The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 219 17. Team K's card: Man is determined to conquer nature, and fate's choice is a

Chapter 219 17. Team K's card: Man is determined to conquer nature, and fate's choice is a super double!
"Mason, the last batch of people is being transported, and the transfer of those who survived is about to be completed."

During the short break, Captain Jack rang through the team communication with a tired voice, and he reported:

"The bad news is that the transfer door doesn't seem to be holding up. It looks like it's a bad connection. That's how the word is used, right? It keeps blinking like a light bulb out of power."

"According to the instructions, that should be normal."

This meeting is standing on the monster lizard tank, standing in front of the black iron tank, holding an engineering wrench and finally adjusting the Fenrir armor weapon, Mason replied:
"It may be that the gate of the world is also oppressed due to the impact. I heard from Judy before that it is said that when the impact completely erupts, this kind of world shuttle item will also temporarily fail."


Then Zack Kang's voice sounded, saying:
"Then what are we waiting for here? Retreat! I don't want to be trapped here and see the two worlds exploded to pieces with my own eyes, and just ruin my little life here without living enough."

"Don't worry, John, there's still time."

Mason glanced at Colypso, the goddess of the sea, who was sitting in meditation not far away on the sea that submerged the earth, and said:

"The Lord is not in a hurry, why are we in a hurry? After finally having this opportunity, don't you want to see with your own eyes the level of the top combat power on the opposite side?

A voice as cold as a robot sounded from the air.

He began to frequently use freezing rays and flame breath to repel the harassment of octopus tentacles, which made Mason in Fenrir's armor frown.

Batgirl whispered in a tragic tone:
"Mason, why don't we withdraw?"

"How suitable is the anti-Superman tactics?"

"Bizarro's IQ should not be so high. His dull thinking like a mentally handicapped patient is his biggest weakness. But the one in front of us is a bit too smart.

With two or three hits, the mask that disguised his face was smashed away, revealing the gray-white face and skin covered with horror and chapped like a dead person.

How about we go?

Soon the conclusion came.

"Speaking of which, kryptonite is also a kind of jewelry, right?"

The onboard AI responded:
"The anti-Superman tactics are constantly updated. The enemy's boxing power is weakening. He is trying to return to the sky. Combat advice: Ask the Sea Goddess to raise dark clouds or extreme weather that will block the sun immediately."

This database is still bound to his DNA, but unfortunately it was "violently cracked" by Judy.

The sonic boom it swept up during its flight even caused amazing cut marks on the tumbling sea surface, a white line across the tumbling tide at this time was like a knife separating it entirely.

The silver-gray Fenrir armor roared and flew towards the battlefield in front of him. The movement of this super-heavy power armor was nothing like the anti-Superman armor.

Batgirl's scream exploded in the communication at this moment, she shouted:
"The second one is coming! They sent two!"

The moment the strange demon was pulled back into the sea, two heavy fists mercilessly hit his face.

As soon as Er Tong finished speaking, the sky that was extremely gloomy and filled with the reflections of the world exploded loudly.

Mason did not announce any pre-battle mobilization this time. While activating the gravity well of the Fenrir armor to let the armor leave the storage tank and hang in the air, he instructed:

"I have an anti-Superman module in my armor that should be able to stop him. After Colypso retreats, you will know what to do."

The visitor was obviously experienced, and his target was locked on Colypso for an instant. When he approached, he raised his arms, and two blue rays suddenly burst out like sharp swords and stabbed at the sea goddess.

Colypso was hit in an instant but Frozen was useless to her as the sea god, so it dissipated like raindrops in the reverberating waves.

"Passenger No. [-], please focus on fighting!"

His abilities are all in reverse.

"As far as Team K's current mode of action is concerned, I estimate that we will soon attract the attention of both the Stars Council and the Cleaners, and we need to know the opponent's strength in advance to make more accurate plans and judgments.

"New battle data is being collected!"

The flying attitude of Fenrir's armor was destroyed.

Mason raised his eyebrows and asked:
"So you don't think Bizarro's consciousness is manipulating this body?"

