The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 276 74. If he thinks you are a bad person, then you will suffer-【2125】

Chapter 276 74. If he thinks you are a bad person, then you will suffer - [2125]

(Monthly ticket plus update·Happy Lantern Festival)
"Draman, blockade the base."

After seeing off his teammates, Mason strode into the precision manufacturing workshop located on the penultimate floor of the underground military base, and he inserted the chip carrying the Delaman split program into the console at hand.

In just half a minute, the free AI from 2077 took over the control program of the entire base.

In addition to being advanced enough, it also became an "empty shell" after Mason used "Soul Killer" to transfer the data consciousness of Victor Stone, who was supposed to be in charge of the network data security of the base.

All kinds of machinery in the workshop in front of him were activated one after another, Mason opened the suitcase at hand, and released the Fenrir armor that had been repaired to two-thirds in the suitcase factory.

Under the control of Delaman, two huge mechanical arms lifted the heavy power armor that had lost its outer armor to the maintenance platform and fixed it hydraulically on the left and right, and then a large number of mechanical arms were activated.

Mason looked at the lively scene in front of him, he let out a sigh of relief and quickly entered the main control room of the manufacturing workshop, and entered his blueprint for the transformation of Fenrir's armor into the computer.

The Kryptonian steel that was disassembled from the "baby ship" that the Kryptonian Phar Zod landed on Earth was reprocessed into the outer armor that fit the frame of Fenrir's armor, and was precisely assembled on the armor piece by piece. on the frame.

The alien metal made of this material is far superior to the magic alloy used by Mason in terms of impact resistance. Its disadvantage is that its energy conductivity is slightly poor.

The three disposable ark reactors were operating at full capacity, allowing the light to shine in the silver-gray power armor.

It can be said that this is the "exclusive equipment" specially designed for fast people like The Flash.

"I can understand your concerns, Zod."

Kevin is constantly changing shapes into the crowd in the rain of bullets on the screen, and then detonates himself to release fear gas and paralyzing potion.

Mason complained.

But Mason already had a solution for this.

"That's his kryptonian cells are absorbing more pure sunlight, don't bother him, Hal, he may need some time to complete the initial strengthening of the yellow sun, in order to complete the 'stolen' in his life 30 years."

Then he put all the potion in front of him into his body with both hands, dyed himself colorfully, and then ejected with a bang and rushed out of the underground assembly workshop.

Amidst the sound of sparks splashing and colliding, the thick bat-owl fusion helmet slowly closed.

After all, the birth of this gun began when the researchers of Star Lab had a whim one day and suddenly wanted to develop an anti-Flash weapon.
Scientists thought the experiment had failed, but it actually succeeded, only to find that the only sample fell into the hands of a thief with a terrifying mind.

"I couldn't accept what you said for a while, the description of parallel worlds and impact disasters is beyond the limit of my imagination as an ordinary person.

A few minutes later, the power supply of the workshop was cut off from the upper floor, but under the control of Delaman, the backup power supply of the foundation was activated immediately, without delaying the assembly time at all.

Zod politely waited for Mason to finish speaking before explaining:


This kind of good thing must be replaced. "

This is equivalent to resetting the energy conduction module on the bones supporting the body, which is enough to ensure that the remodeled power armor is closer to the "energy adaptation" form that Mason wants.

He synchronized his modification of the weapon system of Fenrir's armor to the manufacturing workshop, and prepared to put his newly acquired freezing gun into his power armor.

Then he took out the "Absolute Zero" freezing gun he had seized from Captain Cold before, and took out his engineering wrench, obviously preparing to disassemble this thing, so as to complete the "anti-Flash tactics" in Fenrir's armor weapon upgrades.

Mason didn't even bother to look at the monitor, so he said something casually.

"Not urgent."

With the sound of full energy, Mason said:

"Malicious life targets cannot break through the power armor defense, we can go out directly."

Then a soft light lit up in front of Mason's eyes, one module after another went online, and the status of the entire armor was projected in front of Mason's eyes in digital form.

However, what I got that time was 30 years in captivity. "

Mason replied:
"Even if the world can really be saved, there are always some people who don't deserve to be saved, so let's clean up the garbage in advance."

In addition, Victor should stop trying to take over this special communication frequency band, this is a creation made by Isu technology.

"That's just an illusion."

This would undoubtedly delay the completion of the Power Armor restoration, but he felt it was worth it.

Just as he was concentrating on deciphering the principle of the freezing gun, Hal Jordan's voice sounded from the communicator in Mason's ear, and the pilot reported:
"Kryptonian friend seems to have entered 'hibernation', but his body is glowing, is this normal?"

It's a bit rough, but I hope you like it. "

In the next second, Delaman activated the defense system inside the base, and the fully armed automatic robot was released to fight against the soldiers who invaded the base.

"Warning! The first floor of the base has been invaded!"

