The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 398 13. Mason is a strong man who beats all girls' dormitories! -Monthly ticket plus [1

Chapter 398 13. Mason is a strong man who beats all the girls' dormitories! -Monthly ticket plus [1320]

Mason's mutant ability allows him to accurately lock all water sources within the range of perception, and freely reorganize his body between water sources. This is also a unique "teleportation technique". The only regret is that he cannot take people to teleport.

And his water molecular reorganization made him appear directly in the bathtub of the female dormitory bathroom at Xavier College.
Don't get me wrong, Mason isn't that nasty.

He just positioned himself according to the monitor he quietly left on Storm Girl just now, and sent himself to the place closest to the incident.

As a result, as soon as the reorganization was completed, a naked zombie jumped out in front of him with a distorted posture, a pale face, canine teeth growing out of its mouth and still howling.

Zombies, Mason has seen more than once.

This thing was considered a mob soldier when he first debuted, and there were eight hundred people who died under his gun.

But the zombie in front of him was different.

To put it simply, she is a "super zombie".

His figure appeared behind Mason in a flash, and his ferocious claws directly grabbed Mason's heart without damaging the skin at all, and then howled and bit down on Mason's neck, intending to feast on it.

However, in the next moment, the hungry zombie lady gnawed a mouthful of ice-cold icicles.

Mason, who was reorganizing his body in another part of the bathroom, touched his heart, and looked at the brown-haired female zombie with half of his body frozen in the frozen bathtub in front of him with some fear.

That's Phantom Cat.
It's a pity that the young version of Miss Phantom Cat has a flat body.

"Fortunately, I'm already a water man, otherwise the blow just now was really choking."

He complained, and pushed forward with his gloved left hand, driving the water molecules in the bathroom to undergo a three-state transition, allowing layers of ice slag to completely freeze the screaming super zombie.

But this can't stop the phantom cat who can travel through everything.

Even though she has lost most of her sanity after being infected, acting on bloodthirsty instinct alone is enough to turn her into the most dangerous predator.

With a flash of her figure, the more berserk zombie girl escaped unharmed from the ice and pounced on Mason again.

She couldn't understand why Mason, who was clearly exuding the aroma of flesh and blood, was able to escape repeatedly, but judging by her tune-changed whining, she probably wouldn't give up until she had fresh meat.

This is probably the only benefit of being a zombie.

No need to think about which is better to lie flat or stick to it, the always hungry digestive system will replace your brain to help you make the decision.

Mason dodged again, took out an enchanted glass bottle from his arms and activated the voodoo inscription in it, and when the phantom cat pounced next time, he slammed the bottle in his hand.

The precise throw made it hit Miss Zombie's forehead with a bang.

The weird green fluorescent flash sealed her in the magic bottle, just like the "collected" zombie Wang Jinbin before, and became Mason's "zombie figure".

But this bottle can't trap Phantom Cat either.

Her ability to travel through everything is the nemesis of all means of control, but Mason, who has already gained experience in raising zombies, pulled out a piece of fresh meat and threw it into the bottle, immediately calming down the irritable super zombie.


According to Mason's "collection experience", if they can be fed on time, zombies are definitely one of the most worry-free "pets".

"It's just been infected, and the time will not exceed 5 minutes! It seems that it just broke out and can be controlled!"

Mason stared at the shrunken phantom cat in the bottle, chewing on the meat, and judged from some of her characteristics when she was infected.

But his expression was not good-looking.

The diluted zombie virus used by the stars will not retain superpowers. Now that the zombie phantom cat travels through everything, it can be easily seen that this is definitely the result of the source zombie virus.

The most troublesome thing is that even the master has not yet developed an effective antidote or vaccine against the source virus. In this case, basically once infected, the game can be declared over.

"Ms. Zombies, please put on your clothes when you leave the country next time, thank you."

Mason whispered about the shape of the naked phantom cat zombie, picked up the bottle and walked out of the bathroom. He didn't need to use his ears to feel the chaos spreading rapidly in the entire dormitory building.

This is the source of the zombie virus outbreak!
Must be blocked immediately.

"Get out!"

Mason used the water flowing in the water pipes of the entire dormitory building to warn the X-Men who were trying to rush into the building. They have no experience in dealing with super zombies, and now they are desperate to save people. To make matters worse, Mason then reached out and stuck his hand on the water pipe next to him, releasing his mutant ability with the greatest strength.

Hey!Spirits of running water escaping the sewers and sewers, heed my call and help me!

"bang bang bang"

The water pipes in every room in the entire dormitory building were damaged by Mason's burst of ability, and then a large amount of hot and cold water gushed out, and was manipulated by Mason to cover the entrance and exit, like a "water film" Wrap the whole building.

