The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 187 70. Anti-tank Assassins in the Hell World

Chapter 187 70. Anti-tank Assassins in the Hell World
"The signal from Mason's Batmobile is gone!"

Barbara, who was driving a monster lizard heavy tank that was so cool that it shouldn't appear in this world's painting style, was flying in the air in the direction of the Continental Hotel, and suddenly lost the signal capture of the Batmobile, which made the brain-computer The Batgirl connected to the tank's control weapon system was startled.

This upheaval of emotions immediately affects human-computer interaction.

The heavy tank made a sudden stop and then turned, causing the second barrel sitting on the co-pilot who was checking the assault equipment to almost hit the top of the driver's seat, which was not spacious enough.

"What are you going to do?"

Jason yelled:

"We should save Kang Zha!"

"Let Jack Kang die, a bastard like him can always find a way to escape, but I'm about to lose Mason's signal!"

Barbara opened her eyes and screamed:
"Selena and Gordon will kill me if I leave him here."

"Passengers, please stabilize your emotions! Such a drastic emotional change under full consciousness data interaction may cause irreversible damage to your brain that has not undergone frontal cortex prosthesis modification."

The voice of the on-board AI Delaman sounded immediately, and it projected its own bald-headed male image in front of the console of the monster lizard, and comforted Barbara:

"The sub-thread data of this program has just been retrieved. Passenger No. [-], Mr. Mason Cooper, has not suffered any damage to his life, but the very good vehicle Batmobile has temporarily entered a shutdown state due to a high-energy impact.

According to the analysis of the last screen sent back when the sub-thread data was recovered, Mr. Mason was chasing and fighting in the dark with a killer in this world who was suspected of being Johnny Silverhand's space-time alien.

Passenger No. [-] please rest assured!
According to the calculation of this program, the probability of Mr. Mason winning this chase is not less than 60%.

On the contrary, if you still cannot arrive at the Continental Hotel within 5 minutes, the probability of John Constantine surviving will rapidly decay.

Just two points ago, his biological signal had sent the injury message. "

"Wait! When can you receive his biological signal?"

Barbara finally calmed down, she looked at Delaman's data projection and asked:
"Jakon doesn't have a biological monitor in his body, does he? He always hates those things."

"Passenger No. [-], Mr. Mason, gave you the accessories he made by himself before leading the three of you into the world. The accessories include the simplest biological signal monitoring and sending device."

Delaman didn't hide anything, and said honestly:
"This device will be passively activated when members of the K team suffer damage. This program is responsible for receiving information and conveying it to Mr. Mason. Now that the first passenger is not present, the order of response authority is delegated to the fourth passenger, Barbara Go Miss Deng."

"I'm number four?"

Barbara curled her lips, and while recalibrating the flight path of the Demon Lizard to the flight path to the Continental Hotel, she said in a low voice:

"Okay, I guess passenger number two is Selena Kyle? Passenger number three is Charles Brown?"

"No, according to the latest revision records of the program's distributed database, the second passenger of the program's response authority is Bruce Wayne, and the third passenger is Selina Kyle.

The identity of Mr. Charles Brown has been changed to K-Squad Mechanical Maintenance Engineer. He is normally a logistician and not counted as a combatant. "

The in-vehicle AI, which was not nervous, told Barbara the news she was interested in in a very calm manner, and Mason's arrangement of responding to the permission made Batgirl and Ertu look at each other in blank dismay.

Even Jason, who has never paid much attention to these things, couldn't help asking:

"Does this response clearance mean that if Mason dies, all engineering-related weapon clearances of K-team will be transferred to Bruce?

What is he doing?
Are you going to make Bruce the next captain of Team K? "

"Passenger No. [-] has insufficient authority, this program refuses to answer this question."

Delaman sternly refused to answer the question for the first time.

Barbara blinked and said:

"I am the current temporary authority owner. If I asked you, you should answer it, right? Delaman."

"This program is a highly realistic intelligent AI. My understanding of the concept of 'authority' is very flexible. I also refuse to answer your question."

Delaman explained very seriously this time:
"Passenger No. [-] Mr. Mason Cooper's K-team arrangements after his own accident belong to the highest level of information, and unless he has given permission, this program shall not disclose any relevant information.

But in order to stop your mouths and curiosity, this program will tell you that your guess is wrong.

Compared with Mr. Bruce Wayne, a non-staff 'honorary member' of the K team, Mr. Mason obviously believes in his real teammates, and the next captain will be born among you.

Well, chat time is over!
The armed vehicle is approaching the combat zone, and the front combat firepower is judged to be highly dangerous!The full weapon system is unlocked, and the two passengers are asked to prepare for battle immediately.

The battle mode starts during the switching of Delaman's driving program!


Kill you!

king!Eight!Egg! "

After a second of silence, the harsh noise sounded again.

