The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 204 2. When I went out to buy a pack of cigarettes, I met 9 people who told me that disaster

Chapter 204 2. When I went out to buy a pack of cigarettes, nine out of ten people I met told me that disaster was imminent-【915】

(Add more updates for the 'Humenyan' brothers)
"Fuck! Mason! You should have told me that the target of this operation is a god! Instead of waiting until we are already on the boat!"

On the Black Pearl sailing from Turtle Island to the North American continent, Zha Kang, who had just climbed out of the biological cabin, had not had time to experience the "new version" of himself when he was stunned by bad news head-on.

At this moment, he was walking around in the captain's cabin of the Black Pearl, which had been re-released from the collection of glass bottles into the sea, with an irritable expression on his face, cursing with a burning cigarette in his mouth:

"My God, that's a god! Although according to Jack, it sounds like a stupid primitive god whose power can only control the sea and storms, but she is still not an ordinary life.

From the fact that she can curse a ship into a ghost ship sailing between life and death, that guy may have the priesthood of death!
Do you know what that means? "

"That means we'll burp if we see her?"

Captain Jack was leaning against the window, reminiscing about the ocean journey he hadn’t seen for a long time, grabbing a bottle of rum and pouring it into his mouth amidst the slightly fishy flavor of the sea, and said in a long voice:

"Come on, man, my dear John, Colypso is not as powerful as you think. She was sealed by Barbossa's gang of bastards, and was later set free by the Pirate Kings.

I also had some intimate ahem with her during the time she was hiding in the Haitian swamp as a witch, but anyway, I promise, she is not as dangerous as you think.

If you do the math, I think the Scavengers we dealt with on the old spider's side are more troublesome than her, as long as she can't stay in the sea, of course.

That's her domain. "

"Shut up, Jack, you who only know hearsay and parrots know nothing about these supernatural affairs!"

Zha Kang snorted angrily, then turned to look at the others.

The kiteman is flying around outside with a falcon's small jetpack. This is his "home attire". He can't always carry the heavy flying wings he captured from the vulture, right?

Handsome is handsome, but the fuel consumption is too high.

That thing is a "combat suit", and it needs to be modified by the boss for firepower.

As for Er Tong, who sat beside him with an indifferent face and played with the Alice sword in his hand, this guy with a calm appearance but a flirtatious heart has already changed into his own Isu Vanguard Armor.

It's as coquettish as a stripper with sequins all over his body.

Barbara has been fine-tuning the computer on her wrist to establish a link with the drone army hidden in the cabin. From time to time, the pupil of her left eye will shine a blue light spot, which looks very strange.

In this scene, it seemed that except for Zha Kang himself, no one else felt the danger of this operation at all.

This made the black magician very desperate.

Hello!Where does your confidence come from?Obviously I'm the one being strengthened, right?
He puffed out the smoke ring and looked at Mason who was holding a storybook that was circulated among pirates. He was reading about the legend of the Sea Goddess. He calmed down and said in a louder voice:
"Please tell me, you have prepared some things that can restrain the divinity in advance?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Mason raised his head and asked a very sincere question.

He obviously hasn't told Zha Kang about Alice's sword yet, and he intends to make a joke of it.

The black mage slapped himself on the face, and said in despair:
"I've confirmed it, we're dead, you really took this job of dying without knowing anything, this place is not far from Turtle Island, stop the boat and drop anchor!
I've got to swim back before I'm bloodied when you get killed. "

"Okay, John, I'm kidding you."

Mason put down the storybook that was almost full of exaggerated rumors in his hand. He stretched his neck and said:
"Mr. Hunter has said everything that needs to be said. To describe accurately, our mission is not to face an unknown sea god alone, but to prey on the cleaners with a high probability.

Do you understand what I said? "

The captain stood up and explained the mission process in detail. He emphasized:

"Mr. Hunter said that the Cleaners or others should not be allowed to obtain Colypso's divinity anyway, and she also said that this aspect cannot be discussed in depth, so I suspect that it may have something to do with the curse of the Constellation Society.

The best-case scenario right now is when the Cleaners are hunting Poseidon, we'll sneak in and grab a head whenever we get a chance.

As for restraining divinity.
She said that using the knife she gave us to stab the Sea Goddess in the heart will solve any problems. I don't understand the principle.But I guess, that knife should help you relieve the panic in your heart. "

"This TM is not a good thing!"

Zha Kang's mood improved a bit, but only a little bit.

As a spellcaster whose primary purpose is self-protection under any circumstances, counseling this kind of thing has already been deeply rooted in Zhakang's life philosophy.

He babbled and complained that Mason dragged him to his death again, and greeted Mason's family kindly with various sentence patterns.

But it's on the way now.

