The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 316 15. Look, family members!What a view of the nuclear war ruins, yo, isn't that Logan

Chapter 316 15. Look, family members!What a view of the nuclear war ruins, yo, isn't that Logan?
"Am I a weapon designed to save?"

Miss Anna's statement made Mason raise his eyebrows, and then he realized a problem, looked at Rakshasa and said:

"You predicted the impact in advance?"

"Yes, although at the time we didn't know it was called a 'shock.'"

The ex-X-Men sighed and explained more of the past to her little fellow, she said:

"During that time, many people with the ability to predict felt that the crisis was approaching, whether it was the Scarlet Witch or the Phoenix Girl, they all came to the same conclusion.

Since disaster is inevitable, it will happen.

The Weapon X project is said to be just one of many plans promoted by the whole world. As far as I know, the Avengers in their hometown also have a similar self-rescue plan.

But unfortunately, a sudden nuclear war destroyed everything.

We were on a mission in Europe that night when we suddenly received a message from the professor before we knew of the existence of you experimental subjects. At that time, the base of the Weapon X project had been invaded by the enemy.

It took a lot of casualties to snatch you from those supervillains, and Katie sent you out in batches before we had time to gather more information.

Therefore, if you want to know the answer, you have to find it yourself.

But I won’t let you go there alone, the Aix team will fully assist, I’m ready to go with you, and I’ve selected a few main players to go with you.”

"No, I will take my team to go."

Mason waved his hand and rejected Miss Anna's kindness. From the attitude of the lady in front of him, he could feel her guilt and eagerness to make amends.

She felt that she had failed to fulfill her responsibilities as an elder, but Mason had his own plan after all, so he shook his head and said:
"If the Master Warlock and his faction have sealed off that world and prevented others from entering, it means that there must be some secrets that cannot be known.

In this case, it would only be a bad thing to bring people who were born there in the past. It would be better for a 'stranger' to carry out this unofficial development.

You don't have to worry about my safety, Ms. Anna, but the swordsman asked me to destroy that world, what do you think? "

"Then it will be ruined."

Anna didn't hesitate, she got up and said:
"It's not home anymore!

Letting it disappear with dignity among the stars is perhaps the last mercy we outcasts can bestow on it, and whatever the Grand Master Warlock and his followers are up to there, that's not what we want.

Finally, there is another important news you must know. "

Leaning forward, she said to Mason emphatically:

"There is an A-level person in the hometown world, you have to be careful of him. Although it used to be your hometown, it shouldn't be friendly to you, a homecoming wanderer."

Mason fell silent and sent Anna to disappear into the gate of the world. The doubts in his heart did not diminish, but he believed that he would always find the answer in the next action.

Just go ahead with the plan.

So busy preparing until the next morning after breakfast, the master swordsman arrived as scheduled.

She "jumped" directly into the restaurant where Mason was, and even changed her attire, covering her face with a cloak, disguising herself as if she was faceless.

But her "disguise" is a bit too high-profile.

Ladies, you are dressed in black, no matter where you put it, it is equivalent to constantly sending out "look at me! I am preparing to destroy" signals to the surroundings. What is the meaning of such a disguise besides exposing yourself?

But no matter what others think, Miss Swordsman thinks her disguise is super cool!

She showed only one pair of eyes, and said to Mason:

"Are you ready? We have to go right away. I sent Crazy Wade and his Deadpool Legion to do something in other worlds and lure Warlock out of Starsburg so that our 'smugglers' won't be caught by him." Found."

"I can go anytime."

Mason immediately summoned his team members for this trip. The swordsman had no interest in this, but after seeing Mason calling three Kryptonians in one breath, her eyeballs almost fell out.

"Hey! I want you to destroy it, but not in this way!"

She screamed at Mason frantically:

"The commotion of the three Kryptonians can't be concealed, don't underestimate Warlock's monitoring of those worlds under his command, this matter has to be done quietly!

Enter the village quietly, don't shoot anyone!
Understand? "

"I just took my new team members to experience the difficulty of pioneering tasks, so that they can prepare for the exciting life in the future."

