The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 227 25. People in Night City said Gotham was too messy, and the family laughed loudly

Chapter 227 25. People in Night City said Gotham was too messy, and the family laughed loudly
In a windowless room in Osborne Tower, Dr. Anim Zola, who had just been extracted from the separation chip by Mason with the help of Judy, was put into a physically isolated data sandbox This will be a little "sleepy".

It sounds incredible.

After all, he was forced to transform his life form into a "data creature" because he was suffering from cancer a long time ago, but it was a pity that he could not complete the complete dataization because the technology level at that time was not enough.

This regret lasted until he became a member of the conqueror of the "superior institution", and only with the help of more advanced technology did he truly complete the "data soaring".

This had been the pride of Dr. Zola.

But from the current point of view, his "data ascension" obviously still has serious flaws, otherwise it would be impossible to be so easily bound by a subroutine of 2077's data life.

I don't know what methods those bastard traitors used to make him such a data-conscious body not only feel "weak", but even have an indescribable "sense of crisis".

It was as if the long-lost senses were forcibly returned, making him experience the feeling of "fear" again.

He tried to crack this data sandbox, but unfortunately, the constantly self-encrypting data framework did not give him the possibility to break through from the inside.

"There is no need to try, this data sandbox is part of the 'Black Wall', a super giant firewall used to protect civilization, and it gathers the top-level wisdom of a world.

Mason looked at Dr. Zola in front of him with strange eyes, and said to Judy, who was holding back a smile on the other side of the communicator, in a strange tone:
"By the way, tell Ms. Ott that she has an extra data licking dog."

Dr. Zola cursed under his breath.

Mason asked maliciously:
"Are you not smart enough to participate in research decisions?"

"I can give you the method of making it, and even the method of how to convert disposable kryptonite, but I have one condition! Let me meet the data life that defeated me again!
That Otto!

In your current form, it is impossible to break it and slip away, unless you can complete self-upgrade within 3 hours, at least three times.

"It's a pity that I didn't make it myself, alas, if you can still eat, I will add a potion that will make you tell the truth, but unfortunately this method is not available now.

It took Mason a few minutes to read all these things. The sixth sense from the Isu blood made him extremely capable of accepting new knowledge.

Before Judy said anything, Dr. Zola became agitated instead. He scolded Mason's inaccurate words and shouted:

Judy laughed and responded:
"The connection application has been uploaded, and Ott agreed. She will open a special thread for Your Excellency Zola in the core database of Osborne Tower in one hour."


"Nothing to regret."

Then his data sensed a video signal, and he quickly blended into it, and then projected his "data avatar" on a monitor that was also isolated.

Ott Cunningham, I want to see her again.

Mason's voice resounded outside the "data sandbox", making Dr. Zola's heart move.

"Eat something, well, I forgot, you can't eat in your current state."

The moment Mason got permission, a large number of documents jumped out of the screen in front of Mason's eyes, all of which were research papers on blue kryptonite and disposable kryptonite, with specific production methods and video processes attached.

Mason seized the time to fill his stomach, and said to Dr. Zola who was silent on the screen in front of him:

That monster in the purple helmet was completely unreasonable. The moment it appeared, it devoured our world in one gulp and killed more than half of the counterattackers.

He stared at Mason and said:

Dr. Zola frowned at this question, and said in a tone of disgust:
"There are three in the Cleaner Legion alone, the other two are in charge of the communication security between the legions in different worlds, the others are working hard in the laboratories of various worlds where the sequence is studied, and finally there is one who has not suffered from cancer The lucky guy at 'Fox's Nest' hosts some trials.

"I'm not worried about that."

"It's all worthless leftovers, but considering that you have only joined the Stars Club for more than a month, it is indeed very good to know so much at this stage."


The combination of his body and my intelligence allowed me to destroy the vanguard of ten Cleaner legions in one day, however, that was not a disaster that mere strength could prevent.

"I don't believe in this kind of damn thing at all. After completing the digitization, I no longer have any weaknesses that can be exploited. My digitization was completed by a genius who gave birth to a gem of wisdom in his mind.

A large number of green data streams dance to shape a round face with a coquettish small round mirror, and even the bald hairstyle is simulated as perfect as possible.

Dr. Zola projected many experimental images it had stored on the screen, including Captain America holding the Infinity Gauntlet and trying to "push away" another world with the help of a group of people.

And it's you who's always asking the questions, which annoys me.

