The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 257 55. No one can stop me from dedicating to the Stars Club--adding more for the brothers &

Chapter 257 55. No one can stop me from dedicating to the Stars Club--adding more for the brothers "Huo Zheng is very good" [225]

Mr. Hunter was very reliable at the critical moment, and within a few minutes, a flickering silver light lit up in the underground cave hall of Nandarbat.

But what was transmitted was not the hunter himself, but a strange steam-style beetle-shaped machine.

As soon as this thing appeared, it began to weave the light curtain and projected a lifelike cross-world projection in a few seconds, even the background of the area where Mr. Hunter was located was displayed.

She appeared to be on some kind of high-flying object.

The far horizon burns into an eerie sheen, like walking and hunting through a lit world.

Although it is still the combination of the starry sky mask and cloak that has not changed for thousands of years, just looking at the vigor of Mr. Hunter this time, it is clear that she should be "very busy".

"Speak up, Mason."

She said in a masculine voice:

"You'd better not start some trouble that requires me to intervene now. As you can see, I'm doing 'business' right now."

But Shirley really couldn't spare time to come to Mason's place, and she didn't realize that Mason's "careful thinking" was actually trying to trick people into helping him when he said he wanted to "hand in the task".

But for some unknown reason, that world is coming to an end.

I'll 'pick' you up when I'm done here, even if they catch you, it's okay, I can always rescue you.Alas, with a subordinate like you who can cause trouble, I will lose hundreds of years of life! "


She belatedly glanced back at Mason, the young man shrugged and said:

I didn't even have time to save you.

The more Mason heard it, the more something was wrong, and when Mr. Hunter finished the task, he asked a question.

Ciri scolded with a headache:

Because that is to die. "

This is really dangerous.

"A Class A world about to be thrust into the sun."

Mason's careful thoughts didn't hide from Thalia. Aunt Hei Changzhi stood up and took out a communicator and spoke to the other end. After a while, several people strode into the hall under Mason's gaze.

The leader was tall and covered with a black robe, which seemed to be afraid of light, but Mason recognized him instantly with his sharp eyes.

The one-time door would probably shatter once Mason entered it.

Seeing this cool scene, several people around looked at each other in blank dismay. Who is the very powerful character?
Sounds like Mason and K-Squad's backer at Stellaris?

Bain, who was forced to "detox", replied in a cold and hoarse tone:
"But you've also turned me into a ghost, Mason."

But he didn't take the time to explain, nodding and saying:
"Then since I accepted the promotion task and the world gate of Team K is currently unavailable, can I ask Stars Fort to temporarily support a gate under this situation, so that my team members and I can leave this growing world?" What about the more dangerous places?
This is not the back door, is it?

The power characteristic of that world is that those who are qualified can get some very strange 'belts' and become superhuman through various forms of transformation.

Is your kid causing trouble again?Want to get away with an excuse?

"You're really going to make trouble for me!"

"You know a lot."

"There is also divinity in this world?"

Especially their embarrassing lines and moves when transforming make me not want to deal with them at all.
That thing will cause mental pollution and irreversible psychological shadow to me. "

She called a few conquerors to help her stabilize the front, and then pinched out her crystal identity card and inserted it into a device of the high-altitude aircraft under Mason's gaze, and said while editing the task content:

Mason felt that Shirley's impression of him had obviously deviated greatly. He had never taken the initiative to find trouble, and it was because things got entangled with him.

They formed a rebel army under the leadership of a guy named 'King of Time', and resisted the local reception work of the star striker.

"If my B-level promotion order has been issued to Stars Fort, then you can arrange it according to the process. I don't think your boss will want me to die here. After all, the forging method of the golden apple is still in my mind.

Mason looked him up and said:
"You came out of Arkham's VIP room? How effective is the 'detoxification' I gave you?"

I could be caught at any time.

"It is impossible for me, a weak C-level personnel, to move around in a dangerous Transcendent A-level world without accidents. The powerful spellcasters in this world have sealed the world gate in my hand.

But in fact, the power system in this world is absolutely A-level.

The very unscientific global time stop alone can make it a grade A world, right? "

Even Transcendent A Grade.

"Yes, another unknown A-level world. It seems that the Zerg civilization is very aggressive. I'm going to get rid of their queen bug."

I knew it! "

Mason shook the coral trident in his hand and said:
"I want to hand it over to you. Would you like to find a time to pick it up? Or open a door to the Fort of Stars, and I will deliver it to you personally?"

"I have just recruited a few strong new team members here, and I urgently need to adjust the team to adapt to the rhythm of the pioneering mission. I don't want to trouble you if I don't pick the time, my dear boss.

