The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 359 58. The bat family is a group of fearless rats!In the face of weak women, you still have

Chapter 359 58. The bat family is a bunch of gutless rats!In the face of weak women, you still have to cheat!
The showdown between the Granny and Talia was long overdue.

But it is said that the elders of the factions within the Assassin's League have been using their bodies to make troubles. They accused the old man that he is not a master of the Assassin's League at all, and he is not qualified to participate in the leader ceremony.

This forced the old man to take part in the master test first, but the elders couldn't bear it because of their calculations. Thomas passed the very difficult master test in less than five days.

Faced with this situation, the elders who had ghosts in their hearts couldn't bear the pressure after all and held the succession ceremony of the head of the devil.

Ertong was quite critical of this matter.

He was helped by Damian, which made him miss the big fight with Mason in his hometown world. This was a waste of time and life for Er Tong, who had the desire to rescue him because of his experience.

But the good news is that their recent efforts have paid off.

Relying on the strong assistance of a group of 2077's company dog ​​roll kings under his command, the old man successfully won the support of a group of small forces while he became a master assassin, allowing him to have his own base.

"Damian and I have sneaked into the depths of the castle of the Assassin Alliance, and the battle between the old man and Thalia will also enter the final stage. The little lunatic's prediction of the situation is very accurate.

The elders of the Assassin League ambushed the killer here, and they didn't want the second demon leader to be born today. "

Ertong reported the situation to Mason in the "live broadcast" communication, and Mason was not surprised by this. He found a lounge and opened the door to enter, and then zoomed in on the picture in front of him, saying:
"After finally getting rid of Lei Xiaogu, who would be willing to have another powerful leader on his head?

Get ready, two barrels, go ahead with Damian's plan, and if they really plan to split that organization, give them some color. "

"Well, I'm just applying for permission to act."

Two barrels said:
"Because you don't like to see massacres, and I don't intend to quarrel with you about this kind of thing."

"No, Second Barrel, I don't like to see senseless massacres."

Mason lit a cigarette and emphasized:
"I wholeheartedly agree with the current action of eradicating the unrighteous, and if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't get away, I would be more than happy to join it.

Is the old man's "persuasion" to his "right-hand man" going well? "

"He didn't talk about it."

Ertuan shrugged, and while loading the kinetic energy revolver in his hand, he said:

"I didn't ask, but a few days ago, the elders and several masters of the Nordic faction who firmly refused to recognize the old man's qualifications and their headquarters were mysteriously destroyed overnight.

I suspect that it was the good deeds of the little sister Diana and the broken-arm Sea King Arthur. It must be an expert involved who can do it so carefully.

Speaking of it, I don't know where you found this 'grandfather', but every time I stay with him, I feel uncomfortable all over. The feeling of squeezing the cool air from between my teeth is like seeing A Batman who crosses the line. "

The most rebellious member of the Bat-family at this time with a strange longing, he complained to Mason:

"If I had been drafted as Robin by this guy, I swear I would never have complained about him, who is the perfect version of me 30 years from now.
If I can be like this in the future, I will definitely feel that my life is worthwhile. "

"Did you just say 'over the line'?"

Mason shook his head and said:

"No, Jason, the Batman who crossed the bottom line is not like the old man, Thomas is at most the 'blackened hidden model' of all Batmen in all parallel worlds.

If he really crossed the line, then there is no way we could work with him. "

"Shh, they are here. I put this camera here. If you want to see the details, you can adjust the position yourself."

Damian next to him gestured to him, and Ertong let go of his hands, allowing the drone in his hand to enter optical concealment and fly into the air under Mason's cross-world remote control.

He lurked in the past by himself, took out his beloved famous sword from the bag and handed it to Damian, who put the black famous sword behind his back without saying a word, and was ready for an assault.

Both of them put on the Assassin-style Isu armor made by Mason himself.

Not only is it convenient to realize optical camouflage when necessary, but also Mason's own enchanted breath can cover them, so that they can hide here without being discovered by anyone.

Mason controlled the drone and flew a circle in the secret room under the castle.

He saw the long sword of the head of the demon, which was the token of the leader of the Assassin League, and it was placed on the stone seat in front of the LS road pool below, which was emitting a dark green luster.

The seven elders of the Assassin League also stood there waiting for the two candidates to enter the final hall.

These elders dressed in different styles are all loyal go-getters of Lei Xiao’s ancient times, and they command different factions of the Assassin League all over the world, from the forests of Black Africa to the neon cities of East Asia, to the samba-style cover in South America Under the circumstances, the power formed by Lei Xiaogu has already spread all over the world.

Damian's grandfather spent 900 years building this organization. It doesn't look good on the outside and even has a "loser" image filter.

However, being defeated by the Justice League so many times has made a comeback, which also shows the profound background of this organization.Defeated once by Batman and his gang, the League of Assassins will win ten times and hundreds of times elsewhere.

