The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 238 36. There are 2 groups of weird people holding wooden sticks in Crime Alley for a fight!

Chapter 238 36. There are two groups of weird people holding sticks in Crime Alley for a fight!Come on, Batman!

"Is the food okay just now? How is the meal? How would you rate the chef's skill?"

On the way out of the restaurant, Mason looked at Harley Quinn, who was holding a cup of milkshake beside him. The latter had a smile on his face with light makeup, and he was in a good mood and even hummed a song.

He asked softly:

"Do you want to go to other places to stop and eat?"

"Eh, the taste is not bad, but since Mr. K didn't make it, I will give him zero points at most."

Facing Mason's question, Harry first answered happily, then suddenly approached him with a straight face, stared at him suspiciously for a few times, and then said:
"Why are you so nice tonight? Are you going to be like those vicious parents, take your children out to have a good meal, make them happy, and finally leave them in a park in the city?"

"Where did you think of going?"

Mason was confused, he waved his hands and said:

"Since you let yourself go, this way of thinking seems to have become elusive. Don't worry, if I say I will take you away, I will definitely take you away. After my secret identity is exposed, you will definitely be implicated.

"Hehe, you are really sharp, Mason, but now is not the time to talk about that."

The extent of its magic power was almost condensed into substance, and Mason's windbreaker fluttered with the wild wind of magic.

"But I'd rather go with you."

The fierce guy was surrounded by lightning and wore a black cloak, only revealing a pair of eyes covered with electric arcs.

Please board the temporary passengers, Delaman Transit Program is very honored to serve you. "

"Don't think about it, it's not good for your condition."

Mason glanced at the time on the watch, and the moment the second hand returned to zero, he said loudly:

"Hey, you still know that I'm your patient? Just throw me a few bottles of medicine and then suddenly disappear for a few days. You tell me honestly, you've been wandering around the city at night with a fake Batman these days. Is it you, the brat?"

"Tsk tsk, our John is indeed a passionate seed."

"How could such a thing be prepared?"

When there is trouble on your side, we will go into the Batcave to grab two Bat fighters and then lead everyone all the way out of the earth, but the bad news is that the thing we tried to deceive your sister Selena has been revealed.

"While cheating on the goddess of the sea and protecting the little lover at the same time, which side are you on?"

"Just an in-vehicle AI, and it's trustworthy, well, trustworthy most of the time."

Dr. Fate was suspended in the air in an elegant and powerful posture, not too domineering, but said in a declarative tone:
"Arrest without a fight! We are not here to take your life. If you are willing to talk, then we can talk. Although you are in the dark, you are still a member of the order."

Before Harry asked a strange question, Mason reached out and stopped him:
"I'll send someone to take you to Port Miller, and Ivy will wait for you at the end and take you to a safe place."

The Sorting Hat let out a deep laugh and said:

The final arrangement is to pick up three "disposable" Ark reactors and put them into the front chest energy compartment, core control area and weapon system propulsion device of the Fenrir armor.

After unlocking the recipe of Stark's Ark Reactor and proficient in making it, he can even "print the card on the spot" and quickly make this necessary thing with a refining array.

While pouring the prepared materials into the golden cup, Mason ignited it with magic fire and said:
"Or let me put it another way, how long do you think those traitors can last under the siege of the local spellcasters? Can they go back alive?"

"Mason Cooper!"

The big sister Catwoman didn't believe that she had a dream.

"It's up to those traitors to waste time in their new life at the Stellaris."

In an instant, at least seven bolts of divine lightning were ready to go, and more than 20 beams of dangerous power that could easily annihilate the entire street were unleashed.

"Command received!"

Mason raised his head, and there were three people floating in the sky.

But now there is no time to complain about this, we are all dragged into the black boat by you.

"Hat, who do you think will win?"

"Hello, Mason."

It is for you. "

The moment Mason finished speaking, two ordinary doors in the crime alley behind everyone were pushed open at the same time, and all the C-level personnel of the Death Eaters and Lighthouse teams stepped in under the leadership of their B-level leader, the Great Wizard. this new world.

Harley stared pitifully and said:
"Look, look, like I said, the vicious parents are going to throw the poor little girl with a good friend and disappear.

"Running to the lair of the Justice League with a bunch of second-tier villains and heroes, just to deal with a third-tier villain.

My ominous premonition is getting stronger and stronger. "

He stopped in front of his hut, found a car casually, took out an engineering master key and easily opened the car door under Harry's gaze.

The spell caster warned by Zha Kang is already on the way, and Mister Hunter will cooperate to open the door of the traitor mages in the Hogwarts world and send them directly to Crime Alley.

But Zatana Zatara, who was dressed as a magician in the crowd, looked at him with regret.