Even if he is not willing to take risks, he can't really jump into the sea and swim back to Turtle Island, right?
That's too embarrassing.

"I just don't know how much land our pirate coalition forces have recovered in the past half a month?"

Mason walked to the window, chatted with Captain Jack and said:

"How does it feel to see my friends from the past becoming pirate kings one by one? If you hadn't followed me before, maybe you could have your own pirate kingdom, Jack.

Isn't there a little bit of regret and yearning? "

"There's a fart."

Captain Jack leaned there coolly, drinking rum and said drunkenly:

"Have I ever told you about my childhood?"

Mason shook his head, and heard Captain Jack say with nostalgia:
"I grew up in Madagascar as a child.

That's right, in the pirate utopia established by my father and his brothers, they occupied a natural harbor and a large piece of land there, and gathered pirates from all over the world to establish a pirate kingdom.

One of his brothers was once the son-in-law of a Mughal princess, and there was a real army under his command to ensure the long-term stability there, and the pirates managed it with an institution similar to the Pirate King's Council.

Chaotic, noisy, evil and yet alive.

This is all I knew about my hometown when I was a child, but when I grew up, I saw the dirty truth inside from the seemingly cheerful life.

My father and his brothers were constantly fighting each other for power, prestige, or whatever the hell, and that so-called pirate utopia was nothing more than a giant Turtle Island.

Really boring. "

Jack snorted, shook the precious compass in his hand, and said:

"So when I was 12 I left there and joined the East India Company and went up and down the Indian Ocean, preferring to stay on my ship rather than go home.

Mason, pirates cannot govern the country like kings and nobles.

We lack patience and lofty vision and ideals. The truth of the so-called pursuit of freedom and disobedience is nothing more than a group of luthors who cannot survive in a normal society.

What big things can you expect from a group of losers who can't even be normal people?

I dare to predict that even if Barbosa and the others really establish a kingdom on the mainland, it will fall apart within five years.

Why should I be envious?

Even now, when I return to this familiar sea, the panic from the bottom of my heart has not diminished, even after you have given this world the zombie vaccine. "

He glanced at Mason, opened the compass in his hand between the two, and said to it:
"Show me my one chance at life, baby."

His voice fell.

The red pointer on the exquisite compass pointed to Mason with a swish, without deviation or slant.

"This thing was given to me by Colypso."

Jack put away the compass and said to Mason:

"It is said that it is tainted with the divinity of the sea god, and it is the treasure of this sea, but it is also telling me that if I want to live, I have to leave here. Look, Mason, our greatest danger does not come from hunting Colypso.

Didn't you say that the third shock is coming soon? "


Mason took out the hourglass given to him by Mr. Hunter from his luggage. There was less than a tenth of the gravel on it, and it was still leaking over time.

In the past, one minute and one second made people unable to help but imagine what would happen after the quicksand was completely drained.

"About five to six days."

Mason looked at the small hourglass in his hand and said:

"We have to go back to Gotham before that time comes. It is said that the possibility of surviving the shock in our own base world will be higher."


As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of huge waves crashing sounded outside the cabin.

The Black Pearl, which was speeding along the ocean current and wind, seemed to be shaken by an invisible hand, making everyone feel unsteady for a while.

Then a cold breath seeped into the captain's cabin along with the sea wind, and the hatch was quickly pushed open.

Carrying a double-barreled shotgun and toad mirror, wearing colorful beach pants and flip-flops but also matching a strange Isu helmet, the overall relaxed first mate Gibb Mr. S rushed in and shouted:
"The Dutchman! Jack! That damned ghost ship is under us! It's going to overturn us!"

"No, take it easy."

Mason and Captain Jack looked at each other and said:
"He's here to 'say hello', maybe he just wants to say hello to 'old friends'. Jack, would you like to meet Will with me?
I guess your old friend also has something to say to you, such as asking you to help take care of his wife and children.

The relationship between the three of you is so complicated, you are the only person he can entrust to you. "

"Tch, isn't he afraid that I'll put a hat on him?"

Captain Jack smiled very meanly, drank the rum in his hand in one gulp, grinned and said:

"I get along with Elizabeth day and night now, she is still my assistant to the manager, she wears black silk high heels to work every day, as long as I think, there are many opportunities to rule her.

Single mothers are the best. "

"I specifically asked someone to teach you how to use the computer and surf the Internet to familiarize you with the new world, not to let you watch those bad and dirty things, Jack, can you be normal?"

Mason rolled his eyes, glanced at Zha Kang, and said:
"Want to go together?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in stepping on an unlucky ghost ship. It will definitely be very troublesome to end up with the curse of death."

The black magician resolutely refused, took out another magic book, opened it in his hand, waved his hand and said:

"Get out, get out, don't disturb this mage to experience new power and comprehend new magic."