He nodded in satisfaction, and then took the time to pull out all kinds of experimental weapons stored in the entire base and began to pick and choose for himself like sweeping goods in a supermarket.

The hat on his head turned into a visor to cover his eyes and half of his face. With the data interface of the vanguard armor connected to the power armor, the giant full of mechanical deterrence clenched his fists with both hands, tearing apart the left and right hydraulic fixation, and sparks flew everywhere. The ground shook and took the first step forward.

He took out another small box of potion and put it on the ground, and said to Kevin, who twisted his body and changed to form a steel skeleton:
"Go and hold them back."

According to my previous observations, Kryptonians do occasionally get 'drunk' in the sun, but it only takes a while for the situation to ease. "

Mason glanced at the assembly workshop beside him, and the countdown to the completion of resetting the Fenrir armor was beating at 35 minutes. He didn't panic in the slightest, and flicked his hand in a general-like manner, causing the ooze monster Kevin to fall to the ground.

"It's about your previous question!

"Passenger, this does not seem to fit your previous pattern of action."

However, the only area of ​​activity that Mason "unlocks" in his home world is Gotham.

Sitting in front of the workbench, Mason picked up engineering tweezers and disassembled the modules of the freezing gun with an extremely precise internal structure. Earth Pilot says:

"Mason, we've entered orbit around the Earth."

So I will do my best to help in the next thing, as for the further things, let's talk about it later. "

They used a large amount of explosives to blow open the gate of the base they had guarded for many years.

On the computer in front of him, he cracked the program of Delaman to read the top-secret information inside the Tianyan Society in this world, and then turned to the biotechnology project to watch the various human enhancement experiments promoted by scientists through the study of Kryptonians.

I will gift you more.

The communication was cut off again, and Mason jumped into the modified cockpit of Fenrir's battle armor while leaning on the spiral ladder of the repair station.

This is the way to make friends. I will wait for you to come back with the old man and the others in the waves of the sea, but try to complete your first magic soldier from heaven before we can't hold on, okay?

In addition, don't be afraid if you feel your heart beating faster, dizzy and dizzy.

It was like a steel giant opened its eyes from sleep.

"Officials in this world have noticed the transfer of data authority in the underground base, they are gathering personnel to reopen the facility, and the electronic warfare confrontation mode is ready.

Mason saw through the glass that most of the assembly of the outer armor of the Fenrir armor placed on the repair rack had been completed.

"Are you playing stupid? Old De."

When necessary, it can also be used as a constant temperature air conditioner inside the Power Armor.

We must end this dangerous war as soon as possible.

"This floating cannon armament system is good. Lex Luthor participated in the design? It looks very high-tech, install it!"

The shattered remains of Thor's Hammer obtained from the old spiders have been re-smelted into high-purity liquid Urugin, and inscribed on the frame of Fenrir's armor.

Although Hal Jordan's righteous deeds have changed the image of human beings in my heart, I don't want to hide from you that I am full of disgust and hatred for human beings as a whole.


"It has been detected that there are a large number of hostile and malicious life forms around. Are you in combat mode?"

The real power of this thing lies in the "deceleration", the so-called "absolute zero" freezing is just an external manifestation of the gun's vibration suppression at the atomic level.

As for whether to join your K team and enter a wider parallel world, I...I need time to think about it. Fate gave me a chance when I was a baby.

Mason reminds:
"Although Kryptonian cells can absorb and store the energy of the yellow sun, you have been 'hungry' for too long after all. I suggest you stay in space for at least three hours before returning to the surface.


"No, that's not what I wanted to tell you, Mason."

Mason shook his head.

Alone, it held the intruders at bay, bullets and explosions were completely useless against it.

"I will wait patiently for your reply, and I will prove my sincerity with practical actions. I am not like those short-sighted guys who only take things away from you.

But Mason was quite disappointed that he basically didn't come up with a qualified finished product. Just when the second floor of the base was breached by outsiders, he finally saw a project document that caught his eye.

Delaman's voice echoed in the cockpit, it said:

Captain Ice there has the "Rogue Gang", which can be called a clean force in the villain organization, and because of some unspeakable "special reasons", the Rogue Gang never took the initiative to enter Gotham.

"The third floor of the base has been breached! The defense robots are exhausted, and the estimated remaining time for the breach is 10 minutes!"

"Estimated completion time for outer armor covering: 2-3 hours."

He could see a large number of soldiers rushing into the base led by several heavily armed commanders. Outsiders could not crack Delaman's data defenses, so they adopted a more direct and brutal method.

"The biological life support and circulation device seized from the Atlanteans was just used to replace the original biological monitoring module, it is rare that this thing is powered by water instead of energy.

Mason stood before the glass.

It is a mudman, and fire is its natural enemy.


I help you because you helped me, friend.

The upper floors fought like a small-scale war, but the manufacturing workshops below did not stop functioning.

