The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 234 32. Anti-Super Tactics, Activate!

Chapter 234 32. Anti-Super Tactics, Activate!

Seeing Professor McGonagall jumping out of Animagus' kitten cat form in the state of a venom symbiosis, not only the two neon wizards in front of him were frightened, but Zack Kang was also shocked.

The guy almost ate the burning cigarette butt in his mouth.

He knew that there was something wrong with the zombie cat raised by Selena before, and he had also heard the story of Animagus from Mason, but he really didn't expect that one day he would actually witness this scene with his own eyes.

"Hey, isn't she dead?"

Constantine, who handed out the locket, stood behind Mason and poked him on the shoulder, and asked in a low voice.

Mason shrugged and said:
"I didn't say she was alive.

This matter is very complicated, and I can't explain it clearly, but don't tell Selena, she was frightened and fainted just now, and she always thought I was teasing her by saying that Professor McGonagall was a witch.

Shh, shut up now and watch her act. "

Professor McGonagall is not acting, however.

"Is this really for me? I thought you were just drawing a big cake for me to tempt me to work hard."

And there is another point that the Demon Knight didn't tell you, the dedication mode of this kind of candle is that the deeper the connection, the closer the connection, and the D-level and C-level personnel are just flattering the stage.

The captive, covered in blood, trembled. Her supposedly solid defenses were completely disintegrated at this moment. The golden apple in Mason's hand shone brightly, instantly changing some of her thoughts.

But think about the good, as long as you kill Lord Destiny, everyone's curse will be healed without medicine. "

I didn't give it to you to play with, you might use it this time to the watchtower.I mean in extreme cases, if you encounter a Kryptonian, you can use it to figure out how to restrain or restrain him.

Zha Kang blinked his eyes and said in a strange tone:
"Why do I feel that you are bribing me, then I will not be polite."

This time the captain did not refuse.

Mason narrowed his eyes but did not refuse. Zha Kang laughed twice, moved his body a bit and looked at the pendant box on his chest. He waved his hands and said:

"Well, this is a big project"

"Go ahead and do it well."

That handsome guy over there is in charge, ma'am.

"I'm so hungry, Meg."

He averted his eyes, and said to Mason, who had already covered his eyes with a hat and was still making a moment of silence:

The problem is that it seems to be pushing it a little too hard, and the sorceresses who get terrified by it start rolling their eyes.
"You have one last chance to organize your language, traitor!"

A few minutes later, Mason and Jarcon walked out of the dark dungeon.

They shouted but couldn't stop the unleashed dementors stretching out their rotting, cold claws towards them, and the nearest dementor had already lifted its hood.

"I order! The evil is gone!"

The symbiote in Professor McGonagall's hands was promised something.

Zha Kang complained, but he reacted in the next moment.

"Now, you are the captain."

Wizards are more direct.

But there are three other hungry dementors surrounding the only remaining witch.

"Well, how innocent and cute, you wizards think that death is the end of everything."

He can promise that when the members of the other two teams step into the death place prepared for them, your sins will be forgiven, and you can live on, forget the past, and live cleanly.

"Look, you get it."

But just watching with his eyes, Zha Kang felt a headache.

"I'm an adult."

Constantine yelled with majesty like the white wizards, and lightly tapped the staff in his hand to turn the surroundings into a place of purification, allowing the warmth to return to the two of them.

"Send it to you."

A shrill scream sounded in the next moment, and the only hole in the dementor's face bit the wizard's forehead like a mouth.

He looked around the masked thing summoned by Professor McGonagall, surrounded by the three people in front of him, who were circling in the air like black gauze, and the face without facial features reflected the hideousness of a drowned person.

He stared into Professor McGonagall's scarlet eyes, and said:
"I saw you infected with my own eyes, Minerva, and we are willing to die at your hands, if it can rest in peace for you who do not want to die."

"No, there is another way."

She staggered like a female witch who would eat children in the legend, and she walked up to the two renegade wizards with fearful faces, and said in a tone that could scare a child into tears:
"In your name, the traitors of Durmstrang and Ilvermorny are invited here! Tell them you have found traces of the Philosopher's Stone and Hogwarts legacy here."

"We can blow out the 'candles'!
This is the reason why this old theory was abandoned, it put too much emphasis on the connection between the two sides.

"I can't contact them."

The zombie witch said blankly.

"I'll go back and study this thing first, but you don't really think of me as Team K's 'secret weapon' against the Kryptonians, do you? Seriously, Mason, if Dachao really appeared in front of my eyes, I would be the first escaped for a while.

Having said that, the black magician looked at the pendant box in Professor McGonagall's hand, and said with splendor in his eyes:

"Well, John, I had some conversations with the Demon Knight before, and I think it's time to tell you about these things."

