulates it, so Mason is desperate to realize the full potential of his suit.

"With the head of the sandstorm as a gift, maybe we can get another set of intelligent AI from the survival team? They are very good at making such things, and wild AIs are everywhere."

The anti-Superman battle armor in the heavy rain quickly passed through the occupied area. While inspecting the little energy left in this armor, Mason thought in his heart:

"Afterwards, I have to find Dr. Octopus to improve this energy source. This 'power consumption' is a bit too fast."


Mason had just turned a street corner when a rocket bomb hit his face, and the subsequent explosion knocked him to the ground. The heavy armor fell to the ground, and then he was surrounded by a group of clearer soldiers with heavy firepower. Circle kick.

But they obviously underestimated the strength of this power armor.

Not only did Mason completely replace its previously damaged armor with the magic alloy he had made with Refining Formation, he even gave the outer armor of the alloy a solid enchantment.

The ordinary bullets and heavy firepower that just increased the caliber like the current one will leave a few scratches at most.

It's like an iron turtle shell with thorns all over its body.

Mason's sense of security in hiding inside was overwhelming, and being surrounded by a group of clearers who kept firing didn't make him restless. On the contrary, he slowly locked on the surrounding targets one by one.


The black power armor stood up against the terrifying firepower, punching and kicking the approaching clearers into a pulp amidst the sparks flying across the bullets.

Then he opened his gauntlet, took a grenade that had hit him in his hand, and smashed it towards the position where the fire was spraying in front of him.

After killing three hapless ghosts, the grenade exploded.

The dazzling flames engulfed another firepower point.

"The kill test came out perfect, the strength test came out perfect, the sharpness uh, the destructive power test came out perfect."

In the heavy rain, Mason steered the Anti-Superman armor like a black steel bat and strode forward to the battlefield. He listened to the sound of the rain slapping on the armor.

In this hustle and bustle of the battlefield, I felt a tranquility from the soul.

In the end, he came up with an evaluation of the first set of power armor in his life:
"Perfect, a litter of Q."

(End of this chapter)

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