She is not afraid of ice, but hates fire.

Not to mention the sun, even the visibility was suppressed to the extreme darkness.

"Anti-war man tactics are being introduced. The anti-superman module is activated! Entanglement tactics!"

Then he immediately withdrew the order, gave up chasing Bizarro, manipulated the power armor to turn around and inject energy into the gravity well and thrusters, and shouted to his companions while retreating like lightning:

There was a huge wave rolling in the back, and the blue-armored and red-clothed strange monster broke through the sea water with difficulty and flew upwards, but then four silver tentacles rushed out fiercely like a big octopus, bound his limbs and pulled him back into the water fiercely.

Barbara's voice came from the monster lizard, persuading:

He said something softly, and then saw a solitary figure flying out of the rapidly oscillating sound wave channel, flying across the sky at a very fast speed in the blink of an eye.

The front chest cannon of the silver-gray heavy-duty power armor gathers energy, and when it approaches the battlefield, the cannons blaze in the face.

"Mason! The sonic boom tunnel is activated! Right above your head!"

He screamed:


The same straight forward, the same violence against the enemy.

"Retreat immediately!"

Genuine Dachao can also be cut with heat rays, but this guy in front of him can't spit out a ball of fire in the deep sea, right?
Dachao does not have the superpower of underwater breathing. Although his super-strong physique allows him to hold his breath for dozens of hours, if the situation permits, he still has a very weak probability of dying from suffocation.
Of course, this is much smaller than the probability of being struck by lightning while walking on the road and then yelling that Shazam will turn into a magical superman.

There was nothing brewing. When Fenrir's armor broke through the sea and lifted off into the sky, the entire tumbling sea was absorbed into a dark storm.

Bizarro also knew that it would be bad to continue. He continued to fly high in the sky against the storm, trying to get sunlight again, but the silver-gray mechanical tentacles extending from below sprang out like ghosts and knocked his hands. Legs re-clamped.

The result was unscathed.

Mason gave an order, and the onboard AI acted immediately, and the biological signal produced by Isu technology was scanned, like X-rays, sweeping across the strange monsters dodging back and forth in the air at supersonic speed.

Zha Kang said something briefly.

Now this feeling is like dancing on the tip of a knife. You may find it exciting, but does it feel good to take care of me, a coward? "

Mason, who manipulated the "Octopus" weapon module to restrain the struggling Bizarro in the sea and consumed his energy, suddenly had a nonsensical idea in his mind. He frowned and thought:

I can't beat this one in front of me.
Mason wasn't too alarmed.

"Put all the energy into it, just burn out the 'smart parts' in his brain and we're halfway there"

The red solar radiation that would debilitate the Big Super fast would be of no use to Bizarro.

"It's too late! Look at the sky!"

"I've never heard the name, but he's still Superman, right?"

Let me tell you this is a rare opportunity. "

The huge giantess appeared in another place amid the rolling waves, roaring and raising her left arm, calling for a storm of thunder to hit the attacker.

"His brain has been installed with a very sophisticated set of components, the effect of which should be to stimulate the brain to think, or to do some other less 'humane' things."


But at the moment when the strange demon wanted to break away from contact, a silver-gray mechanical tentacle precisely clasped his ankle, and then a huge burst of force dragged Bizarro the Conqueror into the tumbling sea below.

But it was not Delaman's report, but the Isu ghost Consus who had been "following him like a shadow".

She didn't have any temper after being beaten by this conqueror. Seeing Mason come to save the scene, she immediately threw a whirlpool to press the weird superman under the tide, and then turned into waves and dissipated, heading towards the only piece of land left behind. Transfer door to escape out.

This wave of attack caused the goddess who had not yet reached her full power after a short rest to scream, and large swaths of steam rose above the roaring and swirling ocean, raising the surrounding temperature by several degrees.

This can give you a slim chance of winning! "

Delaman, scan his brain.

This is a very important part.

"You retreat to Jack's side and prepare to retreat!"