Accompanied by the roar of the anti-gravity engine of the Demon Lizard Tank, it accelerated instantly and shattered the burning ruins of houses in front of it, and sent the armored vehicles parked outside the Continental Hotel into the air.

This impact immediately attracted the attention of the heavily armored attackers all around. Those armored assassins "Elder Praetorians" who were dressed like the upgraded version of the "Rogue Warrior" fought back with tactical literacy. A firepower point began to pour firepower on the Lizard Heavy Tank that emerged from the burning night.

But their counterattack was still secondary. When they actually entered the vicinity of the Continental Hotel, the expressions of Barbara and Ertong had become extremely serious.

They don't know what the building was like before, but from it, the main building and the three surrounding streets are on fire now, as if it was bombed by more than a dozen tons of aerial bombs, leaving only ruins. From the looks of it, if Zhakang was hiding here before, then the two of them will probably be able to find Constantine's complete body if they come here now.

These assassins are too outrageous!How can there be such a nuclear explosion assassination!
Why don't you just blow up the whole city? With this firepower projection density, let alone B-level personnel, even if you let the big teacher come, you may not be able to withstand it.

"Are we late?"

The second barrel, who was already prepared to break into the enemy camp to rescue his teammates, was also a little numb.

He looked at the scene in front of him through the cockpit of the monster lizard heavy tank made of special composite armor materials from the inside to the outside, and could observe the battlefield at 360°. More than 200 heavy-armored assassins fired at his tank with Vulcan guns. Sparks and ricochets from the reactive armor nearly blinded his eyes.

I heard Zhakang say that there are more than a dozen B-level personnel who came to this world to "digg for gold" living in this hotel.

I guess I don't need to look for it now.

Based on this firepower, it is estimated that during the first wave of bombing by the assassins in this world, those guys whose minds were manipulated by the golden apple and completely unaware of the danger would probably be ashes.

"Fire! What are you waiting for!"

Barbara yelled.

It is obviously more convenient for her to aim and launch human-computer interaction with full consciousness. When the second barrel is still activating the dual-mounted 25MM automatic cannon behind the Demon Lizard Tank, the quadruple-mounted thermal tactical missile on the left side of the tank has already dragged With a long tail flame, it made a cloud of fireworks on the devastated battlefield.

This "backward weapon" from Night City may not be enough to fight against real military mechs or space carriers of the same era, but when these things fall on flesh and blood, the effect is extremely cruel.

After all, even if you are a normal person wearing a one-meter-thick body armor, you can't withstand the bombing of thermal missiles, can you?
After six consecutive heat-energy missiles washed the ground, all seven firepower points blocking the Demon Lizard tank failed to fire. As the suspended heavy tank continued to move forward, the on-board AI quickly sent a message.

"Mr. John Constantine's life signal is in the burning ruins on the front left! Please be aware that there are many very dangerous biological signals there!

Their threatening strength reminds me of Adam Sledgehammer"

"Who is that?"

Er Tong aimed the cannon at the ruins and asked a casual question.

Barbara, who is still interacting with the monster lizard with her eyes closed, replied casually:

"A legendary mercenary in Night City, when I went shopping with Judy to get my nails done, I heard her tell about that guy's deeds, a guy who would do anything for strength, it is said that he replaced all his organs with steel.

Now I'll take over the weapon system, Jason.

After we crash in, you come to save people, no matter what is there, don't get entangled with them, take Zha Kang, and we will leave immediately. "


Er Tong put his red battle helmet on his head, the silver Gryffindor Revenge Sword behind his back, and grabbed the two Archangel kinetic revolvers that Mason had made for him with both hands.

Although the firepower of this thing is definitely not as good as the monster lizard heavy tank that is now roaring forward, it has been proved in the previous battles in the old spider world that it can easily dry out any conventional armor in close combat, even in the The two pistols that can easily kill any spellcaster even when they are filled with magic bullets in unconventional times have become Jason's "favorite".

Most importantly, it's handsome enough
Which man can resist the temptation of these two cuties?
"Draman, prepare nitrogen injection, and evacuate as soon as we rescue people."

After Barbara deployed instructions to the airborne AI, she changed direction and manipulated it to crash into the burning ruins. They rushed in against the guns of the "heavy assassins" around them.

It's completely sparks and lightning all the way.

If it weren't for the scandium alloy reactive armor of this thing is really strong enough, just this rushing action would be enough to make them lie down halfway.

The war machine given by the afterlife team as a thank you gift is really powerful.

When it savagely crashed into the ruins, including Zha Kang who was hiding in the corner and crazily summoning the flames of hell trying to burn the attackers to death, and A-level personnel Albert Wei who was fighting with the assassin saints in close quarters. Everyone, including SK, was taken aback by the sudden movement.

