The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 168 51. But is it all worth it?

Chapter 168 51. But is it all worth it? (manual dog head)
In the room above the main control room of the Osborne Tower, old Norman Osborn was standing in front of the wall full of surveillance cameras like a voyeur.

This guy who was very weak in the communication to Ertong just now crossed his arms crossed in a fit of spirit, and what was reflected on the screen in front of him was Ertong cutting off Bai Ghost's head, and imitating The gory scene of the master being pinned to the ground by Peter the crazed tarantula.

On the ground behind the Green Goblin lay two bloody corpses.

Those were the two Cleaner commanders he killed. They were guys who were responsible for the cross-world communication and contact system. Killing them could effectively prevent what happened here from being discovered by the Cleaner headquarters.

Although I don't know how true what the old green goblin said before, but judging from his arrangement, it doesn't look like it's a lie that this guy said he would resist the Stars and the Cleaners.

And judging from his relaxed posture, it wasn't a mistake here that caused the three commanders to escape just now, but it was more like they were let out deliberately by Old Norman.

"White Specter is dead, Master Mimic has been dismembered, and now only Assault Commander Crossbones is still active, that guy is trying to regroup and launch a counterattack.

However, the demon crawling out of hell has already regarded these mad dogs as snacks.
It's really hard for these young people to talk to Connors. I went to see the stubborn ghost three times in person, but I couldn't finish a full conversation with him. "

The Green Goblin snapped his fingers, allowing the wall in front of him to monitor the whole picture of Osborn Tower.

He looked admiringly at the lizardmen rushing in under the heavy rain and fire in the night, and finally, his eyes fell on Mason who drove the anti-superman armor through the wall all the way to Barbara Gordon's position Cooper.

The old fox stared at the figure of the captain of the K team on the screen, and he whispered:

"This guy has some skills, no wonder he was sent to execute the sand people. We lost the Hydra team, which is a heart-rending loss. It takes more than time to develop a B-rank team.

But it is also a good thing that we can get more powerful reinforcements.

Otto, I know you're eavesdropping.

Talk about it.

Give your opinion. "

"I think you should curb your bad habits. Did you let the 'Green Goblin' come out again?"

Doctor Octopus sounded in Norman Osborn's office through the remotely cracked speaker with a complaining voice, saying:

"You are fully capable of cleaning up those five guys here. Obviously everything is going in a good direction, but you insist on making so many moths again."

"No, it's necessary."

Old Norman rubbed his forehead, closed his eyes and said:
"For what we've been doing, I have to make sure everything is solid. I'm satisfied that K-Squad has the will to fight back and not be afraid of the Cleaners, but they can't be weak either.

The weak don't get very far in the Gathering of the Stars.

Don't worry, I'll make it up to them, that Mason seems like an organized guy.

It's you, Otto.

I invited you to join the project three years ago, you not only refused but also ran away secretly, which shows that you had no confidence in our ideas at that time, what about now?

Now why take the initiative to help the K team?Did he really see some 'justice' or 'conscience' in this Mason? "

"I was forced out by you, Norman!"

Dr. Otto said bitterly:

"I hid well underground, but your broken machine is going to bury me, and I just entered your database, and I found that you are using gravitonium to make some dangerous weapons.

So I guess, even without the unexpected factor of K-Squad, you would still find a way to launch a siege of the Cleaners, right?Is your plan not going well?

It seems that your Blazers teams haven't contacted you for a long time?Or maybe you upgraded the communication system so that I can no longer monitor the conversation between you? "

Faced with this question, the old Green Goblin spoke with a hint of sadness after several seconds:

"Hate alone will not unite the survivors, Otto, especially when our enemy is a colossus that spans countless worlds and grows every day.

Everyone is afraid, especially after experiencing the end.

That's instinct.

Fear is followed by shrinking, and the firm vows at the beginning are losing courage in the face of cold reality.
I admit, our little organization is falling apart, and Hydra is the only team I still have full control over, but they too were buried by Mason.

That's why we need Mason and the forces behind him.

With their help, I will be able to bring back home those 'wanderers' who want to forget the past. They may want to start a new life. I also wish to bless them.

But that must be after we have the power to choose. "

"I advise you to be honest."

Dr. Octopus reminds:
"If Mason is really the last hope of saving all your plans, then you should tell him the truth, I don't think this young man will give up on you because you have no cards in your hand now.

Otherwise he wouldn't have risked execution here with us against the Cleaners.

Mason and his team members did not choose to help us because of the exchange of interests you mentioned. Before you came forward, he had already made his own arrangements for our miserable world.

