The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 404 19. The Happy Life of the Prisoners Zha Kang and Mason - Monthly Ticket Plus Change [192

Chapter 404 19. The Happy Life of the Prisoners Zha Kang and Mason - Monthly Ticket Plus Change [1920]

The mysterious shock event is clearly not the only disaster in the universe.

Even if there is no such situation as the infinite earth crisis, the earth people in countless parallel worlds will always have various ways to play themselves to death.

To die has always been a precious human nature, said an observer with a big bald head who did not want to be named.

For example, the experience of Doctor Dark Strange is a typical example.

His world was gone long before the first impact. In his words, it was just a "gift" attached to a failed case of a wife-loving madman rescuing his beloved wife.

But the reality is more complicated than that.

The First Half of the Dark Doctor Strange
To be precise, his life before he changed from a promising doctor of medicine to a supreme mage was not different from the experiences of space-time aliens in other parallel worlds.

The only difference is that the other Doctor Strange had a car accident and injured his hands and had to seek medical advice, while our black strange doctor was not only injured in a car accident, but also caused his engaged wife to die in the car accident inside.

This gave him two reasons to delve into magic.

This gave him greater motivation than other Doctor Stranges to devote himself to magic, which is a good thing and a bad thing. Other Stranges are all to save themselves, but he is to save his wife.

However, too much motivation is sometimes not a good thing.

Doctor Dark Strange soon embarked on a not-so-right path, thinking all day about how to bring his beloved Christine back from death.

At the beginning, he visited the demons in hell and caused a lot of trouble. It was his mentor, Mage Ancient One, who wiped his ass for him. Later, Mage Ancient One realized that this would not work, so he "divided" the enchanted Doctor Strange into two.

The good side that focuses on maintaining order continues to stay in Karma Taj to live the life that Doctor Strange should have.

And the dark side of the demon was exiled to the secret castle of the first strange doctor, Agomoto, to reflect on his actions. Obviously, the ancient master hoped that Heiqi would change his mind and make him realize that people cannot be resurrected after death.

After all, this is the fate of the Supreme Mage, the one that cannot be changed among the countless fate lines. In his world, if Christine does not die, there will be no Doctor Strange born.

The two are causal.

But for those who have already become demons, what kind of nonsense karma, the Lord wants to "prove the way with strength" today!
He thought so and did it.

Then he succeeded.

By using the devouring forbidden technique left by the first supreme sorcerer, he grew up to the power level of the heavenly father and even surpassed the heavenly father in a short period of time, and then successfully broke through the causal relationship called "absolute time point", and successfully transformed himself into While killing the most terrifying monster, he also brought his beloved wife back from death.

The price was the collapse of the absolute point of time, the time system of the entire earth collapsed inward in an instant, and the first fly ash in his world was annihilated, which quickly affected the entire plane.

The final outcome of this incident is that the world of Dark Doctor Strange is gone.

The wife he tried his best to save was not an "ultimate creature" like him who couldn't exist alone without breaking away from the foundation of the world, so she died again in Hei Qiyi's arms without even saying "I love you".

The bamboo basket fetched water in vain, lost his wife and lost his army.

As the last creature that existed on the earth, Doctor Strange of Darkness was fished out by the observer Frog who passed by when all thoughts were lost, and he was placed in the current world together with the last fragment of his own world.

Frog map did not restrict his actions.

As Mason said, even as strong as a frog map, it cannot be forced to do this, but Hei Qiqi is now in a "disabled" state.

After all, his wife is dead, the world is gone, and all of this has something to do with his willful behavior. The reason why he is not crazy is probably because of his firm will.

But the more sober the more painful.

As for the above secrets, how did Mason know?

Of course it's because Doctor Dark Strange has a very unscrupulous habit of keeping a diary!

And that diary was placed on the bookshelf in this "doomsday domain", because Mason showed him his diary, so Hei Qiqi also allowed Mason to read his diary.

"No matter how you look at this guy's story, it's thrilling. I thought he was just a lunatic who was obsessed with researching forbidden techniques, but I didn't expect him to be a warrior who charged for love."

Zha Kang is now sitting beside Mason, rubbing his chin and looking at the diary in front of him, and then said to Mason with his mouth curled up:

"Oh, in this way, my uncle and this black strangeness can empathize."

"You sympathize with the fart!"

Mason dismissed Zha Kang's idea of ​​putting gold on his face with disdain. He carefully read the diary in front of him, especially the discussion on "absolute time point", and said:

"What is there to empathize with, a Neptune water ghost, and a world-destroying demon with deep affection? They only love Dr. Christine from the beginning to the end, how about you?
How many times have you split my legs since you just met me?