Mason pouted and said:
"Don't worry, I'm familiar with doing things secretly, and I won't make a mess for you."

"You better be so!"

The swordsman looked suspiciously at Mason, who was full of confidence and promised to act secretly. At this moment, she seemed to suddenly understand the hunter's complicated feelings about Mason.

Even if this guy's actions are only in the preparation stage, why are they so frightening?

Tsk tsk, Mason doesn't look like a good boss.

"Mr. K! We are all ready."

Wearing an Isu assault armor, Harley chewed gum and walked into the restaurant with her two painted colorful dogs, carrying bags of salutes and explosives behind the two dogs. Like a traveler about to travel.

This scene made the swordsman poke Mason's arm again and said:

"Don't you equip your team members with luggage? Why do you still use dogs to carry things?"

Mason put on a blank face and didn't want to answer this question. Look what she's asking?Which girl doesn't go out with big bags?Why do you use dogs to carry things?
This is not obvious, the luggage is full, and the whole luggage is filled with sexy clothes
"Uh, your team members really have 'characteristics'."

The swordsman said something against his will, and then looked away from Harley who was happily playing the game of staring and staring with Bizarro. She calculated the time and took the document with the specific world coordinates from Mason. note.

This time it was an unreported "smuggling", so the gate of the world must not be used, which would directly attract the attention of the warlock and the administrator he placed in that world.

Although the swordsman is careless, she is also an expert at traveling through the world. A large part of the reason why the three masters can secure their position is because of their natural world travel ability.

Back then, when the Gate of the World hadn't been carried forward, all the actions of the Stars Club were led by the three mentors. Right now, this job is nothing more than "reminiscing about bitterness and thinking about sweetness" for Liana.

After a brief phase confirmation, the swordsman locked a specific position in the parallel world system, and shaped a black soul blade from the flames in her hand, and slashed forward fiercely after accumulating power.

The black space-time rift then floated and formed a door leading to the unknown world while rotating.

"The landing point is random."

While maintaining the opening of the space-time rift, the swordsman winked at Mason and his K team 2.0 and threatened:

"You better pray that you don't run into the enemy's stronghold, ha, just kidding, don't be afraid, I still have a handle on locking the safe zone.

Come on in.

Remember to contact me when things are done, and I will pick you up again.Remember not to contact the outside world unless necessary, every cross-world communication may be monitored by the treacherous Warlock. "

"Your cold jokes and bad tastes are not funny at all."

Mason, wearing the Isu Vanguard Armor, walked in first with a rifle on his back, followed by Barbara and Harley, and a group of new team members looked at each other, and everyone was a little scared.

After all, the black revolving door in front of him looked very ominous.

"Stop! We're going to stop!"

Bizarro yelled as if trying to dissuade everyone, but under the strange gaze of the swordsman, the Kryptonian who seemed to have a problem with his brain jumped in.

"He means we're going in."

Zod explained to Lord Swordsman in a low voice, and then walked into it.

"Hey, you guys!"

The swordsman turned his head to look at the four people behind him, and said in a threatening voice:
"In the rules of the Star Club, desertion is to be thrown into the sun. Do you go in by yourself, or should I kick you in?"

"We're just getting ready!"

Super girl loses but never loses.

He was obviously a little scared, but he puffed up his chest and explained something, then approached very cautiously under the watchful gaze of the swordsman, and then took a deep breath and jumped in.

After watching Mason's team members enter the target world, the swordsman withdrew the soul blade maintaining the rift, curled his lips and said in disdain:
"Hey, a group of recruits who have no advantages except great potential. Mason needs a pack of wolves, but he only has immature puppies in his hands. I want to see how he leads these guys."

The piercing screams were a sign that Mason's journey into the new world was not going well.

They kicked off their journey to another world with a "fall from the sky". The unreliable swordsman opened the landing point at an altitude of nearly 4000 meters.
Harley was already screaming loudly now, with her already sharp voice, she even hit a four-four beat rhythm during the fall.

However, Master Mason is also considered to be experienced in many battles.