Mason immediately activated the battle armor storage tank in front of him, allowing its shell to pop open to reveal the thick silver-gray body inside. He corrected while jumping into the cockpit:

She yelled at Zha Kang who was flying towards her with the zombie flying dragon.

The Ark reactor installed on the chest of Fenrir's battle armor started to ignite and operate at full speed. In the low energy echo, Mason explained methodically:
"Bizaro is indeed a Superman. He has all the abilities of a superman, but most of his abilities are reversed. For example, the heat ray is a freezing ray just like before, and his icy breath is probably also in the form of hot breath."


Delaman's prompt sound echoed in Mason's ears, and a small progress bar on the optical projection in the helmet was advancing rapidly. It was all the battle mode analysis and countermeasures collected by the master about Clark Kent were being unlocked.

Mason's enemy profile hadn't finished yet, and Colypso, the goddess of the sea, encountered a wave of "deep breaths" head-on.

Count your wits sober!
Zha Kang snorted, and threw a golden charm in his hand back into the bag, and the half-drawn knife of the second bucket in the monster lizard tank flying below the sea was also inserted back into the scabbard.

"Operation Mode: Annihilation!"

But the latter was suspended in the air without dodging or evading, allowing the ball of lightning to bombard him.

So the strange demon made a "bending" movement in the air, and then slammed into it like a heavy hammer. It really splashed air waves visible to the naked eye like sparks hitting the earth.

Mason froze.

He wore a sci-fi mask to cover his face, but the familiar logo on the chest of the battle suit made Barbara, who was activating the monster lizard, exclaim:
"This is... Superman?"

"I'm not a member of your bat family, and I have no interest in becoming a bat cub."

But precisely pushed him back from Colypso.

It is simply the perfect venue for anti-Superman tactics.

Zha Kang snorted and suggested in a low voice:
"The goddess of the sea is already very weak, we just need to find a chance to launch a sneak attack! I can even play the main attack to buy time for Ertong, and we can withdraw after giving her a stab in the heart.

Bizarro in front of him is frantically struggling to fight back, trying to break free from the restraint of Fenrir's armor, but although he has the diametrically opposite abilities to Da Chao, his combat mode is very similar to Da Chao.

"I am willing to give up my power!"

The masked superman made a super obvious inhalation movement in the air, and then a dazzling fire roared and enveloped the sea goddess in the form of a sky fire descending.

"Give her face if she wants to face it, and help her face it if she doesn't want to face it!"

The Conqueror turned his head to look at the Fenrir battle armor that was rushing towards him. The silver-gray shell and the helmet shaped like a bat and an owl seemed to remind him of some unpleasant "past events".

"This terrible energy response"

"If the jewelry processing skills reach a certain level, can I process kryptonite at will to make it show the color I want?"

Wherever it goes, everything freezes.

Ertong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly got up and reminded:
"Something is coming! I guess it's the so-called conqueror, cheer up!"

"Why is this so much like the sonic boom channel of the mother box?"

The most outstanding biologist in the Isu civilization said to Mason:
"My brother, as your sixth sense is as keen as ever, I guess the only flaw of this dangerous creature is in his brain.

Therefore, the "anti-superman tactics" summed up by the master are still very effective against this guy, and the core one is:
Continually restricting Superman from exposure to sunlight, and luring him into constant attacks to consume the solar energy stored in Kryptonian cells in his body, causing him to enter a weakened state.

Mason immediately gave an order to the onboard AI, saying:

This strange weapon is not only terrifying but also extremely tenacious, as if it has its own mind and can respond very flexibly, making Bizarro very annoyed.


Batgirl was a little nervous.

At this moment, she also began to seriously think about Zha Kang's unreliable proposal just now.

That's what we in the Bat-Family do. "

Zha Kang, who was flying around in the air on a zombie flying dragon, stroked the coral trident in his hand. He looked at the collapsed land that had been completely submerged in sea water. In this doomsday scene, he breathed out smoke rings and said:
"We have already caught enough, listen to me, everyone, retreat."

"My life is hard enough, I don't have a Batboy who can buy half the world trying to be my 'father,' so I have no interest in challenging myself."

