The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 248 46. After making such a big battle, you actually only want this broken box, you should h

Chapter 248 46. After making such a big battle, you actually only want this broken box, you should have said it earlier!
During the time when Mason singled out the Big Three of Zhenglian, the battle between the local spellcasters and the foreign wizards had also heated up.

The "Magic Pioneering Brigade" that came across the border had a slight upper hand at the beginning by sneak attacking Dr. Fate and various weird props, but as Batman opened the city surveillance system to Cyborg, and the cyborgs opened it up for magic allies. After hanging the whole picture", the situation was reversed in an instant.

Especially after Mrs. Shangdu, the host of the mysterious house, shook many people to join the magic war, the situation of the wizards became precarious.

To make matters worse, they also split.

The Lighthouse team was about to rush out of Gotham, but the Death Eaters were unwilling to give up the Philosopher's Stone right in front of them, and the two sides soon "separated their actions."

Well, this is a high EQ statement for infighting.

In short, the great wizard Agilbert took his own people and escaped from Gotham before the local spellcasters completed the siege, and the rest of the group huddled in the sewer system of Gotham Naihe Island with complex terrain and planned to resist.

In the sewer at this time, the local spellcasters led by Black Adam and Zatanna are working hard to break the rune defensive enchantment propped up by the wizards in front of them.

But this kind of divine magic is much more difficult than ordinary magic power, and the characteristic of counterattack with its own energy makes it as difficult to break through as an iron-clad dragon turtle.

"Xuan Lan sent a message that the disturbance of time and space from the outside is strengthening, and it is constantly trying to reopen the gate of the world suppressed by Doctor Fate."

A box almost identical in shape to Mason's magic suitcase fell to the ground, splashing wisps of smoke and dust.

Igor, the former principal of the Durmstrang Academy of Magic and a senior Death Eater, was stubborn. Even if he was beaten like a dead dog, he would still be unwilling to disclose information with disheveled hair and blood on his face.

Although his body hurts like hell, and even though inhaling the clown gas gave him a headache, at this moment he couldn't help but growl:

The young man obviously appreciated Black Adam's intuitive reasoning very much, but Black Adam would not be polite to him.

Regardless of public or private, the two casters cannot allow Mason to escape from here so easily.

The great wizard Igor, who was hiding in the crowd, just raised the stone spear ornament in his hand to aim at the explosive black Adam in the crowd, planning to launch another fatal sneak attack.

I think it's all a game! "

Black Adam discovered that the hazards of the poisonous gas were dragging them out of the crumbling area, and exchanged glances with Zatanna to prevent Mason Cooper from leaving.

This little cute white wizard still doesn't understand the horror of the clown gas. Even if these wizards who inhaled the poison gas survived by chance, they would become completely lunatics.

Zatana, who was vented, immediately retorted:

In just ten seconds, the originally impregnable runes collapsed like a tall building with an unstable foundation, causing the resting wizards to look at each other in dismay.

But before the stone spear could be activated, his head was roughly grabbed from behind and smashed into the wall.

"The stars will never be an answer, it is at most a mistake. As for your deaths, I'm sorry, the stars don't care."

And my intuition tells me that all the questions we have now can be answered from Mason, you know?Zatanna, I think we're wasting our time.

And Mason reassures it that now is not the time.

"Let me ask one last time, where is Wizard Newt's endless chest?"

What's going on here?

He already had a premonition that his death was approaching, so he lowered his head and said:

"Unless you have a strange object that has been isolated from time and space for a long time, the gate of the world can only be temporarily suppressed. These wizards insist on restarting the thing, and all the traps you set for them tonight will be ineffective.

Are you not afraid of being liquidated by the Stars Society for such a crazy murder of your companions? "

The magic bestowed by the Queen of Heaven, Ms. Frigga, was broken just like that?
This is divine magic power!
It's not the Chinese cabbage that can be seen everywhere on the street!
Seeing the golden streamer that was as stable as heaven dissipate like thunder splashing, the wizards said in their hearts that this is not magical at all, and at the same time they grabbed their wands and began to fight desperately.

Mason knew that there was bound to be a battle with these two.

The sharp blade swung up, and the head flew down.

"Say! Where did you hide the endless box of the great wizard Newt Scamander?"


He stretched out his left hand to stick it on the surface of the golden rune barrier, and the black death sword battle armor ring on his finger swallowed like a glutton at the moment of contact.

Black Adam was suspended in the air, and the divine power from the seven Egyptian gods turned into thunder, making him feel like a god-man. He scolded with a majestic voice and threw lightning into a cage to bind Mason.

Mason carried the old wizard and dragged him out of the area covered by the clown gas like a barking dog with a broken spine.

