The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 361 60. The Day Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Reunited, When Clint Barton's Egg Broken

Chapter 361 60. The Day Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Reunited, When Clint Barton's Egg Broken
Spider-Man's family affairs are a headache.

Even just watching Mason feel bad for Peter, but maybe this is also a kind of happiness trouble?After all, both Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy belong to Peter Parker's "Daughter of Destiny".

In countless parallel worlds, his life will always have various and constant connections with these two ladies, but it would be too uncomfortable for him to choose one of them.

From Peter's dejected look, he couldn't let go of any of them.

It's okay.

In this case, "Three Tango" and "Lone Wolf Ending" can still be used.

Mason and Harley, who had had enough fun, returned to the alchemy laboratory in Osborne Tower half an hour later. As soon as they opened the door, they saw the Elric brothers busy in front of a large cauldron.

Their alchemy technique is different from Mason's. They mainly use formation formation to replace the reaction process in traditional alchemy. It is very fast, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to complete alchemy objects that require extremely complicated processes.

Therefore, after moving to Osborne Tower, the two brothers also began to try to learn the essence of traditional alchemy with Mason.

This kind of thing has always been the principle that one method works and all methods work together.

In less than a week, the two brothers already have a good appearance using these traditional equipment.

As an assistant, Poison Ivy already had the attitude that an alchemist should have. She assisted the two brothers to continuously catalyze fresh plant materials and grow some spores to ensure the activity of the potion.

"Mason, the potion and treatment room you want are ready."

The blond short Edward, wearing a pair of protective glasses, pointed to the isolated treatment room at the end of the laboratory, and said:

"It has been silenced and reinforced over there, and you can complete the treatment of patients there. In addition, the blueprint you gave has been produced into a finished product, remember to receive it later."

"Thanks, both of you."

Mason pushed Emma to the treatment room ahead, and he did not forget to tell the two Elric brothers:

"I helped us with a big job. The pioneering operation of the afterlife team needs material support. There are [-] sets of weapons and armor and logistical distribution. You start the production line first. When I finish my work, how should we divide and cooperate with each other.

I will not treat you badly for the reward you deserve. "

"The prosthetic technology over there is quite mature."

Edward did not worry about the new job. As an excellent craftsman, he was happy to live a more fulfilling life, but this meeting also put forward his own needs for Mason.

He pointed to Alphonse who was carrying things aside, and said:

"I've always wanted to change my younger brother's appearance, and ask the people over there to prepare the best bionic body for me, and I want to transfer Al's soul there.

Think of it as a birthday present for him. "

"Can't you just take one step and restore him to a normal person?"

Mason frowned and said:
"You already have the Philosopher's Stone, isn't this kind of thing easy to do?"

"Those Philosopher's Stones are going to be exchanged for our world, that's an astronomical demand."

Edward shook his head stubbornly and said:
"That is the oath our two brothers made. Before that, we must maintain this crippled posture to remind us of the price of abusing alchemy."

"Well, since this is your attachment, I won't say more."

Mason nodded and said:
"I will contact the next life."

After a simple communication, he started to treat Emma.

The White Queen was seriously injured in the nuclear war 17 years ago. She needed a ventilator made with alien technology to continue her life. In Mason's words, her body had completely collapsed.

Therefore, the first step in the treatment is to reshape the life form. Too drastic methods should not be used to avoid further damage to Emma's life, which is already like a candle in the wind.

Fortunately, Mason had no shortage of such cures at hand.

"Pure unicorn blood, the best and gentlest supplement available."

He carried Emma into the treatment cabin, picked up a bottle of silver-gray medicine, shook it in his hand, put it into the medicine compartment of the treatment cabin, and said to Emma:
"Xiao Zha's domesticated unicorn Baoli just changed its deciduous teeth last week, and the blood collected can just help you complete the first stage of recuperation."

"That sounds expensive."

Emma, ​​on a respirator, joked feebly:
"I don't have that much money to pay you, son."

"In a sense, my life comes from you so let's not talk about money."

Mason injected the vaporized water of life and death into the respirator to put Emma into a deep sleep, set the unicorn potion to inject into her body at a rate of one drop per minute, and then removed the Isu shroud that he never left his body.

"Consus, you may be away for a few hours."

He said to the Isu ghost:
"I have to remake a healing cloak for Emma, ​​before that, please."

"It's all right, my brother."