But they were stunned, but Barbara didn't waste time, the low-pitched machine guns immediately roared, and the deadly bullets were swept towards the seven or eight assassin saints in white robes and black robes ahead, but they were quickly dodged by the quick-response opponents. At the same time, several people pulled out their strange large shields to resist the storm of bullets that could tear apart steel.

The second barrel jumped out of the cockpit when it bounced open, and a perfect fear attack rushed towards the saint who was attacking Zha Kang. In the sound, he was hit by the flames of hell, screaming and retreating.


It wasn't until this moment that he saw Zhakang igniting fires everywhere, that Er Tong later realized that the building was burned to the point of ruins, and his scum teammates had also helped him.

"Can you still go?"

Er Tong rushed up to support the crumbling Constantine, who nodded weakly, and conveniently stuffed a blood-stained box into Er Tong's hand.

Jason froze for a moment.

Then he quietly hid it in his bag and dragged Zha Kang back to the firing monster lizard tank.


He yelled, and the onboard AI immediately backed up quickly while the weapon was firing.

But at the same time, a dazzling arc of light lit up from a high place, bombarding the outer armor of the Demon Lizard Tank like a meteorite falling in the hail of bullets.

There was a loud click.

The advanced reactive armor, which can withstand the close-range bombardment of anti-tank rockets in the violent vibration, was actually broken by a single blow. The second barrel who had just returned to the cockpit widened his eyes and saw the torn outer armor in front of him. Wielding a lightning-splashing rune spear.

There are mysterious golden geometrical runes dancing on it, representing the rising power, and then a white-robed figure appeared beside the spear like a flash, grabbed it, swiped it down, and then picked it up.


The armor outside the cockpit of the heavy monster lizard tank immediately flew out by a third.

This is probably the legendary Isu artifact, it really is powerful enough!But Su Jie's eagle is obviously also an Isu artifact, but this kind of power is not seen in the hands of Catwoman.

"Warning! The reactive armor is severely damaged! Warning! The atomic battery is damaged! The risk of radiation leakage is increased!"

Delaman's tone-altered warning sound echoed in the chaos. Er Tuan raised his guns and pulled the triggers forward, but the bullets that flew out at such a close-to-face distance were actually dodged by the opponent again and again.

But Jason jumped out of the cockpit to fight the opponent without fear.

As a master of weapons, Er Tong was not at all intimidated by the two-meter-long "anti-tank spear".

This thing looks awesome.

But this length makes it an absolute burden in close combat.

Seeing that the two members of the K team who came to save people were about to take them in, the eyes of the A-level personnel Wesker on the other side who were being blocked by the saint assassins suddenly flashed red.

He also realized the current situation, and the only chance to escape from the desperate siege of these assassin saints was the incredible-looking vehicle.

So the noble A-level boss also became ruthless.

With the eruption of the strange scorching aura, tentacles like lava snakes sprang out from the sleeves of his black windbreaker and swept around.

In addition, the poisonous and corrosive smoke splashed outwards, forcing the nearby Assassin Saint to retreat. At the same time, Wesker rushed out of the encirclement like a teleportation and crashed into the front of the Assassin Saint who was fighting with the second barrel. The tentacles of the virus wrapped around him and flung him violently.

The airborne AI Delaman seized the opportunity to start nitrogen injection, and the Demon Lizard Tank, which lost a third of its outer armor, retreated at a super fast speed and galloped towards the sky behind with billowing black smoke.

Fortunately, this thing does not need wheels or tracks, otherwise there is no way for it to break through on the road nearby.

Although it is difficult for it to exceed the height of five meters and completely escape the shackles of gravity, the assassins also lack the preparations to deal with this kind of all-terrain vehicle with thick skin and powerful firepower.

After all, you can't always use the Isu artifact in your hand as an "anti-tank spear".

The good things passed down from the ancestors are also worn out.

Seeing that under the cover of Wesker, the A-level personnel who entered the "transformation form", the tattered hover tank dragged black smoke all the way and rushed out of the burning battlefield, the leader of the assassin saints immediately reached out to stop his companions The plan to pursue.

He drew his hood down and said:

"There is no need to chase anymore! The Aurora device has been activated, this world has been completely isolated from the outside world, and they cannot escape! The clearance of other areas still needs our help, brothers and sisters."

"But that evil virus creation is very difficult to deal with, and it is worthy of being a dangerous A-level personnel."

A female assassin sage coughing while clutching her chest whispered:

"The ancient blood is also difficult to resist that evil thing. They also took away the golden apples placed here by the Templars. Maybe we should ask for help?"

"Support? No, no need!"

The leader of the saints shook his head and said:
"The elder had foreseen the difficulty of this battle before, so he made complete preparations. Don't worry, the legendary Ms. Cassandra has come here.

Although the bait did not attract the real leader of the enemy, we can't ask for more at this moment, these chaotic poisons must be eliminated!

Only in this way can the world deal with the end without any scruples.
The legendary disaster. "

(End of this chapter)

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