He didn't panic at all when he felt the weightlessness, and stretched his arms to hold the hands of Harry and Barbara who fell behind him.

A flying backpack popped up from the back of his Isu battle armor, and adopted the kiteman's idea to spread the flying wings of the Falcon system to both sides and enter the gliding state smoothly.

Harley, who was held by him, whistled and hurriedly put on a pair of flying goggles for herself, and held on to Mr. K's hand tightly, feeling that in this dangerous world, only these hands could bring her happiness. A little warm.

As for Barbara, Batgirl has already started fine-tuning team communications and releasing scout drones in the New World.

"Dog! Your dog fell."

Mason said something to Harry while gliding.

"Robin Girl" looked back at her two poor dogs rolling in the air and howling terribly, a smirk appeared on her pretty face.

Then he took out a device like a bomb detonator from his belt and pressed it hard.

With a "bang", two parachutes painted with colorful clown patterns exploded from the backpack on the back of her dog, allowing the two howling dogs to experience the feeling of skydiving.

The war dogs from Paradise Island were really extraordinary, and they were surprisingly brave. After realizing that they would not fall to their death, they started dog-planing in the air.

It seems that he is also experiencing this rare feeling of "ascending to heaven".

"I've already prepared. I learned it from you. Let's see if I learned it well?"

She grinned and yelled at Mason and showed a sweet smile. The captain shrugged and didn't answer, but he was probably satisfied with his expression.

"Scatter the investigation!"

Mason gave an order in the team communication that had already been launched, and the two Kryptonians and Firestorm with good brains immediately galloped in three directions.

Not long after, Zod sent back a message:
"Mason! We found a Gobi farm here, just fifteen kilometers to the northwest."

Zod's voice also sounded in the communication later, he said:

"I flew all over the place and found some explosion craters. The amount of radiation there is astonishingly high. I have marked them on the electronic map. Don't get close to them.

In addition, there are very few residents in the vicinity, and they all survive here in sporadic ways, and their living conditions are quite poor.I'm approaching the farm ahead.

Wait a minute, I found traces of life.

这 是
etc!Mason, you're from this world, right?Have any of your countrymen ever told you that there are Greenskins in this world? "

"Green skin?"

Mason and Barbara looked at each other, and said to the hacker sister:

"Access to Zod's perspective, let me see what that is?"

At the same time, in a distant farm, a few green-skinned men jumped out of the strange-looking bathtub car and kicked open the gate of the farm with a vicious sound.

They're muscular, green guys, humanoid-looking but brutal, wearing wasteland jackets and blaring heavy metal.

Mason can see from the screen that the rusty artifact car is very badly painted with weird things, like meaningless graffiti on the wall.

There was still a chain dragging behind the vehicle, and several skeletons that had become dry bones were tied to the chain.

Looking at this scene alone, the "style" of the wasteland is almost instantly full, and the indescribable desolation and vicissitudes almost hit the face, representing a world where the order collapsed after the end.

After jumping down, the two men, one woman, and three elder brothers yelled inside, showing an undisguised bully attitude.

"Old Hautley! Get out! Cowards!!"

A big green man grabbed the broken farm fence and swung it around like a war hammer. He roared:

"You should pay this month's rent"

"No, they didn't pay last month's rent! According to the rules, we're going to demolish this damn place."

Another green-skinned man moved his fists and said bloodthirstyly:

"Strangle them alive and bathe in their blood."

"No, boys, Hautley's an old friend, be nice."

The third green skin is a woman.

She is tall and wears a weird skirt. After she spoke, the two irascible guys stepped aside obediently, and they said in unison:
"I listen to you, Mom."

At the same time as the three green men broke into the farm, the door of the dilapidated house was pushed open, and a black-haired young man rushed out holding a large-caliber shotgun.

He was very angry, aimed the muzzle of the gun in his hand forward, and shouted in a trembling voice:
"Get out of my house, you beasts."

"Silly boy, who are you scaring with that fire stick?"

The three green men laughed loudly. Those who inherited the blood of Banner's father also inherited the power of the Hulk, bullets?Tch, not even a tickle is good enough.