The first task requires you to enter the world code-named 'Dress' and help our allies destroy local rebel forces in a city in East Asia.

The objective of the mission does not limit you to find something specifically, but you must find the reason why it can not be affected by the shock event, and it is best to bring back written evidence.

"Okay, wait a minute."

You really have to play it safe this time, I beg you, don't make trouble. "

Hillary exhorted:
"It is not confirmed whether the superior organization has sent conquerors there. That strange world is suspected to be able to interfere with inter-world communication, but if you encounter it, remember not to conflict with them.

When he saw the mission description of searching for and collecting "sample of divine power", Mason's eyes raised.

"I actually think those transformations are pretty cool, and I even have a broken knight's belt in my treasury. But if you don't want to, look at the others.

Mason shook his head vigorously and said:
"Let's talk about the third one."

He raised his head and said to Mr. Hunter:

Mr. Hunter did not hide anything, and answered directly:
"It dealt with the impact with our help, but a last-minute counterattack from the other world sent the Earth out of orbit and accelerated toward the sun.

Mason, this time I mean it!

We've tried many things, but it's gone.

Ciri shrugged, sighed and said:

He looked back at Thalia and said:
"This time the difficulty is very high, so you'd better get some good players to come with me."

You see, my companions and I are swearing to do our best to serve the dark cause of the Society of Stars. "

Especially after the "Bug Arrow", the source of its world power system, was recycled to the main world by the conquerors, its rating continued to decline, and it was estimated that it would become a C-rank world in another month.

Now, get out your ID card, Mason.

Mason squeezed his hands, and the bronze identity card jumped into his hands. On the card made of strange runes, a line of beating words was being generated.

Mason snorted.

Mr. Hunter's figure shone in the projection, and in the burst of silver light, he appeared as a dozen illusory figures attacking in all directions at the same time, returning to the original place while splashing blood, and shaking the blood drops on the long sword in his hand.

According to the prediction of the fate machine, it will complete irreparable self-destruction within a week, and it is for this reason that it is rated as a B-level world.

She dissipated her projection and recovered the peculiar beetle device. Ten seconds later, while Mason was waiting, a dark red rotating streamer accurately appeared in front of his eyes.

Mason glanced meaningfully at Thalia behind him, and said:

"You little clever bastard."

Ciri was taken aback by his weird imitation of pronunciation, then nodded and said:
"You know them? Well, it does mean 'Kamen Rider' in Japanese."

The weakest members are also at the B level.

Shirley's figure flickered in the projection in front of him, and a translucent version of the "clone" was separated, holding a sword and rushing to fight with the Zergling army behind him.

"Currently, the three mission areas that are most suitable for you have been selected for you, and they are all support missions in the B-level world.

Do you want to stop thinking about it?
The difficulty of this task is very suitable for you now. If you are lucky, you may be able to bring a few doubles back to become 'substitute messengers'. To be honest, I have seen Madman Wade use that thing.

Ciri nodded.

Mason rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, then chose this world on his identity card and checked the temporary bounties hanging in it.

A mountain in the distance was burned by sky fire, like a nuclear bomb explosion sweeping through tens of millions of insects. This exciting scene made Harley, who was next to Mason, shrink her neck.


"Will the A-level world also encounter such bad luck?"

This is a promotion task, Mason.

"Even through the projection, I can feel your weakness, Mason, you seem to be sucked dry by a deer's head or a vampire. And your team members don't seem to be around, you can only do that kind of dangerous task alone. It's courting death.

"Keep those divinities well, and I'll go get them as soon as the matter here is over. What's the other application? Didn't you say that you should think about it before proceeding with the promotion task? Why are you so proactive all of a sudden?
and many more!

she says:

Find a place to hide.

"Fantastic, I've never been as healthy as I am now."

Mr. Hunter said in a surprised tone:

"Really? That's a pity."


"Don't be emotional, if the situation continues to develop, you will face this situation sooner or later. Now, hurry up and talk about things."

Ciri snorted, frowned and said:
"This task is the most difficult.

It's a little weird, but it's still useful. "

Mason, who has played with Zha Kang for a long time, also has a certain understanding of these mysterious things, and he can even see the ripples when several complex mana lines jump.

They cannot sacrifice me. "

"So, is your ally over there the crumb vampire who claims to regard ordinary humans as bread, but the arrogant self has sex with a piece of bread and gave birth to a child?

"Card face to play?"

"I see, it seems very powerful."

A world-class transfer is going on and the enemies that haven't been cleaned up are still desperately trying to pull everything here into the doomsday, it's a mess! "

他 说:

"You bastard is so messed up!
The third task is to go to a "world" that was discovered during the routine exploration more than a month before the impact, but has not had time to explore too much, and complete the initial development. "

Are you sure that the world where law-level power is also in effect is a B-level world?

