The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 364 63. In order to let Mrs. Catwoman enjoy her retirement life honestly, Mason is also rack

Chapter 364 63. In order to let Mrs. Catwoman enjoy her retirement life honestly, Mason is also racking her brains

The expressionless demon knight walked in the space-time channel pierced by the speed force, and returned to his hometown after more than two months away in just a few steps amidst the changing world.

Landing on a wasteland on the outskirts of Gotham City, Xiao Shan moved his body around him and said:
"Want me to take you where you want to go, big man."

"No, you don't need it, just go about your business."

The Demon Knight looked around at the surrounding environment, and said something to The Flash without looking back.

Little Flash didn't interact much with people in these magic circles, and he knew from Mason that Jason Brad was a cold character, so he didn't care about this attitude, shrugged, and disappeared with a whoosh.

He still needs to continue to modify the cosmic treadmill in order to achieve the effect of imitating the gate of the world. Although he has successfully entered the plane of the Isu world with the help of John Wick before, the next precise positioning is still not enough. a simple project.

This activity occupies a very important weight in Mason and the master's plan, so Xiao Shan cannot be sloppy.

After watching the Flash leave, the Demon Knight squatted down against the cold night wind, stretched out his fingers and drew a mysterious symbol under his feet, and then put his hands in his pockets to inject a little magic power into it.

He waited patiently for a few minutes.

As a strange wind blew, an invisible door opened along the central axis, turning into a non-existent door in the green streamer.

The demon knight stepped forward and knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and entered.

It was like the structure of the gate of the world, which made him disappear into the plane of reality as soon as he stepped in, and the gate also disappeared into the wasteland afterward.

This is the mystery house.

The place where Xiao Zha and Constantine once lived together is a mysterious supernatural entity that can exist in different dimensions and switch freely.

It's not the first time Jason Bullard has been here, but this time it's different.

There were already many children in the three-story building where there should only be Xiao Zha. When the devil knight opened the door and came in, these children, big and small, were cleaning the room under Xiao Zha's command. The mystery house is renovated into a large dormitory.

These children were both boys and girls.

The only feature they have in common is a special logo on the chest, just like the school badge, but even the same school badge has different details.

"these are"

The demon knight looked at Xiao Zha, who was sorting out books with a few children, in surprise. The latter looked up and saw that the old knight was also stunned, and then welcomed him with a smile on his face:
"Jason! Oh my god, you're finally back! John brought back a letter saying that you went to the hell plane for private affairs, but Mrs. Shangdu never believed it.

She always thinks it was John who murdered you. "

"If Constantine had this ability, he wouldn't fall into Mason's calculations. Mason trained him like a loyal dog."

The old knight finally showed a smile when he saw his old friend. He looked at those children, and Xiao Zha told him what happened before Gotham and how they found these children.

After knowing that these children also came from a dead world, the demon knight's expression became a little more gloomy.

He did not express his opinion on this matter, but took out a letter and handed it to Xiao Zha, saying:
"This is from Mason, after watching Destroy. Listen to me, Zatanna, I have seen a lot of 'outside scenery' during this trip, and my return has a heavy mission on my shoulders.

Our new secret society is going to make sure that the end I'm seeing doesn't happen on this world. "

Xiao Zha opened the envelope and read Mason's handwritten letter in detail. Some of the contents made Xiao Zha's heart skip a beat. After reading it twice to confirm that all the details were remembered, she summoned the flame to burn the letter paper.

Then she looked at the Demon Knight and said:
"Mason asked us to investigate possible spies and traitors among spellcasters in this world. This is of course a just move. However, where should we start?"

"Those fugitive wizards."

Although Jason Brad has been wandering around the wasteland of Osborne Tower, the situation shared by the K team allowed him to get a general idea of ​​what happened in his hometown.

This old knight, who has experienced countless wars and confrontations, was on the sofa. He crossed his hands and propped his chin, and said to Zatanna:

"They were able to escape the pursuit of a group of spellcasters headed by Doctor Fate for such a long time. This matter itself has terrible suspicions. Someone must be secretly responding to them.

If you follow this line, you will gain something.

But it’s obviously not possible to rely only on the two of us, we still need a helper, we need someone who will not be suspected by anyone and who has a heart for justice to act as our spy.”

In the next moment, the eyes of the two intersected.

Apparently there was already a candidate.