"Get your father out!"

The female greenskin yelled:

"You have been in arrears with rent for three months, so we let you use our water for nothing? Do you see where there is water in this desert? If you don't pay, don't even think about using water!
This is the rule. "

"Mrs. Banner, we have already paid half a year's rent."

In the tense confrontation at the door of the room, a tall but stooped old man came out. He was wearing a worn-out denim suit, and his gray hair looked lifeless.

When he rushed out, he reached out and held down the shotgun raised by his son, and tried to reason with the three guys in front of him.

他 说:

"You can't raise the price casually. This was agreed with the nearby residents when the Hulk Gang was established."

"Water is in our hands, what can you do if we raise the price?"

Mrs. Banner's eldest son spat aside in an extremely rude and savage way, and the bastard said indifferently:
"If you can't stand the rent, you can move to another place, just like those unlucky ghosts who tried to escape and were caught by us, Hautley, I heard that you poor bastard was also very powerful when you were young, daddy is dizzy Always tell us how amazing you are.

Why are you so humble now for such a small amount of money?
Why not?

Come and fight me, if you win, we will give you a few more days. "

This is obviously provocative.

But Mrs. Banner and her other son not only didn't stop them, but showed a look of watching the show, which also alarmed the women and girls in the room.

Old Hautley's wife and daughter ran out, and they nervously tried to bring the head of the family back to the house. This scene resembled a scene where honest people were bullied.

Faced with many challenges from the Hulk's son, Old Hautley shook his head under his son's disappointed gaze.

He said in a supplicating voice:

"Give me a few more days and I'll hand over the money."

"No! It's not about money anymore."

The son of the Hulk is unrelenting.

He tore off his dirty blouse, revealing the green muscles that were cut by a knife, and said:

"Dad has always wanted to meet you. He has invited you hundreds of times in the past ten years, but you don't give face every time! If you don't give face to Papa Banner, you don't give Hulk face.

Today you can either follow us or beat me, there is no third choice!

Your wife and kids are here, Hautley, come and fight me like a man!Otherwise your family will suffer, hahaha.

Dad keeps saying he wants more kids, and I think your wife is pretty good. "

He grinned grinningly, and his body swelled up with his fighting spirit, just like the legendary Hulk, the more angry he became, the stronger he became, but Hautley was still unwilling to fight.

He whispered something to his son, and drove him and his mother and sister back to the room and guarded the door by himself.

His old and lifeless eyes no longer have the passion and unyieldingness of the past, even if the little brat in front of him who only knows how to use brute force to fight fiercely seems to him to be the same as sticking his head.

If he really fights with his life, he has thirteen ways to make these three idiots die miserably within ten seconds. They just inherited Hulk's blood.

But they're not the Hulk, and they're far from invincible.

"I think you need to find a big guy like you to fight, so it's only fair."

Just as the confrontation on the farm was about to escalate, Harley's displeased shrill voice rang out outside the farm along with the smoke and dust. Ms. Robin hated this kind of non-martial arts that bullied the few with the most.

She wobbled and jumped down from behind Bizarro, who flew over at supersonic speed, and shouted while leaning on a baseball bat:

"What's the point of bullying a poor old man? Bizarro, beat him up!"

This time the strange demon superman did not obey.

He glanced at Mason, and in the promise of Mason's slight nod, Bizarro immediately roared, and rushed towards the big green man in front of him with two barking dogs.

Seeing that there were others disrupting the situation, Mrs. Banner and her other son also quickly prepared to fight, but then two figures descended from the sky.

This makes the originally planned very cool three-on-one fight into a 3V3 in an instant
No, it should be 4V3.

Because Harley also swung a baseball bat and rushed forward excitedly, she would not miss any righteous gang fights where the more bullied the less.

Firestorm, Blue Beetle and Barbara did not participate in the battle. They stood guard around the farm. Mason crossed the battlefield with a whoosh and appeared in front of Old Hautley like a flash.

He frowned and looked at the surprised old man in front of him.

After a few seconds, he said in a complicated tone:
"Logan, Wolverine. What exactly did you go through to make you like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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