He said to Mason:
"Thank you for your help, friend, I feel like I've found myself again, and the rays of the sun wake me up."

Codenamed "Doomsday"!
And look at the schematic design writer, well, Lex Luthor.

But soon as the fire-breathing soldiers entered the arena, under the burning of the prairie fires sprayed by clusters, the ooze monsters could not bear the damage and began to retreat steadily.

"Mason, Zod is awake, he wants to talk to you."

The freezing gun obtained from the freezing man before has not kept up with the version.

"Passengers please evacuate from the danger zone immediately!"

"This is enough."

He looked at the heavy power armor that had been formed during the busy work of the mechanical arm, touched the motionless black death sword battle armor ring on the finger of his left hand, and finally glanced back at the monitoring screen.

"Start the counterattack procedure."

That's normal.

That's the only reason.

I don't have enough knowledge to give you an accurate answer in such a short time, Mason, but I agree with you about the war between the Amazons and Atlantis.

I will help you stop this war, but not because I have any special affection for this planet.

In Mason's world, it was difficult for him to get the Freeze Gun.

At this moment, the anti-tank rocket blasted a ball of flames on the front armor of Fenrir's armor, but it didn't make the steel giant shake.

Delaman's peaceful voice sounded from the speaker next to Mason, and it reminded:

After gaining the knowledge of the Isu, Mason already had a completely different idea about the design of his power armor, and the blueprint in front of him was his new attempt.

An hour and a half later, Mason successfully reset the freezing gun and completed the collection of drawings.

Especially after the actual combat in Gotham, he found that unless Barry Allen accidentally stepped on the ice and slipped, the threat of this thing that relied on rapid freezing to kill the speedster was almost zero.

I asked the old lady to leave something for you, which is under your seat.Since it is the beginning of a new life, there should be a new set of clothes, which I made when I was practicing.

AI Delaman reminded:

Sure enough, no matter in which world or under what background, the love and killing between Lai Tuo and Da Chao is almost the same as the love between Da Chao and Batman has become the norm of the world.

"Welcome back, passenger!"

"Optical camouflage and fast thrusters? Tch, outdated concept and high energy consumption, it looks like a project used to cheat funds, bad review!"

Mason heard the sound of guns getting closer and closer above his head. He put on his Isu Pioneer Armor and walked to the repair station of the assembly workshop, saying:

In addition, Lex Luthor's scientific research ship is leaving the offshore, and they will enter the deep sea area set as a restricted area by the Atlanteans in 10 minutes. "

In recent times, almost all of the time Mason allocated to engineering and inscriptions was spent on this matter.

I would like to know your opinion on this matter, and I am also looking forward to your reply.

Mason said something.

Kevin gave a heel-touching military salute with a slap on the spot.

In the case where you don't have the assistance of the mother box black technology and lose the entity, it may take you a few days or even longer to break the special encryption method. "

However, Luthor's project of creating controllable biological warfare weapons by cloning Kryptonians is still only in the project approval stage.

"Remind me when the base is about to be breached."

"It's time to uncover the secrets of this world hidden under the apocalypse, but I have to give the K team's reserve attackers a break first."

I've given you back what was taken from you, and this is just the beginning.

Facing Mason's inquiry, Hal, who was flying the aircraft in orbit around the earth, hesitated for a moment, and said:

"Old De, I am a kind person. I always hope to help more people, but although I run in the dark for many reasons, none of them is to win back the sewer where the insidious mice can run amok."

It is said that it is because Laidu in this world is a "pacifist" that he has been doing foreign work, and even the plan itself was designed by officials who forced Laidu to mobilize his amazing wisdom in a semi-forced state.

Mason nodded and did not continue to ask, and the communication fell silent.

"Let's talk about your problem, Hal, you see, I've just taken a moment to tell you about the K-Squad and the Alternate Disaster.

Despite eating some divine dirt from Wonder Woman, it wasn't enough for Kevin to overcome his "racial weakness."

But the weapon in Captain Cold's hands is nice.

The signal from space reactivated the communication, Hal announced, and then the Kryptonian Far Zod rang through the communicator with a unclear voice.

Delaman's warning sound became sharper, and it projected its own data image onto the screen in front of Mason, warning:

The various systems of the power armor began to check themselves, and the wall in front of him was completely blasted by the heavy firepower, and countless bullets were fired into the dimmed space amidst the noisy sound.

The two guys are not in the same biological chain, so Mason has no chance of "killing people and seizing treasure".

Delaman's sharp voice sounded from the speaker, and then a monitoring screen behind Mason lit up.

"Understood, passengers please fasten your seat belts. Killing mode, start!"

In the sound of AI turning cold, the light on the helmet of Fenrir's armor suddenly turned into scarlet.

Four bat-shaped floating turrets popped up behind its shoulders, and the beams used for aiming flashed in the dark, marking one after another soldiers and commanders pouring firepower around.

Hell is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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