The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 23 23. I treat you as a friend, but you want to be my father?

Chapter 23 23. I treat you as a friend, but you want to be my father?
Mason was severely reprimanded by Dr. Leslie ten minutes later, because the ward was full of choking smoke and a few cigarette butts, which made the doctor think it was Mason's doing.

The young man suffered a big loss, but he couldn't explain it.

He couldn't say that it was a bastard mage who smoked a cigarette here and then opened the portal to leave. In that case, Dr. Leslie probably doubted whether Mason's mental state was normal.

This fully proves that it is never a good thing to have a relationship with Constantine.

That guy is a walking disaster that brings misfortune to everyone around him.

But the good news is that Mason is recovering so well that he was released from the hospital at noon the next day.He said goodbye to Dr. Leslie very politely, but the doctor advised him to cut down on smoking with a cold face.

Why can't you explain this?
"Shall we go straight to the safe house?"

Commissioner Gordon came to pick him up on vacation today. Sitting in Gordon's car, Mason joked to him while fastening his seat belt:
"Don't dislike me for having too many things, but this time I really have to choose a good place."

"Yeah, what happened last time taught me a lesson, I can no longer use my connections in the police station, so I used my personal connections to find you a more hidden place.

Believe me, it will satisfy you, son. "

The director frowned and smiled. The real old man turned on the music station and started the car. After about 10 minutes, they stopped at a roadside in a neighborhood with a good environment.

Mason opened the car door and took a look. In front of him was a standard American-style big house full of life.

With a large garden and a backyard, a young girl in a wheelchair is currently planting flowers and trees on the lawn. After seeing Gordon get off the car, the red-haired girl with black-framed glasses like the director is sweet called out:

"Dad, why did you come back so quickly? Is this the Mason you've been talking about?"


Mason looked back at Gordon in surprise.

The latter showed a "this is surprise" expression, patted the young man on the shoulder, and said:

"Until the matter of the League of Assassins and the Penguin Gang's pursuit of you are over, you can stay in my house, and I will protect you personally."


The young man immediately refused without thinking.

He glanced at the young girl who was coming towards him in the wheelchair, and whispered to the chief:

"Last time they blew up a building to catch me, and a black wizard was still targeting me. Director, this is no joke, you still have family members here!"

"Call me Gordon."

The director himself doesn't care about this.

He didn't explain immediately, but patted Mason on the shoulder and said:
"This is Barbara's suggestion. Also, don't underestimate my daughter."

He stepped forward and hugged his daughter with a smile on his face, then pushed her wheelchair towards the door, walked a few steps and looked back at Mason who was standing beside the car with a tangled face, waved to him, and said:
"Come here, Barbara has prepared lunch in advance, are you going to stay there and wait for us to invite you?"

"I still think this needs to be discussed again."

Mason followed with a tangled face.

He really has mixed feelings in his heart. On the one hand, he is very grateful to Director Gordon for this arrangement.

Regardless of whether it was because of the previous accident in the safe house that caused the director to feel guilty, it was enough for him to be able to bring himself, a guy who was still at risk, into his home.

On the other hand, young people know more and more secrets about themselves.

In the face of the newly-emerged Star Society and the soul curse entrusted to Zha Kang to help investigate, the pursuit of the Penguin Gang and even the League of Assassins is nothing.

These secrets that ordinary people can't imagine are too dangerous, and innocent people will be involved in them if they are not careful.

As for whether Barbara Gordon is really good or not, Mason has never doubted at all. The young man can't tell the story of the red-haired girl in front of him clearly, but he can only say that his memory is still fresh.

After all, she is one of the top ten characters in the "Sexiest Heroine Ranking" all the year round.

Although this harmless red-haired girl is now in a wheelchair, she was a Batgirl trained by Batman before she was paralyzed.

This, like the unlucky "Robin", is a "hero profession" rather than a mere title. It is conservatively estimated that Barbara Gordon in a wheelchair can beat two or three adults with his bare hands.

But there's too much going on with Mason, and it's far from a threat that a paralyzed ex-superhero can handle alone.

So while sitting at the dining table with his father and daughter to eat together, Mason was talking and laughing, while planning in his heart to persuade Gordon to change him.

This father and daughter are rare good people in Gotham City, and they should not be threatened again because of their own reasons.

But before he could say that, Gordon wiped his mouth after eating a piece of steak, and told Mason, who was introducing oriental cuisine to the curious Barbara, another thing that almost broke his defense.

"What? You say it again?"

Mason maintained the posture of holding the knife and fork, and he was dumbfounded.

He stared at Gordon from his chair and said:

"I may have misheard, what did you just say? Who is my new guardian?"


Director Gordon said with a smile:

"You're only 17, Mason. You have no immediate family and your situation is very complicated. The night Batman dropped you off at Dr. Leslie's clinic, he called me and wanted me to be there when you were 20. Take care of you until you are old.

I agreed, and now the guardianship procedures are being processed.