Ertong and Barbara had no interest in stepping on a rusted ghost ship, so in the end Jack and Mason went down to the boat.

Behind them, under the worried gaze of a group of strangely dressed non-mainstream pirate crew members, they sailed towards the splashing and swirling sea water.

When they approached the vortex, the ghost ship on the bottom of the sea, the Flying Dutchman, also quickly floated up, raising the eerie and hideous dilapidated hull to the eyes of the two amidst the tumbling sea water.

And on the deck where seaweed and various deep-sea creatures still remained, apart from Captain Will Turner, who was already out of shape, there was also a guy who made Jack's expression slightly change.

His father!

The guardian of the Pirate Codex, the undead ghost who is suspected to have become a supernatural conceptual entity, Edward Teague Sr.

After talking with Mason last time, he said that Will Turner is a force that can be won. This old guy's action efficiency is quite fast. It took only more than half a month to get on line with the ghost ship.

And judging from the way he and Will talked in a low voice, it seemed that some kind of cooperation agreement had been reached between the two.


When the boat approached the ghost ship, a weird rope ladder woven with white bones was thrown from the side of the ship. With the coldness from the deep sea, Mason and Jack climbed up the deck covered with barnacles and rust marks one after the other.

It's like stepping into a moving graveyard.

The chaotic and cursed crew members who were about to lose their minds smelled the "fragrance" of living people.

They muttered in a low voice about the mellow fragrance of flesh and blood, grabbed all kinds of weapons and gathered them together, being watched by those piercing eyes, it was like standing among a group of wraiths.

Mason snorted and grabbed the handle of the flintlock pistol at his waist.

But Jack didn't care. This guy even spread his hands to hug Will Turner, who was half a fish and half a man in front of him. This guy said maliciously:
"Elizabeth asked me to say hello to you, Will, and your wife is awesome, in every situation. By the way, what do you think about the fact that your son may call me Dad in the future?"

"I have no idea. If little Henry really calls you father, maybe you can take better care of him because of it?"

An indistinct voice came from Will's mouth that had been so alienated that he couldn't speak. The ghost captain turned around and roared like a wild beast, telling his crew to wake up and go back to the cabin.

Then he limped up to Mason, stared at him condescendingly, his eyes were cold and his tone permeated.

他 说:

"I warned you, don't come back when you leave! Why? Mason, do you like to cruise in a dying world so much? Are you going to give us a funeral yourself?

Or do you want to pick a good cemetery for yourself? "

"It's just a group of invaders who want to enter your world to hunt down your sea god."

Mason did not hide it, and said truthfully:
"My superiors asked me to stop the process and do my best to kill Colypso before they do if something goes wrong. So, this time it's business, I don't want to come but I have to."

While talking, Mason looked at Old Teague who was talking to his son, and gave the pirate codenamed "Old J" a look, and the latter nodded inaudibly.

Now that he is already a member of the Quint Society, Mason's mission is naturally also his mission.

"Your superior sent you to die."

Will Turner said in a bad tone:

"There are only five days left, no, less than five days, the end is approaching, every drop of sea water is telling the mournful cry before destruction, the whole sea is changing.

You came back at the worst possible time, Mason Cooper, on the eve of destruction.

You seem to be full of confidence, but you don't know if you will survive to go back, but for the invaders you mentioned... well, maybe we can cooperate on this matter. "


Mason raised his eyebrows, showing an interested expression, and said:


"follow me!"

Will Turner, whose body has been cursed into a deep-sea creature for most of his body, limped towards his captain's cabin, and Mason followed him through a ship that was as gloomy as a grave and made people feel uncomfortable all over.

On the deck behind them, Jack took a sip from a bottle of wine and handed the bottle to his father. Old Teague laughed and toasted with his son.

After a while, he asked:

"So, Jack, how is life in the new world? Looking at your radiant face, you seem to have found a new friend."

"It's alright, just so-so."

Drunken Captain Jack grinned and told Uncle what had happened some time ago, and Old Teague frowned after hearing the story of their time in another World War liquidator.

他 说:

"Well, it seems that the K team is really suitable for your temperament that is afraid of chaos. But Jack, your heart is still in this sea, I can feel it.

Even if you are enjoying yourself in another world, you still can't let go of this sea.

And that might not be such a bad thing. "

The old pirate who established the first pirate kingdom walked to the side of the ship and looked at the endless sea behind him. After drinking a whole bottle of rum, he turned back and said to his son:
"Burner it with remembrance, Jack.

Witness the last day of your homeland, and start your journey anew with the mindset of a survivor.I believe that from now on you will become a person of faith.

Just like your captain.

You will join your new friends in a greater and more dangerous cause.

For past, present and future, Jack.

Raise your glass. "

(End of this chapter)

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