The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 28 28. The catwoman takes whatever she likes, don't be shy, anyway, your husband has mo

Chapter 28 28. The catwoman takes whatever she likes, don't be shy, anyway, your husband has money
Nightwing led away the pursuers, and with the help of the Batmobile and the entire Bat-Family, there was a high probability that nothing would happen to him.

And Mason and Catwoman also used the magical effect of the invisibility cloak to leave the battle zone all the way, and "borrowed" a car to cross Gotham City to reach Pier [-] in Miller Harbor.

This is the oldest dock area in Gotham City, and one of the oldest and most complex areas in a city that started with shipping and heavy industry.

The entire pier has been renovated many times in more than 100 years, and even the dock workers cannot fully grasp the complex situation here, especially the underground area.

Just like a maze.

Mason didn't know much about this place, but when his younger brother Kiteman was hiding around with the Joker and was chased by Batman, he was active near Port Miller for a while.He told Mason that there is an underground passage at Pier [-], so this became a temporary stop for Mason and Catwoman.

"You know a lot at such a young age, I didn't even know there was such a place where people could hide."

In a specially developed hiding place in the sewer that was not dirty, Catwoman looked at the light turned on above her head in amazement, and turned her head to Mason who was disassembling the gun for maintenance behind her and said:
"I feel more and more that you don't look like a 17-year-old boy. You also have a hidden identity, right? Little guy, since we are already in the same group, I think you should be more honest with your sister."

"My hidden identity is Mason Cooper."

The young man said without raising his head:
"It's not as complicated as you think, you should rest for a while.

Aren't you tired after tossing all night?My friend will join us here tomorrow afternoon, and we need to prepare for the raid before then.

Can you use a sword? "

"Sister, I grew up in Gotham, and I have been entangled with Batman for more than ten years. What do you think I can't use?"

Catwoman leaned against the wall with her hips crossed and said something.

In the next moment, Mason threw the weird sharp blade adorning the golden eagle hilt with its sheath, and Catwoman took it in her hand, pulled out the sharp blade in a dignified manner and threw a sword flower.

She put this beautiful and majestic sharp sword in front of her eyes, looked at it with the eyes of a world-class thief, and stretched out her fingers to stroke the sharp blade to check some decorative features of the hilt.

A few minutes later, she gave a very accurate evaluation like a master appraiser, saying:
"An antique that is at least 800 years old. Judging from the inscription on the sword body, it should come from a monastery in France, and the weird light refraction should have some kind of supernatural power effect.

But even if those unscientific powers are removed, the material and craftsmanship of the hilt alone are enough to make it sell for an astonishing sky-high price in any auction house in the world. "

Catwoman squeezed her eyes, covered her mouth and chuckled, and made another coquettish gesture, and said to Mason:
"Well, so this is the first gift you gave to your sister? From my experience, a man who spends so generously probably has evil intentions."

"Just lend it to you."

With a click, Mason pressed the clip filled with buckshot into the crit shotgun. He glanced at Catwoman who was playing with the long sword, and said:
"I'm not good at melee combat and I don't like melee combat. It can play a greater role in your hands. We are now grasshoppers on a rope. A little more trust will give us more chances to survive.

Now if you can, I hope you don't bother me, Ms. Selina, I'm going to start preparing some potions and weapons for us to use in battle.

This job requires me to maintain a high degree of concentration.

So, whatever you want to do, don't make a sound, okay? "

He took out a set of simplified alchemy containers from his luggage. Hogwarts actually found orthodox magic crucibles and alchemy test tubes, but they were really big ones.

The complete special-shaped test tubes are as big as a cabinet when assembled, and Mason put them in the suitcase, which is still with the kiteman.

After arranging the medicinal materials by category, Mason took out a lot of C4 and disassembled drone components and put them beside him.

After seeing the young man take out dangerous objects one after another from the pouch around his waist like magic, the catwoman who was watching couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

She really became more and more interested in this young man who was 20 years younger than her.

Seeing that Mason seriously lit the alcohol lamp and squeezed some chopped herbs into a bowl, Catwoman got up and walked out of the hiding place.

"Where are you going?"

Mason asked.

The eldest sister put on her strange ruby ​​goggles and said:

"Of course to retrieve the thing that's killing us both. Do you think I'll take that thing with me? And since I'm determined to fight back, I have to bring the weapon that suits me, right?"

"There are people chasing you and me everywhere outside."

The young man said something, then threw the folded silver-gray invisibility cloak to Catwoman, saying:
"Put it on. You don't need to move too much, but it's better not to fight in it. This thing's 'temper' is not very good, and its character is very vicious. It wants to see the people who use it suffer bad luck."