Factors related to you just speed up his decision.

I can be sure of that. "

The kinetic energy shotgun in the hands of Barbara Gordon opened fire in the small beehive apartment. The deafening sound almost deafened people's ears. A group of cleaners and biochemical soldiers who rushed into the room were hit by flying broken bullets. It flew up in the air, and when it landed, it hit the opposite wall to complete a "horror decoration".

However, a powerful weapon alone is not enough to protect Batgirl at this time.

Especially when Barbara's microcomputer is still manipulating city defense weapons, she has to allocate part of her attention to provide fire support for the underground people and shelter soldiers fighting fiercely in the city.

"Get out of here!"

Batgirl threw two exploding bat darts towards the door in the room full of gunpowder smoke, blasting out several cleaners who tried to rush into the room again.

Then she heard the roar of a beast.

The clearers who parachuted down from the upper floor were injected with cannon fodder strengthening potion, and jumped in along the window with their muscles stretched and their eyes red.

What greeted these frenzied beasts were the erected black muzzles.

Barbara emptied the four bullets in the gun chamber in one breath, blasting those guys and half of the wall apart. While reloading the weapon, she sent the tactical nuclear bomb in the Osborne tower arsenal into the launch chamber. program.

The reinforcements of the Cleaners can no longer enter the Osborne Tower. The casualties sent from all over the place are increasing rapidly. If the enemy comes again, the people of the underground will collapse.

Those lizard people only looked wild and wild, but they were all ordinary people before the change.

"The launch sequence is about to start! Jane! Clear everyone around the arsenal silo! It's about to open."

Barbara gave a warning to Mary Jane who was fighting in Area A. Just as she was inputting the launch command, a tall figure drove a black battle armor through the bright night where explosions continued.

The guy smashed the remaining half of the wall with his head, and landed behind Barbara in the splash of bricks and stones. He drew his gun and shot. Batgirl's bulletproof suit saved her life, but the impact of the bullet knocked her down. On the ground, the assailant rushed up and beat him three times and two feet, and retreated in embarrassment.

The batarang thrown by Barbara was dodged by the latter, and he pulled away the fighting stick and beat the opponent with a weapon wrapped in high-voltage electricity.

But the latter completely ignored the tickling attack, and Bully grabbed the Batgirl by the neck and lifted her up in the air.

The struggling Barbara kicked the guy's helmet with both legs, and tore off the outer hood, only to find that under the hood was a full-cover black streamlined battle armor, with a crossed gray-black bone logo painted on the heart of the armor. .

A trace of ruthlessness and chill was revealed under the mechanical mask shaped like a vicious ghost.

A black plasma shoulder cannon popped out from the shoulder of the black armor, and the red triangle sight landed on Barbara's forehead.

"Your rebellion is quite interesting. The Stars Club is indeed a group of unreliable bastards."

A hoarse voice came from under the black helmet, and the commander said in a disdainful tone:

"After this incident is reported, maybe we can completely get rid of you unfaithful hounds that should rot in the mud, dogs that even dare to bite their masters!
What do you want? "

"You behind you!"

Barbara, who was about to die, struggled and rolled her eyes and said something.

"You think I'm going to be fooled like this? Do you think I'm a street gangster?"

Crossbones sneered and said:
"Now, remember your loved ones and die."


The black steel fingers tapped on the shoulder armor of Crossbones. If you don't consider the brutal sparks when the other hand armor tore apart the plasma shoulder cannon, this scene actually looks like a joke between good friends.

This changed the face of the clearer assault commander drastically.

He threw Barbara to the high altitude next to her and let her fall to death, turned around and manipulated the arm of the light Mark armor on his body to activate the heavy cannon and fired three shots behind him.

"clang clang"

Three groups of dazzling plasma sparks bounced off the thick outer chest armor of the Anti-Superman armor, tearing the outer armor through cracks, but the unharmed Mason in the cockpit moved his body and said:
"The 'ghost' operation mode test passed. John, the hidden inscription you helped to engrave works well, thank you."

"You're welcome!"

Zha Kang's voice sounded from beyond the broken wall next to him.

Amid the whistling sound of flying wings beating the air, the ferocious zombie flying dragon Noble floated to the broken wall with the black mage and Barbara Gordon lying on it rubbing her neck and coughing.

Batgirl glared at Crossbones viciously, and the microcomputer that raised her arm entered a launch command.

In the next second, amidst the roaring sound of rocket ignition, a silver-gray missile roared into the night sky from the silo in Area A.


Seeing this scene, Crossbones knew it was over.