They can afford to fight a war of attrition, and patience is their greatest strength.


The two stone gates leading to the Lazarus Pool karst cave opened suddenly on both sides of the final hall, and the figure of the old man appeared in the passage on the left. He walked into the hall and left bloody footprints.

Thalia's figure appeared in the passage on the right, and she was more miserable.

The blood on the body is not only the enemy's, but also his own.

The two have been tested by the assassins since they entered the castle, and they have gone through several checkpoints to get here.

Because it was a battle for the leader, the assassins who participated in the test would not have any affection. Both of them made a difficult breakthrough from the siege and interception of nearly a thousand assassins and assassinations.

They are allowed to use any weapon.

The same goes for the assassins, this is not an end-to-end test, but a real knife and gun full of death.

In the last stage of the attack hosted by thirty ancient master assassins who had been revived with secret techniques, they had to complete a clean kill with one enemy and thirty before they could enter the final step.

This is the test that Lei Xiaogu set for his heir, the King of Assassins who has lived for more than 900 years will not allow the legacy he left to be obtained by the weak.

At this time, under the faint green light reflected by the Lazarus Pool, under the silent gaze of the seven elder assassins, the old man reached out and took off the broken cloak of the battle suit and threw it at his feet, while replacing the magazines for his two guns , while looking at Talia al Ghul who was struggling to bandage his wound.

The latter's body was covered with wounds, as if he had been rolled in a circle by a knife blade. The most fatal wounds were on his legs and waist. Even though the bleeding had stopped, the open wounds were still shocking.

Her left arm was nearly completely amputated.

But Thalia's pale face showed no sign of admitting defeat.

This cunning fox-like woman was absolutely unambiguous when it was time to go all out. She wrapped her left arm, grabbed the assassin's blade in front of her with her backhand, and made a gesture of preparing for battle.

It is her long-cherished wish to succeed her father as the King of Assassins, and she has taken this goal as her ideal in life since she was a child.

Originally, there was only one step away from realizing it, but the damned Mason stalked the old man into this leader's battle.

What makes Talia most sad is that her son actually "betrayed" her at this moment.

Originally, as an outsider, the old man was not qualified to participate in the affairs of the Assassin League. It was Damian who sent back the long sword of the head of the demon, and oppressed him as Lei Xiaogu's direct heir, so that the elders allowed the old man to participate in the master trial. This gave him the qualification to join this competition.

In other words, the Thomas Wayne in front of him is actually competing in place of Damian. This is theoretically a competition between their mother and son for the position of leader.


My good son must have been bewitched by that bastard Mason Cooper!
"You can throw in the towel, Thalia."

The old man held two guns, and the scarlet goggles under the hood, which was darker and more sinister than Batman's, exuded a coldness. He said in a hoarse voice:

"Your state is no longer able to fight, you can just retreat and go where you should go."

"Where should I go?"

Talia sneered and said:
"You mean your son's bed? No! Never mind! Thomas, I've already lost to a Batman, and I won't lose to a second madman in a Batsuit."

"You shouldn't have mentioned that."

The old man's tone became cold, and he said:
"It reminds me of how you use him, maybe that's why you're always at a disadvantage in the fight with Selena, not pure enough
This is true of love, of ambition, of brutality, of martial arts and stratagem. "

"To shut up!"

Thalia, who was poked at the second sore spot in her heart, stepped on the ground and attacked the old man.

Under the meaningful gazes of the gloomy elders around them, the two opponents who aimed to be the leader and were regarded as "family members" in a certain sense fell into the desperate situation of fighting each other in an instant.

In fact, being able to pass the test in the castle has proved that both of them have the personal strength to lead the Assassin Alliance, but after all, there is only one leader's throne.

The sound of bullets passing through the cave reverberated, and Thalia was quickly suppressed.

Under the outstanding "gun fighting technique" of the old lady, it was difficult for her to even get close, and even if she managed to get close, she would be hit hard by the revenge knight with a fierce posture.

An old man in his fifties shouldn't have such a strong physique, but the various physical skills Thomas displayed at this time made him look more dangerous than Bruce, who was in his prime.

This scene also made the watching elders frown.

Although Lei Xiaogu had always hoped that his most outstanding disciple, Batman, would lead the Assassin Alliance, but for these powerful elders, they were more inclined to succeed Damian Wayne.

Only a leader who is easy to shake can be handled.

Of course, it would be nicer not to have a leader who promises everything, but a council of elders to run it all.

In the exchange of eyes with each other, these elders quietly sent signals in various ways.

Soon, the sound of dense footsteps resounded all over the cave, and the sense of being targeted made the old man's body shake, and Talia, who was holding a sword in his hand, also stopped attacking.

She wanted to scold those elders for being rude, but the next moment she was kicked out by the old man.