Zatana also wanted to rush in but was grabbed by Harry and dragged backward desperately.

The black death sword armor on Mason's finger smelled the delicious divinity of Black Adam and was eager to try it. It told Mason that it could help him kill any guy who dared to attack him at any time.

Mason brought him up in front of his eyes, and sternly reprimanded:

Hei Adam, who got up from the ground, touched his sore cheek. The gloomy power man and Zatanna looked at each other, and then they looked at the wizards who were waiting in the formation behind them.

Although it is not a lucky thing to live in this era.

The latter hit the rune enchantment that was constantly shining behind him, and the collision of huge force shattered another rune, causing the tricky divine power to shatter even a little.

The young man didn't even look at him.

And the Sorting Hat, which turned into a breathing filter and covered Mason's face, roared, cheering every time Mason punched a wizard.

You obviously need a little help, Zha.

May my death please the dark stars and illuminate our journey."

I can't predict the future, but without a doubt, I'm just one step ahead, Mason Cooper!You can't go very far, and I'll be waiting for you in hell.

He saw Mason with disheveled hair and a messy face appearing with the help of Harley Quinn, who was also in a mess but with a big smile.

Mason didn't talk nonsense, seized every minute and every second before the superman's potion expired, first broke the old bastard's bones in a third of his body, and then began to ask questions.

The status of each world gate will be monitored by the projection core of Fort Stars.

Mason's voice sounded from the dark sewer behind the two, causing Black Adam to turn around suddenly.

Xiao Zha waved her magic wand to continuously weaken the golden light flow in front of her eyes, and she shouted to Black Adam who was punching the runes so that the golden and blue lightning kept interlacing and impacting:
"We have to speed up."

At this moment, it is very fortunate to have found a strong "partner" such as Mason, so that the anti-rape revenge that it originally expected to take a long time to complete has gained two incredible victories in just over a month. .

He didn't think Xiao Zha was an enemy, and Zatanna didn't immediately follow Black Adam to attack him, which seemed to show that the other party also hesitated.

The moment he approached, Mason's eyes shot out heat rays like two shock waves that disintegrated Black Adam's thunder, and he punched forward with superhuman strength, punching the magic king who was full of confidence and intending to take his head away.


"Of course I'm afraid, but what's the use of being afraid?"

This scene made the onlooker Black Adam grin, and Zatanna was full of worry. She wanted to go forward, but Harley held a gun to her chin and dragged her back.

But the continuous coughing made blood gushing out, and soon his hands were stained red.

He mentioned this guy who had betrayed his own world and had a bad criminal record, his tone was very cold and not at all gentle as usual.

"It will, Mason."

"Well said! But I've already paid, so you must work!"

"who are you!"

The moment he finished speaking, all the superhuman power in Mason's body quickly dissipated, and he collapsed like a leaking balloon.

He stared at the golden runes that covered a large area in front of him. Superman's see-through ability was activated, allowing him to see a group of wizards who were resting in the barrier and the starry door in the middle of them. The gate of the world.

The hat, which had reverted to a visor, said something softly, making Mason grin.

The blood elongated into a dazzling appearance behind him, he said:

These words were obviously meant for Xiao Zha.

He let out a deep laugh as if he was looking at death as home, and said in a hoarse voice:

Blood splattered in the masonry, if the perpetrator hadn't been merciful, this impact alone would have blown the old wizard's head.

"We need intelligence rather than a meaningless victory. You also participated in the previous operation, Black Adam, and you know how difficult the situation we are facing."

"How can this be accelerated?"

"That's why you tricked us here? Just for a broken box that can't be opened at all? How much did the group of undead who went to hell give you to do this kind of thing?

Those bloodshot eyes stared at Mason and the sorting hat on his face, probably guessing the relationship between this guy in front of him and Hogwarts.

The moment Mason appeared, the king of Kandak called for Thunder to pounce on Mason. He wanted to capture this cunning little devil to end this troublesome chaos tonight.

He covers his mouth.

Dr. Fate may have a way, but he who was attacked obviously can't count on it.

"You'd better calm down, barbaric ancient."

However, what greeted them was a whole bag of clown bombs that Harry threw forward.

Black Adam, who was called by Dr. Fate from Kandak to fight, will continue to punch and use his divine lightning to eliminate the God's Domain rune in front of him. Wrapped by lightning, he frowned and said:

He stroked it, sighed and said:
"A third of the reason for all this trouble tonight is because of you. Oh, I hope that when I am in trouble in the future, there will be powerful heroes who will save me like I saved you."

He just picked up the gray suitcase beside him, and reached out to pat the dust on the shell of the thing.

The sorting hat on his cheek also protruded a vague human face screaming, as if Mason had two faces, looking so hideous in the area full of clown gas.

