The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 318 17. Robbery!Hand over the courier in your hands!

Chapter 318 17. Robbery!Hand over the courier in your hands!

This trip to bring new team members to the new world is to let them experience the working mode of the Stars Club, so although Harley and Zod both offered to stay and help, Mason still resolutely drove them away.

Barbara led the team enough to reassure Mason.

Although Batgirl is low-key, her growth rate is one of the best in the K team 1.0.

Watching a group of "flying men" take Barbara and Harley away from the desert, Mason turned his head and looked behind him at the three Hulk members who were beaten, bruised and nearly unconscious.

Although inheriting the blood of the Invincible Hulk is considered a good pregnancy, the "blood development speed" of the thugs is obviously not as strong as that of the Kryptonians.

Their brute force is like a joke in front of the Kryptonians, but because they are difficult to kill and the more angry they are, the more powerful they become, they become Far Zod's best partner for honing Kryptonian combat skills.

What he practiced was not how to punch, but learned to hold his strength under the guidance of Kara.

This is a very important foundation in Kryptonian combat skills.

According to Kara, when her cousin taught her, the destructive power of this punch should be freely controlled, and it can be freely switched between not hurting ordinary people and smashing the earth with one punch.

Seeing the three sons of the Hulk being beaten up like this, you know that Zod is still very unfamiliar with the control of power, but it’s not good if you can’t hold back your strength in a fight. If you kill the undeserving person, Mason will probably be compensated Bankruptcy.

It seems that I have to practice hard after that.

"You guys are pretty good at fighting."

Mason squatted in the sand, looked at the three Sons of Hulk who were about to pass out, flicked the soot in his hand, and said:
"But in this day and age, it's useful to be a fart, and it takes brains to get out. In this way, it's fate that everyone meets by chance. My factory just lacks a few people who move things.

You go to work for a few months to grind your temper first. "

He took out the suitcase and opened it, threw the three beaten Hulk gang members into it, and told the Delaman split program that supervised the operation of the suitcase factory to watch the three guys assign coolies to them Do it first.

As for whether there will be riots, are you kidding me?
Mason's upgraded version of Fenrir's battle armor is inside. With the strength of the three sons of Hulk, the power armor controlled by the old AI driver is too much to beat them with one hand.

By the way, even the magical car they drove to trouble Logan was seized and thrown into the factory for dismantling to get specific drawings. This kind of bathtub-like vehicle Mason is not uncommon, but it would be good to assemble minions in the future.

After finishing these things, Mason found a corner, put on an invisibility cloak, and returned to Hautley Farm. He found a place to cat up, and while continuing to improve the formula of the superhuman booster in his mind, he waited for the "blind driver" to come over. .

Ten minutes later, with the sound of engine vibration, an old red off-road vehicle stopped outside Hautley Farm.

As soon as the car came over, it caught Mason's attention.

It's not that there's anything unusual about the car itself, it's mainly because of the unusual painting on the outside of the car.

Two emblems of white spider webs cover the red body, and there is also a spider-like pattern on the hood of the car.If Batman's car is called the Batmobile, then maybe this car can be called the "Spider Car"?
Mason narrowed his eyes.

He saw a white-haired old man jumping out of the car with coquettish small round sunglasses, walking straight to Logan's farm, stopping at the place where the blood remained on the road.

But he didn't take off his sunglasses. Instead, he squatted down and picked up the soil and sniffed it under his nose. Then his face changed slightly and he ran back to the car to take down a longbow and a pot of arrows behind him.

"Logan! Are you still there?"

The guy called "The Blind Man" by the blue beetle yelled towards the farm vigilantly. He was obviously an old acquaintance with the old wolf. After a few seconds, the door opened, and Logan looked at the car and the old brother in surprise. He said :

"Clint? What are you doing here?"

"You're still there, great, I thought you were eaten by the rats that Hulk gave birth to."

Eagle Eye heaved a sigh of relief when his name was called. He laughed and walked forward to talk to the old wolf, and then the two old men walked into the room.

After they closed the door, Mason, who was in hiding, walked quickly to the car and put his hand on the compartment. After a while, the information label popped up:
Peter Parker's Spider Car
Vehicle Quality: Sophisticated Engineering Creation·Perfect Craftsmanship (Lack of maintenance leads to quality degradation)
Vehicle Traits: Cobweb First Aid Cable (Damaged) · Super Stable · Multipurpose Vehicle (Lacks Necessary Components) · Long Endurance · Fragile Structure (The Body Has Exceeded Its Lifespan) · Autopilot (Module Damaged) · Flight (Module Damaged)
Producer: Jonathan "Johnny" Stone

Item description: Although the appearance looks ordinary, please believe in the creativity of the Fantastic Four. The appearance of this car in its heyday can make Batman take out his Bat Black Card and buy it.


This item can be restored to perfect condition through engineering, and the blueprint has been included.

"Is it really Peter's car?"

