The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 33 33. TMD, I'm really an orphan now

Chapter 33 33. TMD, I'm really an orphan now
The zombie three-headed dog Maomao, or another more prestigious and formal name "Lu Wei", was ruthlessly hacked to death by Old K in the wizarding world, and was "resurrected" by Mason with three resurrection stone fragments.

It is still in the form of a zombie, and it will not listen to the command of Mason, a stranger.

If no one else was around, this guy would attack Mason as soon as he was released, but unfortunately, the black warriors didn't know this secret.

The moment they saw the nearly four-meter-high zombie three-headed dog appear, they fell into a sluggish skepticism about life, and then a guy who owed his hands or had a quick reaction subconsciously pulled the trigger.

It's over.

The first bullet hit Mao Maozhong's head, leaving a small wound on its forehead, which quickly healed under the action of the resurrection stone fragments without even bleeding.

But this attack immediately directed the direction of attack for Mao Mao.

A trio of horrors echoed in the filthy sewers.

The black-clothed warrior at the front didn't even have time to escape before he was knocked into the air by the terrifying three-headed dog, and was bitten by the heads of three terrifying dogs at the same time in the air and then tore outward.

Hot blood mixed with internal organ fragments was scattered everywhere.

This ferocious fatal blow completely kicked off the destruction of the last elite team of the League of Assassins.

As for the fact that the club was maintaining the posture of an animal trainer, Mason, who pretended to have a great advantage, was also free. He stretched his neck, pulled out a hand cannon from his waist, and searched forward along the blood on the ground.

That's the bloodstain left by the Penguin.

He had been shot through the thigh by Gordon before, and he was running desperately in the sewer but he couldn't get far.

Penguin is not a superhuman.

He got to where he is today thanks to his brain. Of course, being able to make things like an armed umbrella proves that Penguin is also a very good engineer.

But these two advantages cannot help him escape in the current situation.


Mason, who was catching up, shot a bullet, breaking the other leg of Oswald who was staggering forward, causing the short and fat body to lie on the ground in embarrassment and let out a scream like a pig.

The pain filled every nerve of the boss, he tried his best to turn himself over, supported his body with both hands and retreated in the pool of blood, while Mason in front of him was holding the weird sawed-off knife A shotgun-like hand cannon with its barrel strode forward.

There wasn't much light in the sewer so that Penguin couldn't see Mason's expression, but he looked at the young man who was getting closer, and a wave of despair rose in his tried and tested heart.

he knows.

He is finished.


At this final moment of death, the big man shouted hoarsely:

"I'm not sorry for you! Mason, I've been very kind to your father Robert. I took you under his command immediately after his death, and I plan to give you a future!
Why? "

"You mean, you also want to buy me a life insurance and the second beneficiary writes your name?"

Mason stopped in his tracks and looked down at the penguin who had come to an end.

He whispered:

"Robert Cooper fought for the site of Port Miller for you, and what about the pension after he was hacked to death by Maroney's people? The insurance compensation you bought for him didn't reach me.

As for the future
If being a door boy at the Iceberg Bar is a bright future, then you've been kind to me. "

"But we can talk! You seem like a good boy."

Penguin waved his bloody hand and shouted:

"If it's just money! We can talk, Mason, young man, I have a lot of money, and I can give it to you! I'll give it to you, what more do you want?


It's okay, let's talk.

As long as I have, you can take it!

As long as I go back, I promise I'll give them all to you, but if I die here, you'll get nothing but a dead body.

It's not worth it, boy!

Leave that bullet alone, look at me, I'm 60 years old, I have bad habits and diabetes and high blood pressure, sooner or later I'm going to die.

It's just a matter of time, you don't need to accelerate my physics!
You know, I've always been a man of my word.

I was able to become a big boss in Gotham because of the reputation I have accumulated over the past ten years, you know. "


What answered him was the sound of the pistol being folded and the slug being stuffed into the barrel. The light in Penguin's eyes dimmed little by little, and he knew that his persuasion had failed.

Seeing Mason raise his gun, the cunning guy changed his mind and suddenly shouted:

"You bastard! I should have let Robert throw you to death in the first place! That dog has gone crazy for some reason, insisting on adopting a pup of unknown origin!
I knew that people in our line of work couldn't be soft-hearted. "


Mason stopped pulling the trigger.

