The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 210 8. "God's Contract" is too cheap, hey, what about the sense of ceremony?

Chapter 210 8. "God's Contract" is too cheap, hey, what about the sense of ceremony? -Happy New Year's Eve【1515】

"Successfully complete an excellent quality and outstanding craftsmanship alchemy creation, wisdom enlightenment takes effect, and the proficiency of alchemy skills is increased by X80, currently Lv5+1."

In the cabin of the Black Pearl late at night, when Mason looked at the slightly turbid liquid in the golden cup in front of him, a familiar reminder popped up in front of him.

At this time, more than half a month has passed since the last improvement of alchemy, but everything is as it should be. After exhausting the necessary time of painstaking training, Mason once again ushered in a breakthrough at the technical level.

But he wasn't as excited as he used to be.

It was probably because although the time was not long, too much experience had precipitated his temper and made him calmer.

He pushed the frame of the smart mirror that exudes a cold breath on the bridge of his nose, took out a spoonful of the liquid in the golden cup and put it in front of his eyes, and the information label popped up soon:

Improved Green Goblin Potion
Quality: Sophisticated Alchemy Creation · Outstanding Craftsmanship
Item effect: After drinking, it will give the drinker a number of temporary enhancements within 48 hours. The effects include [Super Strength/Up to 9 tons], [Super Reaction], [Super Endurance], and [Enhanced Regeneration].

When the potion takes effect, the user will be in a state of mental excitement, immune to low-level mind-disturbing spells and illusion effects.


Although the transformation agent has been improved, it still has a greater stimulating effect on the pituitary gland. After drinking it many times, it may induce a second personality, but the symptoms can be alleviated through psychological intervention and drug treatment.

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: Take a sip to refresh your mind!Drink two sips and the world is turned upside down!Drink three sips, howling ghosts and howling wolves!Another sip, tsk, hell report.

"Good life."

Mason finished reading today's equally nervous item description with a blank expression, then picked up the transformation potion and took a sip for himself.

Although there are hidden dangers, for traditional alchemy, an alchemist who dare not even drink the potion he made is absolutely unqualified!
As the liquid with the fragrance of gardenia entered his mouth, it brought a bitter taste, but it was quickly replaced by a strange feeling in his mind, which made Mason heave a sigh of relief. The pain relieved a lot at once.

At the same time, an exhilarating force surged out of his body.

He turned around and grabbed a seamless steel pipe on the workbench. He left a clear fingerprint on it with five fingers, and then picked up a small knife forged by Isu technology and scratched his skin. Blood flowed out but disappeared in an instant. Hemostasis and healing.

The effect of this transformation potion made him very satisfied.

After Consus, the ghost of the Isu who is good at the field of biotechnology, gave suggestions for improvement, the side effects of this thing have been reduced a lot, and after a period of observation, it can be used as a mature combat drug for the servant army.

Of course, the main players of the K team don't use this thing.

They have better ones.

Satisfied, the clear-headed Mason walked to the window of the captain's cabin and opened it to let the smell of herbs in the house dissipate.

After a short rest for a few minutes, he took out a bottle of Gravity Onium and a bunch of engineering components prepared in advance, intending to make a prototype of the unscientific "gravity well" tonight.

However, just as Mason put the gravitonium into the electromagnetic generator according to the strict ratio, the hatch of the captain's cabin was suddenly pushed open.

In the wicked hour of five o'clock in the morning, a drunk Captain Jack Sparrow enters with a cloaked lady.

"Mason, I've brought you a guest."

Jack introduced with a man's dissatisfaction:
"She strongly asked to see you, especially after hearing about our mission and your crazy plan, she was unwilling to delay for a moment, and I was forced out of bed by her."

"I'm busy."

Mason sat in front of the workbench and said without raising his head:
"Can you wait a little longer, or come back tomorrow, this strange lady of the gods?"


The uninvited lady lifted her hood, revealing a beautiful white face, which was quite different from the human form of Colypso, the goddess of the sea, in Mason's memory.

But that's not surprising.

If she, a real god of nature, can't even transform into a human form freely, then it's too bad.

She stared at Mason and said in a hoarse voice:

"It's a matter of life and death.

Not just for me, but for the world as well.I can feel the stars above my head lined up in the radiance of death, and the world beneath my feet is trembling with the smell of the doomsday lament.

Every minute and every second that follows counts.

It will directly determine whether everything in this world will end or be reborn, including me of course. "

"Well, are you starting to care about everything in the world now?"