But this villain doesn't intend to catch him without a fight. He also has the power armor of the opponent. The one he has in hand is an improved model of the war machine power armor, equipped with the standard Ark reactor, which is still capable of fighting.

"The last item, overload mode detection."

Faced with the opponent's stubborn resistance, Mason decisively put the armor into overload.

The tritium energy device on the chest of the battle armor is a masterpiece of purple light. With 200% violent energy output, Mason feels that every heavy punch of the battle armor will make it rattle and almost fall apart.

The two Power Armors then collided together, fighting each other with the sound of harsh metal clashing.

Zha Kang sent an "assist" in time, and his zombie flying dragon spewed scorching dragon breath forward, setting the ruined room on fire, causing the two big guys to roll and hit the rain-covered ground.

Seeing that he might be surrounded and beaten, Crossbones immediately activated the thrusters during the fall, disengaged from contact and flew in the opposite direction in a more flexible posture than Mason, trying to distance himself, but the flames of hell that spewed out from below unexpectedly knocked him away. Burn right.

Itregan, who was enjoying the carnage, did not wish to be disturbed.

The exterior of Crossbones' power armor was melted almost instantly. He howled out of the flames and was dragged back by the claws shot from below. Then, Mason rode up and pressed the guy like a woman fighting. The overloaded anti-Superman The battle armor swung heavy punches with the strength that a Superman would scream pain when he was hit.

Fourteen or five times later, with the sound of metal shattering, Mason tore off the armor of the crossbones, clasped the energy core hidden under the chest in his hand, and raised it with one hand.

The twisted metal covered the villain who wanted to escape and was thrown into the sky, being swallowed by the zombie flying dragon above his head with its mouth open.


The moment Crossbones was killed, the Sorting Hat worn on Mason's head inside the armor let out obscene whistles and unconcealed cheers.

Although its world did not die because of these guys in front of it, it is definitely something that makes people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts to see these bastards die tragically.

Mason flicked off the helmet of the battle armor, and looked at the "baby" tightly clasped in the five fingers of the battle armor, showing a satisfied smile.

He took the thing in his hand, got up from the exhausted anti-Superman armor, sat on the shoulder of the black power armor, and then saw a mushroom cloud light up in the open sea.

It represented that the main base of the Cleaners in this world was wiped out. With the dazzling fire, a symphony of a majestic Valkyrie riding was sung by the Sorting Hat in Mason's mind.

The young man sighed and asked:


"Well, in Muggle-speak these days, it's pretty cool."

Your Excellency the Hat didn't hide his mood at all.

Mason said quietly:

"You're welcome, as long as you're happy, we Muggle servants will clean up the rest of the mess."

"Cool, now we not only betrayed the Constellation, but also fought with the more dangerous Cleaners."

Constantine, who jumped down from the back of the zombie flying dragon, stepped on the muddy water soaked in oil and blood and walked to Mason's side. He exhaled a smoke ring and said:
"So? What's next with this mess?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? But you don't think there is any room for relaxation between us and them?"

Sitting on the shoulder of the Power Armor, the Captain glanced at the sky. The heavy rain just now has turned into small raindrops. Regardless of the war-torn land they are in, it still feels like a gentle drizzle.

他 说:

"Since you are the enemy from the beginning, if you decide to fight to the end from the beginning, then don't pretend that the world is peaceful. It's just a matter of time."

"I didn't say it was bad."

Zha Kang rolled his eyes, folded his arms and said:
"I just want to ask, you just led us to fight against the darkest forces in the galaxy, and the only reward you can get is the gratitude of a group of doomsday survivors.

Is it really worth it? "

Facing this tricky question, Mason shrugged and replied with a standard chicken soup:

"If you insist on asking such an embarrassing question, I can only answer you, but do a good job, John, don't ask about your future."

Then he jumped into the muddy water and began to check the situation of the anti-Superman armor, while Zha Kang drove his zombie flying dragon to the other side of the battlefield to finish. He glanced at Barbara who was bandaging his neck behind him, and said :
"Hey, girl, are you okay? I have some unfortunate news for you. Our captain is crazy. He actually said that what he did tonight was a good thing."

"Even if Bruce were here, he would have done the same thing."

Barbara coughed, touched the bruise on her neck and poured a bottle of healing medicine into her mouth. Breathing in pain, she grabbed the shotgun again, and said confidently:

"Although a nuclear bomb was fired, it is indeed a good thing. Listen to the cheers around, John, they like us, and now we are the heroes of the world.

I knew Batman never misjudged anyone. "

(End of this chapter)

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