Mason's communicator was snatched back by Constantine, smashed to the ground and stomped a few times. He yelled at Mason:
"You're so despicable! Batboy has taught you badly! And this is not for minors!"

The last witch of the Amaterasu team did not expect to survive, but when the instant death was stretched to a desperate time scale, she also pessimistically found that she was not as firm as she imagined.

The Neon Witch was trembling all over. She glanced at her companion who had been devoured by the dementor, and said:

As for the pendant box, you can understand it as a spell-casting core that allows you to cast various seals, but its previous owner sealed a lot of dangerous things in it.

Mason briefly introduced his plan, but was then refuted by Kang Kang:
"Your statement is too one-sided. It is true that compared with Dachao's Iron Man, he does not have much resistance to magic, but it is rumored that Dachao's low magic resistance is also compared with his almost perfect physical resistance. conclusion.

Professor McGonagall has fallen asleep on his shoulders. The waking up supported by this symbiosis is very energy-consuming, and she can't last long.

The coldness and killing intent she exudes at this time cannot be faked, coupled with her haggard ghostly face and the strangely moving symbiosis on her body, she is almost like a ghost crawling out of hell.

But I don't think they would care if their soul was taken, since they never used it anyway. "

"The news that our team was attacked must have spread. They won't believe it. We won't survive if they come. The result is the same."

Like this one now. Ouch! "

But it's time to pick a good time to return the mission items.

He smashed the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground and stamped it out, saying:
"Find a chance, Mason, we have to wipe out all the personnel above B-level. In this way, that Lord Destiny will only be left to cry."

"Look, those two wizards are knowledgeable, and they know exactly what the appearance of these things means."

They are really hungry after being locked up for thousands of years.
Professor McGonagall touched the cheek of the witch who was scared to pee with his shriveled fingers, and the black viscous symbiont "naughtily" extended "tentacles" from her fingertips for a moment and licked the witch's face. Leave a bloodstain.

"It's coming, it's coming! The legendary 'Dementor's Kiss'."

They are among the most dangerous spirit creatures in that ruined world.

Sly Jason Bullard sees right through what's wrong with Stellaris, so he'd rather stay here as a 'Wasteland Ranger' than go back with us.

Fear is like the most delicious dipping sauce, making their flesh and blood fragrant.

Jarcon hung Slytherin's locket around his neck, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, popped out two, and gave one to Mason.

In fact, most of the magic effects on them are very poor, just like wearing a layer of dragon scales. If it is really necessary for any wizard to deal with Superman, then the giants of Zhenglian are too shameless.

You said, if I turn in the mission when I am being chased by Da Chao, will Mr. Hunter teleport over to save me? "

"But this thing is really interesting. I have to take it back and study it later. If it is really as magical as you said, I can indeed use it to play some tricks that can make Kryptonians headache."

"Tch, don't be too happy."

"Only the captain can."

I know it's hard.

The symbiote jumped out of Professor McGonagall's palm, and turned into a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth in front of the Neon Witch, trying its best to intimidate.

Mason took out the internal communicator of the Osborne Tower, called up the "intimate clip" between him and the Sea Goddess when he was in contact with Zha Kang, and said to Zha Kang whose face changed suddenly:
"You said that if Xiao Zha accidentally saw this in the email."

They're all too busy opening a nightclub in the world right now. "

"Isn't it betrayal?"

even remove it.
It's a little unlikely, but I think we should keep our hopes up. "

Sensing something was wrong, Zha Kang immediately grabbed the trident staff in his bag.

"Explain to me how to use that pendant, I feel like I underestimated it."

Mason flicked the cigarette ash, and said to the joyful Zha Kang:
"Have you heard of the 'candle' theory that has become popular recently in the Nine Hells?"


The whole person's thoughts are as uncomfortable as if they are frozen, and why do they suddenly have the urge to cry?
"What the hell is this? The legendary dementors? I thought they were buried with the wizarding civilization as early as the end of Hogwarts."

The venom in her left hand was slowly withdrawing, and the pendant that summoned the dementor was hanging on her finger, while her right hand was empty.

As we all know, Kryptonians' 'magic resistance' has always been a big problem. "

Zha Kang looked over at the two stubborn neon wizards.

Of course, this feeling is more or less influenced by the golden apple in Mason's hand modifying his thinking.

Sure enough, as Mason said, after Professor McGonagall opened Slytherin's locket and released the dementors, the two renegade wizards who had made up their minds to die struggled frantically like dead fish jumping.

Mason stuffed the pendant that was still exuding cold air into Zha Kang's hand, patted his shoulder, and said:

"You are dead!"