"No, not really."

"up to you."

"It's ruined, that time more than three years ago, during the second impact."

The Infinity Gauntlet, the Cosmic Cube, and even Adventure summoned the Tribunal of Life, but to no avail. "

"You will be sent to the Lord's side soon, and we probably won't see each other for a long time. So if you have anything to say to me, hurry up, Dr. Zola."

The cunning conqueror, who had realized that he had no escape, had nothing to hide from the problem, saying:

But it doesn't matter.

"Is the zombie Superman Bizarro that you used as a 'body' a 'toy' they gave you?"

I guess if you keep going down this road, then you'll meet my former mates soon, not that I'm scaring you.But I am indeed the weakest group of conquerors. "

"You mean Veritaserum? You used it on a data subject?"

"Then you must know how to make blue kryptonite?"

In short, it was very unlucky to collide with their base camp. We resisted very hard, and both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra abandoned their differences and united together.

He laughed out loud in an electronic voice without emotional fluctuations, and then sarcastically said:

"There are so many Dr. Zola, why are you alone assigned to the frontline combat unit as cannon fodder?"

He glanced at the undisguised eagerness on Dr. Zola's face composed of data streams on the screen in front of him, took out a small communicator and said to the other side:
"Judy, did you hear his request? Ask your super AI for me."

He tasted the food cooked by the chef at Osborne Tower, and expressed regret for the cooking skills, but he didn't pick and choose.

"Our place is very powerful. It is said that it is a super A-level world, but who made us unlucky, and actually confronted us head-on during the second impact.
Well, this cannot be said, it is encrypted information.

So, I'll ask you, how's the thinking going? "

But you're alive now, know what I mean? "

"Yo, expert."

He thought for a while and told all the information he knew. Dr. Zola shook his head again and again. He was very disappointed and said:

Dr. Anim Zola made a very humane disdain on the screen, and said in a drawn out voice:
"So I know what you want to do, don't try it, Mason, I may be a traitor, but it will never be through your low-level provocation.


Sadly, you've probably just gotten used to Gotham and are about to be forced out of there. "

Dr. Zola said quietly like a voiceover:

You may not feel it, but a special line of code has been added to your data body, which will prevent you from making a 'reject' option to my question. "

Mason grinned, cut the beef with a knife and fork and said:

Judy snorted and said:
"It was fun for the first few days, but then it took a turn for the worse, especially after the car was stolen two days in a row, and I finally remembered how terrible it was to live in Night City.

So the first question, is your world destroyed? "

Mason cut a piece of beef and put it in his mouth.

"I must be smarter than you!"

"This kind of thing has happened before, Mason, don't worry, for those of us in the cyber age, this is not unimaginable. Ott's charm for imperfect data life is indeed amazing."

The captured Data Conqueror sneered and said:
"I feel like I can control my thoughts, the code you set up is broken, and now you can't get me to say what I really think, Mason.

Obviously, he accidentally expressed his "true thoughts" in his heart.

There is no soul curse on you, so no matter how much it is said, it will not trigger backlash, just treat it as making your prison life more comfortable.

Mason recorded all the images projected by Dr. Zola. He didn't seem to be frightened at all on the surface. He picked up the hamburger and took a bite, then took the red wine next to him and shook it, and asked :

"Don't use low-level existence like AI to humiliate the goddess I saw!"

Not just a subroutine, I'm going into her data realm to interview her!She can take my digitization to the next level and I will be perfect for it. "

"You overcooked the meat and used the wrong olive oil. You should have squeezed a little fresh lemon on it when it came out of the pan, but this barbecue sauce is good."

Mentioning this matter, Dr. Zola immediately proudly created a "smiling face" on the screen, his electronic voice was several degrees high, and said:
"That's my 'trophy'! The hapless ghost I captured with the Red Skull when they sent their conquerors to attack our world.

We have built a tireless war machine with our own hands.

The rest were codified.

A strange swallowing star.

While continuing to cut the steak, he said:

"Blue kryptonite I do! They used that stuff to make that stupid Superman smarter, and I analyzed it and reversed its spectrum so it could make Bizarro go into weakness."

"How much do you know about the 'Shock' incident? Don't hide it, tell me everything, and I can help you add if you are not detailed enough.

Let me be honest.

Why not do it? "

"I dare say, can you believe it?"

It's a hamburger, a piece of beef, and a glass of wine.

"What about your supplement?"