"I know."

How happy it would be if Hogwarts existed in this world. "

He needed little preparation to appreciate the magic brawl that was about to take place.

But I, like you, believe more in the spellcasters of this world.

She still wanted to say a few more words, but the expression on her face was obviously worried about Mason's safety.

Mason curled his lips and said angrily:

He completed each preparation procedure step by step, like a precise robot, and used the special tailor gloves that came with the formation to refine boxes of engineering ammunition, picked them up, walked behind him, and stood standing in the dark to be repaired Next to the completed Fenrir armor, and then sent all kinds of ammunition into the arsenal of the armor.

The war in Gotham was just a warning, but unfortunately you made the wrong choice.

Although I didn't say it explicitly, I guess their target is you. "

Mason asked while twisting the handlebar to accelerate the small motorcycle:
"Are you all ready?"

He joked to Harry who rolled up his sleeves:
"What era is this, are you still using traditional car theft techniques? Come on, sit in it, be good, it will send you to the pier."

And the black-haired strong man floating on the right is almost a replica of this young man, and there is almost no difference between the two's battle clothes except for the color.

"Want to steal a car? I'll do it!"

He didn't fly it into the sky, but blew the whistle twice and rode it slowly like a novice on the road, carrying Harry back to his hut.

Come on, let's go out and meet them. "

He looked at the countdown on his watch, then walked into the basement of his small shop and took out Hufflepuff's gold cup, and took the epic healing potion extracted for twelve hours into several small bottles.

"Oh, I will listen to what Mr. K says."

"Well, the drone I placed near Crime Alley was just destroyed, and four 'Griffins' were lost in an instant, it seems that the heroes have come.

The strength of your gathering together is enough to blow up Darkseid's projection twice. "

"Get in place as soon as possible!"

The molten liquid in the golden cup was shaken well, and then some flame-colored dust was added to it to let it cool down quickly. Then, a box of grenade molds was taken out, and the alchemy liquid was quickly poured into it.

Standing in front of the gate, Mason took three deep breaths, put his gun on his back, and walked out of the house with an umbrella. The moment the shutter door opened, there were already dozens of people standing on the small dark street in front of him.

I can't do that to my patients. "

Then a whole row of high-quality engineering/alchemy grenade completed information prompts flashed in front of Mason's eyes, thanks to the Ravenclaw crown of wisdom on the bridge of the nose turned into glasses, Mason's skills and proficiency can be improved. fly up.

The young man didn't panic in the face of so many people surrounding him. He first looked down at the time, and then said:
"Look at this big battle, if I didn't know that you came here to catch me, I almost thought that so many big figures gathered together were going to attack Darkseid on Apocalypse.

"I don't want you to be distracted before the big battle, let's spend tonight first."

"I feel you have something to say."

On the left is a red lightning suit wearing a white cloak. The black hair makes the young man look handsome, but he is a little less formal with chewing gum in his mouth.

Mason complained:
"I was also taken aback at the time, okay? That's fine, that's it. I'll contact you after we start calling."

Zack Kang's voice suddenly sounded in the communication headset in Mason's ear, and he reminded:

The gentle and neutral voice of the old AI driver Dramman sounded in the speaker, and it said:
"The tentative passenger Harley Quinn is a user of the 'Excellence' package, the battle mode authority is issued, and the best local cemetery and burial service are searched at the same time.

While being pushed into the back seat by Mason, Harry turned her head and looked around. She said to Mason through the car window:

"what about you?"

If the output of one reactor is not enough, use three to fill it.

Now, in the name of the Society of Stars, please allow me to introduce to you the main force of this second invasion, a group of powerful spellcasters from another world
That's right.

Mason read their names.

But looking at her wildly moving eyes, she knew that she definitely didn't intend to be obedient, but Mason had also accumulated enough methods in the short-term attack and defense with the female psychopath.

Before cutting off the communication, Zha Kang warned:

Mason watched his patient leave, and he didn't know when he had gotten used to having a crazy Harley Quinn by his side.

Mason glanced at her, took out a chip USB flash drive and inserted it into the jack of the car's car speaker, and a second later, the engine rang without the key.

He put the closed penguin umbrella in his hand, and the umbrella handle decorated with golden balls swayed like a scepter in the dim light.

Harry suddenly became excited, she pushed the red and blue helmet and said:
"I just learned the car stealing technique a few days ago, just put two wires together"

Finally, he set his sights on the guy in the front.

Mason nodded to the master caster, and the latter nodded politely in response.

"I don't obey the order you think, and Naboo, who gave you power, is not always right. Wait a minute."

It is conservatively estimated that his hut will be in ruins after tonight, and there should still be some confidentiality.