This person will never be suspected by other spellcasters that he is approaching with a purpose, and his identity is also very special. His mysterious and peculiar inheritance can ensure that he maintains a relatively good relationship with most spellcasters in this world .

It would be perfect for him to collect intelligence on the bright side.

Xiao Zha sighed, got up with a headache and said:
"Okay, okay, I'll go find that brat, I heard that he fell into a slump after being attacked by a mysterious man in the Batcave last time, and he hasn't appeared for a long time.

I hope he doesn't leave any psychological shadow because of that failure.

Who would have thought that one day we would need his much-maligned wisdom?But Justice League Dark, the name is really strange, why do you have to use 'dark'?

Everyone is obviously a good person. "

Xiao Zha put on his magician's tall hat, and complained:
"Maybe it would be better to call it the Magical Justice League?"
Xiao Shan didn't just send the old wolf and the phantom cat this time. After the phantom cat was placed and the alchemist brothers checked her injuries first, Mason came to the last two "secret guests".

"You've always protected Thalia well."

Mason reached out and held the door lock of the small living room in front of him. He glanced at Bain standing at the door and said:
"Should I continue to follow her? I don't need your help right now.

I mean, if you try harder, you'd better win Aunt Thalia's heart, so that another man won't waste his time on her.

The relationship between Selena and Bruce has finally stabilized, so she shouldn't make trouble. "

Baine, who covered his face with a hood, curled his lips and didn't answer.

He thought so too.

However, he is born without the conditions of a playboy like Mr. Bruce. Both his appearance and demeanor are inferior, and he is stupid and can't speak. The only way to pursue a lady is to rely on loyalty and hard licking.

The eldest lady has always had an unforgettable old love for Bruce Wayne, but now that Catwoman and Batman are about to achieve a positive result, he is finally about to see the moon and the moon.

To be honest, when Catwoman ran away from Batman's wedding, it wasn't the Bat family that was most anxious, but Bane, who was eating melons in Europe.

All that time he had been troubled by it.

He has even planned to help the master find Catwoman and then brainwash her or something, so that she can honestly accompany Batman to create opportunities for himself.

Mason was just joking with Bane.

He also knew that the grievances between Aunt Thalia and the master were not caused by simple love, and only a loyal licking dog, Bane, could not change the complicated intersection between the two.

He opened the door and walked into the living room. Talia sat on the sofa opposite him with a blank face, holding a piece of porridge in his hand but seemed to have no appetite.

Because she was still recovering from being wounded by the old man, she felt like a "sick" beauty at this time.

"The commander-in-chief has come to see his prisoner?"

Thalia lazily said:
"Should I, a loser, get down on one knee and ask for your forgiveness? Or are you going to kill me to remove the last obstacle to becoming Mistress Wayne for your catwoman elder sister?"

"Her? She doesn't care about you. In fact, I think the three-person tango is more attractive to her than the two-person tango. There is no way, who made it a cat that will never learn to behave?"

Mason opened the chair and sat opposite Thalia. He played with the speed ring on his finger and persuaded:
"Thinking about it, losing to the old man is not unacceptable, I think with your ingenuity, when we left the world of war, you had already guessed Damian's plan and your ending.

So, don't show such a depressed expression.

I have summoned you here and I have other work for you.

Don't worry about being exiled, let alone worry about losing your value and being abandoned. "

"Just tell me what you want me to do."

Thalia really had no idea that she would make a deal with Mason. She pushed the food away and said:

"Is it training the servant army? Or is it under house arrest and used as a vase?"

"No, I'm going to give you a chance to start over."

Mason smiled, and took out a planned plan from his pocket and handed it over. Thalia picked it up and took a look, and immediately attracted his attention.

She stared at the text on the plan, and after a few minutes, she looked up and said to Mason:

"Such an important task, are you really relieved to let me do it?"

"Anything to worry about?"

Mason rolled his eyes and said:
"The Assassin inheritance in the Isu world has exceeded 2000 for two hundred years, and the Assassin Alliance is the younger brother in the eyes of others, but after all, you all follow the same inheritance, and you may have a common language.

I can't send a crooked melon to discuss such an important matter with Sister Ka. Your image, temperament, strength and knowledge are the most suitable.

I consulted John Wick and he agreed with me.

But he needs to examine you.

So, once The Flash breaks through the gap between the two worlds, you'll be there as our representative, and I have absolute confidence in your wrist.