"That's all for me?"

Catwoman looked at the magical invisibility cloak in her hand which is priceless to all thieves and thieves in surprise, and she said in a strange tone:
"Now I feel more and more that your motives are impure, little Mason. Listen to my advice, don't waste time on my sister, I'm already past the age when I like little fresh meat."

"You don't really think I'm a virgin who has never seen a beauty?"

Mason imitated Catwoman's sentence pattern and replied.

He glanced at his elder sister and said in a low voice:

"And what a coincidence, I have also passed the age when I would be addicted to Yujie's style and restlessness. Now I appreciate the beauty of the soul more. Unfortunately, your soul has been branded with a bat.

A good thing has an owner, but taking it without telling you is stealing. "

"Speaking is really poisonous!"

Catwoman snorted, stopped arguing with Mason, put on the invisibility cloak and disappeared in place.

A few seconds later, she suddenly showed a head behind Mason, as if to scare the young man, and said:

"Aren't you afraid I'll never get back with your sword and cloak? You know I'm a heartless thief, and if I had something like that I could steal all over the world without being caught.

No thief can ignore these.

You are like playing with a fresh fish in front of a kitten, you are trying to seduce me on purpose. "

"I'm afraid, but I have no choice."

Mason poured the crushed herbs into the beaker, poured clean water and shook it, and said without raising his head:
"You too, Ms. Selina.

Unless you're willing to stab Bruce Wayne to death in front of the League of Assassins. Oh, sorry, I slipped, I mean, your beloved Batman. "

He grinned at the corner of his mouth, looked at the gradually changing color of the liquid in his hand, and said softly:
"Actually, it doesn't matter if you take those two things. Anyway, you have a reserve husband who is very rich and willing to spend money for you. I know who to ask for debt collection.

So, it's all right, Mrs. Wayne.

Take whatever you see, but remember to leave me a receipt with your signature on it. "

Catwoman fell silent.

Her fingers hidden in the invisibility cloak had already clasped Su Jie's Eagle's sword hilt, and it only took one fierce backstab to kill this young man who told Batman's true identity here.

Catwoman is confident that she will never miss.

"When did you know?"

she asked.

Mason thought for a while and said:
"Probably when we first met, remember the night you handed me your phone to call Commissioner Gordon? I saw the number you had set up as an emergency and labeled 'Love Nest'.

Then I tried calling again and guess who answered?Well, all I can say is that Mr. Alfred has a real Cockney accent. "

"You vicious bat cub!"

Catwoman screamed angrily:
"I won't let you become the next Robin! Bruce will definitely be tricked to death by you treacherous ghost."

"Thanks for the help, because I really have no interest in being Robin."

Mason said no more.

After Xiaoxiao showed off his tricks to make Catwoman fight the mouse, he relaxed and started making the primary healing potion. This time he strictly followed the steps of the formula.

Relying on the precision and dexterity of Engineering Lv2, after two failed attempts, he finally got a light red liquid with the capacity of a test tube for the third time.

"Successfully make a standard alchemy compound, and the proficiency of alchemy skills increases."

When the prompt popped up, Mason put the test tube in front of his eyes and examined it carefully, and the information label quickly jumped out.

Minor Healing Potion
Quality: Standard Item · Mediocre Workmanship

Effect: Heal all wounds no higher than [moderate damage] within 10 minutes, with a weak [hemostasis and pain relief] effect.

Item description: A reminder to novice pharmacists, adding some lemon juice can make it taste better and more nutritious, and it tastes better when mixed with fine wine.

"Mediocre craftsmanship?"

Mason frowned looking at the quality evaluation, he followed the procedure completely, and the materials taken from Batman's herbal medicine warehouse would definitely not be fake.

How can it be a mediocre evaluation?

Is there any trick that I didn't discover?
"You seem troubled by the quality of the finished product?"

At this moment, Catwoman's voice suddenly sounded.

With the invisibility cloak removed, a new set of leather tights that are more suitable for combat was replaced. Catwoman with a cat tail whip around her waist played with a bag of luxurious gems, and took out a black U from her pocket. The plate was thrown to Mason.

She squatted in front of the young man with her amazingly curved legs, looked at the magical light red potion in his hand, and said in an uninspired tone:

"You may need a bit of female wisdom, let me ask you, do you know the difference between a cheap industrial standard and an expensive work of art?"


Mason frowned and thought about it, then tentatively said:

"Artisan spirit?"

"Are you stupid? Did you get limp by being fooled?"