Barbara was also very supportive of me doing this. "


The red-haired girl sitting next to Mason showed a gentle smile. With her black eyes and pretty face, she looked full of the peaceful feeling of an intellectual big sister.

She put down the knife and fork, wiped her mouth, and said to the dull Mason:
"I learned your story from my father, and it's hard to imagine that you grew up in such a bad situation and could maintain a heart that was unwilling to join gangs.

You are really strong and brave, Mason, not to mention you saved my father and many police officers when the mob attacked the police station.

Batman also thinks you deserve help, and my father and I will do our best to help you.

It just so happens that little James doesn't usually come back from boarding school, so you can stay in his room first, I already cleaned it up for you last night. "

"No, it's not this, let me think about it first, it's a bit messy."

Mason rubbed his forehead and stroked the process of this matter. Then, he looked at Gordon and said in a strange tone:
"I feel like I've just accepted you as a trusted elder and friend, Gordon, but it hasn't been a day since you told me you might be my 'father'.

This caught me a little off guard. "

"You can get used to it, Mason. But it's the best thing to do right now, not just to keep you safe, but to give you a chance to get used to normal life.

The abilities you display are dangerous to ordinary people.

Give you a gun and you can create a massacre by yourself. As a policeman, I can't just throw you in a foster family.

That is irresponsible behavior. "

Gordon put on his glasses and said to Mason:

"Also, don't look at my house, which looks ordinary, but it's connected to Batman's security system.

It's one of the safest places in Gotham once you're in danger, I mean, you gotta... hold on, I have an important call. "

The director's words were interrupted by the vibration of the mobile phone. He glanced at the number and found that it was a call from the police station, so he got up and went to answer the phone outside the restaurant.

Barbara Gordon watched Mason bow his head.

She turned the wheelchair to the young man, patted him on the shoulder and said to him:
"Mason, I heard you admire Batman?"

"The kind I admire very much. When I was beaten up badly when I was a child, I would often fantasize about Batman suddenly appearing to rescue me from the sea of ​​suffering."

Mason rubbed his forehead and said nonsense to this gentle girl:

"Barbara, you are a good person, like Gordon, I really appreciate everything you and Gordon have done for me, but I am sorry, I really can't bring danger to you."

His words made Barbara laugh.

The beautiful and gentle girl sat in the wheelchair and shook her head. She pushed her black-rimmed glasses and then patted her stomach, joking to Mason:
"I've already experienced the danger, and I was shot by a clown. The vicious bullet shattered my spine and made me spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair.

Is the danger you can bring to my father and me better than the most demented lunatic in this city coming to our door in the middle of the night with a gun? "

She winked and made a shooting motion.

Mason was surprised by the smile on her face.

He was sure the girl wasn't trying to force a smile.Barbara Gordon really didn't care much about the "deadly joke" that nearly killed her.

"I think that's probably why Batman asked Dad to be your guardian."

The former Batgirl looked at Mason, and she said:
"At that time, I was too young to protect myself, and I became a victim when the villains targeted Batman. I was also shrouded in a dark and cold time, but I finally walked out with the encouragement of my father and friends.

Just like you are now. "

Gentle Barbara took Mason's hand in hers and said:
"Mason, Batman may be hoping that I can help you bid farewell to the past at this moment.

And you can't go either!
I helped you clean up your room. You can't imagine how difficult it is for a person in a wheelchair to clean up. I don't want my efforts to go to waste.

At least stay for a few more days, okay?

My father hurriedly worked overtime until midnight, and I was quite lonely at home alone. "

Seeing Barbara's smile and invitation, Mason felt touched in his heart, he pursed his lips and joked:
"This beautiful girl, is it really okay for you to invite a strange man to live at home so directly? Are you not afraid that I am a bad person or something?

After all, I'm a villain from the Penguin Gang. "

"Not afraid."

Barbara grinned and brushed her long red hair.

She waved her fist and said:
"My boyfriend is very powerful. If you dare to bully me, you must be more attractive."

"My children, I must now go to Blackgate."

Gordon walked into the restaurant with his mobile phone, put on his clothes, and kissed his daughter on the cheek. He hurriedly said to Mason and Barbara:

"The Penguin bastard started playing crazy and attacked the prison staff, his lawyer said he was seriously mentally ill and tried to get him out of the prison for medical treatment.

I asked Arkham Asylum to send a psychiatrist to come with me.

That bastard is not going to get away with what he deserves.

I might be back late tonight, you don't have to wait for me to go to bed early, Mason!Don't run around, remember?Penguin's men are still in town looking for you. "

"I know."

Mason got up and walked Gordon to the door.

He glanced at the restaurant and whispered to the chief:

"Leave me a gun, Gordon, and you don't want to see Barbara in danger because of me, do you? Like I said, it's a terrible idea to keep me."

"Come on, you can't beat my daughter with a gun, don't underestimate her just because she is in a wheelchair."

The director shook his head and said to Mason:

"The second drawer under the desk in the study. There are things you need there. I have seen your skills. Help me protect Barbara."

After speaking, the director strode away.

