The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 336 35. How dangerous can ants be?

Chapter 336 35. How dangerous can ants be?

When Eagle Eye, who was having fun in the human bar in Attilan, was invited back, what he saw was his irritating daughter standing obediently beside Mason.

Not only did he put on a new and cool red spider suit, but he also put on the appearance of a loyal guard.

Old Clint didn't understand what happened for a while, but he could probably guess that it was his rebellious daughter who was recruited by Mason as a reserve member of Team K.

Thinking that this bastard girl will live a "good life" with Mason in the chaotic and dangerous parallel world system in the future, Eagle Eye has a headache.

Although the bastard girl wanted to kill him to show her strength, she was her own cub after all, so it didn't seem good to just let her go.

"I can replace her!"

Old Clint said to Mason who was sitting at the workbench and making something complicatedly:

"I can join you and do whatever you want, Mason. Ashley's personality is already quite bad, and her lack of discipline since she was a child makes her obviously not good at teamwork and has an inexplicable fanaticism for violence.

She is not suitable to be your team member, her reckless personality will get you into trouble. "

"What are you talking about! You old bastard!"

When Ashley heard that her old father had commented on her like this, she suddenly became angry and screamed loudly, intending to come forward to have a duel with her father about "Father's Kindness and Daughter's Filial Piety".

But Mason just snorted, and she immediately returned to her seat obediently.

This indescribable well-behaved made Eagle Eye stunned, and then following Mason's finger instructions, Clint saw the mechanical box that had been opened.

This made him stand up suddenly, and the shock in his heart was self-evident.

His biggest secret is revealed.


At the beginning, Romanov clearly told him that it was impossible to open the box by violence!It is only possible to open it from the highest level of authority
It's Black Bolt!

That silent and mean old bastard!
"I promised to give Ashley a serum, so she will temporarily participate in the operation as a non-staff member of mine. I made an agreement with her for three chapters, and promised to introduce her into the K team's reserve team system afterwards.

There happened to be another little lunatic with a flawed personality who could partner with her. The two little guys were about the same age and had the same advocacy of violence. They would definitely have a common language. "

Mason explained calmly:

"In addition, I checked Ashley's blood. Her spider blood is not complete, and the most important spider sense has not been inherited at all, so she can only be regarded as a low-end, light-packed rough version of Spider-Woman.

This will not work.

I happen to be doing research on 'Beast Sense' in my biology lab, so Ashley Parker will be my research assistant when she returns to Osborne Tower, and her main job is to be studied.

You are her guardian, Clint, and I must have your permission for any of these actions.

I just talked to your ex-wife May, she agreed with my career plan for Ashley and will follow Ashley to Osborne Tower for a long-term stay.

How about you? "

"I'll give you a punch, bastard!"

Eagle Eye roared angrily:
"You fucking ruined everything! These drugs aren't for you! The Rebels need it more than you! You're just walking around the world and leaving, but order is needed here!

Are you blind?

Without order, we are maggots living in hell. I have seen with my own eyes how beautiful an orderly world is, and now I just want to bring it back!
You have ruined ten years of hard work."


Ashley ruthlessly ridiculed her old father who was acting crazy at the moment, but Mason said to him in a more rational tone:
"Let's not mention whether the 'rebels' who have been hidden in the heart of the enemy for 17 years and have not been discovered exist or not, just talk about your plan itself.

If you think 99 untrained super-soldiers can stand up to a blackened version of the X-Men accumulated by a 'Reserve Conqueror' base that has been operating in the wasteland for 17 years, then I think you Already driven mad by disaster, Clint.

Your plan to bring order to the wasteland was doomed from the start.

I should probably describe to you what the concept of the power of an A-level member of the Stellaris and a Grand Master's attention to it means, but before that, give this thing a try for me. "

He stopped.

Combining the three-section bow made on the workbench in hand, as the Isu inscriptions on its surface were activated, this black lacquered mechanical bow was instantly lit up.

The mysterious and simple geometric lines on the bow are filled with pale yellow light, adding a very mysterious air to this war bow.

Mason took the bow string made of unicorn tail mane and connected it to the bow arm, and an Isu-style combat hunting bow was completed.

And its information label is also fully presented at this moment:

Blade of Dawn · Hades Bow

Weapon Quality: Epic Engineering Creation · Supreme Craftsmanship [can be further modified]

Weapon Traits: Energy Gathering, Inscription Blessing, Durability
Weapon Effects:

[-]. Arrow of Dawn:

The Isu inscription [Dawn] blessed on the bow will endow all arrows with the effects of [Burning] and [Darkness Dispelling]. After the shooter shoots twice at the same position, it will have an additional [Explosion] special effect.

