Chapter 253 51. Ah Kouman, Zack!

"Oh, why did you come here!"

Seeing the door of his small black room slid open to both sides, the kiteman Charles, who was not injured at all, jumped out of it with a smile on his face.

I searched around the people in front of me and didn't see Mason. Although he was a little disappointed, he still greeted his group of buddies excitedly.

Just looking at his current state, if everyone is not convinced that he has been arrested, he will think that he was specially invited by the Justice League to be a guest in the watchtower just by his white and fat appearance.

"They didn't abuse you, did they?"

Captain Jack looked the kite man up and down, and said suspiciously:

"Didn't torture you? I was prepared to see you covered in blood and even prepared magic bandages in advance, but your state is different from what I imagined.

Be honest, did you sell us in exchange for such a good single room treatment? "

"Who do you think I am? Who do you think the Justice League is? They are a serious organization of heroes, and they don't like torture."

"It was a giant, a zombified giant, a real giant!
When they were blowing up the world, the guy rushed out of the forest and was knocked down by Superman and Green Lantern together, and then was captured by Dr. Fate with strange magic.

"Mason, it's over here, hurry up!"

Mason, with a pale face, smiled as he rubbed his stomach, which had already begun to ache. He took off his hat, and under Halle's curious gaze, he put his hand into the hat, grabbed a small object, and took it out.

Dumbledore's Deluminator
Quality: Legendary Engineering/Enchanting/Alchemy Items Master Craftsmanship
Item effect:

"So, you still said it all?"

A group of beautiful blue flames rose up, unaffected by the increasingly majestic night rain at this time. Although its light was weak, it enveloped the entire motorcycle like a circle of light, like the boundary between darkness and light He and Harry are generally protected in it.

The flame needs to absorb magic power to exist, and its effect will be reduced in a weak magic environment.

It has a hexagonal columnar body, artfully crafted in rich silvery metal, with an overall decoration of emeralds panned in oily luster.

The kite man curled his lips, hid the half-seen manga of Little Huangshu in his hand, and whispered:
"But the mantra lasso is really terrible. It's like drinking veritaserum when you wrap it around your hands. I have to answer whatever they ask, and I don't want to say it."

The rejection reaction intensified.

Zha Kang's voice sounded from the communicator next to his ear, and Mason, who was suffering from illness, heaved a sigh of relief. He finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Port Miller in Gotham's rain was approaching.

Indeed, the retro lighter Mason took out is indeed a work of art.

And this is just the beginning. The last time he used the Wolverine Enhancer, Mason had a stomachache all night and was vomiting and diarrhea. This time, the rejection reaction will only be more severe.

That bottle of potion almost ignites your life source, which is almost like sending you to death. "

Mason opened the small lid of the lighter and pressed lightly on it.

The young man closed his eyes while holding the Deluminator.

Twist the lighter to ignite the light, dispel the darkness and cause [deterrence] and [dispel] to the things in the darkness, but this effect can only take effect when the flame is lit.


"That doesn't mean that the boss is not an ordinary person."

The three of them were all surprised, and Er Tong immediately grabbed the knife and asked:

"My mind is a little unclear, but I can still communicate. I have to study it carefully after I bring it back. Well, I just hope that Mason won't be beaten too badly, otherwise we have to find a way to save him."
"Ah Choo! Who is still talking about me when I'm dying?"

The kite man suddenly got excited, and said to Zha Kang and the people around him:

"Same effect as Jack's Lucky Compass, but a little more advanced."

"I knew that the boss would not give up on any of us!"

The worst part was that the injury couldn't be relieved by healing potions at all, so Mason had to bear it.

[-]. Lights out:

"Then go!"

"If you put them all down, then you are a real traitor. You say, what's the use of traitors in our business?"

Mason raised his face, closed his eyes and felt the icy rain on his cheeks, and said in his heart:
"Alchemy has begun to emerge, and I finally have a real defense card. You should be happy for me, hat."

This effect has the characteristic of [reality rewriting]. Any light source will be extinguished when it takes effect, but the stronger the light source, the shorter the extinguishment time will last.

Barbara nodded, looked at the replica of the mother box and the weird "giant sculpture" in Zha Kang's hands, and said:
"This guy."

Mason groaned with a headache when he saw him.

The last of the seven giants of the Zhenglian, a guy who is often complained about and messed with by fish, has a low sense of presence in the Zhenglian, but is actually very difficult to deal with.

He was eager to get out of the current predicament, and at the same time as the first ball of white light fluttered from the lighter and flew to the other side, he said to Harry:
"Don't go, you can't beat him. Keep up with this light. Although we don't know where it will take us, it is definitely safer than staying here."

Producer: Albus Dumbledore

He stared at it, at its information label:

Harley's sharp voice seemed to have returned to normal at this moment, and she said worriedly:
"It's like those patients whose bones were broken by Batman and sent to Arkham, but I can't find an emergency room for you now, why don't I catch some emergency doctors and come back?"

