The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 428 43. Did You Make a Mistake!Only level 9?The rubber man next to him has level 10!

Chapter 428 43. Did You Make a Mistake!Only level 9?The rubber man next to him has level 10!

"Galactus is the 'last life' left over from the last cosmic epoch."

In the internal "planetary library" of the Exile spacecraft, Mason admired the miniature galaxy device in front of him that was completed with all the wisdom of Brainiac.

He explained to Ciri next to him in a low voice:

"At that time, Uncle Tun was trapped in the 'Ark of Doom' made by their group due to an accident, and went through the extinction of all things by accident. After countless times, he woke up in the new era.

Uncle Tun was endowed with a certain 'symbol' because of his experience of destruction and rebirth.

can you understandCiri.

Galactus is the last man of the previous era and the first life born in the new era.

Therefore, in the current cosmic era, Uncle Tun has been given the authority to devour planets by the will of the universe, which is his meaning of 'destruction' at the symbolic level.

And when he is fully fed, he will transform from a symbol of destruction to a communicator of life, bringing a new era to the universe.

Brainiac is mimicking this process! "

Mason glanced back at the Skrull kneeling and begging behind him.

Queen Vikram knelt behind Mason and begged with all five bodies on the ground. She said that she could give everything, and only hoped that Mason would not destroy their planet.

With Batemos already in control of the spacecraft system, Mason only needs to say a word, and the complex system in front of him can be forcibly cracked to complete "the end of everything".

The Captain ignored these hateful and pathetic fellows, and continued to explain to the frowning Ciri:

"Old Bu must find his perfect body, which will give him the possibility to survive the destruction of the era, and then when the era changes, these worlds that he has properly collected will be released into the new era and become the number one in the new universe. Batch life.

In this way, he will also be given the same symbolism as swallowing stars in the destruction and rebirth of the universe.

In this way, he will become the cosmic god in the next star age.

It's an ingenious method, and it does have certain practicability.

Once successfully implemented, it will allow Brainiac to cross the limit of the life form that is impossible to cross. No wonder Lao Bu has put so much thought into this matter.
I underestimated him.

This guy is too ambitious. "

Mason exclaimed:
"While others fret about the impact of the end of the era, Brainiac has his sights set on the future.

As expected of a twelfth-level intelligent creature, he carefully designed a path to becoming a god for himself. I suspect that he joined the Council of Hope just to advance his plan.

But it also proves a point in turn.”

Mason raised his head and looked at the little light emitted by the "miniature galaxy" in front of him when it was running. It was so magnificent and magnificent. He said softly:

"Brainiac's twelfth-level wisdom has calculated the final outcome of the shock event, no world will survive, and everything will be wiped out.

Hope the board's cruel logic of 'survivor is king' is wrong!

Brainiac has already condemned this theory to death with practical actions. "

"It's unimaginable."

The scene in front of him and Mason's explanation greatly shocked Shirley's heart.

As an actor who is not good at planning, it is difficult for her to imagine the whole picture of Brainiac's grand plan, but what she sees now is enough to make her pessimistically associate with the future.

Even with fear in his heart, he subconsciously reached out and took Mason's hand.

The captain glanced at her, clasping his fingers so that Ciri felt a bit of warmth in his cold hands, and then he said to Bartmoss:

"Are you going to inherit Brainiac's plan? Push this road to godhood to the final stage?"

"No, I'm not that obsessed with 'becoming a god'."

The hacker god laughed and said frankly:

"I just took a fancy to these worlds carefully selected by Brainiac. The conqueror of the universe has very high eyesight. The nearly ten thousand worlds that exist here have unique civilization characteristics and great potential for exploration.

And we are data beings, Mason.

We don't need to rely on flesh and blood to survive. This characteristic gives us an advantage over you flesh and blood beings. Our hope of surviving the impact is much greater than yours.

But we also need to think about the follow-up.

I mean, if we really survive this catastrophe, if there really is a next epoch waiting, then we can't start our lives in the new epoch with data ghosts.

We need carriers."

Buttermos paused.

He manipulated the console in front of him to create an optical projection, projecting his human form beside Mason, holding a mug and pointing at the miniature universe ahead, and said to Mason and Ciri:
"These worlds are the future I have chosen for all data life in cyberspace, and after taking over this system, we will begin to fine-tune and transform it.

Choose some worlds that meet the requirements to rebuild the 'download program', if we can live until then, then we will have a new world and civilization.

Will you stop our actions?Mason. "

"Why should I stop?"

