The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 349 48. Pass it on!Mason Cooper is really too watery

Chapter 349 48. Pass it on!Mason Cooper is really too watery

At this time in the outer area, the brigade returned to the front of the Crispy Palace under the call of Barbara.

What came into view was the raging building, the crimson flames and purple flames intertwined, making this damn compound flame impossible to extinguish.

Barbara tried it with Fenrir's armor, but even Kryptonian steel couldn't withstand the burning of these two weird flames.

Firestorm took away the Wasteland Hulk with a super nuclear explosion, but Jakes fell into a coma and Professor Stein was carried behind Bizarro's back so that they couldn't fit together. Naturally, they couldn't rely on Firestorm's flame immunity to rush in to save people .

"How did it burn like this here?"

Carla wiped the blood dripping from her nostrils and asked.

She wasn't hurt either.

It’s just that the “stamina” of Superman’s medicine is too great and she is a young girl, which makes her a little “unreliable”. Facing her inquiry, the Batgirl in Fenrir’s armor replied with a headache:

"I only know that Logan and Red Skull are fighting one-on-one. The purple flame is the power triggered by the legendary Infinity Stone. As for the fire of hell, this is not my field of expertise.

Zha Kang should have a lot of insights on this. Can you still fight? "

"Strength! Weak strength spreads all over my failed body!"

Bizarro made a "fitness" posture on the spot and said:
"Bad Enemy Mason needs some beating, weak Bizarro won't beat him. Come here! Watch me light this water with my eyes!"

He took a step forward and shot out a freezing ray with the doubled power brought by the superhuman medicine. Everything along the way was frozen, but he still couldn't do anything about the flames dancing in front of him.

This scene is somewhat embarrassing.

Even the idiot Bizarro knew that he had made an embarrassment. He immediately looked back and found that no one cared about his small mistake behind him, so he let out a sigh of relief before he was relieved.

"Mason and Logan's minds are still there, and they are not in danger for the time being, but there is an anxious will resisting my mind peeking."

Old White Queen Emma, ​​who was being pushed by Black Bat King in a wheelchair, said vigilantly:
"Besides the Red Skull holding the Mind Stone, there are other people inside. It's coming out! Back off!"


As soon as old Emma finished speaking, a loud bang sounded in the burning Spicy Palace.

With a sharp and elongated scream, a black shadow was blasted into the sky, and danced like a burning meteor, smashing fiercely in front of everyone in Team K.

The disheveled Harley raised her head with difficulty, the burning venom suit on her body shrieked and retracted into her body, and the baseball bat in her hand was melted down to only a handle.


With a panda eye remaining in her left eye and half of her hair burned off, Harley spat out a bloody tooth and a mouthful of high-temperature black smoke rings, and said with difficulty to the people looking at her:

"Why are you still standing there? Help me! Beat up that damned skeleton old shaker!"


The hot pillar of fire shot from the front like magma spray and was blocked by the alloy shield propped up by Fenrir's armor. Black Bolt King immediately uttered a nasal sound at the rear, forming an invisible sonic shield to envelop everyone.

With the reverberation of the piercing heavy metal destruction music, the cool and domineering burning vehicle rushed out of the burning ruins carrying the frantic skeleton knight.

Ghost Rider waved the high-temperature chains in his hands amidst the ear-piercing music, threw the chains across the air like a galloping western knight, and clasped the arms of Fenrir's armor. The heavy armor was pulled into the sky.

"No sense for a big weird iron block! But maybe a good warhammer."

It smiled strangely and stood up on the locomotive, grasping the chain with both hands and swung the trajectory round and round in the air.

This guy who looked so thin that only his bones were left was amazingly powerful. The heavy Fenrir armor was smashed into a chain hammer by it and smashed to the ground.

The terrifying loud noise cracked the ground, but the K team reacted quickly and dispersed before the attack came. The Fenrir power armor modified by Mason was unscathed except for a part of the outer armor that was melted.

However, Barbara almost vomited in the cockpit after experiencing the exciting "flying pendulum".

She cursed:

"Where is this punk lunatic?"

"Yo, is it a girl?"

The Ghost Rider, who was flying around on a flying flaming locomotive in the air, and kept spitting fiery saliva on the ground as bombs, was stunned for a moment, then scratched his bare skull and said to Barbara in embarrassment:
"I'm sorry, I didn't read carefully just now. I usually don't bully women. I promise to beat you more lightly. Of course, if you surrender, you can avoid a beating."


Before it finished speaking, Zod, who was rushing towards him, grabbed it from the flying locomotive with the impact force at the speed of light, and hammered it hard on the ruined ground under the high-altitude assault tactics.

It barely stopped after crashing into three buildings in a row, but this attack, which was enough to crush all steel, failed to hurt the seemingly fragile skull of the Ghost Rider.

