The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 459 5. Longevity!The dead zombies have come back to life and started playing tricks with the

Chapter 459 5. Longevity!The dead zombies have come back to life and started playing tricks with the living!
"Tim! Report the situation!"

The galloping Batmobile smashed into the rotting zombies wandering in front of it like a city tank, and the young man in the driver's seat almost yelled at the communication device while stepping on the accelerator:
"Is the blockade of the city's sewers complete? And where are these damn walking corpses?"

"Why are you yelling at me!"

The third generation Robin was also very wronged, he screamed in the communicator:
"You called me to work as a coolie just after I came back from a fucking trip, and I've been drilling into the stinky sewers since just now.

Are you still yelling at me?
You usually don't take me to play with you, I seem to be a transparent person in the Bat family!Hell, the last sewer entrance in the Audisburg district has been sealed!
Mission over.

In addition, Kuaishou discovered an excavated grave on the outskirts of the city.

These rotting corpses should all be awakened dead, and some of them crawled out of Gotham Port and the sewers. You also know how many people have been buried in these places by the gangsters in the city over the years.
Heck, Batman should get over these bastards' habit of killing people and dumping them. "

"Stop complaining, Tim, people usually don't take you to play to protect you, you have no idea what kind of situation we are intervening in now.

And we need someone who hides in the dark,

It's time for you to leave now, take a good rest for a few days, and you won't be left idle in the future.

The newsletter is over! "

The young master slammed the steering wheel of the Batmobile outwards, causing the heavy vehicle to swing its tail gracefully, smashing out more than a dozen walking corpses that rushed up, and then activated the vehicle's flamethrower, instantly igniting the surrounding dead people.

The advantage of these guys over zombies is that they have been dead for a long time. Even if they are awakened by the power of decaying blackness, they cannot grow real flesh and blood out of thin air. Once the fire burns, it will be revealed.

Those dead bones were burned to ashes in the fire, and it looked quite miserable with the bleak street scene around them.

But this situation is only effective for awakened dead bones. Those infected living people are much more difficult to deal with than zombies. Their speed and strength are much greater than zombies, and the effect of using fire on them is also very poor.

But the good news is that Gordon, who has received strong support, is incarnating as a real "sheriff man" in command of the bionic violent terrorist mobile team to clean up the city district by district and arrange for innocent people to take refuge.

Supporters from Star City are also arriving one after another, and the situation has been suppressed.


The Batmobile burned up the rotting corpses around it, and the cabin slid open. As soon as the embarrassed young man jumped out of the car, he saw a black shadow descending from the sky. Before he could react, a passionate kiss fell on his lips.

This startled him.

I was about to push the girl away and reiterate that although I was attractive and had a big ass, I was already a family man.

Then, he found out that it was his girlfriend who was elusive, so the young master no longer had any psychological pressure, hugged Barbara on the scorched street surrounded by fly ash, and kissed passionately.

"cough cough"

Mason's cough interrupted the couple's reunion on the battlefield. The young man raised his head to look at his legal "brother-in-law", and saw Mason sitting on a black suspended chair with a very technological sense.

And the charming Catwoman sat leaning on the armrest of the chair with most of her body leaning on Mason's shoulder, holding her arms folded and smiling at the two young people in front of her with her aunt.

The old aunt seems to recall playing against Batman when she was young.

Zha Kang let the magic floating cloak hang himself in the air with his eyes open, and still winked at the young master to signal him to continue his "performance", at least he would "perform" Barbara on the spot in the Batmobile.

Hurry up!
Grandpa loves this!

"A new car?"

The young master curled his lips and looked at Mason's chair, but it became more and more wrong. He exclaimed:

"Isn't this the Mobius chair? How dare you sit on it? Batman has to be fully prepared before sitting on it, so that Cyborg and Dachao are ready to save people at any time."

"It's a Möbius chair, yes, but is this the time to ask?"