Such a large-scale coverage made Mason feel a little bit difficult, but the blocking effect was very good.

Those super zombies screaming and trying to jump out were shoved and shoved back by the flowing water, and not every mutant had the ability of the Phantom Cat to go on a rampage regardless of all control methods.

An assassin who doesn't take control, has teleportation and every hit is real damage is scary to think about.

After completing the blockade of the building's water body, Mason skillfully used the three-state conversion again, using the inherently low temperature of this cold place to freeze the water flow in the entire floor.

"Bobby! Help!"

The old wolf outside the building knew what Mason was going to do when he saw the water covering the building start to freeze. He grabbed a handsome young man who was a little panicked, pointed at the frozen building in front of him and roared.

The authentic Iceman reacted immediately, stepped forward and raised his hands, and extremely cold icicles erupted.

The starting point of this Omega-level mutant is much stronger than that of Mason. In just a few seconds, the tumbling water around the entire girls' dormitory building was completely frozen, and then Mason, who was covered in cold air all over his body, reappeared in the building with the help of water. outside.

Harley ran over to help with a few zombie vaccines, but Mason just shook his head at her.

These weakened vaccines cannot work against the source zombie virus.

"Not all the girls were infected, most of them are still alive."

Mason to Cyclops and Coyote:
"The people inside are frozen, you hurry to rescue them! Remember, stay away from those who have become zombies or have been scratched and bitten.

They are handled by me, I am an expert in this field. "

"Do you understand everything?"

When they were in a hurry, everyone couldn't care less about carefully distinguishing Mason's origin. The old wolf who was eager to save others shouted to the boys who gathered behind him, and then popped out his steel claws and went forward to cut the ice layer. Cyclops shot a beam of light to open a passage. Join the rescue team.

His charming girlfriend is still inside.

He will be in a hurry.

Although Jean Gray in this world doesn't have the power of the phoenix, her mental power is also unstable. If she is stimulated to erupt, it will be a disaster.

"Where's Ororo?"

Beast Hank, who is in charge of intelligence, grabbed a frozen super zombie to observe its characteristics, and shouted:
"Who saw Storm? It was her first alarm. Where is she now?"

"I just saw Mentor Ororo chasing Wanda and flying out."

The strong young version of Colossus ran out carrying a few female students who were shivering from the cold, and took the time to say something to Hank, and Mason's expression suddenly became serious.

Scarlet Witch flew out?

If she has already been infected by the zombie virus, hey, this unscrupulous world is really too dangerous.

"Hat, give me some more magic shields."

Mason pressed the hat on his head, and in the beating of the magic light arc, he gave Hank a few words, and then chased in the direction where Storm girl left during the reorganization of water molecules.

The outbreak of the zombie disaster was a bit too sudden.

He can be sure that it is definitely not the stars who will suddenly launch a pollution war against the world at this time. Thinking about the worst, there is a high probability that it may be done by the Skrull bastards.

But Mason had a feeling that the truth of the matter might not be so boring.

He quickly sensed the sudden energy fluctuations of the wind and cloud in front of him. It was the Storm Lady fighting the Scarlet Witch, and the crimson energy flying in the sky mixed with the thunder made people feel thrilling.

"Mason, how are you going to deal with a zombified Scarlet Witch?"

Hat whispered:
"It's the other one who destroyed the Ministry of Magic of Daiying. Although I haven't seen her show her power, I know that she is definitely not an opponent that your half-baked mutant ability can deal with.

This pure energy type enemy is tricky, and while you have a lot of ways to kill her outright, I guess you won't do it. "

"The zombified Scarlet Witch is an excellent sample for studying the source of zombie viruses and the magic of chaos, and I have always wanted to collect an X-Men figure."

Mason picked up his suitcase and opened it, while activating the traceless extension spell, he said:

"Do you think this opportunity is coming? As for how I will deal with her."

He looked at the twelve hunting-type sentinel robots flying out of the suitcase in front of him. These silver-gray machines, which he had upgraded the weapon modules and materials, were suspended in the air and surrounded Mason, waiting for orders.

He pointed to the sky, and the twelve V-shaped tactical eyepieces that hunted the leader of the Sentinels locked on the target in an instant, and their green light also turned into a dangerous red.

"These sentries were originally a tool used to search and hunt mutants. Although they were transformed into loyal guards by the X royal family, the restraint against mutants that came with their birth has not been invalidated."

Mason grabbed his electromagnetic gun backhand and filled it with scandium alloy projectiles, explaining to the hat:

"Unless this young version of the Scarlet Witch is powerful enough to wipe out my existence with a single word of 'blessing' from Lord Fate, her defeat is only a matter of time.