Zha Kang said without looking back:

This hybrid of land and sea, like Wonder Woman, belongs to the kind of guy who has no obvious shortcomings. Challenging him in the ocean is pure courting death, but his combat effectiveness on land cannot be underestimated.

Now that he is an adult who can enjoy tobacco, a person with a sense of ritual like him must get himself a better lighter.

"Just follow along. Why do you think so much? By the way, why didn't the boss come? Is there anything urgent for him?"

"No, it is a dead person, but it is indeed a special dead person!"

"But all they asked about was related to the Stars Club. When they asked me, my arm became hot, as if I was holding a time bomb. They were also afraid that I would blow myself up here, so Wonder Woman and Da Chao repeatedly After trying it a few times, I stopped trying.

"But it works."

"Take away your overwhelming gratitude and flattering thoughts at this time, Charles, Mason is not here, and now we are still trapped here."

Although it is cool to always light cigarettes with magic fire, it is not in line with Mason's always low-key style.

Anyway, his position in Team K is becoming increasingly marginalized.

The deep voice of the Sorting Hat sounded in his heart, and it said worriedly:

"You look so scary."

When I was brought back, I heard Dr. Fate discussing with a coquettish woman I didn’t know that although the giant had turned into a zombie, it was a special life form that was highly resistant to viruses and seemed to be able to communicate.

Put on a cool pose that the bottom boss should have to block between the scooter and the container area.

"I thought you had nothing good to give me."

The destructive power of this kinetic energy bullet at close range is no less than that of a sniper bullet, but it can't even break the defense.

The Sorting Hat scolded:

Twist the flint and steel to extinguish any nearby light sources within [-] yards.

He shook his dizzy head and said:
"It's just a side effect of the potion. This is just the beginning. Hurry up to Port Miller, I can't hold it anymore."

Two barrels said in a low voice:
"Mason specifically told me before departure that this thing must be taken back."

Then turn to ask those things that are not related to the confidentiality of the Stars Club, but what can be hidden about those things?
Boss said before that if they want to know tell them.

Jack complained:
"Just for your life, Gotham is very lively now, at least a few hundred people are fighting to death there."

He had to find a place safe enough to spend the rest of the time.

Neither cold nor darkness can eat them anymore.

Zha Kang, who was exhaling smoke rings, glanced at the kite man coldly, and threatened maliciously:

She raised the kinetic energy pistol in her hand and fired at Arthur Curry, who was posing on the coast in front of her. The super destructive kinetic energy bullets whizzed and hit Aquaman's Atlantean-style armor. A stream of sparks popped out.

The intense rejection from the superhuman booster is taking effect.


At this time, Mason, who was sitting in the bucket of the flying scooter, coughed violently, like a weak patient who feels uncomfortable when he sees the wind, and Harley, who is wearing a goggle and driving a motorcycle, is quite uncomfortable.

Charles explained:

Those spellcasters also took me as a sample to study, and came here every three days to cast various spells on me, but they could only give up if they couldn't solve the curse.

Harry stared, shook his head and said:


[-]. Guidance lights:
What is in the heart must be guided. When the user has a strong desire for a certain real item, he can twist the lighter and be guided by the shining light.

In fact, he had thought about it during the past few days when he was caught. Although he didn't say it explicitly, based on his previous experience in the super villain circle, it was the best choice for Mason to give up on him.

When you face him directly, you can feel the helplessness when facing the hexagonal warrior.

However, Mason knew very well that the treasure that the Sorting Hat sent out at the last moment was definitely not just a lighter.

"There are still living people in that world?"

Putting it in the mouths of some villains and some extreme heroes, it should belong to the category of "necessary sacrifice".

This effect has the characteristic of [reality rewriting]. The stronger the desire in the user's heart, the more accurate the point of guidance will be.

So, I said everything I should say, but I didn't reveal a word that I shouldn't say!I am the boss's most loyal subordinate, you can't question a loyal veteran of the K team like this! "

"I am not the only one captured by Zhenglian from the Forbidden Forest! There is also a prisoner in the special cell below."

But before Mason could find a cigarette to relieve the worsening headache, the overwhelming stomach twitched and he turned his head to spit out bitter bile mixed with shocking blood.

He put the blood-stained stone spear ornament in front of his eyes, but his weak fingers shook the stone spear and almost fell into the sea.

"New teammates."

"I'd like to say it."

However, Mason still fulfilled the promise he made when he and Charles died together at Hogwarts. How could this not make the Kite Man so excited that tears filled his eyes.

[-]. Asylum:

Mr. K's female assistant was anxious.


Aquaman Arthur Curry.

Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring and reminded:
"I don't know if Mason can hold back those giants, but it's better for us to run out before more people come to block them. Mason can only withdraw after we finish."

"Yeah, the curse is deadly in this situation."