We will guarantee this. "

Dementors are just the stuff of the first tier.

They are core members.

"That is indeed a dementor, a monster that feeds on the positive emotions of living beings, devouring the soul and leaving only the body like a walking dead, as you read in the book.

Mason shrugged and said:

That devil is indeed powerful because of tens of thousands of burning candles, but as long as we kill enough, he will also weaken quickly.

"You might as well kill me."

"I think you are thinking too much, although I don't know what game you and Mister Hunter are playing, but I guess there must be some tricks between you that others don't know.

No joke! "

The main reason is that these guys have the peculiar magical protection of Occlumency, so the mind rewriting of the golden apple has a very poor effect on them.

So Zha Kang helped her untie the rope with a smirk, gave her a pen and paper, and even thoughtfully gave her a writing template.

"So the question is not at all whether we want to dispel the curse, the core of the question is that we must defeat the Lord of Fate, otherwise everyone can only burn themselves to support it.

The female wizard whispered:

I'm not going to get involved, I've never been interested in men. "

Professor McGonagall said softly.

He stretched out his hand to light up a ball of fluorescent light in front of her eyes, and said sinisterly:
"You have already done it once, and there will be no psychological pressure if you do it again, right? Only when those heavy blood debts are paid off can you easily go on the road again.

do you understand me? "

After a brief wail like a slaughtered pig, a soul was devoured, and the satisfied Dementor obediently returned to the locket in Professor McGonagall's hand.

In the pale golden light, he leaned against the wall, opened the sleeve of his left arm, and said to Mason:
"Look, the 'purification' of this thing is very powerful. My curse tattoo has been pressed back to its most primitive state. As long as we can find the divine power continuously, I can reduce the influence of the damn devil to us. lowest.

Mason snorted, hooked his fingers again and said:
"Give me the trident, you keep some of the divinity and hand in the rest. Since what we are doing is latent work, in order to develop better in the stars, we still have to do the steps that should be done.

Like a tour guide, Mason pointed Zak Kang there and said:
"It is said that this is to absorb the soul of that guy, but he will not die, but he will no longer have any feeling, the will will collapse, and the spirit and all the secrets will disappear.

Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring with a gloomy face, and said:

As far as I know, there are at least a dozen evil spellcasters who were beaten by Da Chao to doubt their lives. "

Mason felt the obscurity of the golden apple taking effect, so he pushed Zha Kang, and the black magician snorted and stepped forward, squatting in front of the scared and trembling female wizard.

"You can't use that soulless body over there, can you? Can I have a toothache? In fact, I prefer fragrant and soft females, especially when they are scared to the point of collapse.

Professor McGonagall caressed Slytherin's pendant with her dry and slender fingers, and as she silently recited the opening spell of this thing, the cold wind blew from the dark place of the closed room, chilling straight to the bones Drilling in, there are vague calls and crying sounds around.

"It's very popular recently? Are you stupid?
The stuff you're talking about was obsolete 500 years ago!Now all the bastards in the world are as smart as monkeys, which devil would still use this ancient method?

With a nasty roar, he bit the head of the wizard who had lost his soul next to him, and with a click, there was only a headless corpse still spurting blood.


These high-ranking wizards are all super mentally strong. If they don't need some "auxiliary means", they really can't draw freely in their minds with the golden apple in Mason's hand.

The two men hid in the dark aisle and smoked. The black mage held up the coral trident in his hand and used this thing that exudes sacred light as a flashlight.

The two wizards were tortured terribly, but they didn't go crazy. Faced with this request, the two looked at each other and shook their heads frantically.

Their purpose is to keep the existence of the devil from dissipating, but members above B rank will feed back more power to the devil when they are strong.

"Of course you can try to escape, John."

It's like a choice that doesn't have a happy ending.

As soon as the thing infused with purified divinity was taken out, it shone brightly, illuminating the surroundings of him and Mason, and also drove away the black-robed creature like a rotten monster that had stretched out its hand towards them behind them.

"Candles? What the hell are you talking about!"

He could feel that the few positive emotions in his heart were quickly dissipating, replaced by various emo and world-weary emotions.

Venom said in a cloudy tone:

Kryptonians are not afraid of big fireballs.

Mason shrugged, took out a small USB flash drive and tossed it up and down, and said to Zha Kang:
"This is the handle you gave me. It's a pity not to make good use of it. I seem to remember a certain scumbag told me that Xiao Zha is the one who will never give up in his life. of.

All right, don't be so stern.

Let's get down to business.

Even without the Big Three, the watchtower will not be easy to deal with. I will give you the best support preparations, but John, you must be careful when you pass by. "

(End of this chapter)

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