Mason withdrew his fingers in surprise. As an engineer, he was very sorry for the state of the good car in front of him, but he had more important things to do than repair it.

He quickly moved to the back of the old wolf's farm room, took out a device, jumped the frequency, and activated the listening device left in Logan's house. The conversation between the two old men was clearly overheard instantly.

You ask when Mason put the bug?

This question is too layman!

You should ask him how many?
The medicine for Mrs. Logan, the contact between Harley and the children, the chair Mason sat on, and the gold bars left for the old wolf. These opportunities are enough for Mason to put two catties of bugs in this crappy house.

"You have to go to New Babylon with me, Logan, I found a good job, and I just need to deliver the goods to the place and get a sum of money."

Eagle Eye drank the bad wine and said:
"But my eyesight is really bad. Now it's hard to see things a few meters away. I need a good driver on the road. I can't find anyone else to partner with an old and blind guy."

"You need money?"

Then the old wolf's voice sounded, and he said:

"Don't go, New Babylon is too dangerous. A junior came to visit me before and gave me some things. If it's just money, my brother and I can get it by going to the black market in Hammerfall Town."

"It's not just about money."

Hawkeye lowered his voice and said:
"The goods delivered this time are supplies for the rebel army. No one dares to pick them up except me. Do you understand what I mean? They are planning to make a big deal."

"Only relying on those recruits who can't even tell their own people from the enemy?"

The old wolf snorted and said:

"Don't be silly, Red Skull keeps them like cat and mouse, he's just for fun, those guys can't even do shit! Don't put your life on it, Clint.

you're old.

You are no longer the [-]-shot avenger you used to be, you should live your life in a down-to-earth manner. "

"I also thought, since my eyes got worse, I wanted to be as incognito as you, but those kids came to me and they said they expected the Avengers to lead them."

Eagle Eye sighed and said:
"I can't lead them, and I'm just a loser, but at least I can help, right? The world is so bad, how bad can it be?"

"But you have a child, Clint, you have to think about her."

The old wolf resolutely persuaded:

"Listen to me, go home now, don't mess with your old bones."

"No, I'm going, whether you help or not, I'm going."

Hawkeye said stubbornly:
"I don't know what the hell happened to you 17 years ago to get you like this, but the Logan Hautley I remember isn't hiding out here like a coward.

The reason why I came to you is because you have courage, but it seems that you are not the fearless person you were back then.How long has it been since you stretched out your paws?
Look at your fat body?
So does Wolverine get old too?I heard that an immortal like you is forever young, unless you don't want to live, you will grow old little by little.


Don't you want to live? "

Eagle Eye used the provocative method, but Logan was not fooled at all.

He just took a sip of wine and said slowly:
"Wolverine is dead long ago, and so is Hawkeye. I don't know what you're looking for here, but I know it's not me."

"Bah! Coward."

Old friends meet and part on bad terms.

Hawkeye didn't even say goodbye as he got up and stormed out the door, jumping into his Spider car and starting the engine, looking behind him before leaving.

Years of glaucoma torture made him basically unable to see too far away, but he could vaguely see Logan standing at the door and waving to him.

This made Hawkeye even angrier.

He snorted like a stubborn old man, stepped on the accelerator and disappeared into the desert in a flash, but after the car drove for nearly two kilometers, Clint suddenly stepped on the brakes, swiped a short knife with his finger Spinning in his hand and stabbing at the back of the car.

With a bang, the back cover of the car was flipped open, and a young man in a cowboy hat raised his hands in horror and shouted:
"I mean no harm! I just want to help, I heard the conversation between you and your father, you are 'Hawkeye', right? The former Avenger, you are doing things for the Rebels.

I can help! "

The eyes of the old wolf's eldest son were shining. This young man who dared to take a gun against the Hulk's son was obviously full of courage, just as persistent as a young wolf.

He said to Eagle Eye:

"I can drive! I can help you get your stuff to New Babylon. My father is a coward, but I'm not."

"To shut up!"

Clint yelled and scolded:
"You are not qualified to comment on your father. The heroic deeds that Logan has done back then are beyond your imagination. Now get the hell out of here!
I don't want to see Logan rushing out to fight me. "

"I do not!"

Little Hautley was apparently also a curmudgeon.

Ignoring Hawkeye's knife on his neck, he said:
"I'm tired of living like this. You all say my father is a hero, but he has been like that since I can remember. He was bullied by the Hulk gang all day long and dared not fight back.

He has a gloomy face all day, no one knows what he is thinking, he is not the hero in the story you told!
I've never seen his fabled claws either.
But he doesn't have that claw, I do! "

The child raised his hands in anger, enduring the severe pain. Under the astonished gaze of the eagle eyes, the gray bone claws pierced his skin and protruded from the gap between the fists.

This scene made Clint exclaim:

"You awakened the abilities of mutants? When did this happen? There have been no mutants in this world for 17 years!"