Mason snorted, and his dexterous hands continued to combine the components in his hands, and adjusted the orientation of the liquid gravitonium, and said with a little bit of ridicule:

"You turned a blind eye when the hounds of the Constellation Society spread the virus, you watched coldly when the old continent fell into hell, and you ignored the last batch of survivors who fled to the sea in despair.

For the past few months you have acted like you have nothing to do with this world, and beings like us have no value in your eyes.

Why did this suddenly become a good god who is compassionate and merciful?

Is it because the disaster that I thought was indifferent before finally spread to my feet, so I felt the fear from the bottom of my heart for the first time? "

The captain curled his lips and said:

"The mighty Poseidon has finally realized the true meaning of cruel fate, but he is still not honest enough. When he talks to me, it is the world and the future, full of a familiar taste of 'painting a big cake'.

Maybe I should acquiesce that you plan to cheat me? "

"How dare you say it."

Captain Jack, who was watching, glanced at Colypso's gloomy face cautiously, took another sip of wine to suppress his shock, and whispered to his captain:

"I keep those words in my heart."

"It doesn't matter, Jack, Ms. Colypso is very aware of her situation, just like she who was down and out in the past, would be patient and hypocritical with the pirate kings in order to return to the godhood.

She has always been a good judge of the situation. "

Mason shook his head and said:
"But now I want you to go out, Jack. Stay outside the door, don't let others disturb us, and send a message to Barbosa and the others for me. I will have a talk with them tomorrow morning."


Jack snapped his fingers and turned to leave, and gently closed the door of the captain's cabin.

When only Mason and Sea Goddess were left in the cabin, Colypso finally stopped talking about the world and the future.

She was silent for a moment and said:

"They are coming for me! Every rushing tide is warning me. I wanted to hide in the sea to survive this doomsday, but under your instruction, those damned pirates got the trident .

They bullied me into helping them, but they didn't know that all their efforts were meaningless.

Like a bilge rat before a ship sinks, jumping up and down, driven by fear of the unknown, to do whatever it takes to save the day.But I could have stayed out of it.

you made me"

"Stay out? Are you kidding me?"

Mason raised his head and looked at the angry and "wronged" sea goddess in front of him with a foolish look. He said:

"You are just a low-level god, Colypso, your existence is based on the fear and worship of the sea by sailors and pirates in this world.

You are a god of nature and nature cannot be divorced from nature.

If the world is doomed, do you still think that you can escape the disaster of killing yourself when you are incarnated in every drop of sea water?If you are still holding this naive idea of ​​staying out of it, then I don't think we have anything to talk about.

I need you to be a brave warrior for the next few days, but you're acting like you're scared out of your wits before going to war.

Then why don't I kill you here to give you a good time, lest you be humiliated and tortured after being captured, what do you think? "

Colypso fell silent.

She was speechless, and it was true.

Even Will Turner, the captain of the ghost ship Dutchman cursed by her, can feel the footsteps of the doomsday march. It is impossible for her, a natural god who relies on the world, to not feel it.

She just doesn't care and treats everything that happens in the mortal world as a cruel drama to please herself, after all, because of some past experiences, the relationship between this sea goddess and humans is not friendly.

Starting from a dark mind, she even earnestly hoped to see these cunning things perish.

"What do you want?"

Seeing that Mason was immersed in assembling those strange things and did not intend to speak again, the Sea Goddess had no choice but to ask:
"I don't hide my hatred and contempt for human beings, but I also know from Jack that you intend to save them and take them away from the doomsday.

If you're acting confident, maybe you can save me a little too, a God of no escape? "

Colypso didn't want to be so humble.

It's just that the keen perception brought by being born as a god is rolling in her mind like a scorching iron rod at this moment, making her feel the crisis coming more clearly than weak humans.

She couldn't even contain the overflow of fear herself.

After all, the biggest crisis she faced in her long life in the past was just being sealed as a mortal by a group of cunning pirate kings.But now, what she has to face is death
"It's not easy to save you."

Mason finally stopped the assembly at hand. He frowned and looked at the half-assembled gravity well in front of him, as if he had encountered some kind of mechanical problem.

Picking up a handkerchief to wipe the lubricating oil on his fingers, he said to the Sea Goddess:

"For example, you must first figure out what the coming destroyers are for? They are not for massacre but for a very clear goal.

Divinity in you, Colypso.

