The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 451 66. The Ambition of Ms. Talia, a World Diplomat

Chapter 451 66. The Ambition of Ms. Talia, a World Diplomat

I haven't seen her for more than two months, and Sister Ka is still as full of martial arts as Mason remembers.

As soon as she heard that there was a speedster peeping at the world, as a "world guardian", she immediately burst into battle, and the posture of fishing at work disappeared instantly, as if she had entered a fighting state.

While signaling Mason to inform Flash to introduce the Peeper into the world, she also sent a "hunting invitation" to Mason.

Cassandra waved her hand to John Wick, the emissary who wanted to report to her the news of other worlds and quasi-allies, indicating that she was too lazy to listen to these complicated reports, and that they should be handed over to the Assassin Brotherhood and the Knights Templar. The elders will analyze it.

She's such a good fighter, she's impatient to hear this.

By the way, let Wick take Thalia to meet with the elders to arrange the contact work of this foreign diplomat. No matter how anxious you are, you have to prepare a welcome banquet for him to show the hospitality of this world. Guests from another world said we don't understand etiquette, right?

As for herself, this real godslayer has already begun to prepare for the next battle with the speedster.

"Your Isu blood has grown a lot, reminding me of myself when I was a child."

The demigod lady pulled out her Spartan-style Isu Broken Spear like magic and wiped it with a handkerchief, and said to Mason who was also preparing next to her:

"What is the blood concentration now?"


Mason replied truthfully, making Sister Ka frown slightly and said:
"This concentration is already enough to cause a strong 'ancestor recall', and for weaker individuals, it is even enough to awaken the Isu remnant soul in the bloodline for personality replacement.

But you still look normal, which speaks volumes about your abnormality. "

"I'm actually curious too."

Mason grabbed his BFG9000 electromagnetic gun from his luggage, looked at Sister Ka, and asked in a low voice:
"Sister Ka, are you a 'half-god' inherited from the Isu, right? What is the concentration of your Isu blood?"

"Take my word for it, huh?"

Sister Ka laughed, patted Mason on the shoulder, and joked:

"I didn't have a facility to test my DNA system when I was your age, so I can't give you an exact answer, but those brats gave me a physical last month.

I really can't complain about their act of protecting me as a precious creature. You said that I, a demigod who has lived for 2200 years, have never seen anything?

The modern civilization system has been established little by little under my nose, but they are actually worried that my eating too much junk food will affect my health.

It's just like a group of little psychopaths.

But it's all the juniors' concern, so I can't quarrel with them because of it. "

The god-killing hero simply and neatly tore off a corner of his official skirt to facilitate activities, and then made a slap in the face, and then said to Mason who was listening to these stories:
"According to the medical examination form, my current Isu blood concentration is about 38%, which has surpassed the 7-year-old genetically engineered bloodline they unearthed from various Isu ruins.

However, Mason, a wise little guy like you should know that the taller this thing is, the better. "

Miss Ka reminded:
"True Isu are sentient beings.

They have raised their perception of the world to the limit, but at the cost of a weak body. For us Isu hybrids who need to fight, learning from each other is the best growth plan.

According to my experience over the past 2000 years, maintaining the blood concentration at around 35% is the best situation. The fully unlocked Isu super-perception coupled with the extreme mining of human bloodlines and fighting skills is enough to make you like me powerful.

If you exceed this value too much, it will cause side effects, such as my brother Alexios, who died at my hands because of this. Did I tell you, Mason, that your eyes are very similar to my brother. "

"You don't seem to have said it before, but this is very important information, thank you for reminding."

Mason nodded solemnly, keeping this knowledge point in mind.

But he didn't dare to say some things, for example, he was in the state of drinking superhuman medicine, but in terms of physical strength, he should have surpassed Cassandra.

The ability of the Isu hybrid has a limit after all.

This is determined by the upper limit of the world's power system.

But on the other hand, it may not be possible to beat Sister Ka by letting Da Chao come. After all, she has not been pampered for more than 2000 years. She has fought against almost every generation of assassin masters in the past 2000 years. She is responsible for maintaining the legacy of assassins. His strength will not drop too severely, so his combat experience is so rich that it makes people heinous.

In the case of similar strength, skill becomes the decisive point.

"Mason, he's coming!"

Xiao Shan's voice finally sounded in the communication frequency band, with a sense of urgency and uneasiness, he reported:

"I was chased by that guy for seven parallel planes before I barely got rid of him. If I read correctly, it should be 'Savitar', a speed evil god from another timeline.

I have played against him a few times before and it was very difficult. "

"Bring him here!"

Mason glanced at Sister Ka, who had already grabbed a copy of Mason's Hades bow and pulled out a sharp arrow on the string, so the captain reminded Xiao Shan:

"The trap for hunting the speedster has been prepared here, just follow the coordinates we came here to bring him in, use the access authority you have been given to the aurora device to open a door, and don't let that guy hit the material world.

The Aurora device is very old, and it cannot withstand the destruction of a speedster. "

"Roger that!"