Catwoman hated iron and steel, reached out and knocked on Mason's forehead, and scolded:
"It's uniqueness! Uniqueness! The producer's personal characteristics can never be imitated by those industrial standard parts. Although I don't know alchemy, I understand artwork.

Just now, I saw that you made the potion with a single glance, just like a robot.

Please, isn’t this industrialized production again? Isn’t the characteristic of handmade products that even with the same hands, there are subtle differences in the finished products every time?
If two works of art are exactly the same, then they must be worthless. "

"Uh, let me think about it."

Mason lowered his head and pondered for a moment. He looked at the item description of this bottle of potion, and took another bottle of freshly squeezed juice from Catwoman. When he finished making the second bottle of potion, he added some passion fruit juice to it according to the prompts. .

"Successfully make a special alchemy compound, and the proficiency of alchemy skills will increase by X2."

Mason's eyes lit up, and he held the potion that had been added with fruit juice so it was darker in color.

Passion Fruit Flavored Herbal Juice

Quality: Waste Items Standard Workmanship

Effect: Drinking a cup of passion fruit flavored potion will not provide any healing effect but will make you feel happy.

Item Description: Look what you have done!You ruined a good bottle of medicine just like that!

Mason looked at the bottle of medicine in front of him, his expression became very strange.

The potion failed and should have failed, but the prompt told him that the successful production of the alchemy compound gave him double proficiency.So is a few messes the essence of alchemy?
Is it really like the saying "The secret to making soup is to add a little poisonous mushroom and an old shoe root"?

To be precise, it should be "trying".

Young people feel that they have touched the door, and they should be brave enough to try more unknown formulas to go further on the road of alchemy, but this kind of attempt is definitely not just random addition of juice.

It is to carry out secondary processing with personal characteristics according to the characteristics of different materials on the basis of thoroughly understanding the formula.

"I probably understand."

Mason narrowed his eyes, picked up a very high-quality ginseng beard, and started the third attempt. This time he got a hint of five times the proficiency, and the finished product turned into a very strange thing:

Minor Tonic Salve
Quality: standard items·excellent workmanship
Effect: unknown

Item description: Feeling that the body is hollowed out

After seeing the item description, Mason dried up the potion and continued to make his own alchemy potion.

This tedious attempt continued until the next afternoon.

There were already 37 light red standard primary healing potions in front of him, as well as [-] gimmicky gadgets of different colors.

The effects of these things are all unknown, and someone needs to test the medicine, but Mason can be sure that these things are not poisonous. Well, there should be no, most likely not.

The young man stretched his tingling neck and wrists, glanced at the alchemy technique that successfully reached Lv1 on the light curtain, put away his potion, and said in a low voice:

"Looks like we need to find some 'experiments'."

"Someone's coming, Mason!"

Catwoman's reminder also sounded at this moment, Mason immediately picked up the double-barreled hand cannon at hand, and the catwoman-sama in the invisibility cloak held the sword hilt at her waist.

While the two people watched, a brisk footstep came from the entrance of the sewer, humming a strange song, and when he approached, Mason waved to Catwoman when he heard the voice.

Those who come are friends.

"Yo, boss! You are here!"

Wearing a neat suit and windbreaker, Charles the kiteman, dressed like a red-faced successful man, appeared at the door of the hideout.

He was carrying a very nice briefcase in his hand.

He hugged his boss first, and then opened the briefcase, revealing the retro magic suitcase hidden inside.

"I even brought you a surprise!"

The kiteman winked and opened the suitcase, and flipped the switch of the Untraceable Extending Curse. The next moment, a tightly bound guy was thrown in front of Mason.

Judging from his drunken appearance, he should have been knocked out by the attack and thrown into the suitcase.

"This is the guy in the mob bar who is in charge of directing the Penguin Gang to hunt you down, Boss."

Charles picked up a cigarette and put it under his nostrils to sniff, and then introduced to Mason:

"I followed him all the way and found that he was dealing with some mysterious guys. He must know something, so I knocked him out and brought him here."

"Very well, let's start extracting a confession and dig out all the secrets in his mind!"

A chill flashed in Mason's eyes.

He took his suitcase, feeling a sense of security, and took out the veritaserum, which made the hidden catwoman hate it, and threw it to the kiteman.

Signal him to get to work.

And at the same time, the Eye of Hell pendant on Mason's collar suddenly "opened his eyes", and Zha Kang's voice came from Mason's ear.

"Find a safe place, Mason! I want to talk to you. There is progress in your curse research. I mean, get ready to pay!"

(End of this chapter)

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