And Mason went back to the restaurant to help Barbara pack the tableware, and when the girl went back to her room to study, she came to Gordon's study and got a pistol full of ammunition and a quite professional silencer under the desk.

He put the gun on his waist and went back to his room.

"Mason! Are you busy?"

A few minutes later, Barbara's voice sounded from outside the door. Mason, who had just lay down, got up and opened the door. He saw a beautiful and gentle girl holding a sun hat and looking at him, saying:
"The garden hasn't been built yet. It's rare to have a strong tenant. Why don't you help me get it done?"

The young man shrugged, stepped forward and pushed Barbara out of the door.

The two chatted and spent several hours cleaning up the lawn. In the evening, when they were discussing the serious issue of what to have for dinner, Barbara, who was sitting in a wheelchair, suddenly pointed at Mason's collar and exclaimed:
"Wow, your tie pin is glowing, cool little thing."


Mason glanced at the Eye of Hell pinned to his collar, and there was a faint light dancing on it in the evening light.

But the thing Zhakang gave doesn't emit light under normal conditions, it warns of the coming danger!This made the young man's expression serious, and he reached out and pulled out the gun behind his waist and clicked it into the chamber.

He said to Barbara behind him:
"Go back to the house! Barbara, find a place to hide, and call for backup by the way, please come to the door."

The red-haired girl in the wheelchair didn't scream like ordinary girls when she encountered danger. On the contrary, she calmly pushed the wheelchair and returned to the house.

Mason stood guard at the door holding the gun, and then installed the silencer and hid beside the lawn.

He saw several armed guys get out of a car on the corner across the street and walked towards Gordon's house aggressively.

The unrecognizable pace and arrogant attitude made Mason squint his eyes. The black-clothed killer of the League of Assassins he met once would not be so blatant.

So, this time it's the real Penguin gang shooter?

Mason wasn't surprised by this.

But he felt that Gordon had to review the security of communication in the police station. Mason had just been discharged from the hospital at noon, and a gunman came to his door at night. The Gotham police station had really been completely infiltrated into a sieve.

When one of the guys raised his weapon and began to aim, Mason decisively pulled the trigger.

The Lv3 shooting technique allowed him to easily blow that guy's head off at this distance even without using combat assistance, and the hand feeling developed by killing nearly a thousand zombies in the wizarding world did not disappoint him.

The shot rang out and people fell down.

Before the guy on the other side could react, the second shot came one after another. In just two seconds, three of the six gangsters were knocked down by Mason, and they didn't even fire a single shot.

The remaining three people were frightened, turned around and ran away.

Mason was about to refill the gun, but when he got up, a car suddenly rushed out of the evening night, with a frightening speed, and hit the three fleeing gunmen with a precise bang, causing them to take off on the spot.

The one that flew the farthest was thrown five meters before landing.

This scene made the young man raise his eyebrows, and then the window was rolled down, and a guy with sunglasses waved to him, beckoning him to go over.


Mason walked quickly to the side of the car, looked at the disguised kite man sitting in the driver's seat, and said:
"Didn't I ask you to meet me at the pier?"

"I'm not worried about you, boss."

The kite man grabbed the steering wheel and said with a playful smile:

"I've been looking for you since you were taken away by Batman, but in the bar where the gangsters often meet, I met these penguin gang's live treasures and said that they wanted to seek revenge from the traitors.

I knew they were after you.

But boss, these guys are just bait, and there are still some men in black who don't look easy to mess with in the back street, and they are coming soon. "

Charles threw his traveling knapsack to Mason and said:
"This is your equipment, do you need my help?"

Mason tied the small leather bag around his waist, took out the invisibility cloak and put it on his body with a wave of his hand, looked at the house behind him again, and said to the kite man:

"Hurry up, Batman is monitoring this place, maybe he will come in a while. Hide that box well, and we will meet at the pier tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, there are still people from them in the bar. I'll go back and see if I can catch someone alive and see who is behind the scenes. We can't live in such fear all the time, can we?"

The kiteman winked and waved goodbye.

Wearing an invisibility cloak, Mason watched him leave, then looked at the three wretches who had been knocked into the air, and sighed in his heart that it was a good feeling to have a reliable little brother to help.

And the kite man said it was very good.

He desperately escaped from another world not to live in fear!

In the next moment, he put the invisibility cloak on his body, grabbed his handy crit shotgun from his waist bag, inserted the intimidating double-barreled hand cannon in his waist, and put the sheathed Su Jie's Eagle behind his back.

Mason stretched his neck, and slipped silently towards the Gordon House in the dark.

Things had to get bigger so Gordon could see the danger.

In this way, I don't need to call him "father", do I?
 Push the book, push the book, and push each other with the old buddy. Today’s push is Master Taohua’s book "The Law Enforcer Handbook", Doomsday + Wasteland + Invincible Elements. If you are interested, you can click the link below to view it.

  In addition, it has been recommended. Now this PK mechanism is very cruel. Please keep reading as much as possible. If you have a monthly pass, vote for it.
(End of this chapter)

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