"Just last year."

Little Hautley endured the pain and waved his claw blade, he said excitedly:
"I know my sister actually has the same claws, but she's too timid to tell, Uncle Clint! You see, I'm not a burden, I can fight, I'm not afraid of blood.

I am the son of Wolverine, and I am also immortal.

take me!I beg you. "

"Da da da"

The sound of horses galloping came from the Gobi behind, making Little Hautley's face change.

But before he could run out, the precise lasso flew from the wind and sand behind him, entangled his body and dragged him back from the car.

Logan, who came on the old horse, looked at Hawkeye angrily. Obviously, he thought that Clint tricked his son away just to force him to go with him.

However, before Hawkeye could defend himself, Logan saw the blood in his son's hand and the bone claws that were too late to retract, which made him stunned immediately.

Then an unconcealable pain erupted in his eyes, as if he had seen something that frightened him, he swayed and almost fell off the horse.


Although Little Hautley was stubborn, seeing his father like this, he immediately broke free from the rope and stepped forward to help him.

He could hear his father muttering to himself:
"Why. The evil things I did can be retaliated against me. Why do you want to implicate my son, my God. Go back! Jimmy, go back!"


The young man didn't react, and then he felt a huge force erupting from his shoulder. His father, who had been useless for more than ten years, grabbed his arm and threw him flying more than ten meters away.

As a child with Wolverine's blood in the awakening period, he instinctively wanted to fight back, but faced with the oppression of his old father, he didn't even dare to move.

It was mainly because of the sudden outburst that frightened him.

Logan jumped off the frightened old horse, coiled up the reins, and roared at his disgraced son:

"Go back! Take care of your mother and sister, and don't show your claws to anyone! I will come back as soon as possible."

"Ha! I knew, Wolverine never died."

The eagle on the spider car watched this scene reversed and laughed happily. He looked at Logan walking towards him with a gloomy face and said:

"There are some things we are destined to be unable to get rid of, Logan, we will eventually go back to the place where we are buried, get in the car, old man, maybe we will be freed after this trip."


A head-on punch sent Hawkeye flying from the driver to the co-pilot.

While he was rubbing the bridge of his nose that was almost broken, the gloomy old wolf jumped into the car, stepped on the accelerator to the end, splashed smoke and dust, and drove out of the Gobi.

But he didn't go far, and while holding the steering wheel, he saw a familiar figure blocking the road ahead.

In the desert wind in the evening, Mason took off his invisibility cloak, moved his shoulders, and gestured a "ride" gesture towards the car coming in front of him.

However, Logan, who sensed the danger, did not slow down at all. He said to Hawkeye beside him:

"Sit still."

The next moment, the dilapidated spider car was accelerated to the extreme and slammed into Mason. This action made the captain curl his lips. He took out a small EMP device and pressed it in his hand.


The engine of the spider car that was running at high speed stopped instantly, and the moment the front wheels got stuck, two old men who were over [-] years old together were thrown flying while screaming.

Their car also took off on the spot and rolled three times, and finally the chassis hit the edge of the bunker upwards.

"Hey, if you drive a scrapped car on the road, your driver's license will be deducted. Such dangerous driving is really not suitable for the two old people."

Mason looked at Logan and Clint who were struggling to get up from the ground, and said:
"I heard that you are going to New Babylon to deliver a courier? Awesome, congratulations on encountering the 'Delivery Thief', now, hand over your courier!"

"Where did you come from, little bastard!"

Eagle Eye's fiery temper remained the same as before, so he was naturally upset when he was plotted against.

Although he didn't have time to take off the war bow in the car, he grabbed the rope-wrapped samurai sword beside him and unsheathed it with a bang. Logan next to him had no time to stop him, so he could only watch him rush towards Mason.

With a loud "boom", the huge and heavy silver-gray Fenrir armor appeared behind him like a summoned steel giant, even blocking the evening sunlight, casting an elongated figure on the charging Hawkeye in front of him body.

Mason raised his left hand, and the power armor behind him also raised his left hand.

The arms on its arms bounced off.

The precise electromagnetic rails started charging, and the triangular-shaped projectiles were already loaded. Amidst the sound of dangerous energies, only one command from Mason was needed, and everything in front of him would be reduced to dust by a super-electromagnetic cannon.

Although Eagle Eye is reckless, he is not stupid.

This scene made him instantly aware of the gap in force between the two sides, and he looked back when he stopped.

After realizing that Logan did not rush up furiously to serve as a human shield for the shooter as he remembered, Eagle Eye sighed, honestly dropped the knife in his hand to the ground, and then raised his hands.

The down-and-out old hero is still sighing, these days the brothers who robbed the road are really fucking hot, isn't it just for a box of express delivery?As for opening the power armor?

Stark would definitely be interested in this gray and silver thing.

Alas, unfortunately, he is no longer here.

Those who would stand by your side in times of danger are gone.

(End of this chapter)

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