Purely physical damage, the feeling of nearly [-] tons of heavy punches to the face is not bad, the most important thing is that it is really cool to use the mechanical octopus tentacles when entanglement is consumed, and the flexibility of this thing underwater makes Superman be defeated. It's hard to get rid of the entanglement.

What he is afraid of is the blue sun, and for example, the green kryptonite that can break Dachao's defense is not only not fatal to the strange monsters in front of him, but it can also refresh him like a "big tonic".

A transmission channel that is completely different from the wormholes used by the previous clearers emerged there, like a channel formed by some kind of high-energy sound wave vibration, and the "folds" caused by the tearing space can be seen with the naked eye.

The lights in the control cabin of the Fenrir battle armor in front of him lit up, and under the control of the onboard AI Delaman, the modules were activated one by one, and spread over the control panel of the power armor visor in the form of optical projection. .

At first glance, this appearance really looks like an active zombie. It is no wonder that in some parallel worlds, people will call Bizarro "Zombie Superman" very rudely.

"Withdraw now, this can't be beaten."

Mason frowned instantly.

Mason's refusal to answer was acquiescence.

It's a pity that Mason can't conjure a few crystals that can burst out blue solar radiation, and he doesn't have the blue kryptonite that can restrain Bizarro.

"Get ready to activate the 'Super EMP Shock' in the anti-steel module!"

In the icy water, on the heavy fists of Fenrir's armor manipulated by Mason, mechanical modules bounced and retracted, exposing a black mechanical fist inlaid with red crystals.

I suspect those guys did something to him."


"Isn't it shameful to choose to run away in front of the mutated Dachao?"

Destroy that component!

"That's an inverted S! Look carefully, Barbara, this is not Superman, this is anti-Superman! Or called B-zero, Bizarro!"

Zha Kang drove the zombie flying dragon cowardly to hide behind a wall-like tide, and he poked his head to look at the strange demon superman conqueror who was violently beating the sea god.

But before he could make a request to the other side, there was a low-pitched thunder on the already unstable sky due to the impact, and large swathes of dark clouds continued to gather. At the moment when Bizarro finally broke free from the grip of the octopus tentacles An icy downpour fell.

Didn't hit Superman at all.

Mason opened the team communication.

With the current sea covering the land, the power she can manipulate has reached its peak, and this ability to transform into water makes her not afraid of similar energy attacks.

"You mean mental manipulation and restraint?"

Colypso knows how to do it.

Bathed in electric light, the attacker who appeared in the air stretched his body, stretching out his gray-blue battle suit and red cloak.

The old AI driver Delaman in the battle mode reminded:
"Please carefully manipulate the octopus module, the enemy is getting familiar with its mode of operation, and the efficiency of his attempt to break free is improving!"

But it's a pity that the "Red Sun Punch" specially made by the master to target Dachao is useless against this zombie overtime.

Mason asked back, and then glanced at the fierce battle in the sea ahead.

"I don't have any evidence, but if I want to control this ultra life that cannot be theoretically understood in every way, then stripping off his original thinking and replacing it with a new one is obviously more useful than deceiving or inducing."

"These things have to be faced, John, and the danger is that it won't disappear because you keep your head down."


But that's okay too!
Although the two most important weapons "Red Sun Fist" and "Kryptonite Spear" in the anti-Superman module of Fenrir's armor have failed, the destructive power of this heavy-duty power armor is real.

A few seconds after Mason retreated, the sonic boom channel when Bizarro appeared was opened again.

The good news is that this time it's not another Superman or something equally dangerous.

The bad news is that the person who came was wearing a coquettish red and gold battle suit.

Standing proudly above the doomsday where the torrential rain poured down and the sea was overturned, he scanned and locked on the K team that was preparing to evacuate. The man with a coquettish mustache in the helmet grinned and said to the secret communication that had just been opened:
"Norman, I'm here. I also saw your boys, not bad, you can make the conquerors so embarrassed, hey, let me scare them first."

(End of this chapter)

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