The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 236 34. The Countdown to the Final Tower Rush

Chapter 236 34. The Countdown to the Last (Lookout) Tower

"Yes, the Philosopher's Stone, as well as a part of the genuine medicine of immortality. I specifically sought out the two famous neutral alchemist brothers from the Constellation Society for identification.

They told me the recipe was [-]% real and offered to pay a fortune for the crappy recipe from me. "

In the room of the Gathering of Stars, the gray and ruthless eyes of the great wizard Igor shone with a gleam. He stroked the goatee on his chin and said meaningfully:

"I'm old, my friend, and you're not young. But we're just entering this new world of possibilities, and it seems a shame to face death.

I'm still excited about my newly learned runes, studying those ancient stone carvings all night long, trying to master the power of lightning.

It's like the excitement I felt when I first encountered magic as a child.

Time is not generous to me.

However, I have already held the key to God's Domain, so it is really difficult for me to give up like this.

The letter said there were at least the same six fragments, but they were all in the hands of a certain team in that world, and it was they who attacked the Amaterasu team that caused them to ask us for help.

"You're very thoughtful, and I admit I overlooked that."

Ten minutes later, in Mr. Hunter's office on the top floor of Fort of Stars, Shirley, who was disguised as a man, had just escaped temporarily from the stressful affairs caused by the third shock, and just wanted to take a nice bath to relieve the stress. Tired from the busy day, and then interrupted by the blank guy who came to apply for special operations.

Star Lab will also send professional personnel to take charge of this matter. "

"Clark, if you had carefully read my revised list, you wouldn't have asked this question."

"Okay, if you're sure you want to do it."

"Kara El's first credit card after entering the earth was handled by my bank. The apartment she is currently renting is my real estate agent. She borrowed money to buy a car and my company handled insurance. Her trip to Europe last year was also the same. The whole process was arranged through my travel agency, and the mobile phone and computer she used were specially made by Wayne Group.

"Well, if that's the case, then I have no doubts."

He's dangerous, but a talent the organization needs.

You don't have to worry about them failing because you and I will stay here to lead them.

Looking at the communication number marked "Troublemaker" on the screen, he hesitated for a while whether to inform Mason of this matter.

And in this story, who is playing the hunter is unknown, but I can be sure that we are becoming the prey step by step under the temptation of the treasure.

His answer made Mr. Hunter shake his head in his heart.

Grand Wizard Agilbert was still cautious, he shook his head and said:
"Being lured by a treasure, a greedy man steps into a dangerous unknown, which seems like the beginning of a tragic story.

She felt that Mason must have been playing the devil in secret from the beginning to the end of this matter, but she didn't know why the little guy wanted to set his mind on these two not weak wizard pioneers.

The Great Wizard Agilbert sneered and said:
"With Igor's bad character, how could he take the initiative to disclose information about such a treasure to me? We were not considered friends before, so we were here waiting for me.

The master shook his head and said:
"The situation we're facing isn't easing up, and despite Barry's report hours ago that the 'shock tremors' in the parallel world are subsiding, we all know this isn't the end, and it will repeat itself in the not-too-distant future.

"I asked someone about it, it's an A-level world."

I crave treasure but I loathe being taken advantage of and the imminent threat of death. "

"and many more!"

He leaned on the double-headed eagle staff and walked towards it, and said:

The rotation during this period is a very good opportunity.

Now that the formula has been confirmed to be true, other precious materials can be collected through the system of the Constellation, but only the main body of the Sorcerer's Stone can only be made by a pinnacle alchemist.

She felt that she had to maintain a good relationship with Mason.

"The Wayne Group doesn't have a news department in Metropolis. It's a matter in the circle. If you really have one, Louise and I can't possibly not know about it."

Although she didn't know what this matter had to do with the troublesome Mason and Team K, she was sure that the two confident wizards and their elite team would probably be gone this time.

Those unpleasant things that happen in the dark will naturally be dealt with by special personnel, which is also the responsibility I should shoulder in this team.

No wizard can resist this knowledge from the gods, not me, nor you. "

Da Chao nodded seriously, and at the same time picked up a PDA and carefully read the master's schedule of guards for the watchtower in the next few days, but he became puzzled when he looked at it.

