The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 282 80. I've already swiped Zhenglian twice, and I really don't have any sense of

Chapter 282 80. You have already swiped Zhenglian twice, this job really doesn't have any sense of accomplishment!
The torrential rain created by the Atlanteans with some kind of weather weapon is coming to an end with the rout of the Undersea People.

At this time, there should be only pattering raindrops falling, but less than 5 minutes after Mason, the supernumerary "Rain God", entered Gotham, the pouring rain hit the ground again.

At this time, in the burning black night, Mason, who was not good at melee combat, put on a posture to meet the enemy, poking forward with the heavy trident in his hand, and in front of him was the roaring and crazy General Eagle Girl.

Although the latter was embarrassed and driven mad, being able to become a general as a foreigner among the warlike Amazons already showed that this woman did have two brushes.

Absolutely reckless enough.

If you really want to fight in melee, Mason estimates that the first round will be smashed by the fierce Hawkgirl, but fortunately, in this imminent battle tonight, the mission Mason needs to undertake is just to put a The cool "summoning" Pose, and then greet the hungry armored adults and it's over.

So, in fact, at the moment of posing, his task as a "symbiosis pendant" has actually been completed.


Because the dark thing that smelled the fragrant war power has awakened, the black death sword battle armor like a wild beast swelled along the fingers of Mason's left hand.

Like the covering of melted dark chocolate, Mason was armed to the teeth in an instant and took over all tasks related to the war.

The black symbiote battle suit then moved its shoulders, and the mysterious and thick Isu shroud turned into a cloak to cover the body.

That gorgeous and stylish armor couldn't hold up and was crumbling.

"Sorry, Your Majesty."

This is a big project.

Diana Prince, who was in a state of embarrassment during the tug, was pulled towards the black death sword suit, and the latter grabbed her neck and chin and lifted her up in the air.

It was obvious that Black Death Sword didn't intend to waste time fighting with the more powerful Diana in front of him.

ha!Didn't expect that?

Unless faced with "natural enemies".

Thalia brushed her long black hair, she said softly:

It was a wonderful perception that she had never had since she was born, like an electric shock, and it carried a little restlessness and hesitation in her heart.


"Selena is right."

He shouted expressionlessly in his battle suit:
"Black Death Sword Battlesuit, I order you to immediately apologize to the supreme Queen Diana and return your divine power, and then quit the battle in a hurry!
disappear as far as you can. "

After all, the superhuman enhancer will definitely be used frequently in the future, and its too serious sequelae are really daunting.

Due to the lack of divine power and clay that make up the body, the "Sister Royal Queen" who was originally an upright adult suddenly "shrunk" into a young girl.

The black death sword battle suit landed on the ground in front of Diana in a superhero style, and the surrender lasso used to restrain Mason was torn from his arm by it, and it was precisely in the swing of a fancy harness. He put the rope around the neck of the war queen who was struggling to get up in front of her.

He said regretfully:
"You heard it too, my beautiful and noble majesty, I also order this rascal to stop offending you, but helplessly, I can't even count as a cooperative relationship with it
All in all, my personal condolences for what happened to you.

"I want to recruit her into my team, do you think it's okay?"

So he has already started to check in his mind the improvement of the composition formula of the superman strengthening agent.

At the third minute and 17 seconds of the battle, the embarrassing Queen of War was punched to the ground by the black death sword suit, and the Bladebreaker buckler in her hand was thrown flying, cutting the entire wall into pieces.


Mason threw the half-burned cigarette into the water under his feet. He held an umbrella and turned to Thalia and said:

This uncle can't control this damn suit at all!People don't care about my opinion at all, they just treat me as a fart!Your ingenious tactics have been cracked by me just like that!
This punch directly stunned Diana Prince.

As an Amazon who has been receiving combat education since birth, Diana's vision is extremely vicious. She couldn't match the Black Death Sword suit, so she set her mind on Mason Cooper, who was the host of the suit.

And by itself, it's delicious.
Well, humans have a very suitable word to describe the current scene, what is it called?


and many more!

Mason, who had just solved a small problem in the alchemy formula, stretched his body, squatted down as if he had slept well, and looked at the war queen who was limp on the ground and couldn't even move a finger.

It does fly though.


All that was left in her hand was a Vulcan sword and a lasso of surrender, and she tried her best to break away from the hunger and thirst of the "black mud" in front of her, and then flew up with her left foot and her right foot while staggering backwards. up the sky.

Then he heard the weak scolding from the Queen of War:

But Mason shrugged.

Weird thoughts accompanied by the collision of weapons brought Diana's thoughts back to the cold reality in an instant. The extremely sharp Vulcan sword was easily blocked by the vibrating gold shield that "bounced" from the arm of the black death sword suit.

Huo, Black Death Sword really understands the matter of ridicule and provocation.

Although this thing is not an electronic product and has no data memory function, it has already fought and won against another version of Wonder Woman in Gotham before, and it obviously has its own ideas about the current confrontation.

All the powers of Diana in this world are related to war, so the original lasso of mantra has been replaced with the more destructive lasso of submission.