Mason replied:
"Everyone is struggling to survive in this dark age, and everyone has their own understanding of self-help plans. I still can't guarantee that my plans for the future will be implemented, so what qualifications do I have to point fingers at other people's survival plans?
In fact, I'm too happy to see that you have your own complete plan.

How about we have a discussion? "

He popped out a cigarette with one hand and put it in the corner of his mouth, jokingly said to the projection of Buttermos:

"If I fail, if my world and I fall on the journey, we may be able to upload our consciousness to the Mikoshi world and join your 'Doomsday Ark' project to seek a chance of survival.

You won't dislike us then, will you? "

"We absolutely welcome!"

Bartmoss replied in a serious tone:
"Actually, this is also the second purpose of my contact with you. Although Ott speaks highly of you, I must meet you in person to confirm whether you are an excellent partner.

Although everyone chooses a different plan, the purpose is the same.

If your efforts fail, then we will be happy to 'resurrect' you in another way, using your wisdom and courage for our use.

After the situation is over, I hope you can come to 'Night City'. "

The hacker god sent an invitation to Mason, saying:
"We'll have an interview about this when the time comes. Bring your team members and allies with you, and let's talk openly and honestly."

"Let me ask a question in advance."

Ciri beside Mason raised her head and asked:

"Do we need to insert a data interface into our heads to complete the 'data boost' like you?"

"No, it's not necessary, Miss Healy."

Batemos was amused. The projection of the god of hackers pointed to the surrounding mechanical objects, and he said:
"Brainiac's bio-neurological technology can be used by us, and you have also seen how he used his consciousness to control the entire fleet.

After this technology is popularized, the era of implanting prosthetic bodies in the brain will come to an end.

Of course, this still requires our technical personnel to continue to work hard, but I believe it will not drag on for too long.It's time for you to leave, I'm going to seal the Vault ship for internal repairs.

The Sentry destroyed the engine, and it's a big job to fix.

Oh yes, Mason.

You can sit on the Mechanical Throne and play for a while before you go back. "

The God of Hackers waved his hands to say goodbye, then rolled his eyes and said:
"I'm also curious as to what level of intelligence you will be judged for. Let me just say, I have tried it. I am a level 11 intelligent life, one level lower than Brainiac.

What a let down. "

"Okay, just take a look."

Mason snorted, turned around and said to the Skrulls behind him:

"I won't destroy your world, but the crimes you committed in the past can't just be ignored, Vikram, gather all your clansmen and leave this world with me.

Next, you will devote your strength and talents to another mission.

I am willing to give you a chance, but if you don't value it yourself, then I don't mind handing you all over to Utopia, my fellow citizens are very interested in you. "

After speaking, Mason and Ciri strode away from here.

Harley was already waiting for the two of them at the entrance of the main control room. The cutie was chewing bubble gum and carrying the newly acquired N-metal warhammer. She looked extremely sturdy, and the two dogs were lying at her feet and biting Blaney. The mechanical arm of the acrylic replica is used as a molar stick.

When she heard Mason's footsteps, Harry looked back joyfully but then turned cold.

Mason looked at his girlfriend in surprise, and then belatedly looked down. Ciri's hand was still in his own, so he let it go quickly.

This made Harry snort, and turned his head to ignore Mr. K, who was bothered.

She was angry.

The kind that must be well coaxed to be good!
"Let's take a look at something fun first."

Mason stepped forward and pushed Harley, who was pouted and could hang the oil can, to the mechanical throne in the main control room. He whispered something to Harley, and Robin looked suspiciously at the strange chair in front of her.

Then, under the urging of Mason, Harry climbed up by himself, and quickly came to a conclusion from the blue arc scanning from above his head:

"Standard humanoids, low intelligence, difficult to cure mental illness, big brain holes, full of potential, comprehensively judged as a seven-level conventional intelligent life."

"Huh? Only level seven?"

Harry suddenly became dissatisfied.

She knew that Brainiac was a level [-] intelligent creature, and she felt like an idiot when she lost five levels, so she cursed that there was something wrong with the machine, and waved an N-metal warhammer eager to smash it. open.

But soon, Harley jumped down with a smirk, and pushed the little sweetheart onto the throne. She wanted to see how smart the smart little sweetheart was?

Maybe not as tall as her.

Mason is very interested in this criterion for judging intelligent life, and Brainiac must have designed a very rigorous and sophisticated set of judgment criteria.

So he lay down too.

The scanning time of the blue light beam this time was very long, as if Mason's "composition" was too complicated, so it took more time to describe and judge him.

During this time, Harley had already called over all the guys she thought were smart. Doom, Reed, Chapter Parker, etc. were all called by her to stand in a row and wait to set a standard for everyone's smartness.