Look, there's another guy coming too. "


Mason's heart was instantly pierced.

It was the wound of the ferocious zombie's claws piercing through the heart, but unfortunately, pure physical attacks were completely useless to the water man.

The activated speed tail ring allowed Mason to easily avoid the sonic punch next to him in the next second, and easily caught the teeth of the zombie quicksilver biting towards him in the entanglement at the speed of light.

The opponent obviously couldn't keep up with Mason's speed.

In the next second, his leg was broken by a shot from the electromagnetic gun close to his face. The embarrassed Kuaiyin was thrown from several times the speed of sound, and his broken leg flew far away.

However, this kind of injury is not fatal to the zombies, whose ferocious faces lying on the ground in a pool of blood are still making Mason howl.

Mason took out a magic bottle and walked towards Quicksilver. He tilted his head and said:

"Zombie Maximov brothers and sisters, this is a 'blackened hidden money'. Uh, will it appear that I am too cold-blooded? Joking about other people's disasters or something."

"I know you still ask!"

The hat complained:
"Since you personally blew up your home world, you no longer have so much compassion, and that somewhat innocent idealist Mason probably died forever in the stardust of his home.

But this level is not bad, it is nothing more than the fate of being imprisoned in Akazban.

After all, you're still trying to save a world that's in jeopardy by any measure, so you're probably a good guy? "

"Hat, that question of yours really breaks my heart."

Mason sealed Quicksilver in the voodoo bottle and threw the broken leg into it, intending to give him "healing" when he was free, then he set up his gun in a standing position, aiming at the man who was being entangled by twelve hunting sentries in the air. Zombie Wanda.

The long-lost combat assistance was turned on, and when the free aiming frame locked on the target, he said softly:

"You see, everything I've encountered so far has reminded me that in these terrible times, it might be easier to be a congenial badass.

But when I think about it, I still think it's good to be a good person.

However, 'good guy' and 'spicy' don't seem to be antonyms, right? "

"This one is frozen hard, quickly carry it to the fire to thaw it out for her! Sigh! You guys slow down when turning over and roasting! That's human! It's not barbecue!"

Downstairs in the girls' dormitory of Xavier College, Harley commanded her two dogs to dig out the frozen mutant students from the frozen building.

And Agent Brand beside her raised her hands to activate the high temperature in her palms, helping those students who were frozen to get warm again.

That's her mutant ability, heat up.

It looks wasteful, but in fact, under the guidance of Nick Fury, the old silver coin, Agent Brad has made use of this seemingly useless ability.

She can even heat up invisible things.

For example, quietly ignite the anger in other people's hearts. In other words, the ability to ridicule is first-rate, and he is born with a strong T.


Harley, who was digging ice with a shovel and experiencing the feeling of a "shovel dance class", suddenly screamed. She stretched out her hand and slapped her neck hard, complaining:

"Why are there bugs here! It's so cold, I feel like something has landed on my neck, and that damned bug wants to bite me!"

Her complaints went unnoticed by the busy Agent Brand.

But Harry just said it casually, and she continued to happily dig the ice to try to find another female student who was frozen, but soon, she felt the strange sound of being surrounded by insects again.

Only this time Harry didn't act rashly.

She pretended she hadn't noticed, but in fact she had secretly mobilized the venom suit on her body, intending to "surprise" the nasty bug when it landed again.

This kind of operation is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. After all, which normal person would get angry with bugs?
But Harry is not normal.

She can proudly declare that she is a mental patient, because she knows that this unique "label" will make Mr. K care more about her health.

She enjoyed this peculiar ambiguous relationship between patient and doctor.

In short, when the nasty "bug" landed on Harley's slender neck again and was about to bite off a piece of her flesh, the black symbiote suddenly surged up and squeezed the bug together hard with a bang.

Ordinary worms would definitely die if they were squeezed by the symbionts like this, but this "worm" was unexpectedly strong.

It fell dizzily from Harley's neck to the snowflakes on the ground, and suddenly grew into a normal human size in the next moment. The female zombie wearing a wasp-like battle suit with wings screamed and bounced off the helmet, revealing the zombie The ferocious mouth turned into a bite towards Harry.

As a result, the "Robin girl" who responded quickly swung a shovel and knocked it on the head. The power of the symbiote exploded and sent the dangerous female zombie flying several meters away.

"Ant-Man! It's Ant-Man!"

Harry drew out his pistol and fired randomly, screaming:

"Quick! Help! It's this flying ant-woman who's spreading the zombie virus! Damn it! I knew I should bring bug spray, these vermin things are so bad.

They are no longer satisfied with sucking two mouthfuls of blood, they are now eating people! "

(End of this chapter)

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