Xiao Shan answered decisively:

"Get ready, I'm going to lure Savitar right now. What needs to be noted is that the speed god made himself a set of speed force armor, and his ability to resist blows is much stronger than mine."

Mason turned his head and told Sister Ka the target information. The latter nodded and replaced the arrow on the war bow with an Isu alloy armor-piercing arrow made by modern technology.

While making a shooting motion in place, she said to Mason:
"You should have communicated with Consus. Did he tell you about the qualitative changes that will be caused by the extreme development of the Isu's super-perception?"

"He said it."

Mason replied:
"He told me that the Isu people can perceive the flow of time, which requires me to develop the Isu bloodline to the next stage. To be honest, I still can't understand what kind of experience that is."

"It literally means that you can see the waves of time."

The pupils of Sister Ka's eyes turned milky white strangely at this moment, apparently activating a certain ability of her as a demigod. She drew her war bow on the spot, with a sturdy posture like a legendary Valkyrie, while facing Mason explained:
"With practice, this perception of time will be refined into a special ability that allows you to see what is about to happen.

Like this! "


Cassandra let go of the bowstring in her hand, and the armor-piercing arrow that was endowed with the purifying fire broke through several times the speed of sound in an instant, and shot towards the empty ground in front of her.

At the same time, a space-time rift pierced by super speed suddenly opened, and Xiao Shan rolled out of it in a panic, followed by a dark blue figure.

Wearing the alloy battle armor made by Speed ​​Force, it is like a special machine full of faint blue lights, and the black outer armor is shaped into a weird and hideous appearance.

It looks like the evil god described in some myths.

He flicked off the electricity-splashing claws and was about to pierce the heart of Little Flash in front of him, but at this moment, the sharp arrow shot by Sister Ka pierced into Savitar's body that was always moving at high speed like a prophet.

This kind of pure physical attack should have no threat to the speedster. However, in the attack of the god-killing hero, the God of Time, who appeared on the stage in an invincible posture, was pierced by an arrow through his left leg, causing him to fly out in embarrassment. .

"Ha, time! It's an amazing thing, isn't it?"

Sister Ka dropped her war bow and put on a "hero attack" posture on the spot. Holding the broken Spartan spear instead, she winked at Mason and licked her lips like a hungry she-wolf about to devour flesh and blood.

This smile of Yujie made Mason feel chills. At this moment, he probably understood how Kajie felt when she appeared in front of those creatures who claimed to be gods more than 2000 years ago.

This is simply a proposition!

The ground under her feet exploded, and the release of the ability of the Isu artifact made her turn into a stream of light and pounce on Savitar.

In the lightning raid, he stabbed into Savitar's speed force armor, easily broke it open, turned around and beheaded fiercely, and was dodged by the speed man who jumped out of the armor.

The latter still wanted to run, so the god-killing hero roared into the sky.

A battle cry of the ring of chaos with a mental impact stunned the speedy man who was close at hand, and then slammed his legs. The moment he turned over and fell down, a flickering battle spear pierced down from the top of his head.

The whole process is smooth and flowing, showing the deadly sharpness of the combat skills that have been condensed for more than 2000 years in an instant.

With a pop, Savitar's head exploded like a watermelon.

This crisp combo startled Barry, and the hot blood splashed on his body made him feel cold hands and feet.
He's a speedster himself, and he knows how tough his kind can be.

But Savitar, who was killed like chopping melons and vegetables, taught Xiaoshan a good lesson, making him fully realize that the speed force is far from invincible.

"An idiot who can only run at the speed of light can't run far, just like an antelope that can run fast can't match the hunter's arrow."

Sister Ka pulled out the blood-stained spear and shook the blood stains on it. She glanced at the frightened Barry. She shrugged and said:

"What's more, your speed is worse than Hermes, the speed machine that guy made can surpass the speed of light at the moment of starting.

Back then, I was tortured and killed by him thousands of times in that illusion of going back to history.

The experience I use to deal with you speedsters is deduced from my death time and time again. Unfortunately, this experience of fighting more on instinct cannot be passed on to others.

So don't be afraid, boy, as long as you don't provoke me, you are still safe. "


Mason, who hadn't fired a single shot, appeared behind Flash, slapped Barry hard on the back of the head, and said to him:
"Why don't you hurry up and thank Sister Ka for not killing me? Why don't you have any manners at all!"

"Thank you, Miss Ka!"

Xiao Shan immediately bowed at ninety degrees, making the God-killing sister in front of her cover her mouth and let out another laugh, then Xiao Shan raised her head with a flattering smile, rubbed her hands and said to Cassandra:
"As for the speed machine made by the Isu you just mentioned, can I open my eyes?"

"Of course, but that thing is in the city of Atlantis under the Atlantic Ocean."

Sister Ka held out her hand to Xiao Shan and said:

"I'm too lazy to run, you can take me there. It's not the first time Mason has come here, so I won't go shopping with you, just do what you want."