There was a hint of doubt on his face, and this doubt was also keenly captured by Penguin. He seemed to see a ray of dawn, and shouted loudly:
"Ha, you don't know, do you? Poor boy, you don't know your true parentage at all! It's actually a trivial matter to me, just because Robert was my right-hand man back then.

That's right, it's your father.

At that time my career was just getting started.

I have no better choice, and although Robert is not smart enough, he is loyal enough and fierce enough, which made me remember the incident that almost caused me to fall out with your father.

Do you want to know?
Let me go!take me out!I'll tell you this!I can guarantee that you will never find another person who can tell you this except me.

Those who witnessed it back then are all dead. "

In the dark, Mason was silent while thinking. Ten seconds later, under the gaze of Penguin, he put down the gun. He said:

"Say, I'm listening."

"Take me up first, the monster you released looks very hungry."

The Penguin laughed dryly twice but refused to let go.

Mason glanced at him, grabbed his hand and pulled him to the exit of the sewer, dropping him on the floor of the Blackgate Prison a minute later.

It seemed that Oswald, who had returned to the human world, let out a hoarse and intermittent laugh. He coughed, as if he was grateful that he had escaped from being devoured by the three-headed dog.

Under Mason's cold gaze, Penguin wiped his muddy face and said:

"You were picked up by Robert!
16 or 17 years ago, I don't remember exactly when.

All I remember is that it was a cold night, and I had just killed my boss to get a small piece of land, and Robert helped me a lot, and I gave him a lot of money.

You know, your dad is a complete rotten guy, drunk and cranky, like crazy when he's drunk, but there's one thing about him that's good about him, and he loves his wife.

Although his wife, your mother, cannot give birth to a child due to physical reasons. "

Oswald was panting, the pain was eroding his body and he lay there twitching, but facing Mason's black muzzle, the big man still insisted on saying slowly:

"I don't know the specific process. I only know that Robert took the money from me and went to drink chicly. He bought a lot of expensive things like crazy and said he would take them back to give to his wife to make her happy.

He left the bar drunk, and a few hours later, he and his wife came running back, and I was woken up by them when I was asleep.

He showed me what he had in his arms
Hehe, a baby in swaddling, that is you!

Robert doesn't want you, Mason, but your mother hugged you tightly, she said it was a gift from God, and she would give up everything to keep you.

Your father really loves your mother, and he couldn't hold her back so he came to beg me to use my connections at the city hall to get you a certificate.

Do you know what the weirdest thing is? "

Penguin laughed twice and said:

"Your skin color is very similar to your mother's. It's like a gift from God to that poor woman. I helped them. After all, Robert is my right-hand man.

In the next two years, that guy lost his mind and really changed his mind and planned to live a good life.

But it's a pity that your mother didn't have the blessing to see you grow up. The poor woman was seriously ill, and Robert made money to treat her illness like crazy, but he didn't let her survive.

You probably forgot.

When your mother died, begged Robert to take good care of you.

I saw that scene with my own eyes, unfortunately, Robert is a bad person, and he lost the last bit of goodness that the world gave him, and he went completely crazy.

I'm done.

That's all I know, but I guess this old secret is enough to buy me my life. "

"But I don't think it's enough."

Mason raised his gun, pointed at Penguin, and said:
"You have to tell me a little more, where did he pick me up?"

"I have no idea!"

Oswald said a little grumpily:
"As I said, I was off by then, but, if I remember correctly, they brought you in with the Gotham Orphanage sticker on your swaddle.

I once suspected that the lunatic Robert ran to the orphanage and stole a child in order to please his sick wife.

But then he said it when he was drunk, and that didn't seem to be the case.

He said you were accidentally picked up from the scene of a car accident, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to put you on the Cooper family register.

There was nothing illegal about how he picked you up.

I've said everything I know, now it's time for you to fulfill your promise, you bastard, you've already killed two of my fingers, and it's time to pay back your vendetta that I'm sorry.

In the end, it was my help that you survived back then!

You have to know how to repay! "

"You're right, I really should repay the favor."