It is the last remaining source of all supernatural power in this world, which can break the law and elevate a weak world to a power that does not belong to its level.

Belonging to the power of the sea, the true and only treasure of this world.

They won't give up until they get these things, and even if I can take you out of this world, you have to fade your divinity ahead of time.

Otherwise, you won't be able to pass through the escape door prepared for mortals at all. "


Colypso in human form frowned suddenly, and the sound of waves rolling and beating also sounded outside the window, representing the sea goddess' sudden change of thoughts.

She flatly refused:

"I won't let myself become weak again, the humbleness and weakness of losing power once is enough."

"Then we have nothing to say."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Unwillingness to give up power means that you have to face those invaders and defeat them. This is not impossible, but if you want to retain your power and want to escape, you are asking too much.

I'm just an ordinary C-level person. I don't have a magic lamp in my hand, so naturally I can't give you everything you want.

But we can bypass this topic and talk about cooperation at the next level. "

He looked at Colypso and said:

"We can stand with you against the invaders, the mindless killing machines, the Cleaners, who are our enemies too.

My teammates and I would love to see these guys buried here.

The more they die, the happier we are.

Jack that braggadocio should have told you during our fling with you just now that we beat them in another world and we weren't afraid to fight them.

We can help you share the pressure, so that you can better navigate the storm to destroy.

But it's not gratuitous, Colypso. "

Mason drew his voice, walked to the Sea Goddess, picked up the wine bottle, poured her a glass of wine and handed it to her, saying:
"You still have illusions, you think your world can survive, even if there is no human being in the next lingering era, you can still make a comeback.

I appreciate your optimism.

I also reserve this opportunity for you, that door of escape has always had your place, but you know what it takes to get through it.

This is the last condition I can give you. "

"Deal! Now? What should I do?"

The Sea Goddess glanced at Mason, gulped down what he handed over, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Control the sea and do what you are most skilled at, Colypso, Lord Seagod."

Mason pointed out the window and said:

"Bring all the living beings who are still floating on the sea here, the sooner the better, I know you have this ability."

"Are you really planning to save everyone? I thought Jack was bragging after drinking too much. I wondered how such a saint would be born in this world?"

The Sea Goddess froze for a moment, then covered her mouth casually and let out bursts of weird laughter.

She looked Mason up and down, and said:

"You know, compared to the man I saw crucified, you really don't look like a savior. But you're doing things that only a savior can do
What arrogance! "

"I'm not as great as you say."

Mason waved his hands and said humbly:
"It's like when I first entered this world, I told my team members that I don't like doomsday, and he also ridiculed me like you for not being able to resist the coming of doomsday.

I may indeed be no match for the fate of everything turning to ashes.

But I just want to tell you that when I say I'm going to do something, I mean it!No kidding, no trying, try your best, and die.

Either do it or don't do it!

Did not try this statement.

So, will you help me?Ms. Colypso.

At a time when we are all stepping into the unknown, you will give back the admiration and respect they have shown you for thousands of years by giving those you have dismissed a little of their much-needed help. "

He watched the Sea Goddess add some more wine to her glass, and he raised another wine glass to clink with her, saying:
"The end is coming, and mortals have their own struggles in it, and gods like you should return to your position, doesn't it mean that God loves the world?

If you can afford it, why not love them once? "

"I'm not so strong that mortals can imagine being a god."

Colypso curled her lips, and the sea goddess drank the wine in her hand, wiped her mouth, and said:
"I just want to grab your life-saving straw that is visible to the naked eye, but it doesn't mean that I will like these bastards who have hurt me."

"Don't be like this, the unhappiness in the past should be forgotten."

Mason shook his head and said:
"If you meet again in another world in the future, the fellow villagers will still have to take care of each other, so that the future meeting will not be too awkward.

This is the choice of the wise.

Then, wish us a happy cooperation in advance, Your Excellency Poseidon. "

A few minutes later, Colypso left the Black Pearl alone, and Mason didn't even go to see her off because he didn't want to waste time, and he still had a gravitonium device that was not ready yet.

"That girl just now was interesting."

Zha Kang was like a bee smelling sweetness or a buzzing fly attracted by rotten fruit. He poked his head out of the meditation room above Mason's head and said to Mason:

"You say, if I plan to develop something with her."

"Whatever you want, I won't tell Xiao Zha."

Mason said without raising his head:

"Hurry up and get familiar with that component, John, now, all your lives are in your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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