Damn it, when has this old lady been humiliated and wronged for so long in the world!You bastard man, wait for my old lady, I will kill you first when I recover!
Unfortunately, Mason didn't give her another chance to think about her revenge plan.

Just listening to the hoarse roar and the crazy trembling of the charming body in mid-air, one knows that this process is definitely not comfortable.

But the Queen of War doesn't have this trouble, the only thing she wants to do in this world is to conquer.
Therefore, she has embraced the gifts from the gods without any psychological barriers, but those things that made her strong are now dragging her into the quagmire.

"Hmph, your abacus beads ring."

"Shameless and weak man! I order you! Get off your battle suit!"

Ms. Fox, who knows how to read words and expressions, took the tone of asking for opinions this time. Mason waved his hand and said without looking back:
"It's up to you, but it may take a long time for her to recover from the divine power that has been squeezed out, and it may even never return to its full power. Are you sure you want to take her with you?"

You see it too.

Did I think wrong?
It's not Mason who is controlling the suit, but the suit is controlling Mason?But it doesn't look like it!The appearance of Mason just now did not mean to be controlled at all.

So it might be a better way to avoid its edge, bypass the weapon, and directly attack the host.

The War Queen lying in the pit looked at the black death sword battle suit that fell from the sky, and she couldn't think of a problem in her mind that was already muddy at this time.

He took out a pack of cigarettes and said:
"It's a pity, it seems that you in this world are also clay doll Kevin! Eat less, and be careful to become a divine creature and be slammed by the Black Death Sword.

"Even if she doesn't have divine power, she is still a powerful Amazon. Bringing her is equivalent to owning an Amazon army."

With strong curiosity and apprehension, she glanced at Mason, who was holding a penguin umbrella in the rain, with his back turned to her and exuding an unpredictable "master temperament" while exhaling smoke rings.

The left hand grabbed the wings and tore them hard.

Her whole body fell from the sky like a bird with broken wings, blasting a big crater on the ground in downtown Gotham.

Kevin, who was ambitiously planning to "swallow" Diana Prince whole, suddenly shook his body, and with strong regret, he "vomited" out the war queen who was melting into the "soil" for three [-]/[-].


And you, you can't even take care of a child like Damian, how can you expect you to teach her well? "

Moths to the flame?

Facing Mason's hellish question, the War Queen, who had been drained of all her divine power, could only stare with anger as if she wanted to kill someone.

it growled.

"I think our honorable queen needs to get up and start over after suffering a big defeat. At this time, she needs a think tank who is capable of assisting her."

The fusion of Wonder Woman and divine power in Mason's hometown is not perfect. It is because she deliberately wants to maintain her humanity and not be overwhelmed by the indifferent divinity.

It was an emotion that Diana Prince, who was destined to be king in this world, never felt. For a warlike demigod who can inherit the priesthood of war from Ares, the god of war, it is almost impossible to feel fear thing.

Why did your host give orders, but you were not affected at all?Shouldn't the battle suit system take the host's order as the first order?Why are you still acting alone in this battle suit?

During the whole process, she had to bear the pain of being absorbed by the black death sword.

Of course, this is an exaggeration. For Mason, who is extremely good at time management, it is undoubtedly a shameful waste of time to watch this battle that he can't participate in at the moment.

It is a good thing not to have no side effects, but to at least reduce the rejection reaction.

In the interior, Mason, who is equipped with the "humanoid CPU" of the Black Death Sword suit, has already put on a stance of eating melons and watching the show. At the same time, the big man in the suit, which originated from the darkness, stepped on the shoulder of the struggling Eagle Girl.

Did you fucking come out of the special training of the Neon Army?

There was a double sonic boom with a bang.

However, immersed in "fishing on the battlefield", he did not expect that there would be a chance for himself to appear in this one-sided battle. When the hot surrender lasso grabbed his wrist, Mason was forced to think from his head Waking up in a state.

The divine power of war that belonged to her was continuously squeezed out in the form of crimson streamers. This process was like the operation of a juicer, accompanied only by Diana Prince's piercing screams resounding through the rainy night.

Right now, in front of her eyes, although the black battle armor had no face, the queen could feel that the strange black substance faced her attack like a prehistoric beast with a big mouth.

A few minutes later, the black death sword battle suit that had been wiped clean came back from Mason's body with a sense of "laziness" and "comfort". His left finger turned into a black gemstone ring again.

Anyway, as long as it comes into contact with it, it can devour divinity. Every confrontation will make it stronger and Diana will only be weakened continuously. Facing creatures like "natural enemies", the Queen of War suddenly enters a predicament that cannot be reversed. inside.

This is probably the only weakness of the Black Death Sword suit.

He didn't talk about any tricks at all, and he wasn't afraid of Diana's subtle counterattack at all.

You have seen with your own eyes what kind of trouble Diana Prince can cause when she falls into the god of war and cannot extricate herself. If you are sure to recruit her, then I hope you will take care of her.

Although I don't know if she is a clay doll or not, but it's not bad to try it casually in this situation.