After speaking, she put her hand on Xiao Shan's shoulder, and was led by the latter to disappear in place.

Mason glanced back at Savitar, whose head had been blown off, curled his lips to help him collect the body, and then put his hand on the Speed ​​Force armor that had a huge crack torn by Sister Ka.

The information label pops up in the next moment:
Savitar's Speed ​​Force Armor
Condition: Completely damaged · Not repairable
Quality: Legendary Engineering / Forging Creations Immortal Craftsmanship
Features: kinetic energy absorption, no inertial force field, self-healing, touchstone material
Special effects:

After wearing the armor, the user can connect to the speed force and run at the speed of light, but it needs to understand the mystery of the speed force to use it well.

In addition, the armor has a special effect of absorbing or imparting kinetic energy, and the activation of this function requires Engineering Lv7.

Producer: Speed ​​Cthulhu Savitar
Item description: Ordinary arrows will fall into absolute stillness when they touch this armor, so the arrow shot by Cassandra is not as simple as it seems on the surface. She is really a powerful and charming woman. Trouble Help me ask for her mobile phone number, it's good for you.


The special alchemy/jewelry processing creation [Toucher's Stone] formula is unlocked. This item is the calcified crystal of Speed ​​Force, which can be regarded as a lower-level product of "Speed ​​Force Brick". It has the characteristics of ignoring the rules of physics given by Speed ​​Force. Power to get.

This item is a crafting material for the "Causality Module".

After being superimposed, this item can be synthesized into Speed ​​Brick through alchemy technique.


The blueprint of the Speed ​​Force armor has been collected, and it can be crafted after the engineering skill reaches Lv8.

"Bah! The nasty guy still wants a phone number? You think it's beautiful!"

Mason curled his lips when he saw the item description of this thing. He put away Savitar's battle armor, and then released the evil spirit motorcycle to drive towards the distant city.

I don't know how Thalia, who is a diplomat, is adapting here?

Although the master didn't say anything, he actually hinted at Mason in various ways, asking him to help take care of this bitch who had a weird relationship with him.

Alas, it's all sophistication.

At the Knights Templar headquarters in New York City, Talia watched the Hidden Blade pop out of her wrist with great satisfaction.

Just now, as a diplomat stationed in this world, she has won the honorary title of "Non-staff Master" of the Knights Templar.

Just as Mason expected, in the ancient organization of the Assassin Brotherhood and the Knights Templar, the idea of ​​order advocated by the Knights Templar is more suitable for Thalia who was raised by Lei Xiaogu since childhood.

But this cunning woman is not going to hang herself on a crooked neck. She is going to contact the Brotherhood of Assassins to see if they can reach a deeper cooperation.

But right now, Thalia is waiting for a special guide to show her around the facilities of the "Phoenix Project".

She knew that the Isu bloodline on Mason's body was obtained through the experiment of duplication, so she was also ambitiously trying to duplicate it at this time.

The battle with the old man has made her realize the importance of personal force in the superhero world.

"Well, the more I am good at calculation, the more I feel that the power of a human being is limited. If I want to grasp the chaotic ladder in an increasingly critical era, I have to find a new path."

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of this skyscraper in a bathrobe, she looked at the bustling but purer city in front of her, and sent a paragraph with emotion.

"What? Are you planning to be a human being too?"

Mason's voice sounded behind Thalia. It was the water reorganization formed by the water in the bathtub. He leaned against the wall and said something to Thalia jokingly.

The master's ex-girlfriend turned around, looked at Mason with weird eyes, and then looked at the bathtub with some water missing.

she says:

"That's my bathwater"

Mason's expression suddenly collapsed.

Well, no wonder the water smelled a little perfumed.

"Can you help me get in touch with the Isu, Mason."

With a weird smile on her face, Thalia reached out to pick up a glass of champagne from the tray next to her. She looked at Mason and said generously:
"Although that ancient civilization has become a covered legend in this world, I guess a magical explorer like you must have a way to contact them?"

"I can contact, but I'm more curious about what you want to do?"

Mason took out a cigarette and played it in his hand. He stared at Thalia, a cunning woman like a fox, and said:

"We sent you here for business, don't mess around."

"It's business, I know, I will try my best to promote cooperation between the two worlds in all aspects."

Talia brushed her long black hair, took a sip from her wine glass, and said:
"But I have my own ideas, and I think I can help a world that longs for peace solve a big problem. I just talked to the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and apparently they admire the civilization of the Isu but would prefer that Ancient creatures should never wake up in this era that belongs to them.

Only the statues of gods hung on the walls can be worshiped with confidence.

However, the Isu are unwilling to die out. This is a conflict between two civilizations and races, and it is a hidden crisis in the spiraling history of this world.

Even if we survive the shock, sooner or later this time bomb will go off.

I can help them out with this. "

Thalia said softly:

"The Templars and Assassins don't want to see the Isu, I can find a new home for them and revive them in the best humans.

Mason, look, there are too many ghosts and monsters in our world, and there is no shortage of Isu people who have returned from history, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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