He was punched and punched by Zod in the ruins, each blow could shake the surrounding ground, but there was still an expression of needing to be beaten on the skull, and he yawned again amidst the splashing fire.

"Is that okay? Didn't eat or sleep well? Hey, I don't have any energy at all. How can I be a pioneer?"


Its taunt was answered with another punch.

This time Zod used his full strength.

With a punch, the whole damn burning skull was smashed into powder, Ghost Rider's body twitched violently, and even the flames were extinguished from the skull.

This made Zod feel that this dangerous guy was really dead.

But the moment he got up, more intense flames erupted suddenly, not only covering the skeleton knight's body again, but also allowing its shattered head to heal again in the flames.

"Are you done? What a massage."

It said sarcastically:
"It's up to me next."

Zod only had time to cross his arms to block, and then the bastard in front of him opened his mouth and sprayed hell magma on his face.

The scorching heat made the Kryptonians feel the burning, but what was more troublesome was that the Skeleton Knight jumped up from the flames, and punched the Kryptonians with hellfire energy with both fists.

Fist to the flesh, powerful, but also with the pain of burning will.

Facing this energy-physics complex opponent, the immature Kryptonians really can't do much, but as Zod's hands were held by the ghost knight, he realized that he seemed to have fallen into a more serious situation. in a dangerous situation.

"Look me straight in the eyes! Cubs!"

The skeleton knight yelled.

Like some kind of law, Zod couldn't help but look at the burning eye sockets in front of him. The hellfire rolled in the black eye sockets like a whirlpool.

All kinds of experiences in the life of Superman in Black are highlighted at this moment, just like the crimes of a prisoner who is being tried are read again and again in a burning court.

This is definitely a huge killing move.

But what was embarrassing was that the burning skeleton stared at Zod for several seconds, and Superman in black was unharmed except for feeling the heavy pressure on the soul and will level.

Think about it too.

What crime can a poor guy who spent the first 30 years of his life in prison be used as a guinea pig for?Even the killing of Amanda Waller and the members of the Eye of the World at War is based on the fact that an entire world needs to be saved.

And such a thing as sin has always been justified by faith.

Zod firmly doesn't think it's a sin, so the evil ghost knight's eye of judgment that can burn the soul is useless to him, and even the burning bone man himself is a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, the first half of your life was miserable, buddy."

The ghost knight let go of Zod's hand, took a step back, and stretched out his hand to help Zod smooth the collar of his battle suit that was damaged by him. It said with a sigh:
"I can't bear to beat you up."

"Thank you for your reassurance, this trial meant a lot to me and it made me know I was doing the right thing."

The silent Zod whispered something.

Then he swung his fist fiercely, and with one punch, the flaming skull with a funny brain flew out.

The latter crashed into the wall, and Kara, who came from behind, grabbed the neck and performed an excellent empty guillotine. Its burning skull, which was in the dual state of "indestructible" and "collapsed when touched" at that moment, flew out again.

But this time the headless body still fought back and forth with Kara in the air, and the flying head still seduced Bizarro to play "streetball" with it.

The blue beetle ran over to subdue the flaming speeder that kept flying around in the air and raining fire rain, but was reverse locked by the opponent, and was hit by a burst of hellish missiles, crying and crying.

This is definitely a very powerful guy, and it alone played K-Squad 2.0 to the applause.And it could be seen that it had no intention of killing at all, otherwise Harley, who was the first to come into contact with it, would not have survived anyway.

"What's the origin of that guy?"


But her act of sending her to death was stopped by the dignified white queen in the wheelchair beside her, she shook her head and said:

"Don't go, this guy can't be killed! This is Johnny Blaze, the damned curser, Mephisto's hell knight, God's vengeful spirit."

Old Emma whispered:

"I thought he left this dying world 17 years ago, and now he's coming back for Mason's sake, it's a pretty tricky enemy.

From the perspective of being difficult, he is more troublesome than Hulk. "

"It's a good person to seek death."

Banner, who was placed in a sonic cage, supervised by Black Bolt and blocked Hulk's personality by Emma's mental power, sat cross-legged on the ground.

He didn't care that he was being compared with the Ghost Rider by the White Queen, but he just looked up at the burning skull that was violently torturing the Kryptonians above him, and said in a daze:
"Let me out! Emma, ​​I will help you get rid of it, or be killed by it. No matter what the result is, you will save one trouble, and if you are lucky, it will be two."

"Shut up man with serious self-destructive urges! You're the first 'toy' I've ever given my terribly mother-deprived son."

The White Queen simply ignored Papa Banner who wanted to die. She turned to look at Harry and said:

"What did the guy say to you when he showed up?"

"It said it was offering Mr. K a job, and that Mr. K had stolen his motorcycle, like a madman!"

Probably to strengthen her persuasion, Harley pointed to her face and said very seriously:

"Crazier than me."