The data phantom of Consus said softly:
"Now you don't really need the healing procedure provided by this shroud, but you'd better practice your ability to construct water molecules. Only after you become a real water man can you be immune to those fatal injuries."

"I will."

He covered Emma's frail and skinny body with a shroud, and used the Isu black technology to help the White Queen regain her energy and repair the extremely serious organ deformities in her body.

In addition, there are potions for regulating the power of the mind made of palliatives and water of life and death, and white honey potions that are poisonous but have first-class detoxification capabilities, etc.

In order to cure the White Queen as soon as possible, Mason almost took out all the medicines on hand for healing.

"Maybe it's time to research and develop new potions?"

While he was busy, this idea came to his mind. Now that he has obtained such a sharp weapon as the left hand of creation, he may try to attack those highest-level potions.

For example, the perfect recovery potion that old K used back then was the most powerful healing item that Mason had seen so far. As long as he took a breath, he could instantly restore people to their full glory.

"You should also put plans for the means of resurrection on the agenda."

The hat on the head also reminds:
"Don't forget about Shirley, I know you can't use killing her as a means to defeat Mephisto, if you don't want to develop to the point where you have to die, you have to prepare early.

My advice to you is to start with the elixir.

That is the wisdom of nearly 2000 years of magical inheritance in the Hogwarts world, and it may surprise you.In addition, when Consus is here, there are some things I can't say.

But you have to have a count in your heart.

The Isu's devotion to helping you has a purpose, just like mine, and you must always keep that in mind. "

"I know, hat."

Mason sighed and said:
"It's just that there are too many and complicated things to consider now, so I can only do one by one, huh? What is this signal?"

His communicator suddenly caught an unfamiliar data signal from this world, causing Mason to raise his eyebrows. After activating it, he heard Captain Jack's excited shout:
"Mason! Come to the beach! The 'Black Pearl' is sailing again!"


Mason froze for a moment and said:
"Isn't the Black Pearl always on the shelf in your room? You put it in the water again? The sea water in this world hasn't been purified yet, so be careful."

"No! No, have you forgotten? That ship! The space carrier that the old Green Goblin gave us!"

Jack Sparrow corrected:

"It has been repaired. Today is the first sailing. I named it 'Second Black Pearl'. Come quickly, everyone is waiting for you."

"I really forgot about it."

Mason patted his forehead. The old Green Goblin had given the last Aegis mothership in this world to Team K as a gift after the Osborne Tower operation was over.

But the ship needed to be repaired and re-armed, so it was never used. Jack was very concerned about it, but he didn't know the technology, so he could only watch the Osborne Tower every day to urge the progress.

For a captain, not having a good ship in his hands is a real pain in the ass.

"Honey, Angelina invited us to a party on their new boat!"

Harley, who also received the message, opened the door and stuck her head out and said to Mason:

"They're going to use that cool big ship as the first steel city for the remnants of the pirate world, and they're going to fly it from the open sea to the sky above the ruined city of New York.

Hurry up.

We can't miss it. "

Mason nodded. That ship wasn't just for the remnants of the pirate world. In Mason's plan, it was a troop carrier and landing ship for the K Legion's servant army.

Various black-tech weapons and protective measures from the 2077 world have been installed later, which is enough to ensure that the big guy will not become a "sink every week".

He entrusted Brother Elric to help look into the treatment room, and then drove to the open sea on Harry's flying motorcycle.

This wasteland world was miserably polluted by pollution tactics at the beginning. The oceans of the whole world were seriously polluted, and there were many zombie animals in the sea, and all of them had become weird monsters.

The old Goblin's original plan was to abandon the ocean, but now Mason brought him the Atlanteans.

These people in the sea master the technology of purifying seawater. Based on the Ark of Doomsday in Atlantis, they have purified most of the pollution in the nearby sea area in half a month of work.

The black ark was also docked in the open sea at this time, like a black island.

Compared with its huge area, the Aegis mothership "Second Black Pearl" that has been lifted into the air and suspended at a high place at this time also looks so small.

However, for Mason, no matter how powerful the Doomsday Ark is, it is someone else's ship, and the second Black Pearl is his own thing, so when he stepped on the nearly 500-meter-long lower flight deck, he still seemed very happy.

"Look at my boat, isn't it awesome?"

The proud Captain Jack was wearing a set of coquettish and straight captain's uniform, polished leather shoes, and holding his own captain's hat, standing in front of the tarmac like a dog to greet Mason.