"You have inserted your hand into the Daily Planet, let me and Louise work for you, and now you plan to 'captive' my cousin? With Kara's personality, she will not discuss these things with you as gently as I do."

Each of us has our own responsibilities. "

Old Igor replied seriously.

Right now, the third impact is coming to an end, after which the parallel world system will have to go through a period of reintegration, so, the first task of the A-level promotion process for the two of you should be carried out in this A-level world.

She could even work until voluntary retirement or Wayne Group bankruptcy if she was willing to accept it. "

You want to recruit me just to use my students and peers as cannon fodder.

You have a good idea!
That's the end of the conversation.

Even superheroes will encounter dilemmas because they are not good at handling them, and too much contact with the dark side of the world will also dampen your enthusiasm for protection.

If you can accomplish this, it will be considered as the completion of the first round of promotion tasks for the two of you. "

Have you checked the world coordinates? "

Don't rush to refuse, just see my sincerity.

Ciri didn't stop her anymore.

Let me see if there are any tasks suitable for you, hold on. "

But because of my 'protection', your blunt and overly kind-hearted cousin has so far escaped 24 kidnappings, 237 telecom frauds and 41 premeditated and purposeful approaches. "

"Bruce! You can't do this!"

"That department was just established by me 10 minutes ago."

Superman put down his PDA, looked at Master, and said:

Batman stood up, activated his banknote ability, and said to Da Chao:
"You don't have to worry about her job at all. Just 5 minutes ago, the Wayne Group News Department sent her an intern offer, and she will get a good job in Metropolis.

"I don't think the other party will give you time to quit, Igor."

"Didn't you notice that most of the members of the team were in a bad mood? Including Diana, we just destroyed a world. Although we have morals, such behavior still puts us under pressure.

Therefore, your first round of promotion tasks is to capture him alive and bring him back to Starsburg. The next level task goal is to loot the Batcave and bring back at least 20 pounds of kryptonite.

Igor raised his finger and took the small fragment of the Sorcerer's Stone in his hand. He said:
"Think why our world is being targeted, old friend, the conquerors ruined us just to find this strange thing that can save people from death.

I admit that I was monitoring her.

However, the "personal relationship" between her and Mason is a little awkward because of the previous dispute. Perhaps, this is an opportunity to adjust the relationship?
Reminiscent of the various situations that kept appearing on Mason, the hunter Ciri hesitated for a while, and finally pressed the number.

Da Chao immediately retorted angrily:

"No, Bruce, I'm not accusing you, I'm just"

"Well, that's the problem."

This is the meaning of the existence of friends and teammates, and this is also the meaning of cooperation.

"You're overprotective of your cousin, Clark, she's Kryptonian too!"

The members I selected are all very potential but inexperienced members. We will need them to go through a period of training to accelerate their growth.

Not only can we use it ourselves, but we can also use it to knock on the door to the upper floors.

You can stand in the sun and receive praise for your devotion to protecting the world.

Even for the seemingly omnipotent Star Society and its system, immortality without side effects is a luxury.

Da Chao nodded, put down his PDA and said:
"But Kara's job was hard for her to find, you know, she has a bit of a personality"

Even escape the sad fate of becoming a bloodhound! "

Old Igor didn't care about the cynicism of the man in front of him, he made a gesture, and opened the closed door behind him, together with the secret door of the treasure storage room in the room.

He explained in that hoarse low tone:

As a reporter, Da Chao immediately realized something was wrong, and asked with a strange expression:

The master put down the cup in his hand a little tiredly. He switched the system in front of him to automatic monitoring, turned his chair and looked back at the classically dressed Superman behind him.

"Well, go get ready. The coordinates of the target world will be unlocked in 10 minutes. I will send you directly to Gotham. Remember, you can't stay for more than three days!"

In addition, Clark, you also know that our opponents still have eyeliners in our world. They are corrupting us in secret activities, and it is also a hidden danger to keep these children on the earth.

We must take advantage of this time to let our young fighters realize the severity of the situation.

It was her hunter instinct telling her that she might need the help of Mason and his K-team in the future.
"Bruce, Cyborg said you just adjusted the guard strength of the watchtower?"