[-]. Isu Artifact [Inherent Special Effects]:
This weapon is a special weapon made by Isu blacksmiths for sharpshooters. It adopts the traditional craftsmanship of the Isu people to make it have the effect of [Energy Absorption].

It can shape the energy matrix for defense for the user, or consume energy to strengthen the power of the arrow.


The effect requires precise control of energy to activate.


This effect is an inherent special effect and widely exists in all weapons and armors with the [Isu Artifact] tag.

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: According to legend, this bow came from Hades, and it is a treasured item of Hades, the god of death in the underworld. Take the toy bow.


Mason threw the completed war bow to the angry Clint in front of him, and Eagle Eye was not polite. He took it and immediately pulled out the homemade arrow behind him and pulled the bowstring to aim at Mason in front of him.

The moment the arrow touched the bow, a ball of golden flames attached to the arrow. It looked majestic and had the air of a legendary hero and warrior.

He was really annoyed.

Mason's actions made all his efforts in vain.

But the arrow was not shot in the end, not only because of Zod who suddenly poked his head like a ghost Viet Cong outside the door, but also because Eagle Eye couldn't make up his mind to shoot the arrow.

Mason is not a bad guy.

He has fully confirmed this along the way, he is a rare guy with a conscience in this wasteland.

"That's the only thing I can do for this world after losing everything and becoming a loser, and you made me lose so completely."

It was as if all the bones in Eagle Eye had been broken. As the bow and arrows in his hand fell to the ground, he slumped back to his chair in great frustration.

Covering his face and eyes, he said in an old man's remorseful tone:
"I've made up my mind, I'm going to send it to New Babylon, I don't even care what happens to me, I don't even care if those rebels really exist.

The world is hopeless, Mason.

But since I am still alive, I must continue my work, my mission, I am a member of the Avengers, and I am the last Avenger!
I have to do this, in every insomnia dream Romanov with blood on his face urging me, and the blind captain urging me, Fury, Hill, Coulson.
Everyone is waiting for me to get this done.

Only then will I have the face to meet them, instead of trying to survive like a coward in this damn wasteland with maggots. "

"Mom is right!"

When Ashley Parker heard her father's true feelings, she clenched her fists and shouted:

"You are already crazy. Hawkeye who survived the nuclear war is a lunatic. You are more completely insane than everyone in this wasteland."

Mason did not comment on this.

He got up and walked to Eagle Eye, picked up the Hades bow from the ground, recovered it to a non-combat state, and put it in Eagle Eye's arms. He patted the old guy who had lost everything and left only a broken life .

He whispered:

"I know a team, they call themselves 'Holy Shield', there are Black Widow and Coulson in it, and the Winter Soldier seems to be there too, but their Hawkeye is dead.

You might be able to join them, if that brings you some relief.

But you can do more than desperate revenge, you can continue to fight, Clint, we need people like you, your world is gone, but everyone else's is. "

"Let me reconsider."

The old man couldn't give any answer, he just wanted to quietly convince himself to accept the reality that the "revenge plan" he had insisted on for many years ended without a problem at this moment.

Mason gave him alone time and a super soldier serum, and left the room with 15-year-old "Spider-Wasteman" Ashley Parker.

Outside the door, they saw the old wolf Logan leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette silently.

He just heard everything here.

"Perhaps you should comfort him?"

After Mason said something, the old wolf threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out fiercely. He shook his head and said:

"Clint was a strong man, he didn't need my consolation, everyone became mentally ill after that night, and my mental problems were much more serious than his.

I'll go with you to Xavier College.

I want to tell you one thing there, but that place and New Babylon are in two directions, so after crossing the Pym Cross, we and your team will split up.

You better prepare it in advance. "
A few hours later, everyone returned to the wasteland through Attilan's energy gate, and the fully repaired spider car was galloping across the endless wasteland.

The Ghost Bike and the Flying Bike were driving side by side to open the road ahead. Halle, who was wearing flying goggles, was obviously very dissatisfied with Mr. K's decision. She complained:

"Are you going to go to that strange-sounding place with Logan? What kind of college would call itself 'The Academy for Gifted Children'?

I feel that it must be dangerous there, and so does Quinn, so we will go with you.

You must agree! "

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you go."

Mason, who was riding on a burning locomotive, transformed the sorting hat into a cowboy hat. He stared at the Gobi Desert in front of him, winked and said to Harley:

"Little cutie, what do you think about the relationship between me and Emma?"

"Did you call me 'cute' just now?"