Xiao Zha didn't summon Tianlei to kill you because the girl is kind-hearted. "

"Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ah

Slag Kang, smoking a cigarette, grumbled and said:
"If Xiao Zha is dead, I will go crazy and want to destroy the world, if I have the ability.

You said that this black strange is really stingy. He wrote all his spells and put them on the bookshelf. There are such magics as the shape of Icon, the crimson girdle of Cytorak, or the ring of Raggador. Record in detail.

However, the most powerful devouring secret technique has no details at all.

If I can learn this, and then cultivate the pathetic habit of pica to eat hazel, I guess I can go to hell and kill Mephisto in a month at most. "

"You think too much."

Mason curled his lips, looked back at Hei Qiqi who was meditating, and took out Lao Wan's helmet from his arms and handed it to Zha Kang, motioning him to put it on to see Hei Qiqi's true face.

The latter exhaled the smoke ring, put on his helmet and glanced in the direction of Hei Qi, and for a moment a gust of cold air rushed straight to Tianling Gai.

Under the spiritual illusion stripped off by Lao Wan's helmet, Zha Kang clearly saw Hei Qi's true face.

The figure is distorted, with tattered wings on the back, and the crooked ghost claw arms are closed like spider legs, and there are no legs under the robe, which are full of winding tentacles.

This guy has three "faces of the ancient gods" in his head alone. To put it bluntly, two of them have at least a human form, but the remaining one is a mixture of various monsters and monsters.

There are seven eyes on the twisted forehead.

Eye pupils of different colors and sizes flipped, and looked at Zha Kang in unison in the next moment, so frightened that the black wizard hurriedly covered his eyes and dared not look again.

"Do you still want to learn now?"

Mason asked quietly, closed Heiqiqi's diary, lit a cigarette to his mouth, and said softly:

"It's impossible for this fast and powerful method to have no hidden dangers. He is a supreme mage in a world who has made himself into such a ghost. His existence is probably transformed into an 'evil god' by himself.

If you are an ignorant black wizard, don't focus on this aspect. If you really want to learn something, why not learn from the hat and read those classics as soon as possible. "

He pointed to the side of the two of them.

The hat is being placed in front of an open magic book, and a blurred face protrudes from the hat, as if eagerly reading the black and strange magic book, chanting words.

Obviously, he has already taken a fancy to it, and is immersed in the sea of ​​knowledge of forbidden spells and magic.

"Okay, okay, listen to you."

Zha Kang curled his lips, took off Lao Wan's hair and put it in his bosom, winked and asked:

"What about you? You really don't plan to leave? I said in advance that if one of us is going to be sacrificed to the evil god after nine days, I will definitely push you out."

"There are a lot of things going on outside, how can I spend time here?"

Mason replied, and under the gaze of Zha Kang, he took out a jug of water from his luggage, poured it into a big basin, and then activated the mutant ability to recreate twelve water bodies in different clothes, and they were very polite to each other After greeting each other, the three of them started to get busy together according to Mason's instructions.

After they entered the various laboratories in the suitcase factory, branches such as alchemy, blacksmithing, engineering, inscriptions, jewelry processing and enchanting, tailoring, etc. began to operate at full capacity.

Mason had accumulated too many ideas in his head that needed to be translated into reality.

Right now is just an opportunity, and I can't get out anyway, so I can't continue wasting time here.

The improvement of superhuman medicine, the production of BGF9000 electromagnetic gun, the material processing of various artifacts of the Isu, and other branch skills, etc., things that originally required one pair of hands now finally have 36 hands to share the pressure.

On the other hand, Mason rubbed his stomach, lay down on the sofa next to him, and took out the equipment used to infuse the bottle, and gave himself a skillful injection.

It wasn't because he was fishing for fish that he didn't join the busy work, but mainly because the rejection reaction from drinking the superhuman drug had already begun.

"You will feel much better about the rejection this time."

The projection of Consus appeared next to Mason and said to him:
"My brother, the activation of your mutant ability to control water gives you the characteristic of 'water body self-purification', and the toxicity accumulated in your body by alchemy items can also be quickly discharged.

Maybe it only takes a few hours of rest before you can drink Superman again. "

"That's what I said, but the weak period doesn't just refer to the body."

Feeling the ups and downs in his body and the twitching of his internal organs, Mason said hoarsely:

"My mind is also quite confused, and I can't think about important things until I get through this period."

"Why don't you sleep for a while?"

Consus smiled and said:
"You are under a lot of pressure now. You have to fight wits and bravery with this terrifyingly powerful Doctor Strange. It's not good to be tense. Didn't your 'mother' make a sleeping pendant for you?"


Mason took out the small pendant that Harry tried to put on him earlier from his luggage, he stroked it, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he tied it on the armed belt around his waist.