In this way, relying solely on my side to produce people, the strength is a bit weak. "

"It's not 'captive', Clark, it's my concern for being 'cautious' about my team members. It's like me helping you redeem the farm after our previous skirmish.

It's more like a bait laid out by a cunning hunter, specially selected for those prey who can't bear it.

Mr. Hunter got up and watched the two great wizards leave his office. The moment the door closed, she coughed and took out a small classic Nokia mobile phone from the drawer.

She pretended to take out a thick task file and flipped through it. After a few seconds, she pointed to one of them, raised her head and said to the two great wizards:
"That's it, in that world, in a city called Gotham, there was a guy in a fancy dress, and his nickname was 'Batman'.

She glanced at the two old wizards with very different styles standing in front of her, and then asked in a low manly voice:

"I'm not questioning your arrangements, Bruce, but none of these members are familiar with how the watchtower works, they're just 'reserve' forces."

"Thank you for your reminder, Lord Hunter, but we have already made up our minds."

Great Wizard Agilbert shook his head and said:
"Shouldn't you send someone to explore the way first?"

You may have heard the name in taverns.

On the earth where Gotham City is located, in the control room of the cool mechanical tower in orbit around the planet, Dachao, who was hovering over, said to Batman who was sitting on the control chair and monitoring the important cities of the earth:
"Why? Is your 'bat instinct' feeling dangerous again?"

Good words can't persuade the damn ghost, she picked up her seal and slapped it on the application form, and said to the two great wizards:
"The two of you and your pioneering team are the backbone of the Stars Club. I should pay more attention to your future. Since you are determined to go to that world, I will help you again.

"The rule among wizards is equal value exchange. You and I are both wizards, and we all have a price. Come with me, Agilbert, and pick a few gifts to please yourself.

"Ha, I knew it."

The two great wizards looked at each other, nodded and said:
"Then thank you for your help, Lord Hunter."

Grand Wizard Igor narrowed his eyes and said:
"Dangers definitely exist, but benefits also exist. I want to go and have a look. If there is a fatal danger, I will withdraw as soon as possible."

Igor said with some sadness:
"That A-level world is a little troublesome. It is marked as special by the three great mentors. If you want to enter it, you only need the world coordinates. You must report to the great master of exploration in advance.

The destruction of the Amaterasu team has not sounded the alarm for these guys. It seems that greed is indeed a beautiful and terrible quality.

When the master turned to leave, there was a fleeting and almost human smile under the mask, and he said:

He looked back at the speechless Da Chao, shook his head and said:

I don't want to see the power that should protect the world be drawn into the dark camp. "

The world you are going to is very, very dangerous!Even A-level personnel have to prepare well before they dare to step into it. "

This may be our only chance. "

"They can't stay in the reserves, Clark!"

"Blue Beetle? Firestorm? These two children are members of the Teen Titans, right? It is said that they have great potential, why is there Kara? My cousin has just found her first long-term job. I think it is right for her to ask for leave at this time." Her career is not doing well."

I have already applied, but the reply I got was that the team leader must lead the team personally, and the people entering it must be at least C-level and the stay shall not exceed three days.

The master presents the facts and the evidence.

"Of course you don't know."

In this case, what our partners need is a short vacation to relieve all doubts in their hearts. I arranged professional psychological intervention for them.

"Mr. Igor, and Mr. Egilbert, are you sure you want to apply to go to that dangerous world? If I remember correctly, both of you have already started the promotion process for the A-level 12-member council, right?
At this critical moment, it seems that it is not the right choice to choose to spend your energy in a world that you are completely unfamiliar with instead of preparing to deal with the very dangerous promotion task that follows.

"I think I'll convince you, give me a chance."

She maintained the rationality and indifference that a great mentor should have and did not break out of her bad temper, but she frowned when she saw the joint exploration application in front of her.

I should have told you two ahead of time.

Da Chao wanted to argue with his teammates about these commonplace things again, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the two heard the serious voice of the steel bone:
"Batman, Superman! The space-time disturbance signal appeared in Gotham again. This time it is very obvious that the casters are ready to act, and I can't stop them."

"Stop! Don't let them die!"

Batman and Dachao looked at each other, and the two rushed to the elevator. The master said sharply to the steel bone:

"There has to be a plan for this."

(End of this chapter)

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