Mason rolled his eyes, and gestured to the Poison Ivy who came after manipulating the vines. A few seeds were sprinkled by Ivy into the entrance of the sewer below, and immediately the crazily growing vines tore the surface and opened a path leading to the underground gap.

The screams of Harley and Quinn, who are tracking the "Agent of Decay" underground, can also be heard.

"Just down there!"

Poison Ivy said affirmatively:
"The 'black source point' that made my spirit feel anxious has been trapped by Harley, Quinn and the kite man, and it has nowhere to go."

"Go down, then, everyone."

Mason manipulated the mechanical chair to land.

Everyone followed closely behind and soon saw Harley who was "burning people" with a flamethrower in an open area where the sewers intersected.

Wearing the iron heart armor, she didn't care about the rotten bones used from all around, and burned them to death in this area like rotten wood. Behind her, Quinn covered in the venom armor was holding the origin X metal warhammer and was smashing A super big guy.

This holy war hammer with the power to break magic will make the enemy scream when it is smashed down.

The heavy kiteman cannot take off in a narrow area, so he can only provide fire support at the other end, manipulating a team of drones to help the fierce Quinn defeat the enemy.

Mason's eyes jumped when he saw the guy who was beaten by Quinn and ran away.

The current appearance of this killer crocodile is really ugly. Although it was not very good-looking in the first place, the crocodile thug at this moment doesn't even have the appearance of a human being.

It looked like some kind of heavily armored beast, with black hideous scales all over the body on all fours, and weird horns growing on the triple-magnified crocodile head, and the claws on the forelimbs were broken but healing quickly.

The wounds on its body kept bleeding out foul-smelling pus and blood, and it didn't look like a normal creature. Sorry to say, the crocodile became like this, but Mason's contribution was actually in it.

A long time ago, uh, in fact, almost three months ago, during the attack on Gotham City planned by the Assassin Alliance, when this unlucky guy was released from Arkham, he tried to attack the C-level pioneer who was just a rookie at the time. Mason, but was given to the ghost by the latter with a zombie three-headed dog, and turned into a zombie creature with neither human nor ghost.

This time, Solomon Grundy, the agent of the Black of Rot, gave him the power of corruption to stay in Gotham and set off this "disaster of the living dead".

It can be said that it is vividly interpreting the meaning of the three words "tool man" with a magnificent but fruitless life.

"This guy's blood is so thick!"

Seeing the reinforcements coming, Harley continued to burn the rotten bones, while shouting to the little sweetheart:
"Quinn smashed it for 5 minutes, but only broke its claws. It can still regenerate. It must be strengthened by that thing called Rotten Black!"


Mason didn't intend to let his group of very powerful players run off to take risks and fight with the low-level agents of Rotten Black.

Everyone in the K team 1.0 is a collection of characters drawn from the "Gotham card pool" by themselves, even if they just scratch Mason, they will feel distressed.

At the same time that Harley, Quinn and the kite man withdrew, Mason took out two bottles from his arms and smashed them out. The magic bottle fell to the ground and shattered, and the zombified Maximov siblings appeared in this narrow area. .

Although everyone is the living dead, zombies and rotten bones are obviously the "undead" of the two series, so they are not friendly.

The brainless rotten bones will bite whoever you come from, and they will bite if they dare to block the way, so the crimson chaos magic immediately bursts from the whole body of Zombie Wanda and crushes these bones in an instant.

Her little brother, the zombie Quicksilver, also ran, tearing apart any dead bones that approached them like a storm of death.

The mind of the killer crocodile endowed with the black power of decay is quite normal.

Seeing that these two ruthless characters must not be able to beat them, they turned and ran away, but the cheap Zha Kang threw a wind of Watum to seal the passage to other sewers with magic. There is a winner here.

"Ah! Damn the living! The disgusting vitality! The gray land will surely emerge, and the kingdom of decay will surely come!"