Although I don't want to admit it, that lucky guy is indeed the smartest and most mysterious of all Anim Zolari. When I fought with No. 0 Zola last time, I heard him brag that No. 0 Zola was fighting for No. [-] Tony Stark service. "

"There is a cosmic law in the depths of this matter, and these strange things that contain powerful power are weakened when they face it. And after they realized that they couldn't defeat us quickly, the group of bastards summoned swallow star.

"Don't worry, this line of code is harmless to your data structure, and it only takes half an hour to take effect before it will self-destruct under the counterattack of your firewall. You can't say much dangerous things.

And through the camera, he saw the young man in front of him placing the tray in front of him.

"After all, I'm not even sure which side I'm on right now, you may not know, but my immediate superior gave me the order to kill you.

"Are you expecting me to say thank you?"

"Don't worry, Mason, all his data will be dug out the moment he sees Ott, and all the information you want to know will be obtained."

Tried every way.

"Going forward with a personal question that I'm curious about, how many Arnim Zolas do you have?"

He told me not to live.

Mason pulled up a chair and sat across from him, probably making a nasty joke, then picked up a knife and fork to cut up a piece of beef and put it to his mouth.

"You may not believe it, but I really have no intention of convincing you to join us."

"That's a lot."

In fact, I am not used to some of the actions of the Cleaners. Although I am a hydra, what I hope is not the chaos and disorderly darkness. What we worship is an order under power.

Anim Zola, a bastard in every sense, always reveals an annoying villain atmosphere all the time. He "stared" at the beef in Mason's hand, and said critically:

Dr. Zola didn't hesitate too much either, projecting his own bald face on the screen and haggling:

I will find a way to instigate them, hehe, I will be rewarded for it. "

Although I am not a top data life, I am not so easy to be tricked by you.You young but cunning asshole as an old immortal bastard
Depend on! "

"No, she is not AI, she is a perfect data life, a holy existence like a data goddess, you ignorant fool."

Dr. Zola didn't care.

Mason took a sip of the red wine and said slowly:
"Share it, so that before I send you there as a prisoner, I can consider replacing you with a custom-made automatic robot as your body, so that you won't have the pain of 'going to jail'.

Gotham is really like Night City.

Mason even saw the terrifying scene in the screen where the five infinity gems shattered on the spot due to the tremendous pressure.

To fight them, Red Skull and I transferred my consciousness into the mind of that mindless stupid Superman.

But in just one week, we were crushed by forces several times our own. I know what you want to ask, Mason.

There is no need to worry about this, even the most stubborn and cold-blooded guys in our organization are doing everything they can to find a way to counter it.

Mason was amused.

But for now, if you traitors are also a choice, then I would rather kill myself and disassemble the deep data by myself than put the treasure on you.

Mason brought the red wine to his mouth, and he said seriously:

Mason put his hand on the switch of the monitor and said:
"I'm going to see the goddess soon. You'd better tidy yourself up. You look like a perverted uncle with a bald head. Be careful to scare Ms. Ott."

"Look, the 'Cyber ​​Veritaserum' I asked my friends to write really worked."

Those bastards at least know what they want and what they're doing, but haven't even finished the beginning. "

From this point of view, we can even cooperate, provided that you show your value. "

Mason asked, Dr. Zola laughed viciously, and said:
"I'm the big villain, young man, do you think I'll tell you what you want to know so easily? Stop daydreaming! This conversation is over, and I'll save my computing power to deal with the superheroes of your world.

These complicated and cumbersome knowledge were quickly memorized into Mason's mind like swallowing a jujube, just waiting for a suitable time to complete the practice.

So let me ask another. "

My failure was not due to my lack of intelligence, but luck was not on my side. "


After finishing speaking, he turned off the switch and shut Dr. Zola back into the closed sandbox. Afterwards, Judy's voice sounded through the communicator, saying:

Mason shook his head and said:
"I want to borrow the high-energy laser equipment in your laboratory, Judy, I have to make a blue kryptonite quickly, or the hapless ghost I captured will die.

For this request, Mason did not immediately agree.

The problem is too much like you know what I mean?

You have too many cyberpsychopaths out there, you should give V time to go to Gotham.

He's sure to have a lot in common with Batman's 'senior cyber-psycho'.In fact, Osborne Tower is also good, quiet and not disturbed by so many people.

I plan to build a long-term laboratory here, do you want to invest?
I can give you a part of the right to use it. "

(End of this chapter)

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