He didn't resist at all and let the War Queen's order take effect at this moment. At this moment, Mason not only didn't have any sense of crisis, but even wanted to laugh.


While the blood was flying, accompanied by a shrill scream, a bloody twitching wing was smashed to the ground in front of Diana's eyes while the wings were flying.

Thalia's exclamation came from the night behind. Amidst the low engine sound of the Batmobile, the K-team chariot driven by Catwoman swung its tail and stopped beside Mason.

Although Diana broke away with her burning divine power the next moment, just the momentary contact made her understand where the uneasy fear in her heart came from.

Once she gets into trouble, the responsibility is all yours. "

The cockpit popped open, and Thalia jumped out and hugged the unconscious Diana Prince.

"Everyone says that Superman in the Justice League maintains his humanity all the time, fighting against his inherent indifference and divinity, but they ignore that Superman is not the only one who has this problem in the Justice League.

Hearing this, Diana, who was struggling to support her, was overjoyed. With the host's order, this damn battle suit won't cause any trouble at all, right?

I can't control this madman at all. "

Then, under her dumbfounded gaze, after Mason, the host, gave the order, not only did the black death sword suit not take it back obediently, but as if enraged, he punched her in the face more fiercely. come over.

The moment he blocked the Vulcan sword's edge, large black tentacles sprang out from the surface of the battle suit like a group of snakes and wrapped themselves around the War Queen's limbs.


The Queen of War's anger was completely ignited, but at the same time she turned into a meteor and hit the arrogant man on the ground, a strange feeling that she had never had before rose in her fiery heart.

The situation she faced was even worse than the other Diana in Gotham a few days ago.

It's very hungry.

He stretched out his hand.

But she gritted her teeth and persevered in order to win, and while roaring, she fastened the noose until it was tied to Mason's wrist.

Like an out-of-control beast chasing its prey, it crazily shaped its sharp claws and hammered the war queen in front of it amidst the violent vibrations of the puddles on the ground.

Once this thing is put on, you can ask the other party to do everything you order. It is definitely the kind of "artifact" that the sisters with queen personality and brothers with M personality like most.

She almost ruined the world.

I saw Mason's original loose standing posture suddenly changed. Amidst the drastic change in Queen Diana's face suspended in the air, the Hawkgirl general who was pounced on him was pierced by the golden trident like a cannonball in the next instant.

Catwoman who stepped out of the Batmobile leaned against the side of the car, curled her lips in disdain and said:
"This Diana has grown crookedly, compared to our Wonder Woman over there, the one in your hand is more like a violent girl who let herself go.

But this flight function is more for rushing and emergency. Its battle in the air is not as "silky" as on the ground, but it gives the precarious Diana Prince a respite.

Her eyes were all red.

The Queen of War was flying around in the air, and when she regrouped, she realized that the thing in front of her was overwhelming her, and she had no chance of winning head-on.

Part of her divine power disappeared out of thin air!
She must have been "eaten" by the black monster in front of her. Knowing this, Diana backed away immediately, but how could the black death sword suit that had already tasted the "sweetness" allow delicious to escape?

The ensuing scene is a replica of the devoured scene in Gotham City.


So she quickly adjusted her tactics.

In addition, if I don’t offend you, I would like to ask you, in this world, were you also squeezed out of the clay by Queen Hippolyta? "

Mason didn't want to experience the painful process of being weak for several days again, and he had to complete the improvement of this thing before the next time he turned into a Super.

This feeling is called fear.

With a tone of asking for instructions, she said:

The luminous lasso of submission was waved by the Queen of War, and the moment it passed the black death sword battle suit, Diana threw it fiercely and precisely put it on the wrist of the suit, and followed her in the air. The huge pull "cuts" the lasso into the "flesh" of the symbiote.

Mason, who will be in the black death sword battle suit, has been idle and is about to fall asleep.

In a comfortable environment like a rainy night, the slime monster Kevin jumped out of his palm, first moved his body, did a set of gymnastics, and then cheered and "pierced" into the long black hair of the War Queen.

In her mind, the human man's courage to challenge her lies in this damn battle suit, and this thing belongs to the category of "weapon" no matter how you look at it. A weapon needs to be held by a warrior to exert its full power.

In a cool one-armed giant loop beat, he was nailed to the ground as hard as if he was beaten by a small cause.

The power from the noose of submission immediately conveyed this order to Mason's heart, and with his powerful spiritual power of Isu blood, he could actually resist this kind of compulsory order.

Miserable screams resounded from the night again, and the existence of the War Queen itself was also endangered after being stripped of her divine power. Seeing her twitching in pain in the mud, Mason pouted when he stood up.

Countless black tentacles gushed out of the Black Death Sword suit like snakes, covering the War Queen's limbs and body.

"It's a difficult challenge, but I'm sure I can get help from many sources."

Thalia said seriously:

"For example, from our ingenious and kind-hearted Captain, Mason, the leader and master of K-Squad, the giant doomsday ship of the Atlanteans will arrive in Gotham in half an hour.

Your teammates, including me, are desperate to hear what's next for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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