The killer crocodile, which looked like a death claw, was cornered. Its gray eyes stared at Mason on the Mobius chair, and roared at the culprit who made himself like this:
"I am in the blackness of decay, I am truly immortal, Mason Cooper! I will tear you apart!"

As soon as it finished roaring, the zombie Kuaiyin pounced on it and tore off its scales with a set of sonic punches.

To deal with this kind of heavy-armored creature, you have to use a sonic fist opponent like Kuaiyin. Although every blow is very scraping, but the attack speed is so fast.

The sparks scratched by the zombie's little paws splattered, its scales flew, and the painful killer crocodile howled and flicked its tail, a black air surged up its body and sent Kuaiyin flying out.

But then Zombie Wanda, a magical player, grinned and threw scarlet power at the decaying agent. Although the magic power to rewrite reality was weakened after turning into a zombie, it was used to deal with the same new supernatural power in front of him. Guys who haven't been able to use it well are just as bad.

The killer crocodile was blasted on the heavy bricks above its head and smashed into the ground. The scarlet eyes of the zombie Wanda gleamed with the hunger for killing, and the killer crocodile's forelimbs were torn from the body with a violent pull of its claws. .

Kuaiyin rushed forward to do a set of sonic scratching to expand the results, and the two siblings cooperated exquisitely to beat the killer crocodile without any temper.

However, the rotten black as the source of power is really a bit tricky. In just a few minutes of fighting, it was torn to pieces by Wanda and Kuaiyin several times, but it will be resurrected in the surging black air.

It is as if, as it says, it has achieved true immortality.

But in the eyes of insiders, this seemingly immortal power is quickly seen through the truth.

Everyone in Mason was not really enjoying the boring fight between the undead, they were not bored to this point, although Zhakang did watch with a smile in his eyes.

Especially when Zombie Wanda was ripped off by the killer crocodile, his eyes would always shine.

Well, although he is already a zombie, this Wanda Maximoff's figure is still very good.

What should be bigger is bigger, but what should be smaller is smaller, and the skin has become morbidly pale because of death. Except for the mouth full of sharp teeth that affects the senses a bit, this female zombie is unexpectedly full of a strange sexual tension .

If it is such a zombie, it is not impossible
"It has fragments of the power of rotten black."

When Zha Kang was depraved and delusional, Poison Ivy had already given her own opinion. She pointed to her forehead and said to Mason sitting on the Mobius chair:

"Just like I have the power named 'May Queen' split from the green of all things, the killer crocodile also has the power split from the black of decay.

It never dies without withdrawing the power that springs from the very root of death.

Use the method you used to deal with the swamp monster last time, Mason, draw out the power of the root! "

"Franklin isn't here."

Mason looked at Zha Kang, who had a headache, and said:

"Hey, can you do it? Use your coral trident that can draw divine power?"

"I can try."

Zha Kang pulled out his staff, played a trick on the spot, and said:
"But you have to put away your two zombie babies first, and let's discuss, can you lend me Zombie Wanda for a while?

I plan to study how the chaos magic on her continues to take effect in the zombie body."

"I take it you want to 'study' her person?"

The catwoman pinched her nose and looked at Zha Kang as if she was looking at a piece of fun, and quietly walked away a few steps to avoid being entangled in dirty things. She scolded:

"That's a zombie, John, can you be sober?"

"He's like this, even Hei Qiqi commented that his soul is rotten."

Mason pouted, and took out two magic jars to take Wanda and Quicksilver back, but when he activated the inscription on the magic bottle, the Maximov zombie siblings who were teaming up to beat the killer crocodile suddenly looked at each other One glance, and then rushed out in two directions at the same time.

This shocking change caused Mason to stand up directly from his chair.

what happened?

These two zombies suddenly grew brains?
Do you know how to scatter and escape?

"Don't try to run!"

Harley reacted quickly and rushed forward with a baseball bat in hand, giving Quicksilver a head-on blow. The latter dodged and grabbed Harley's neck, but was kicked away by Quinn who rushed up.