I think we are being played.

"As soon as I set foot in Stellaris I felt like there was no turning back, and honestly, killing you shameless traitors was just my job 'bonus'.

He picked up the polished stone spear ornament from the pool of blood next to the headless corpse, and whispered:

"You think I'll believe it?"

There was no terrible conspiracy at all, and there was no personal grievance at all. Just because of the truth of a broken box, the great wizard ran like ten thousand grass mud horses.

He didn't punch the barrier in front of him.

These objects with clumsy clown heads painted on their surfaces exploded when they hit the ground, not only impacted by fire fragments, but also green clown poisonous gas scattered in all directions.

"Mr. K is amazing!"

Although the two only met once when Batman asked her to save someone, Mason had a good impression of Zha.

"I don't know what's in that box, but since you and the Sorting Hat had such a big fight to get it, I probably guessed the truth. Since they are alive, let them continue to live.

Amid the continuous coughing, some injured wizards couldn't help showing weird smiles on their cheeks, and they were still fighting back. However, Mason and Black Adam had turned into two bolts of lightning and rushed into the crowd and began to kill.

You see, you want a bunch of prisoners who can be tortured?Or are you going to waste time fighting me here so the villains you've been hunting get out? "

"Maybe you don't believe it, but I'm here to help. The target you're hunting is not desperate to hide here. As wizards, they know very well how the gate of the world works.

Behind Mason was a group of wizards lying in disorder.

Harley, who was beside Mason, waved a baseball bat viciously, and flicked a clown bomb that made a sharp laugh in her hand. She bared her teeth and said threateningly:
"He can knock you down with just his fists, and I'll take the opportunity to 'makeup' your pretty face, lovely magician."

Mason ended the conversation without waiting for him to finish speaking. The black batarang easily cut open the neck under the impetus of superhuman strength, letting the blood of the traitor spill on the ground.

"Little Zha, cute little Zha."

"Catch it, Mason Cooper."

"We need captives, not corpses."

Superman's strength is not divine, and it can be broken by brute force, but it is too time-consuming.


"Kill me, I will not reveal any secrets, the power of the Stars will lock my soul like a curse, you are also one of us, you should also know our taboos.

Mason stepped forward quickly.

"Unless you can dissipate these difficult divinities now, you can only consume a little bit like this. Zatanna, you understand the power of divinity, which is higher than reality, and you know that once it is formed, it will be difficult for a short period of time dissipate.

"Well said! But I'm not interested in the dirty secrets in your head! I don't give a fuck what you think!"

But who caused this situation now?
If it hadn't been for you to prohibit me from using deadly force."

Hand over that box, Igor, and in the name of Hogwarts, I promise you will be spared. "

Mason looked at the expiry time of the potion on the watch, and there were less than 3 minutes left. He said to the two casters in front of him:

Hearing Mason asking about the whereabouts of the box for the second time, Igor confirmed that the guy who was about to kill them in front of him really just wanted to get the old suitcase.

Thoth's wisdom gave me an intuition for the unknown.

Black Adam swung another punch, smashing a suspended golden rune, he sneered and said:
"The one from Batman who played tricks on our 'little minion' had enough information in his head, yet he chose to hide it from us, and I would say that instead of wasting time here with these wizards, it would be better to deal with Mason Cooper first.

He emphasized with emphasis:

It would be kinder for me that you broke my neck here. "

He looked at Zatanna.

He glanced back at the projection of the World Gate that was destroyed by Black Adam with a flash of lightning, and finally waved his fingers with a trace of loneliness and regret.

On the one hand, it comes from the fact that the beautiful girl in fashionable dress is Zha Kang's eternal dream lover, and on the other hand, it comes from the deep relationship between Xiao Zha and the master's childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart.

Once there is a loss of control, the core will immediately step in and continuously increase its power until the connection is reopened. What's worse is that they have just upgraded the projection core due to some unexpected encounters."

A few seconds later, Black Adam took a step back and made a "please" gesture.

The bloody old wizard sneered.

But he didn't care.

Harley whispered to Zatanna in her own high-pitched voice:
"All of this is within Mr. K's plan. That big black man needs to be beaten up. Don't meddle in it, you good girl."

Then he raised his head to look at Black Adam, who was holding the winning ticket. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, threw the box to Harley, and motioned for her to take Xiao Zha and leave immediately.

The current battle situation is so suitable, and the enemy is giving him such a face, it is a bit unreasonable for him not to use a big move.

He leaned against the wall and got up weakly. In the squirming of the black substance on his fingers, Mason no longer suppressed the hunger, thirst and malice of the Black Death Sword. He said in a hoarse voice:

"First of all I want to emphasize that I don't like men but you, Adam, you are really delicious"

(End of this chapter)

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