After tumbling on the ground, he fell into the pool of LS road in embarrassment. The piercing bullets also intertwined and flew in the cave, and the elite dead soldiers in black rushed out of the stone gate, and without saying a word, under the suppression of firepower, they rushed towards The old man attacked and killed him.

The structure of this karst cave has no danger at all. With such prepared firepower, no matter how powerful the revenge knight Batman came from, he would have to hate it.

The elders thought so.

Their plan was indeed flawless, but the missiles that exploded in two directions almost at the same time woke them up from their dreams.

Everyone looked back in astonishment and saw two figures, one tall and one short standing up beside the rocks of Devil's Pool, Damian was carrying an armed backpack and constantly projecting smart missiles to bombard the shooters at high places, while the second barrel was holding a semi-automatic light sniper to harvest The dead man who was close to the old man gave Thomas enough time to retreat.

But the old man will retreat in this situation?

What a joke!
Only by mastering the organization in front of him can he better protect his lost son!

And the current shameful betrayal is even more contemptible!
He rolled to avoid the grenade at his feet, approached the stone platform and grabbed the long sword of the devil's head, took out a few "Mason's Special" smoke bombs from his waist and smashed them at his feet.

The tumbling smoke quickly enveloped the area, and the old man was even more comfortable after entering Batman's home field.

The screams and dying whimpers echoed in the chaos, as if the gates of hell had been opened, and a murderous ghost in a bat suit had been released into the world.

However, the old man's ability to kill the Quartet is not entirely due to his own strength. The 50-year-old revenge old knight is very up-to-date, and he also cheated secretly.
"The three people in front are holding explosives. It is recommended to shoot them from a distance!"

In the "ears" of the Granny's bat-helm, Cyborg Victor Stone's voice constantly reminded him of where the enemy was and provided him with instant tactical options.

This data consciousness stripped and stored by Mason with Soul Killer has now become the old man's "portable radar". In this confined space, it is equivalent to opening a "full picture hanging" plus a "wall hanging".

Seeing the situation come to light and seeing the old man activate the "Killing God" state, several elders immediately decided to put oil on their feet, as long as they can return to their territory, there is nothing to talk about.

However, Damian, who was already full of anger in his heart, would not give them a chance to leave.

"Chop Suey! You have tarnished Lei Xiaogu's name!"

The famous knife Jue was swung, and the snow-white sharp blade accurately pierced the heart of an old man under the quick piercing of the little madman, and then made him fall to his knees under the violent kick of the little madman, and then the brutal lord like an execution made blood The light exploded.

The other elders were overwhelmed by Damian's murderous intent, and at this mortal moment they suddenly realized that maybe it was a stupid idea to support Damian Wayne's beautiful vision of succeeding to the throne.

As for this little lunatic at this time, he has the aura of a young tiger roaring in the forest, they really may not be able to suppress it.

It can only be said that Lei Xiaogu's vision in choosing an heir is really much better than theirs.

The bloody knife light also burst from behind, and as the guard's dead soldiers were slashed to the ground, the second barrel holding Alice also came out of the darkness, blocking the last way of these elders.

But Ertong's attention is not only here.

He fired the last bullet of the pistol to the side, and it was hitting Thalia's hand who crawled out of the Lazarus Pool. The jumping bullet represented a reminder.

Thalia, who was defeated in the boss battle, cannot leave yet.

Her captain, Mr. Mason Cooper, wanted to talk to her, and for this invitation, Thalia, the loser, had no right to refuse.


In the smoke of gunpowder after the killing was suspended, the voice of Damian holding the blood-stained long knife sounded beside Talia, with a hint of guilt and anxiety.

Thalia, who was wrapped in a blanket, stared back at her son expressionlessly, saying that it was impossible for her not to be sad, but the scolding and sarcastic remarks Damian imagined did not appear.

Instead, his mother stared at him, and after a ten-second silence, she said:
"You've finally learned some real wisdom, and inherited your grandfather's vision, and you've chosen the right person to claim your inheritance on your behalf, even at the cost of my failure and exile.

I don't blame you, Damian.

But remember, when you grow up, you will rely on your own ability to take back what belongs to you from Thomas Wayne.
My silly boy, you've picked yourself an opponent you probably won't beat in your life. "

"But Thomas is in his 50s."

Damian whispered:

"By the time I'm 40, he'll be in his 90s. I think all I need to do to get the League of Assassins back is to sign the extubation notice, and you're underestimating your son.

Give me another ten years and see if I can knock the Vengeance Knight down. "


The son's one-liner didn't make Thalia really happy. She snorted, and Damian immediately subconsciously stood up straight.

"Take care to learn from Mason, Damian."

Thalia stood up, and she said to her son earnestly:

"Imitate him, follow him, but don't be him, the path he's going on is something you can't go on, I don't want you to be that kind of hero, that's a heavier fate than Batman."

(End of this chapter)

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