Mason also put on his black safety helmet under the jealous eyes of other men, pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and rode on his small motorcycle.

The unobtrusive engineering production skills have finally emerged.

Mason yelled, and flexibly turned the high-speed motorcycle into the dark crime alley, and handed over his previous black kinetic pistol "King Kong" which had been adjusted to perfection and several magazines full of cursed bullets. She exhorted:
"Be obedient and be good, okay? I'll meet you soon."

"Look at the way you hesitate to speak, don't treat me as an outsider. I promise to help you get those children back, and all people who claim justice will do the same."

"Ten minutes left."

Mason raised his hand, and this action immediately made all the big casters in front of him react in unison.

"Don't ask now, I'll tell you later."


The Sorting Hat protruded a fuzzy human face from its own silhouette, and the old god couldn't hide his excitement when he was there:
"They are all true wizards, and their intake and learning of new knowledge is far beyond ordinary people. In the Stars Club, a place that can connect the heavens and the world, as long as they are given enough time, they can grow up quickly.

A black battle suit wrapped his body, and a delicate golden cloak wrapped around his back.

"Mason, my 'old friend' from the Mystery House just told me that 2 minutes ago the spellcasters on the east coast got orders and a whole bunch of people, including Shazam, were heading to Gotham.

After finishing speaking, Mason said to the "driverless" car:
"Old De, send her there safely, okay?"

Harley complained, and picked up the safety helmet painted red and blue from the body of Mason's scooter, and the girl in a beautiful red dress jumped into the body dexterously under the surprised gazes of passers-by.

I hope you can accept all this peacefully, but I guess you should like the work of running around. "

Mason turned around and picked up the hat on the alchemy table and put it on his head, and hid the safe in his hand in a secret compartment in the basement. The luggage was full and he could only store these strange potions here first.

Most Masons don't know each other.

From the talent of John Constantine, it can be seen that although you spellcasters in this high magic world maintain a rather chaotic inheritance system, the power you can use and the choices you can make are much more than us .

Harry pursed his lips in response.

In the next moment, the communication was cut off by Jarcon's sad sigh. Mason let out a sigh of relief, and then glanced at Harry in the back of the car. with him.

Leaving you here alone is basically equivalent to sending you into the cage of magicians with your own hands.

"Of course not, I never wanted to be the ill-fated Robin. As for what I occasionally disappear for a few days, you will soon find out.

"Wow, what kind of magic is this?"

Mason pulled out the silver pistol at his waist and took out the full magazine to look at it, then picked up his precision technology rifle from the side, and inserted a magazine full of cursed kinetic energy bullets into this extremely technological weapon.

"Be merciful, especially for Xiao Zha, for my sake, okay?"

And if three wasn't enough, Mason had six spare disposables in his carry-on bag.

"Sorry, but this is a trap! It is a trap aimed at this world and you, because only by getting rid of you can the army from another world conquer here more easily!

Mason shrugged, glanced at the hat, and said:
"Tell me, Hat, what do you want me to do for you? We've worked together for so long, it's not like I can't worry about your affairs."

"Shazam, and Black Adam."

On his head was an ancient Egyptian-style full-face battle helmet, his eyes glowed amber, and a shimmering symbol representing order loomed behind this guy's head.

Mason glanced down at the time on his watch and said to Harry:
"Remember to take your medicine on time tonight, Harry."

Finally, he put Fenrir's armor in the storage jar and put it in the suitcase.

Zha Kang, who was the commander of another route, complained:

"This car is alive, it won't take me into the Gotham River, will it?"

Facing Harry's question, Mason explained slowly:

But under Mason's signal, Delaman quickly started the "borrowed" car, and carried Harley, who was constantly waving, in a smooth movement and disappeared on the road under the night.

"Take it easy, I just wanted to say, I'm dating some friends."

She insists that her cat turned into an old hag and is going to trouble you because she thinks it's all your fault, and she says you gave her the cat with bad intentions in the first place. "

She probably has no hope of becoming Harley Quinn in this life, but she seems to be enjoying her new life.

They are full of confidence to pursue the lost magical heritage, and they are aware of the dangers of this line of work, so they have made all preparations in advance.

"So tell her not to do weird things to her cat!"

"Doctor Fate."

The captain smiled, and put the scooter into the suitcase.

The moment they stepped into the dark land of Gotham, the rune magic protection from Asgard's Asgard pantheon was activated.

It's just a protective measure.

But in the current tense situation, there is no doubt that it is a bad signal.Mason shook out the invisibility cloak and threw the things in his hand towards the crowd.

At the moment of disappearing, he glanced at Zatana and warned with mouth shape:
"Xiao Zha, for John's sake, run!"

(End of this chapter)

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