Do not!
Although the weird substitute ability is really cool, but I don't want to help him!Because I think it's good to be human, and I'm not ready to be sent into space to think about my life just yet.

I will write a report to you about the specific situation, but I really urgently need to enter the promotion mission now, and I also need a door that will not be sealed. "

While Mason came up with an idea, he reminded his boss to be careful of being attacked.

He sighed and said to Ciri:

"No, it's better for me to save myself."

"I'm not going to this world!"

Ready to accept the task. "

"I see."

A few seconds later, Mr. Hunter said again:

On the other hand, the C-level personnel of the Stars Club, Mason Cooper, the captain of the K team, is now officially applying for the B-level promotion process!
Please issue the mission, Your Excellency Hunter. "

"Swordsmen, warlocks, and a large group of conquerors from higher institutions are here. If I leave suddenly, I will be suspected. Besides, how can I find you a safe door to the world in this chaos?"

"According to the normal process, the promotion tasks for B-level members are all selected and issued by the Stars Fort, and there is no room for you to choose.

Several C-level teams we sent before lost contact as soon as they entered, and according to our observations, that weird world doesn't seem to be affected by the third shock event.

"Most A-level worlds have these things, but to get them basically requires the conquerors to go out. Members of the Stars Club who are explorers generally don't accept such tasks.

"Sounds good."

So we can temporarily bypass this process for your convenience.

Ciri sighed, but didn't answer.

"You should call me 'Captain'."

However, due to the impact of the third shock, most members of the rebel army disappeared in space, so the danger of this mission has dropped a lot. "

"Divinity from Colypso."

If you really can't stand it, just find some news and find a place to get up and stay up for five days, and it doesn't matter if you get the lowest rating.

The fact that this guy dares to do this proves that he must have his own plans.

I can't use them now, and the other party has dispatched powerful people to hunt me down.

"I thought you were joking, but you're serious."

"No, I refuse. It's better not to put this kind of painting style different from mine together."

"Smash Varudo?"

Mason reacted faster this time, he said blankly:

Seeing that Mason was so formal and determined like a bastard, Mr. Hunter did not stop him. After several contacts, she had a deep understanding of Mason's abilities in all aspects.

just now!

As long as you come back alive, you're done. "

"Although it is obvious that you are using us, since the two sides want to form an alliance, I will not hesitate to help with all my strength."

A virtual projection of a dark red world door appeared in the light curtain. It has no entity and is completely composed of energy. The world coordinates of the door handle have also been set.

Mason raised his eyebrows and asked:
"To bring such a powerful world into such a mess, the other side of the collision should be the same."

He didn't care about Bane's threat at all, and looked back at a fully armed guy wearing a full-body battle armor, a black and red interlaced mask, and two swords on his back.

This is not Ciri's ability, but a special magic.

But now that the third shock has just ended, the entire parallel world system is full of mourners. The post-disaster world is too busy to take care of itself, and many places are in urgent need of assistance.

For missions like this that are related to the essence of the shock event and have a time limit, the conquerors that will be sent are very powerful and ruthless elite soldiers, and you will die there if you are not careful.

"Don't be sneaky, just follow the normal procedure this time. Be careful behind!"

"Also, I want to ask, as your direct team, can I still choose one of the three promotion tasks like this?"

The second task is to enter the world code-named 'Stand-In' and help a guy named Dio destroy it."

Mr. Hunter pouted, pushed the mask, and explained solemnly:
"It was indeed A Grade or even Super A Grade, but that world was smashed to pieces. After three consecutive shocks, there were only a few isolated cities left in that world that were still resisting.

Mr. Hunter shook his head and said:


Mason immediately shook his head and refused:
"The power of that group of lunatics is not amazing at first glance, but when you look carefully, you know that those things are transformations at the law level. The King of Time who can travel through time at will and the one who can pull people into a weird game without reason The little doctor is nothing short of terrifying.

Mason looked at the beating burning streamers around her, and asked weakly and curiously:
"where is this?"

"Stay with you first."

And they should know that the Isu technology knowledge I gave them is incomplete. See, what I'm guarding against is the embarrassing situation right now.

"Death knell, why did you come to meddle in this shit? How much did Thalia pay you?"

"It's not about money this time."

Death Bell shrugged and said in a frivolous tone:
"Just to escape the doomsday, what happened a few days ago terrified me. I heard that you can take people across the world? Brother, you see, I don't believe you.

But everyone wants to open their eyes, so let's show our hands and have a look. "

(End of this chapter)

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