The premise is that you don't make any more fools.

Sister Ka is not a talkative demigod. If you dare to make trouble in private, she will kill you. Your proud father can't do five moves in front of that god-killing hero.

Therefore, there are still risks, and you need to consider them. "

"Don't think about it, I'll take the job."

Thalia put away the proposal, brushed her long hair, and seemed to be revived because she got a valuable new job.

The cunning woman sat up straight and said to Mason:
"Since the inheritance left by my father is doomed to lose my share, it's better to start anew and form my own Assassin Alliance. I'm not someone who can't afford to lose, and it's rare that you are willing to give me this opportunity.

All right, Mason.

I admit that my views on you were somewhat one-sided before. You are a qualified leader, at least you know how to use people well, but I have to make a plan in advance. "

"Bane can't go with you."

Mason reminds:
"The Deathstroke Legion still lacks an assaulter. Luthor has mentioned to me several times that they need Bane's tactical acumen and his bravery."

"You are too much!"

Thalia said angrily:
"You just helped Selena snatch Bruce Wayne from me, and now you want to snatch my spare tire too?"

"You can always find better ones, so please spare me, Aunt Thalia."

Mason curled his lips and said something, and just as he was about to discuss this "diplomatic representative" work with Talia in depth, a little girl's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Mr. Mason? Are you there? Come out with me! My brother is fighting with a little brother named Damian."


Talia's expression changed suddenly.

Mason sighed, stood up and opened the door, and saw Valeria Richards sitting in a wheelchair outside the door, the little girl blushed anxiously.

Mason gave her a palliative to calm her flushed face, and then asked:

"Tell me, what's going on here?"

time back to 10 minutes ago
"I want to go for a walk, Dad."

Outside the treatment room of Osborne Tower, Jimmy Hautley said something to the old wolf who had just finished chatting with old Emma. The wasteland boy pointed to the city outside and said:
"I've never seen such a bustling place. I'll be home on time at night, Dad."

"It's not exactly busy here, my poor boy, but you can't ask for more from a guy who grew up on a wasteland farm, so go for it."

The old wolf with a cigarette waved his hand, and he himself planned to find his old buddy Hawkeye for a drink.Jimmy, on the other hand, plans to go out and ride his shovel head motorcycle for a spin to get acquainted with the new environment.

If there is no accident, their family will live here in the future.

Jimmy Hautley has no resistance to the wasteland, and he even feels relaxed because of the familiar scenery of his hometown.

But soon, in the descending elevator, he saw a strange man in red walking around the buildings like a flash. The guy was still shouting:

"Damian! Come out! I know you're here, come home with me! Ah Fu threatened me that if I can't take you back, I won't be allowed to enter the Batcave again!
Don't make trouble for me, brat!
come out! "

"Who's Damian?"

Jimmy thought curiously, then stepped out of the elevator.

"Don't look back!"

A small voice sounded on Jimmy's shoulder. He used the world shrinker to shrink himself to the extreme and hid himself on the old wolf. Damian Wayne, who had crossed the space-time rift, grabbed the wasteland boy by the collar and said to him:
"Keep going! Farm boy, if you dare to expose me, I will beat you!"


The wasteland boy who inherited the blood of Wolverine frowned. How dare someone threaten him?And it looks like the so-called "Damian"?

Then let you know how powerful we wastelanders are.

A few minutes later, after Jimmy reached a dark alley outside Osborne Tower, Damian was relieved to zoom into his normal form.

He flipped and landed in the air deftly and coolly, pulled on the cool hood by the way, waved to Jimmy Hautley behind him as a "disguise tool" without looking back, and said:
"Thanks, farm boy. Treat you to dinner another day, now go back to your great old paw."

As he said so, he assumed the posture of a Gotham young man.

But within two steps, a rock was thrown from behind, and Damian nimbly turned around and pinched two bat darts into the palms of his hands. He turned his head and stared fiercely at his attacker.

Jimmy Hautley behind him moved his shoulders, stabbed his bone claws, and said to the stinky guy in front of him:
"The last time someone threatened me, I was a piece of shit from the Hulk gang. I don't know who you are better than the son of Hulk? You annoying little dwarf."

Lethal keywords detected!Damian's anger is accumulating!Damian was the first to attack!

Son of the Bat VS Son of the Wolf, the first round begins!
(End of this chapter)

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