After nearly 10 minutes of analysis, the conclusion belonging to Mason was issued:

"Non-standard humanoid, blood disorder, long-term maintenance of mental stress, abnormal knowledge, medium level of brain development, high potential, comprehensive judgment is a nine-level intelligent life.

The potential is fully unlocked at level eleven. "

"Ninth level, it sounds so powerful!"

With bright eyes, Harry pulled Mr. K off the Mechanical Throne. It's no wonder that his intelligence is two levels higher than his own, so he can coax him around, but Mason is actually not very satisfied with this judgment.

As far as he knows, according to the wisdom judgment standard, Luthor is rated as a ninth-level intelligence, and even Da Chao, who usually doesn't use his brain at all, is rated as a ninth-level intelligence.

But the potential to unlock the eleventh level of wisdom made him feel that his future is promising.

But before Mason was happy, the wisdom judgments of Doom and Reed were released one after another. These two guys are both level ten wisdom, which made Mason's face collapse.

Well, a natural genius is amazing, no wonder they can work together to break through the data firewall written by Brainiac himself.

However, Zhang Parker only had level nine to make people feel happy. This guy who combined the wisdom of Peter and Dr. Otto was not smarter than himself.

"This judgment is obviously very vague."

Dr. Reed was not immersed in excitement just because he was judged high. He carefully read the criteria for judging intelligent life, then shook his head and said:

"It's not just pure intelligence, there are other influencing factors, so we can't judge who is smarter by data alone, after all, everyone has their own areas of expertise"

"Non-standard humanoid creatures, low intelligence, pollution of soul consciousness, magic body, mysterious side knowledge, poor thinking, pessimistic attitude, complicated emotions, and consideration of gains and losses.

According to the comprehensive evaluation, it is judged as a sixth-level intelligent life. "

The new comment interrupted Dr. Reed's explanation, and everyone looked back speechlessly. The hunter, who had refreshed the lower limit of wisdom while lying on the mechanical throne, would be expressionless.

In Harley's mocking eyes, she gritted her teeth and pulled out the long sword at her waist to give this stupid machine a good look!
No matter how downcast I am, I can't be more stupid than that psychopath Harley Quinn, right?
The people present were either at the ninth or tenth level, but in the end, I finished the sixth level. Hey, this is as embarrassing as being executed on the spot like a scumbag who mixed with the top students, bastard!

"This thing must be broken!"

Her rare uncontrollable scream:
"I'm going to give it a physical repair! How dare you laugh at me, unforgivable!"

"A sixth-level intelligent creature is at the level of a normal person. It didn't laugh at you, Ms. Shirley, calm down! Calm down! This is the crystallization of technology."

A group of people comforted the irritable Ciri, and dragged the enraged Ciri out of the main control room. Afterwards, the exile spaceship was completely closed and began to repair itself.

Ciri, who was out of breath, was full of resentment towards the world for a moment, and instead of saying hello to Mason, he simply left and returned to the Fort of Stars in anger.

Harry was fine with that.

She has always felt that there is some ambiguity between her little sweetheart and his long-legged female boss, but there should be no substantial progress.

After all, I am so cute and so obedient
"It's fighting! It's fighting over there!"

Mason was about to leave here when he heard the phantom cat with a bandage on his face flashing over and shouting to him:

"The two Hulks are fighting, Mr. Mason, hurry up and persuade the fight, that black Hulk made King Hulk angry, and he said he would kill that impostor who wanted to die."

"Hit whatever you want."

Mason had no interest in that, saying:

"Father Banner is not so easy to kill, he still has the ideal of suicide. Strange, we need to talk."

He spoke to the sky.

In the next moment, a black shadow floated up and pulled Mason and Harley to disappear in place, and made them appear in the dark field as if rising from the water.

Hei Qiqi, who was sitting on the meditation blanket in front of him, stared at Mason with a strange gaze, then he raised his hands and patted his chest several times, saying:
"That's right, a very powerful performance. You have achieved a feat that makes me feel emotional. But I'm curious, Mason. Even though you only need to call me to end several crises, you must restrain yourself from asking for help.

Are you trying to show me what you're capable of?
Or is there another picture? "

"I just wanted to tell you, Stephen."

Mason stepped forward and sat cross-legged on another meditation blanket, and said seriously to the powerful Black Strange:

"I can do a lot without your intervention.

This is not a provocation, I just want to prove that our cooperation is equal, and there is no unequal relationship between who asks for whom or who cannot do without.

This will also be our future cooperation model.

If you can accept it, the union between our two parties will officially begin? "

(End of this chapter)

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