Harry was shocked, because of this unique address, he turned his head to look at Mason, the captain curled his lips and said:
"Could it be that when I call Little Cutie, I'm calling Quinn?"

"No, it's not Quinn, it has to be me!"

Harry gave a cheer.

She got up on the speeding motorcycle with acrobatic skills, intending to give Mr. K a passionate kiss at a parallel speed, but was scolded by Mason and sat back on the motorcycle honestly.

There are still two dogs in the car, and it will be terrible if it falls.

Facing Mason's question, Harry shook his head and said:
"Although it is not a mother-child relationship in the conventional sense, Emma did give her genes for your birth. I should thank Ms. White Queen for her contribution, otherwise I would not have met the lovely Mr. K.

If your birth is indeed inseparable from old Emma, ​​then it is not unacceptable for you to call her mother.

This is much easier to accept than Mr. K's feeling that he is the truth that popped out of a test tube in the laboratory, right? "

"I still don't care much about this issue now, I can only say that I am a little regretful."

Mason shrugged and said:

"Compared with what the White Queen told me, I hope to find a letter left to Mason Cooper in the ruins of a city, left by his parents who loved him in the apocalypse.

Or find a pair of parents who haven't forgotten their children in a gathering place in the wasteland, or even a bleak but still tender tombstone.

But the truth is I'm a clone that popped out of a rock.

But on the other hand, this background setting is really cool, right? "

"Strange statement."

Harry pouted and said:

"Who would be happy because he is a clone? Mr. K might be crying in his heart, but now he is just forcing a smile."

"Well, I was crying."

Mason nodded solemnly, and said to Harry:
"Especially after knowing that my girlfriend did some pretty egregious things to me in my sleep, it broke my heart."


This answer startled Harley, her hands trembled and almost lost control of the high-speed flying motorcycle, and she screamed and turned to the side of the road and drove nearly a hundred meters before controlling the motorcycle.

But then Harley stood beside the ditch that almost threw her into it, yelling, as if she had discovered something extraordinary, and shouted to Mason:

"Come here! Sweetheart, there's something scary here!"


Mason raised his eyebrows and gestured to the spider car and his companions behind him. The three supermen immediately flew there, and the ghost motorcycle also accelerated and rushed over amidst the roar.

A few seconds later, everyone stood in Harley's position, looking at the ravine that seemed to be pulled out by a giant.

The inside was full of corpses, the pale and pale skeletons overlapped chaotically, and the scary skeletons stared into the black eye sockets, as if a massacre had taken place.

This scene made everyone vigilant.

Without instructions, Zod and Kara flew out to investigate, Bizarro guarded Mason, and the blue beetle turned on its detector to search the bones.

After a while, he came to a rather penetrating conclusion:

"Captain! These bones are covered with fine bite marks, which are exactly the same as the marks we found on the bones of the evil god Loki!"

The cowboy boy landed on the ground, popped out the arm energy cannon, and reported to Mason:
"The same creature must have 'eaten' them!"

"Mason! There are a large number of unknown data signals active on your side, and they are surrounding you! Take off!"

Barbara's warning made everyone vigilant immediately, two motorcycles were thrown into the luggage, Mason was grabbed by the arm of the blue beetle and flew up, while Bizarro carried Harry on his back and carried two barking dogs into the air .

A few seconds later, a large number of black things came out from under the soil.

Almost by the way, this ditch and the bridge not far away are all over it, like a strange "black tide" coming in, dyeing the barren land into rolling black.

"What the hell is that!"

Harley was so frightened that her voice became sharp, and the "twisting" ground in front of her made her feel numb all over, and after the blue beetle kept scanning, she came to a rather weird conclusion:
"Ants! Those are mechanized ants, swarms of killing machines, hell! Enough to eat a city in minutes.


There are also in the air, be careful! "

The blue beetle's combat system alarmed frantically, causing his alien battle armor to transform into a weapon, and the surrounding "flying ants" shrouded like a black cloud, blocking everyone from going up and down in the blink of an eye.

The gathering of buzzing sounds makes people feel flustered.

But Mason didn't care, he just used his Isu senses to observe the ant colony in front of him, as if he was distinguishing their shape and working principle.

"Hey! A few people over there."

A few seconds later, a young voice suddenly sounded from the front, shouting towards the group of strangers:

"If you want to go, leave money to buy the way, this is the rule of the Ant Gang! You can go if you don't want to pay money, you can do whatever you want, but a friendly reminder, my ant colony hasn't eaten for a long time.

So, you better pay your money obediently! "

(End of this chapter)

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