Unfortunately, his speed was kept at several times the speed of sound. Although it was already difficult for ordinary people to achieve, it was still not enough for Harley and Quinn who had Iron Heart Armor and Venom Armor.

The two little cuties pressed Kuaiyin back again and again when you came and I went. Harley swung a baseball bat and slammed Kuaiyin's head continuously. It was not her bad taste, but any zombie killer knows that the head is the zombie's Fatal wound!
Just start!There will be no pressure to start!

The zombie Kuaiyin finally couldn't stand it after being beaten with more than a dozen sticks. It hugged its head and retreated at the speed of sound and yelled:

"Can you stop beating your head! You beat all the brains that just grew out! It's amazing to keep up with the speed of sound? You damn crazy woman!"

"It's just amazing, I just want to hit you on the head!"

Harry retorted:
"Only the head can do it. Damn it! The zombies are talking!!!"

The insane little beauty, who was slow in thinking, and the zombie Kuaiyin exchanged a few words before she could react. She jumped out and looked at the grinning zombie Kuaiyin suspiciously from afar.

However, her retreat left a gap for the Sonic Zombie, who rushed out with a whoosh, and went straight to Mason on the Mobius chair.

In his opinion, Mason is the best to deal with among this group of strange-looking guys!


The ferocious face of Zombie Kuaiyin collided head-on on an invisible energy matrix, and was caught by the energy traction beam of the Mobius chair in an instant, and his arms exploded instantly due to the terrifying force .

This traction beam can pull the planet out of orbit, and it is easy to crush a super zombie.

But Mason looked at Kuaiyin, the zombie who was yelling "Help, sister" with very strange eyes. He was curious about what factors could make these two zombies suddenly regain their senses?
As for his sister?
"Dirty bastard! Get away from me!"

Hearing Zombie Wanda's screams and Zha Kang's obscene smile beside him, he knew that the bastard Zha Kang was definitely doing it on purpose for her siblings to break through the seal of Wind of Vatum so easily.

This guy must have discovered the abnormality of the two siblings a long time ago, so he deliberately sold a flaw to lure them to take the initiative to expose it, so that he can seize the opportunity to have a "magic confrontation" with Zombie Wanda.


Mason turned around and said something, the smart catwoman naturally knew what Mason wanted to do.

She took out the voodoo birdcage from her luggage, and put Miss McGonagall, who was afraid of falling asleep in it, into the open space in front of her.

The zombie cat seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned its head and fixed its scarlet eyes on the corrupt agent Killer Crocodile who was about to sneak away in the chaos.

Under the desperate gaze of the killer crocodile, Miss McGonagall moved her body and walked towards it on catwalks.

When it was ten meters away from it, the spell of its Animagus was suddenly activated, and the glossy zombie cat raised by Catwoman transformed into a form of zombie great wizard without activating the symbiont. Even the magic power that was stripped before returned to her body at this moment.

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, shaking his body as if he had been drugged, and then, his scarlet eyes with a strange smile fell on the trembling killer crocodile.

Wandless cast.

At the beginning, he threw a "Shen Feng Wu Ying" as "rehabilitation training", and then the beating zombie Fierce Curse burned the killer crocodile to the point of crying.



As a third-tier villain, the life of a tool man who is beaten up by various bosses every day is really enough!Does the little villain have no human rights?I'm going to complain to the minion union, you bastards who abuse violence!

Looking at the brutal scene of Professor McGonagall beating the killer crocodile in a fancy way in front of him, Mason turned his head and said to the Poison Ivy beside him:

"It was the power of the decaying black that brought the zombies back to their senses. Tsk, the root power of our world is really awesome. No wonder they say that every super A-level world is a treasure.

However, seeing how powerful the rotten black is, I suddenly had a bold idea. Perhaps it is imperative to form a zombie K team. "

(End of this chapter)

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