"In order to save you, your boss personally stayed in Gotham to attract the attention of Zhenglian giants and a group of super mages, and in order to act properly, he tricked two pioneering teams to come and give away the head.

Besides, Mason's kindness must have been under a lot of pressure when he encountered this kind of world collapse this time. If he was really given up, Charles himself would be able to convince himself to accept this cruel reality.

The kite man followed the three guys to Zhenglian's storage room, and complained again:

"Keep driving, I'm fine."

Mason is quite satisfied with this extinguisher. In addition to its extraordinary effect, the shape and structure of this lighter are also in line with Mason's aesthetics.

So they didn't destroy him. "

The kite man was really moved now.


The kiteman grinned and said:

She drove a flying motorcycle roaring in the heavy rain to Miller Harbor. They quickly approached their destination, but the bad news was that there were already "uninvited guests" waiting for them.

Harry sighed in admiration.

This effect cannot be prevented when it is in effect, but it will also reveal the user's location when it is in effect, please use it with caution.

The [Addiction] talent obtained after alchemy Lv6 allowed him to ignore the toxicity of the undiluted demon hunter potion, and the non-downgraded potion was indeed very effective. The moment he drank it, Mason was refreshed.

Zha Kang raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, then said:
"That guy has the same sympathy with you. It would be even better if we could communicate. We are short of people now, so we will bring all the useful ones. Two barrels, you and Jack go to search for treasures, and Charles will come with me.

"You look terrible, not only your physical condition is deteriorating, but your proud spirit is also rapidly fatigued, you are almost exhausted.

This is still a magic flame.

"It was moved back in a small dark room according to Mason's instructions. Someone should have put it there specially for us to take it away."

Mason was lying in the bucket of the car, breathing in pain like a fish out of water, and said something to Harry.

Harley, who was wearing a red and blue helmet, saw that Mason could hardly hold on anymore, so she grabbed her golden baseball bat with red eyes and was about to jump out of the car, but Mason grabbed her wrist.

A few minutes later, Barbara who rushed over looked at the thing that was being thrown into the opened world door of the Hydra team by a few men like trash with strange eyes. She said:
"Wait! Who brought this chair? Is this the Mobius chair? Where did you find something of this level? Didn't the Justice League just transfer a batch of valuables yesterday?

"Come on, Harry, the container area at Pier Seven."

If you haven't seen that battle, it's a formidable one. "

"Wow, this lighter is so beautiful!"

Mason in the trunk could clearly feel a sense of exhaustion and pain pouring out of his bones, trying to occupy his mind and body. While yawning, he took out a bottle of brown owl and drank it down.

The eyes of this 30-year-old man were red. If it wasn't for the wrong situation, he might have burst into tears on the spot.

This startled Harry, and he frantically tried to stop the bleeding.

"You underestimate me!"

"Glad you almost killed yourself?"


"You need to rest now, Mason."

"Wait, there's something I forgot to mention."

Mason stopped Halle's dangerous driving.

I want to give you one last thing, Mason, something that can save you in a desperate situation, take it out!quick. "

It's just hidden underneath.

However, I also knew that things would not go so smoothly.

"We chose you because we hope to see you clear away the darkness, rather than expecting you to die inexplicably in a sad rainy night. Now I would rather those traitors escape smoothly than tonight's situation expands.

Zha Kang also complained deeply, then squinted his eyes and said in a low voice:
"But that freak Mason can completely ignore these restrictions. I've discovered it a long time ago. That guy almost used a loudspeaker to blare the secrets of the Constellation Society all over the world, but he didn't show any signs of backlash.

I have to find a chance to find out how he got around this cursed shackle, the answer is in his hands, but I guess he may not know how to share it. "

"What a fantastic Harley Quinn analogy but I think maybe what I need right now isn't an EMT."

But within 2 minutes he returned to that tired and painful posture.

Let's take the big guy with us. "

Item Description: Quickly use it to find your true destiny!Make sure to find the right one, of course, the premise is that there are girls who really like you.

"But I think I have a chance, I feel empowered by being protective of Mr. K! Don't be afraid sweetheart, watch me rush over and beat that guy who fucked with fish to the ground and take you to safety .”

While telling Harry to speed up, the drowsy Mason felt that he urgently needed to shift his force, so he grabbed the spoils he just got from his hand.

But before she could ask a question, she saw blood dripping from Mason's nostrils again.

Why didn't this damn thing get transferred and still stay here?
This is not right! "

"You rest! I'll come!"

The sea tide in Miller Harbor tonight was extremely fierce. Amidst the tumbling waves, a tall man holding a golden trident was standing on the seashore in the night.

Harley glanced at the colorfully painted pistol in her hand, and then at Mason who was staring at her faintly. The next moment, the crazy beautiful girl jumped on the motorcycle, turned her head, and rushed out with the flying ball of light.


This is really unbeatable.

Even with the blessing of the supreme love for Mr. K, I can't beat it.
Hey, Neptune is so annoying!

(End of this chapter)

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