The psychic power left by the White Queen spread out, and soon Mason, who was in rejection, fell asleep.

And seeing that bastard Mason actually fell asleep swaggeringly, Zha Kang was furious, and he hoped that his captain would come up with some crooked ideas to persuade Hei Qiyi to let them go.

"Konstantin, do you have any insight into the casting process of Cytorak's Crimson Girdle?"

Suddenly the hat asked:

"I just understood the working principle of this forbidden spell, but as you can see, I don't have the hands to squeeze out the seal that matches its release. Maybe you can help me verify my guess?"

"It's miserable without hands."

Zha Kang snorted meanly.

He wanted to say he was busy.

But in fact, he didn't have much to do besides lying there wondering if Xiao Zha was cuckolding him now, so he curled his lips and moved closer to the hat.

He was very serious for a while, and discussed Hei Qi's wonderful magic with the hat.

All these changes were seen by the meditative black singularity.

He was a little curious.

After all, according to his guess, Mason will definitely not stay here honestly, and will definitely choose to bargain with him. If the price he gives is right, it is not impossible for him to send them out to continue working in the outside world.

Watu didn't want to see the timeline of this world destroyed, but that was the big bald observer's own business, and Hei Qiyi had no reason to satisfy his desire.

But this little guy Mason is really calm, does he have something to rely on?
"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

It is calm outside, but it is already in full swing in Mason's suitcase factory. In the engineering laboratory, Mason No. 12, wearing a bat suit, is directing Mason No. 9000 and Mason NO.[-] to assemble the electromagnetic gun energy source. Then I am making the case for BFG[-].

The clone of Mason, code-named "Honorary Robin", urged loudly:
"The lunatic on the body has already made up his mind to cooperate with the hunter to attack Hei Qiyi in three days' time. He needs this destructive gun!"

"But the gun can only fire three shots!"

Mason Seven, dressed as an engineer and brandishing an engineering wrench, retorted:
"Our engineering skills are not up to the mark, and we haven't reached the minimum production standard of the Falk gun. It is estimated that the things we make will explode once fired."

"It's easy for you to think."

Beside him, Mason NO.12, with a gentle tone and a scholarly temperament, pushed his mirror frame, and said gracefully:

"It's not a big deal to explode once, just make a few more samples.

According to the series of data summed up by Ontology when he was beaten before, the destructive power of Heiqiyi under normal conditions is not so strong that it is beyond the scope of the rule. BGF9000 can hurt him when it is fully charged.

It's a big deal to shoot a new one, we still have time and enough materials.

Let's do ten of them first!You can also take a dash of engineering skills.

And it's not just the 'Mason Engineering Department' that is busy, isn't the 'Mason Alchemy Department' preparing the second-generation superhuman medicine?Slight rejection, more concentrated burst of power and enhanced magic resistance.

At least for a while longer. "

"Stop chatting!"

The discussions among the three Masons were in full swing. As a result, the door of the engineering laboratory was kicked open, and Mason No. [-] came striding forward with two boxes of newly smelted metal materials.

Wearing a blacksmith's apron and a miner's helmet, the black and ashen Mason said grumpily:
"The two scroll kings of the 'Mason Jewelry Department' are fucking crazy. They swore to fix the three broken charms in two days! In this way, Fenrir's armor does not need external energy. The Rat of Death charm to keep it going.

Those two bastards who ate dinosaur whips are putting a lot of pressure on everyone now. I think it's malicious competition.

The brothers from the 'Inscription Department' and the 'Tailor Department' were almost pissed off.

They were still thinking about being lazy. "

This made the three Masons in the engineering department look at each other in dismay. Then, Mason No. [-] pushed his bat helmet, grinned sullenly, and said:
"Everyone is a Mason, why do No. [-] and No. [-] think they can roll over us?

Isn't it just a roll, who is afraid of whom!
Everyone in the engineering department, work hard and work hard!

In a while, I will refurbish Fenrir's battle armor again. According to the layout of the main body, I will use his mother's high-purity Urugin to thicken the inner magic frame by two layers!
Do not!
Three floors!

Then call the guys from the inscription department to complete the inscription of Olympus, which is the most resistant to magic!Fortunately, the main body saved a hand before, and this big treasure was not found out by Hei Qiyi.

Let's wait and see in three days!
After Ontology sums up the complete 'anti-Doctor Strange tactics', if we don't hit him, his face will bloom, and he won't know how many eyes Lord Ma has! "

"That's it!"

The other two Mason clones also made noise, and they waved engineering wrenches and shouted:

"You dare to make an appointment with the number one fighter of the Bat family. It's time to show the fine tradition of the master. We may not be able to fight encounters, but the appointment
Oh, that's another concept! "

(End of this chapter)

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