This answer made Emma and the unintentional Black Bolt next to him look at each other. During the conversation of the soul connection, she whispered with some complicated emotions:

"Probably Johnny Blazer is also tired of being Ghost Rider, and he's trying to make Mason the new Ghost Rider, which he's done before.

But I'm not going to let Mason succeed him.

That's a terrible fate, huh?
It's raining? "

A drop of icy rain fell from the sky, hitting Emma on the forehead.

The White Queen in the wheelchair raised her head, but in the blink of an eye, the gloomy sky rolled into layers of waves amidst the dark clouds, and the dripping rain curtains joined together, causing the torrential rain soon.

Emma and Black Bolt looked at the burning palace behind them at the same time, and Barbara, who was manipulating the Fenrir armor to tilt the firepower towards the sky from the impact crater, also bounced off the cockpit as if feeling something.

She stretched out her hand to let the raindrops fall into her hand, as if she wanted to feel something deeper in the rain.

"Is it Mr. K.?"

Harley, who was leaning on a new baseball bat, looked at Emma in surprise, and a smile appeared on Emma's face disguised by psychic power.

She nodded and didn't say much, just looked at the figure in front of her in the torrential rain.

Tick ​​tock.

When Mason appeared, the surrounding rain suddenly strengthened again, making the whole world in everyone's eyes turned into a rain curtain, more like the rainstorm was welcoming its real master.

Mason stepped out of the wreckage of the Weapon X Project, closing his eyes to feel the rain that greeted him.

Wherever the raindrops go, you can have a panoramic view of the existing things.

He could clearly feel the lives that were contaminated by the rain, and even the changes in their mood and will.

Emma's previous judgment was wrong.

Mason let out a sigh of relief.

he thought.

His matrilineal genes are not completely unawakened. Although it is not possible to transform into real spiritual power, he can also have the ability to perceive the soul in the magical rain.

On the translucent character card in front of him, Mason's self-description is longer again, just like the scene when he became an honorary Isu, and now he has a new identity in the already complicated background:
Name: Mason Cooper
Race: Standard humanoid, human subspecies, Isu/mutant hybrid [Isu blood concentration 9.94%, X gene power: strong]

The X gene is activated, and the new racial talents are unlocked as follows:

[Material Control·Water: Control all the water flow that can be perceived, so that it can complete the transformation in different forms. 】

[Water molecular structure: transform your own material existence into water molecular structure, and reorganize in areas that are allowed according to your mind. 】

[Biological Consciousness Perception: Using water as a medium to realize spiritual communication with different lives, this talent is not mandatory. 】

[Mutant Ⅰ: The abilities of all X gene owners must be strengthened through continuous practice. After the control of their own power reaches the next stage, the power of all mutants will be strengthened.

The current degree of development of the X-gene-endowed ability: Weak]

"Honey! Carla's in trouble."

Harley's cry in the rain made Mason look up, and following her gaze to the sky, he could see that Kara, who was being entangled by the ghost knight with hellfire on the ground, was very embarrassed.

The effective time of the superhuman drug has ended.

The Kryptonian has entered the weakness of rejection, and she can't resist the "various teasing" of the flaming skull at all.

With a thought, Mason's body "collapsed" on the spot, and appeared from the rainstorm next to Kara in the next moment.

With a flash of golden light in his hand, Neptune's trident pierced into the chain-wielding stick in front of him with lightning, and hit Kara's head and face, and then fell into the burning body of the grinning Ghost Rider.

The surrounding torrential rain converged into flying water polos and bombarded them, wrapping the Ghost Rider in the "water bubble" in an instant.

But the magic flame possessed by this bad guy kept it from extinguishing in the water. Instead, he kept gesticulating towards Mason, with a bad smile on his overly expressive face.

Mason hugged Kara, who was burned all over her body, and threw her to Zod, who had come with difficulty, and then reached out to make a "secret talk" movement to the Ghost Rider and disappeared in the rainstorm. The burning skeleton whistled into the air, The flying burning motorcycle that was "chasing" the blue beetle teleported to it in the flames.

This guy got on his motorcycle, and without even looking at the Red Skull who was about to kill Logan below, he chased Mason and rushed into the city.

It is the will agent of Lord Destiny, that's right.

But this does not mean that it has any deep ties with the members of the Stars Club, but as far as the Red Skull is concerned, Lord Johnny Skull feels that it is enough to give him face by not rushing to strangle the guy.

It was also born in this world, and the troubles here are all caused by Red Skull.

Tch, to die under Logan's steel claws is really cheap for that guy!
The most important issue for it now is to finally find a guy who can control the magic fire and likes motorcycles, which means that its long destiny seems to finally see the end of the day.

I have to find a way to trick this guy to Mephisto, and it is best to trick him into accepting his "passion" on the spot to become the fifth generation of Ghost Rider in this world.

In this way, I can retire to a garden world for the elderly, and maybe I can trick a big-ass chick into giving birth to me. It's exciting to think about it!
(End of this chapter)

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