Not only him, but the original crew of the Black Pearl, including Angelina Teach, have now put on very modern uniforms, and they are all wearing toad mirrors without anger.

No matter what these guys are internally, at least under the recent training of the mercenaries of 2077, they do look like elite soldiers on the outside.

"It takes thousands of people to control this ship. It's already very difficult for you to fly it. Don't pretend."

Mason stepped forward and hugged Jack, patted him on the shoulder and said:
"Honestly, go to the unmanned operating system. In a few days, I will get you a group of technicians from the life team to serve as the logistics team. You are not allowed to bully them."

"How dare I, boss."

Jack is proud of the spring breeze today, and while brushing the dreadlocks of pirates left by his stubbornness, he said:

"I promise to treat them like treasures. Come, come, come and have a look at my command room. Let me tell you, this thing is really amazing! I will live and eat on it from now on."

"The new boat was launched, and I didn't bring any presents, so I'll give it to you."

Mason rolled his eyes, took out a chip from his pocket and put it in Captain Jack's hand, saying:

"The main program chip of Delaman, the old driver is tired of helping me fight and kill all day long. It is eager to return to its own transportation industry. It just so happens that your ship lacks a navigator, so let it do it. concurrently.

But you can look after it.

Don't let it get on the head. It will be a big loss to drive your ship to ram the enemy. This ship has no mid-air ram. "

"But it's your onboard AI!"

Jack felt that the gift in his hand was a little hot, and he said worriedly:
"Without this, how do you operate your Fenrir armor? Why don't you use it first? Just give me a split program."

"Don't make trouble, the computing power of the split program can't drive such a big ship at all."

Mason waved his hands and said mysteriously:

"Don't worry, I already have better ones."

This made Jack feel relieved.

He and Mason were recalling how they had fought to the death with the Cleaners in Osborne Tower, and they were excitedly talking about the future.

It's quite a fun for men to play with each other, but when passing by the rest area of ​​the space carrier, Mason accidentally found a group of strange guys.

He stood at the door of the restaurant and pointed to the people sitting inside, saying:
"Who is that?"

"Oh, it's the Holy Shield team."

Jack explained in a low voice:
"They were just called back to their hometown by the old Norman yesterday, and then they caught up with the launch of the Second Black Pearl. They came here to recall the past. These people are quite cold and not easy to deal with."

"What do you mean by 'not easy to deal with', do you mean that you went to tease the black widow and got kicked by her?"

Captain Jack's lieutenant and rumored girlfriend, the female pirate Angelina, said unceremoniously:

"I just said you bastard will die in a woman's belly one day!"

"Oh, I think I will die in your bed sooner or later."

Spyro rubbed his waist full of complaints and said:

"Recently, you've been a little crazy. I really shouldn't let you see those seductive Mewtwo collected by Judy. It's really a headache. Alas! I won't say it, don't pinch it, it hurts!"

The two clowns were playing around, but Mason was watching the backs of those unfamiliar figures in the restaurant. They were all familiar people, and there was a man in black with a particularly high hairline.

He hesitated for a moment, picked up the communicator and sent a message to another person, and then followed Jack out of here.

After 10 minutes, the members of the Holy Shield team whispered and prepared to leave here, and went to Osborne Tower to talk to the old green goblin. As soon as they walked out of the restaurant, they saw a panting old man coming from the elevator. Rush out.

When the two sides met each other, they were both stunned.

Ms. Natasha Romanov, the commander of the Holy Shield team, looked at the old man in front of her in surprise. Even though her hair had grown white, she could still tell at a glance that it was "Hawkeye" Clint Barton.

The eagle eye from the home world also stared at her, he never thought he would meet his past companions in such a way in the new world.


He moved his lips.

He ignored the Winter Soldier beside the Black Widow and Coulson's vigilant movement of grabbing the weapon. He strode forward, looked at the Black Widow who was as silent as ice, and stretched out his hand with complicated emotions to touch the disappeared picture. In 17 years, it seemed that the cheeks had never disappeared.

But then.

The long legs in black combat boots slammed against Eagle Eye's crotch, which made the flirtatious old guy wake up all of a sudden, his face flushed like a pig's liver.

He stammered and said:
"That. I. I'm here. Apply to join you. Agent Nine of S.H.I.E.L.D., Clint Barton, apply oh my god, it hurts. Apply to rejoin the team
Ah, someone help me. Call the doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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