Mason took a deep breath, inserted the hand cannon back to his waist, and stretched out his hand to lift the penguin whose legs had been broken and pulled it out a few steps. Picked up a gun and removed the magazine to eject the bullets, leaving only one inside.

Then, under Penguin's wide-eyed gaze, he raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger.

With a "bang", the head of a zombie wandering in the distance exploded, and the remaining heads were also attracted by the sound and staggered towards this side.

Oswald struggled frantically.

He knew what Mason was going to do.

He yelled:

"No! You can't do this! You evil bastard unleashing disaster! Batman won't let you go!"

"So you also know that this matter cannot be known by Batman?"

Mason smiled and leaned over, put the gun with no bullets in Penguin's arms, and said:

"Your bullet is saved, Mr. Oswald, and now use the secrets in your mind to convince these 'friends' before you.

Don't think I don't know why you asked me to bring you up.

You know you won't live today.

But you are not afraid of death.

Because your partners have the means to revive you. The Pool of Salaru in the Assassin League, a magical treasure that can bring people back from the dead.

Sadly, I also know the secret. "

He patted Penguin on the shoulder and said:

"Bullets can't kill you, they can only free you faster. And I tried my best to arrange all this not to let you escape from death and continue to enjoy yourself, and become another trouble in my future life.

I hate trouble.

As for that baby you helped 17 years ago. Sorry, he's dead.

He could have safely completed his studies at Gotham High School and lived his own flat and satisfying life, but you dragged him into your gang.

It was you who pulled him back into the darkness, it was you who brought him bad luck.

One life, one death.

It's clear now.

Pray, Mr. Oswald. "

Mason pulled up the struggling penguin's collar from behind, and threw him at the rushing zombie. The moment his hands were released, the young man said to him:

"The grievances between the Penguin and the Coopers are over. You are free, and so am I."


Amidst the screams, the short man covered in blood was smashed towards the hungry zombie brothers, but Mason didn't look back, let alone enjoy the wailing before death.

Despite having shaped a catastrophe tonight, Mason was not one to take pleasure in cruelty, it was all a means to an end.

After all, it was the Penguin Gang and the League of Assassins who provoked him first.

Since they started a war on their own initiative, they must be prepared to suffer failure in advance.

That's the truth, there's no right or wrong.

The young man walked down the sewer holding the voodoo birdcage.

Maomao should have eaten enough, it's time to recycle it, he doesn't want to add another legend about the hell three-headed dog living in the sewer to the Black Gate Prison.

But Mason was not in a calm mood at this time.

He was walking in the sewer, walking in the direction of the roar, and the secret that the penguin just told kept appearing in his mind.

I complained in my heart that when I was reborn, I was still grateful that my father was hacked to death in the fire and became an orphan with no worries.

Unexpectedly, it became a truth.

The secret identity hidden under the beginning of his new life is actually a fucking orphan who is genuine and innocent.

He recalled the body's past 17 years of suffering.

So little joy, so much sorrow.

And when exploring the details, he couldn't help but comment that this young man's past was so miserable and mediocre, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't seem to have any special status.

"Boss, the Batplanes are starting to clear the ground, and I saw the Batmobile coming over, are you done yet?"

The kite man's urging sounded in the earphones, accompanied by the low roar of some large creations being blown up, Mason shook his head to calm himself down.

After feasting in front of him, the zombie three-headed dog was screaming and jumping towards him stepping on the sewage. Mason took out the voodoo birdcage like a bullfighter and pulled Mao Mao into this strange magic cage the moment he rushed over, and then Throw it back in the suitcase.

A minute later, Mason re-climbed to the floor of Blackgate Prison.

Glancing at the distance, he saw Mr. Penguin who was already "swaying happily" with the "good brothers" among the zombies.

He glanced at the surrounding environment, put on his invisibility cloak and rushed towards the direction where Fang Ya was screaming, and said to the anxious kite man:

"Sorry, there was an accident just now but it has been resolved. Prepare to blow up the escape exit, Charles, I will rush over after recovering Fang!
Next, help the Bat family clean up the zombies.Remember not to act so 'professional' for a while, lest you be seen as clues.Also, remember to dispose of this set of headphones before confluence!
Don't let them catch any details. "

(End of this chapter)

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